Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1947, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR l1 2111 11141 PLUMBING HEATING AND REPAIRS Your 1111111111 ll 1lll 1111 lllW 11 11111 lfil1illli 111211111111 11111 PUMPS Phone 2246 STAN HORNE Il11ul1l1 llumhiul Jill tlIlIIiI1I SI ii Homogenize them plenty on hand unnrlfi lhyk the 1311111 141110 11an so do your guosls 11 l1111111 youre host lo the 1ilml1rl 11 lhc IlfllllCUllt sci You 11111111 11 111 llllliiillkr AllilSii 1941 THE BARRIE PTXAJINIR 13 13 Nix iii CAXADA gt v4 AW lt mg 11 11111111W111M1 t1lAl1lsII 111 11 he uahty ea 111 1111111 11 rrpniz 11 11 i1 no4 hn ll VA vi viww HHUNWHI Ii Ml 1311 t1 311111 11 l11 11 11211 1111 11111151 l111 111 1111 11 lslllllll 31155111 lW 11 113 11 11 11 111111 11 WW Nesbitt Rein erahon Semce 1V gt I111l1v11 Inlus 11 111 11 INN 11 1111 ill xiii Ml Ill COMMERCIAL DEALER M1 gt 111 11 341 11111 111111 111 11 1114111 uui 111 I1111 11 all 111 Ml 11111111crs111l and Domestic 11 1HM 1v VHA uml =11 11 114 51 3111 11111111 11111111 111 11111 mm 3337 113 0W8 bl gt 111 1AHH 1m Supper Served 11 11 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1111111111111 11s Chev 11 11111111 turnovers combine thc late 1111 11 80111111111 111111 11 grinni llrin 1111l111 rows and 11011111110111 11111185 of lush 11111101105 with tho lturuhtor of the 11110 311 Mark Allllldllltl H111 lunlc was l101 51111011 111111 flavor of lirau pastry B0 Scanlon lhc groom had disting Mrs llnlnrl lludlvy 15 matron 119 1n111l111r0 shaped 111111111113 half 11ishcd war record in the llAl honor in 11 11111 111 l11lllllllll bluc munls 1111l luushcd vnh milk so 11 77 11 1211ll 501110 thorn 05011 for 1111 dcsscrt during the Hench l1 llZAtIl TURNOVERS 11 Hip coronl ll1lll lg cups siit 1111 11111 ltSpOOll salt ll tca 1111111s butler lg cup shortening 11111111511011113 cold water more or 10551 1111 cups sweetened sliced 1o dale 1m dlwen hips IWZlChOS 59d 4000 miles ovu someTzryczzsiecldfymale Crush bran into line crumbs and W11 dovmunding 1111qu rte Iwo vhingltlhaioigl 111111l1in11 with flom and salt Cutr maxing 21 301 were Chevroley ding 111 shortonlng Add water littleI mileage 39 WW Unbelievablonlyigh NH 1111 1111111111111 1111 11111113 11111111 1131113 11111011111211 1111111 Scientific Studies Show LibbyspExclusivo Homogenization Processllelps Babies Get More Nourishment When it comes time for your baby tovhave fruits and vegetables con sider these important facts One maker of Baby Foods takes an extra precaution in preparing soups fruits and vegetables for your baby After straining the foods Libbys Libbys medicallyapproved Homol genization process open up food cells so that babygets the full benet of the some splniuzlrstlnlt is only strained Homogonimtinn ix 41 patented process and only lr1l1 Iiiby Foods are IIomogv 11 ml FREE BOOKLET on 111111111 Focal13 Mothers l011111 111111171l11111l the benets from Ilililivs llninoguilcrl Baby Foods 50111 111111 11111111 111111 addrESS to Libbys hnl hum Ontario who will send you 1111 rlpyl the 111 time 1111111111111 10 hold together Roll out 1111 until dough is moist lightly floured board toabout 1111100i11hth inch in thickness Cut limo rounds inches in diameter 1011 half of roimd place spoonful of sliced peaches Put dot of but 1101 on top Moisten edge of dough Fold other half over to cover peach 11s and crimp down edges with 1111111 Brush with milk and place 11111 greased baking sheet Bake lin moderately hot oven 425 F11 for 12 to 15 minutes Serve hot 01 August Rcuben Rogers is visiting his his daughter in Boston Mass George Mather Toronto spent the weekend with his mother Mr and Mrs Davis and laughter Toronto visited Mrand Mrs Knowles Congratulations to Marjorie 1R0wc and Alex Wynne Toronto tho were married here at her home Saturday Mr and Mrs Johnston and fam Mr and Mrs McKay Hamilton are visiting their mother Mrs Mc Leish and other friends Mr and Mrs Ed Paddison and son Gail and Kenneth spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Hughes Cnllingwood and other friends Sympathy goes out to Mrs Ali Schll whose husband passed away last Thursday after stroke two brothers tomourn his loss 111111111 1111111111111 311111 From 11111111 Complaint During hot summer months all of us but especially children are more pains and summercomplaint lcnld Yield turnoversu pm NEW LOWELL 11y Mrs Halifax and family and Anne Mr and Mrs Herb Paddi He also leaVes an aged mother and susceptible to diarrhoea intestinal At the rst symptomsmothern uso DOCTOR IOWLEBS EX all the vitamins andnunerals in his food Clinical tests show for example ithat Libbys Spinqch offers baby twice as much informative booklet lttllllllllll Feed ing for Your Baby ONLY 51517 iron nourishment as BABY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED Whenthopping for baby dont forget Libbys Homozenized Evaporated Mill and Libbys Gentle Press Tomato ulce TRAGFOI WILD STRAWBERRY This timetested remedy is fast acting and dependable for adults or children Be sure to specify the nameDOCTOR rowums EXTRACT 01 WILD STRAW BERRY INCLUDING BUS and STEAMEB FARE and TAX Busses Leave Barrie SUNDAYS WEDNESDAYSw 720 am DST 6150 am DST RETURN SERVICE DIRECT FROM THE DQCKS TICKETS AND INFORMATIONAT BARBIE BUS TERMNAL PHQNE3162 tempting hot PARKER HOUSE nous This active esh yeast works fast because its illstrength Itusaves you time a1 extra steps And the Parker use rolls you bake with Fleisch anns will be especially tasty tender light smooth text ed IF YOU BAKE AT HOME rder Fleischmanns active Fresh Yeastthe dependable east with the familiar yellow label Its been Canadas favrite for more than 70 years AIW fresh111 Your grocrs Egcarpls from actual letters on lo Can ornl Motors deplore anus Canada WHEN people are pleased its 11111111111 for them to say thankyou But never apparently have any car Owners been so pleased as those lutky enough to own 1947 Chevrolet Their enthusiastic thzinkaou letters stream in from every nook and cranny of the DominionfrOm eet operators and businessnicnil from purcliasersinevery trade and Occupa tion And each letter says in 11111121112111 Wayl know nowfrOm experience that Hum For William Ontario Chevrolets proud boast is trueonly Chevrolet Ollers Big Car Quality at Low Cost The growing demand for the New Chevrolet is selling an alltime record We cannot hopelfor many months to fill all the orders pouring in II 3011 are turning lie many ivha have set your sights on Chevrolets BigICar Quality at Lou Cost we suggest 17111 uhile you wait you rely on your Chevrolet Dealers service to keep your present car running hmouthly and safely 14 pnonvcr of gamma 1110mm ars Os td 83 89 Elizabeth St

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