Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1947, p. 16

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PAGE ElfTEE THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE tIfiIiiRlvl rIIw 13 IrmL Musawx $1101leitrltoIJoaortoIrovllrooovototcolo til MANDAng BAXTER 1111 WEEK IN COOKSTOWN 91 haouomonomomomonom ltltlll 1111111 1111 Hu If ii11 LI1 11 111 1111 r1ow11s $11145 3111115 liai 1212112111 and iii and blade 1101112 POLISHERS 11 111 $395 II Hlhifl llliAlINti SltWES 5023 in It the thing 1111 lali Heating 11 1111 no 1111121iiuc lll1lEltS 11s111 1i111 ixisi 5111111N111111 3130 $1125 $111115 511 11 111 lNiAlNilll 1111th chants 1111 11 The will fold up no 5395 illlilii 11111111115191111111111 751 5123 39c 111113 s11111i1111 wauons III Roller Bearing Built for rough usage B111 KILLER 39c 80c 1111111 1111 llaiits Death for Bugs BICYCLBS Percy McBrides with standard ports BOYS 84500 RUBBER 711011 11 ARSENAIE and ARSENAIE of LEAD Use dry or in spray form HAY FORK ROPE AND CABLE 3111111 Rape and Trip Hope liill 111 mivi lb lt twpcl111l 11111 ii1ii1i11t 121 NK FOX FABRIC II III iiAiN 11 11111111111 10 11 210 30 11 Use this instead 1111 11 i0 111 111 1i 1i 111 Poultry betting 1111i1 11 11112 111 11 iir 11 1111 ll 1111111l 11 i1111311 1111 11 7W WW itltliiitdithl MM 16 WWW 1111111111 1011 Hi 80c lior floor ctweriugTim 11115 rultnatoi and disc II II IIIIII II II II IWIIHHL s11zi1 llllrl HANDY 111r1=1r 1111 =11I11I1IvHIwaIHi tiyIsnIIit it wnrrh iivnsnciiiin ICE 110x155 5551111 IIIII II cv 111 1s 111L1111111 11 11 111 11 211 111111 IIII II 12111111711 11zs11Nr11 ixiisiasiiii 1111 111111 1101 I1 NW 111 11111 111 111111 1111 11111 Just 111111111 1111111 111101001111 ii1 MIXiiiiiii 111117 wracu N111 1111 111 1111111111111 TeriHM litufiit Ill Ii 11i 411111 11 111 Black II mob1 lgt1111i111 iii HHHT EU ALLED HEW 311 llrsliiifijYINm II lhiicau has to sayand we quote in part 11 no ei ti 11 II 4111111 s1111111 1111111 11 11111 M12 such claims asnevci blister 11lt1k5 till 1111111 rm 1111111 11111 111111111 s1 111111111 11117 Hf izilmmnmi 11 111111 mites outweirs wax 200 to Many of Musm 11 111d Mrs IIllll llvnipluil 1111l 111111I 11111 gen for Iill 1111i 12111i111r 11111 St athai111c 111 7211 klil11l1l111 11 111 HULK no llhtl Lm tin 1111111 IIi c11 1111nt lillfl of Mr uid ll 41111111 111 due1111111 1111 the which 111 01 1110111000 01 cast lllft 1111yl111t1 111 11 11 111 I1I 11 if in lIIIIIfIIItIIIjIIIIIIII IIIII MM IIIII WI IIIIII9III If II lacquer cannot be mouldtd 01 cIistIAboiit 1111 ouiy ea 1111111 ll1ii1id111 and 11 111 11 111 St lolius tliuicli lis 1111 1c 11111 011 01 Itil Illt 1181 tilt ttllll DillSLlC paint Ib ML Mm 111 11 111I1Ii Nirvn with lliltlllltllt in St 11 aim p111111111L 111 111 101 mkmp pjfi plastic Analysis 11 11 11gt111 cinciciy 111 1111c1c111 111111111 11111 iIp Are you interested limitation your Home With Kerk MN 111 11111 311 11 11 1011111111 1111111 11111111111 3111 11 111 11111 11111 1111111 demtl 11 WEl lfmm 1111 11111 111 p1111 was 11 so 00D won rm gummm mnrnrt mu Ill IIH11d m1 IIIIIIII II IIIII VIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII i1111111i11 11 11111111 1111 13111111111111 Iiiuf 11111 lziw 11 111111 than and in many casts NOI I1 1mm IVS IIII 1III1IIII1 IIj11 Wt PM ELjitmft 1ij9lit 1IIfilfmu 111111 sold in hardware and paint stores for many 511111 Iltll isriuvrrs 1111 civrv WW 11 111 111111111111 1111 111111 111N111 111111 We are out handling any S0 CHIN 111115 7311 itilii 13 Til l1i1r titttllll 111llll1lll editor iii cad the Editorial 111 last wetks 0011111111 liaIts for sale All lrk Iully Guaranteed PHI lij lin Montitul viict HIM tlnitlili 81mm momma Bur 11II11 W1 Ilt general manager of the