gmsmeWLAuhaangx EilRSilAi 11131 Single in 111111 1111 11111 111111111111111151 1111 1111111V1111111 ll11111I l1o1kv 11111 11111111111 11 1111 1111111 11111111 11111 1111 111K11 111111111 111111 111 1111V l1111 Musyr li111111111t 11 long 1111 11111 1111111111111 111111111111111 llninltl lad1111 111x1111l 2111185 1111 111111 111111 lt11ttl tin11 111 1111 1111 DEFEAT MINESING 11111 1111 111111 111211111111 lllL 1111111l IIII 111 1111 11111111i1ni 5011111111 11111110 111 Electrical Contractor House and Farm 11111111111 two 111011 WE CAN COMPLETE YOUR WIRING JOBS P110119 3587 BARRIE 15 Tlffll St WIL 0N 1111111 Barrie Examiner Ltd Printers and Publishers The Corner Cupboard ltoastateria The Beauty Box Beauty Salon LaVVelma Beauty Salon Edwin Wilson Osteopathic Physician 111 11115 111511 11111111 11111 11 win 111 1111111 runs and take 1111 11111 11111111111 tlncc 1n the sixth laizkcr 131111111111 twice MunsingnWhltc 21 Davis lurry Wood cf llllts 11alick3b VLuck rt LoblawsMoody lb Parker Slowart Dawson rt Garvinp lElGHTGlltLS TEAMS ENTER 1011111111111 ladies softball teams to declare ceivcd for the competition Cook Construction Co industrial Acceptance Corporation Ltd Niagara Iiirmng 00V Ltd teams Dr Perkins Dentist Barrie Chamber of Commerce VT Mitchell Art Studio Banleis SILecrdVinq Business VBlockV Tuuuuui Trophy and Minesing game will be the home team 1131 and Parksides of play series thenplayfor the championship the ladies The Barrie F1111111 you on Sunday August 10 FOR INFORMATION CALL 3498 Make your reservation early as space is limited WALTERCLEMENCE FLYING INSTRUCTOR VV Watch this space for further club activities You wilkbe sorry if you miss them MOODY oErSFoun 11113 Agricultural Park 1111 Thursday 11111111 lohlnvs sum111 11 1411 win 111211 1111 Mint5111 S111111s 111I 1111111 piciiuus 1111111111111 1111 liar l111 11111115 111111111tuth1 scoring 11 puslnng 11111 four runs in 1111 first 1111111111 and 111 1111 511111111 they Mint511111 1111111 1llyii1I1 1111111 in 1111 llllll to knock load Six runs by 1111 11iblziw 11115 111 1111 Vllllltl inning brought 1111111 back to 11114111114 Loblaws 111111111 singletons 111 1111 fifth and sixth wliilc Minu thn only fourleams remain draw will be heldand the win ners of the semifinal series will Barrie Golfers Entertain 1111 Home Run 1111 11111111 11 1111s Midland Men with Tie Match in Return Visit 1111 1111111111111 11111i1l 11111 111 1111111 1111 111115 111111111 was 1111111 1f111iv1 111111 111111 1111 lA11s 111 1111111111 for 1111 1151 of 1111 111r the winners Moody scored four runs while loncs Allsopp and White and W011th 111110111111111 for Mint511115 55 I1alick lb Adams cf MacDonald 11 Jones ss Allsopp 2b Looker 3b Smith of Mincsing 0011 003041 V1ollaw 4211 Ollfll Since the announcement that the of Simcoe County will play separateseries county champion lmany more entries have been re The entry date has been passed and six teams will VleI for me honlns Vcashed infer three hits for the 1111 the southern group whilein the northern district there are two In the southern group Dixies will play Loblaws ZellersTJlay Copaco play CGE These gameswill be suddendeath and the last mentioned team of each In the northern group Waggs of Oril Midland will Morrison on behalf ot Copaco is donating Vtrophy for championship which will be known as the Copaco their semifinal series ot the South to join them on BreakfastFlight toMuskoka Airport as 18 of the 21 Mount Pleasant 1111111 