Canadian thy th 1010 PHONE Hutchinson and ruold my llcss 1111111111111111 11111111 Alex 1111 fraudulent practices of all kindsto W1 1a 11 1I Il1I111II 11iil its final suspension Sign mm 111311 WN mph BARR lormcrly 0f llfiisfilfltill 1ill i1 of vcars 11111 Newsweek Magaziuei 1i11J 11 Wu v1 Ir MM Hm hm quoted by liiist Cooperative lb 1l11111us of tlic composing loom III IIIIIWII IIIIII I5 II IIIIIIIIIII NIH 11 Min 11 1111141 uiitJ lhc Uliiposing room was that of The Barrie Gazette There were others who were alumni of that same coiiiposiniji 0L DION Mm room was one of them It was today 111 there had my first experience 1111 news writing and as have said combined my duties as foremanI with that of editor not only wrote stories of the town councili and school board meetings as wellt as general news happenings but IiNt T5M lrlm 1211111 the Harrie 1111111 when he was the heroes to those of usi 3111111 1IliI11l school kids fly the 11111c 11111111l liie11cttc Fred had passed through its portals as he has I11 111111 described 111111111110 the I1l1111 circle of newspaper vorkeis Chance Concrete Gravel giie 111111111 111 Toronto and New Iioik lliciicvcr lie rctuined to an 111111111 lic would always be found with 1111 Gazette staff as he and 111111 111 1117th HUGS 98 104 DUNLOP sr Ilrotrllolllltr orl IPIOID III OtloIOlllllltl iw11 week 11o lliicc wcclts 111 SOWS No hot dressed weight Rural School S1000 Shift Him KW llmm 1711 was entrusted with the job of vrib 11lll2 Paul Leimux 11iiti hm WM in big the editorials say writing hoice babies 511130 ljlli 71 lm Wmll1 but with my other responsibilities hind babies $12100 of llIaiiiIiltonI at HUN iilt illlt11IS had little time for writing Choice butcher cattle 511100 55 NOI 13I 1Nan MKI illitlbiillltill 11111k01111 1f 111 111111011 would compose the material right Good butcher cattle $1300 1111iiiswick Schooll amt IIf 11111111 of his 1111tiiiiiiilitilll 11011011001 from the casefor at that time we Medium butcher cattle 51200 Nan Illphuhcmj UrduI1 Ii wmsI 1111111 didnt think The Gazette jiiceded any improving 11111 of the men recall who was Lot 25 Con 12 Innisfil ILR Al BARR PHONE 2369 or STROID 21151 Ilain butcher cattle Good cows Cutters and canncrs had no typesetting machines remember nice when Tom Crew was partowner with All Wilkes 5mm Conditional promotion 91 Grade 11 to Hilda Lynch Jean 50 ne lli1rrison Noreen Paddison Bringing in more is the ord country The 11 1803 Fred Grant probably has it MARION WEBB Teacher the rector Rev Honors Gracie Lto End Milne to Ernie Grant Betty Grant Keith Watson to Eric Harvey 1H Marlene Ward Hi to Donnie Grant to Dorothy Harvey to Walter Grant MARION MAYES Teacher inhis scrap book Bmllc 2A mpg Visitors over With kindest regards Grade ss No SUNNIDALE Mr and Mrs Over 115 23 ISunnidale comers jPeterborO at John Stinsons Miss Yours very truly 111 lbs 22 NImCS in alphabetical order GeneVieve Pcdlmgham at Alvm FRED WILLIAMSON Under lbs 21 Associate Extension Editor Louisiana State University Baton Rouge La July 23 1947 Library Nook NW CONSIDER HER WAYS Frederick Philip Grove G0 to the ant considethcr rnORNTON IIIII August Mr and Mrs Ellis moved to Barrie last Friday Miss Muriel Scott Winnipeg has been visiting her aunt Mrs McKenzie Mr and Mrs Altman Brian and Allan spent the holiday weekend now that our alteration and modernizing job has been completed With the last nail struck the final fixture in place our Store now stands in newer brighter garb readypforryour inspectionwand to give you still greater shopping comfort and service irinvnu by or ss 13 SUNNLDALE ANID ss 14 VESPRA tHonors listed on report card ways and be wise aiTEIngle1WM III Gr to Douglas K631131533 Frederick Philip Grove who has lme at 15 Jeanette McBride COWe 11 written such successful books as 13 chmw WCdnESday Aug ham 13 at 230 Mr and Mrs Earl Banting Sheila and Garry were ona lllltll trip last week IMr and Mrs Gilroy Bob and Ross Barrie spent Mon day at Peacocks Keith Tudou Cookstown oc cupied th pulpit of Trinity church last Sunday morning Miss Audrey Gilpin and Lau rence have returned home after holidaying in Cookstown ullIrs Win Johnson received word last week that PtemHarry Johnson to Tommy Pridham to 4lt Bernice McBride to Madeline McBride to Ivan Holmes Charlie Pridhain JOYCE MCCANN Teacher Our Daily Bread The Yoke of Life and In Search of Myself has presented us with treasury of in formation spiced with brilliant wit and humor The book is an ac count of an expedition which covered more than 1000000000 ant lengths from the Orinoco River to North America as faras New York They travelled by foot ship human space machines and telephone wires By order of their Queen they investigateIthefloraand fauna Were most enthusiastic about our invitation to you our friends 01d and new because we know you too will enjoy the results of the hammering sawing and mOVillg our faceliftingjob required EDENVALE Mr and Mrs Kennedy1 Toronto holidaycd at Jack YesIzzTheresa tNeiv1lOok about uswe say do 11 11 Min sin lastlweek comeI in and really enjoy your shopping at the as well as the insect and 151111111211 has arrived at Whitehorse Alaska1 Inf life oftheregion through which Mr andMlS MeGladdely were CASPETOUR called 11 Palmerston last week ow ing to the serious illness of Mr Mc Gladderys father Miss Marie Lockhait has return Iedto Toronto after visiting her sis ter1Mrs Wm Betteridge here and Mrs Mel Howie Allandale Mrs Vera Doan AlldIWllSOII Bar rie Mr and Mrs RayniondJobbilt and daughter Margaret vis ited with Mr and Mrs Jamie son during the weekend Mr and Mrs SteWart Morrison Kcnaston Sask Mr and Mrs Aileigh Taylor MrsJ Leonard and daughter Joyce Stoyner and Mrs Morrison Creemore were recent visitors yvith Mr and Mrs Dickenson Recent visitors rinciuded Mrs Currie and Ailsa Elmvale Mr and Mrs Geo Walsh Mt Albert with Mrs Grose Mr and Mrs they travelledL This book is definitely outside the common run of books Mr Greye almost succeeds in convincF log the readrthat thingsare not what they seem Readers of the better type Of fiction willthorough ly enjoy this new departurein story writing NEWER BRIGHTER ZELLERS Canadian National Railways in cooperation with Gaspe Tour Lines are operating three and fourday 550mile motor tours thiS season aroundthe Gaspe Peninsula II of Quebec Henderson and daughter Janet Dondon at Spencers Mr and Mrs Mervyn Corbett and two little daughters Toronto at Mrs Corbetts summons ANIIEXCLUSIVE DRINKING MILK National Health nutritionists sug gest that children should be en couraged rather than forced to drink Milk Ifparents insist that the youngsters take the amount of healthgiving milk they should have an aversion which will last lifetimemay be developed Just have lots of milk about say the foodwise government people Let Harold Langdom Clifford at Ivan SERVICE the children take their time about MaWS1 MITS RObert Spencer Joanl FORI BARR milk theyll like it then and 11111 and Phy1h5111010m0 atM G1cun1 do them the most good But since inghamysi Rev 14 Hunt and AND DISTRICT jmilk is essential to their diet serve gggfhtggtrthYgIfgdGM$izk1 if0thi21itihpit222 ottys callers toes andwith all the1=other foods strong and Dorene Toronto at PHONE 2885 Mrs Armstrongs Mr and Mrs with which it mixes so well The Green Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA ems TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS LAST pMNTjp111 is what the