second and added three more in the 7RUNS AS LOBLAWSlIunv 1111111 1111 1111 winners by sour 1111 111111 111115 11111 11111111 1111111 litrry 111111111 l11 111111 Ailmun Bin1111111111 51111111 111111l 1111111 llarris scumlt1 1vic1 111Arumns 2111 lziylui Lqu 1511 1111111111111 cf 81111111111111 1b Molizu 11 lcuthcrstonc ll 31111111111 11 Nolan1111111 2h 11111111 5111 11 11111115 11111111 1111111 2111 Perry 11 Carr 11 Madden 11 King 31 Slltltllilli llay ss 13111111 RCAI 2111 111 11112 7i Lanis 2113 1211 llllx W111 Blakeeonsruble Hurled When Churchill Won lOZ From Mount Pleasant Blake Constable pitched agsupor lative game at Mt Iltaszmt July 211 as Churchill gained 11 1112 winowzr 1111 hunustcrs in the first game 111 their 19151 of three semifinal scrits in 111081111111 Siincoe Softball Lea gue Constable enjoyed 11 great night were strikeout Victims Not only did he fan 18 but he allowed only 0111 hit Wildncss caused him to issue 14 walks and on four occasions the Mountaineers loaded the bases only to have Constable retire the side by strikeouts first inning as Browning Mac C011 stable and Jack Constable cracked out hits and rounded the bases Mount Pleasant cut the lead 111 two twins in the third inning as Educy walked and stole his way around the bases llie winners came bounding back in the fourth as Blake Constable smashed triple with two runners on base to make the count 51 Four For 1111 fulll Churchill won the game in the 531911 1311 71 THE GREEN 1111V 1111 1111111 111 l111j 11111 1112 1111 llini Alto1111111 11 1111 111111 111111 115 1111 11 1111111 111l11 11111 11115 111111i11+111 21 11I 11111 11 111111 111 91111 11111 1211111 111v1 111 1111 111111111y 1111 11 Put lnl11111 111111 11111in Milne 11511111 gt1111111 honors 11 1111111 11v 11lt 191111111 11111111 111111 111iy 2111111 N111 1111 111 11111111 1t1 111111111 111 1111 wot111v 111111 11111111111111111 11 13111111 on 11111151111y 11115111 lush11 111 1111 11511111 111111 1111111111s Due to 1111s11111111s111111111131 unl 111 Al 11111111111 rinks 111 prom111 111 only 1111 11I 111111115 1111 111111111 M1111 11111111111 l111111 1111111111 11i1111111 who tlnislnd first 111 1111 Ann mum IIIUIVFUAIVVV Vrivr TITRENO ELENA Sutton Horse Show Opens Three Day Fair lShanty Boy Earns lZlO Win at Mitchell Square AIRMEN TAKE 11l1l 111 Robs Wm From Motormen Buses Loaded Leads BCAF MW 43 WIN FROM 1127 Wm From Motormen 121 VV VV II 12 H1 11 VI Marchildon Drops VI Tricky Stuff Goes gt i1BCICllOH1$Oldl2 11 111 11 l1 VV 1V 11 III VV VVVV 11I VV 11 11 II VI IVV lV 14 11 111 111 111 VV 111 l1 th 11 111 1111 VVVVVVI 11 1111 11 11 1V 11 V1V VV 11 I1 Ml 2111 11 11 11 I1 Jack Dyte Worthwhile IV VHI III vomit and Ends Club 21 11 11 1mm 111i 11 1Promotcu at L1sllteor111 111 In II 11 11 1111111 VlyVHVV VVV VVVV Imus VVVVVVVVI 111111 11112111111l 11 Ll LU AL 1111 fl LI Mk ll 11 111 1111 11 U1 11 311 11 11 Ln111113 VVVVI VV 11 11 VV VV VVVV VVVVIV VVIV VV VVHVVIl It IV IVVV VV VV VVVVV it 1l1 111 VV 11 ll It L11111111111111l11 11 111 rvl 11 11 11 1111 111 l111111 111111 IVVV mm Izl VI 111 V1 1IVVV VI EVVH VV I1IIIII Innl 111 VV VV VV VVV 1l 1111 1111 11 11 11 1111111 1V UV IV IV IV 111 411111 xll 3111 1111 11 11 11 VV VIV 11111 111 1111 1111 11 111 1111111 II II 1111 11 n11 11 11 HI 11 Igu I1 11 VI 1111 51111 lIll1 11 11 411111 11 IV 111 11VV11V VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVViV VVVH VV VVIVVVVVV lVV VVVV IV 111 l11111111111111 111 11111V V1 11 VVV VVV VV VV VV VI VV 11 11 111 11111114 11 IVV VV 11 II 13 IiIl 31111 1111 1111 1111 VVVVVV 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1111111 Mtnnt Flt11811111 1mm in 1111 511111 AugI ll 11111111111 11 11111121111111 111111 1111w1i 1111111 11111 UlrlxthJii 111111111111 1I 111111111gt1nn I1 nun11111ir1lnI 1111 111111111111111 1111111 11 111111111111 lllll 11111115 111111 1111111111111 11 Sillillfltltlll 211 111111111 311 ltlxSleS ii111111i li liiftck 2111 1111 1311 1113111 ssV 121111111 11 Stioud 1111111 1111 11111111111111111 1111 11111lt1l 111 11111gtl LastWeekwe said Next Week in 1151 111 1111 111111 kill 1111 111111 11111111 itictiisw1llu 11111111 dun1 111111111c11l 111 111111 1111 11Ilit 11111111 1111 1111 111111115 1111 11111 11111 1111 still 251 poinls 1111111111 1111 111111111111 club 1111 1111 seasons 1113 111111 mums of lhursdny 111111 111 111111 with 1111 11111111 rinks11111111111 1111 111a c1i1111 111 both 111515 Barrio Allandnlo 11 lcrkins Win 111k AM111coms11n21 111111 Rogers ltarold T111111 1111 1131111 llariy Milii1ll lim Warlow 11 211 TEAM STANDINGS walksin tlTe fifth brought Mount Pleasant their final tally while Churchill kept going to score five more before the game ended Browning ahd Watson each lers while Constable Const able and Harrison got two safeties each Ediiey gained the lone Mount Pleasant hit ChurchillSinclairss Browning 31 Watson If Constable WV Constable 21 Harrison rf Stewart cfB Constable Kell Mount PleasantR Giffen Kneeshaw 3b Giffen 55 Knee shaw lb Edney 2b CKneeshaw cf LI Kneeshaw rf Brown rf Clubine McDonnell it Isoririi siMCOE SOFTBAIHL PLAYOFFS Churchill 300 2311 21013 Series Mt Pleasant 401 0100II2i Pcls Churchill ZVI 1000 Mt Pleasant 0011 locketown Defeat 51161111 71 in the SemiFinals Cockstown gained the edge in Simcoe Softball League when they ldefeated Stroud 741 in the first 3game Vofthe hestofthree series The game was played at Cookstoan July 29 Harry Couse pitched and his matesgave him excellent support in the field and at bat Couse fan ned eightIwalked one and gave up but three hits Cookstown scored one run in the fifth StroudVgot their only tally in the sixth inning by virtue of Bow mans walk and Jimmy Johnstons triple The Winners collected three more markers in the sixth to sew up the game Stroud 000 001 Jamestown Churchill wins series SeriesB Pots LI Cookstown 11100 Stroud 000 Cookstown wins series FOR DESTITUIE NEGROES Sierra Leone on the West African coast was ceded to Britain in 1787 by native chiefs as home for des 010 038 7titut1 Negroesand escaped slaves OEO SOCCER LEAGUE Pts Barrie ll Edgar 11 Rugby 11 Dalston Oakland inn 11 GREY SIMCOE BASEBALL Pts rPhornbury 16 Penetang 13 Barrie Camp Borden 10 It This weekWe say Dont Miss Itw Yes for and Young its ourth VAnnual Ba rie7and District SENIOR SOFTBALL r11i Harris Motors 11 13 0117 CNR 11 111111 Piysons 11 107 RCAF i2 311111 INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL P11 Lungs 17 CGE 11 11 RCAF 11 11V Munsing 11 RCASC 11 Christies 1s 11711111111151 1s CNR LADIES SOFTBALL P11 plml pjml pm Copaco 11 Dixlcs 11 Loblaws 11 CG w1mm1ng Divmg chlerS 97 11 Canoeing jiSaiiingiV Oilfboard Racmgf Egaturiejf Events IqetYour TicketsNow youcant Participate crime Specmtev INESS ALSO IN NEXT WEEKSIVSSUE OF BARBIE EXAMINER Entries must reachChamber of Commerce Office by August 18 Hermann 01mph 1311 LuIxy Draws ENTRY FORMS AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND OTHER PLACES BUS