loronto Better Business 12111 for many years PAINSWIC Robt Iiackie and Miss Lilly Willt11n Mrs and children called 1111 the formers of Belleville spent few days with 31 ttHWv 11115511111tlnmH The Tom stopped by my case while Bologna bulls 010 Barbara ngimldsMCHI WCbbI is again heard was composing one of those mas 13053 Mhn wnmm Mny M1 torpioccg II III II Varnica II II th II to Bob Barnes Gwen Kcen SwimI MFSI 10 II 391 mm modmm irrilloss liyncli FicdRCV001d5I way to California hIdCIifdiA Jim Sam WWW 38 to Jim Foster C1 Marion Dont forget ltdlttlllilt 85 my lClJiY WOH 26 Iiyiich Jim Muir Frances Rey Mrs Goo Ill be dwd said Tom as he 21 holds Aug 12 Come 151550d 011 CIHCKFNS to Roy BisliopIPhyllis Grier ket andfiiendg What Ihavc said about the earlv to Natalic Grier Ewan of history of The Gazette in 11111111111 Glad Grade 513 Eileen Reynoms tart and Mr 1ti0nof Mrs Sissonsis from 111v MFA MFR to Kenny Barnes 11051111 II IKII II i0 lbs and over 31 29 Guest Jimmy OliveiIL01Otta ROY1M1 and Mrs Denis Slieard H30 CCI 10115 I5 0m 01 15 lbg 111 SI 30 28 Inolds Ronnie Simpkin John Fralick compiled forIa Christmas edition IbSI III ISI 29 27 1o Nancy Ford Mary Hugh serVices in St of the paper issued away back in Under MI SMI Gary Ingram Church Midlan vuuuununnnuI REFRIGERATI tGUST 1947 illrolrltIIntoltltla14Iatrlrl1ottloot4 13111512 ltizr 11111111311011 115111 $1500 111 111 11 iii1iivi1iuriiiu 11111t11111 Slltlillir 11121 111 llifxS $173 llthilliil liNltilll ltllNlAIN EIINS $135 lillltdltlt IRONS $395 to $13150 IIIdJfTlilt ASIERS $395 to 52115th 110 21rgriiii hastens 1251 111 1a 15y 111 $3093 MUFFAI IlANillillil9 kltli idcii SHIN Decorated Dinnerware 111 and 151 pc on sale at $2795 Slflh 212 pcs $995 $1195 and $1373 SETS 38 Yes $1195 and $1259 Bl Ic Set $933 llli lc SICI $11195 ROYAL BLUE SET 11 21 pcs for 5995 801111 Willlll Slll 111 311 pcs is $1735 IYREX Mb 19111112 111m owes umss Win2x llAllI 1111111111 llCAItI lHl CLOTHES llAMllultS All white body With blacklid 55971 llll 1A11N11ltA1lWASHER IS HERE lines everything almost but talk so called plastic paints are being sold on lasts the lite oi the building in sold at ijilttlllllllll prices syiitlicsiacd substance 1211111 Varnish enamel or excuse that can be advanced the raw material is also used as shown that none of the so called plastic Most of them appear to be no better AS the regular paint lmesmoderatcly priced These are the reasons why is or peels these are lltlill plastic is if tie paints for particulars as to the good work done iii1lebunki111 and Exposing are exposed icli the public HARRY ARMS rnono PHONE 2801 IpgagflIlllllllllll W1 1111111112 12111 911111111 with the 11111 1111xs Miss livelyii Wouna Ilouyn Que with Mrs DArcy 111Innox Mrs reluird Marshall Inn 1011 Iehn 111111 Mrs lallvIof Midland at Anmm Walter liralicks is holidaying with 11111111 Webbs 1r siiiCerc sympathy II George Wills in his muwr Ewe Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs lerry Gill MidIhurst were 10 thvv Whitford Gill and family Weston er of the day in the Mrs leriy Gill accompanied them um of the thresher home Nelson ilcaiers Established 30 Years NIGllISUll on their the WI dfcllows and bring your bas picnic at ucsd ay POLLARD Real Estate Broken Houses Lots Tobacco General Farms cxclranged KR NO NEW LOWELL PHONE 102124 01 Achiei Dc Scheffer 45123 List Your Properties with us 01111 Ntirthern 011 nd Mrs Pat Phillips took charge of the Marks Anglican in the absence of Cathcart the weekend were hamberlain and son unnnnunun LES AN 1in REPAIRING AND REFINISHING PHONE 2163 BARBIE KEITH BELFRY Gilson Products IIIIIlllllIIIllllllllllllll11v1lI1llllh 531 II 11

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