Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1947, p. 14

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rI Llylky Lil $91 iAOE rerun15 111 311121111 11211113111 nz1 131122111 1IAgtA 31 mm 4in hm MMW ctr41144414oo4444414 County Smmmmg Classes Conducted NEWS or ELMVALE Sumdale museum mumy CEMEN 11111 5113 BOB PARIS 11111211 33 1113111101111 111 111111 II 111 3111 13 11 1111llaadlltltoiao4lj 21 V1 111 VV VVV if 77 WV 11 lituniks 121 111 1111z 111 2111 11 Vi 1i1l 1111 111111 311 111111 11111112111111 14111191121111 1111l 111 x1 111 111511 VVV 11 Will1111 111I 11111111111111t51111 1lk 1111 1111 11 51131111111 il WV vb IVVOVQW ll 1111 1211111 1111111 1111 11111 1119 Chart 1111 1111 114111111 111211111 11111 1111 11111 11111111411 111I11111I 11111 111 1111 1111 711711 1111Ilr1i 111 111m A1 Ailn 11111 1111111 111111 111 i111 111 11 111 1llt1111x 1111 1lI 121 111 1111 11111 111 1111 1111111111 111111 111111 11 111111 1111 1111111Ii K111 111 Lointlmd 1111 1111 1hr 111 111111 1111 1o 1111 11111 11111 11111 1111 11=11 ll 11111 l1 31111111 Slim11111 3111111 111 114111 111 11111 1111 111 11111 1111 ll1l 311111111 11111 1111 Vliil1 My 111111I11I Vlltlll 111111 111111 yI11l 11111 111911 1111 11111l 11111111 of 1111 51111 EXAMINER 1110111 111111111118 11111111 1115111131 1111 Ninth1 of 11111 ltilin tnuuly 11111111 1111 11111111 11111ll1111 1111 11111111 l111lilll 111 11111111411 111111111 111 lu1Iiil1 llll 1l Illltl 11 liunlup St llttl ll1 111111 21721 111131111111 111 111111111 1n11111 111 111111111 SUPPLY YOUR Belting Needs qann Yuma ulna 17 mum MI 11 Products Company Distributors 11r lNltlHlltlAl ltlZll1Ni llllls 111111 lZll1lt1 llttlttlth Ill5 llVAH llllIS lttlt Household Appliancus W111111W111k1111I lt11hlncs 1111111 11111111111y 111111 AntoniItivc l111111 itgtly111l 1111111115 lticyclc 1111 111111 111ch 111111 11111111111 53 John 51 Barrie Phone 2879 II 111111111 31111111111111111 11111111111111113 11 VV 1111111 ll Alli11111 llhis lloyh ll N111 VV lll gt Humvmm NIVll 111 1ltfllllltjlll if Aiiiislioin 111 V1 VI VV IVVVV 1nl11 13h 111111115 11 1511115 II 11115 llll 111i 111111 hulthall Al Il llh IM1 1111111 Il1ithur 111 5111111111111 111 111H llimnlIut sun In VV VV mop UIVVVVH 11 K111 1th hl11111V1 5111111111112 IY VV VV 111qu 111 V1VililrltV 111111 311 1111 11V111V11nV VVVVVVVVNV VVWVVVVH VVVHVVVVVVth 1anme lrukmd Vuunhvrd NV VVVV VIV V1VV1IVVI 1V 11 1V11 VV11I11lilit11111Y1 111 111111 ll1111 11I1 11111 VVVVVVV VV V11V VV 1It11 11 V1 Ir 1V 111 l111 1111111 11111 111111 111 Hm NHTN iCE CREAM IVV All 1111 11 111 1111 111 11111 ltl 1111111111111ch holllmll 1111 51111111 ll1our VV n1 11nn111 11 11 VV IVV 111 1l 111 l111 1111 1111 IA 11m This nk VI V1111ur 111 l1rkin1nV 511111th 1113111111 V1111 llVl Vim lll Sl 1ni111 81111111111 Vl iIVIlt Vow1 V=1 1=V1 111 111 31 Matthew Dun1111 is 1c 11 Ml WAHll 11lltmlnurincd lino111111 cow1111 111111 11 StllnlIS Ilurntinn ill 311 11 111111 11 II LI 111 1111 11V 111151111111 Bari1c 11 111ill 111111111 ll11 11v 111 11 4311 WOW VVV 11 VI VVV VV VV VVVVVVV VVVVVV 1V11VV11y1VVlII1 1V11Vl1V V111 VI VVVVVVVV IV 11 11 111 211 Il 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$1135 lllthltlEN 501 Mil 111111 11111 1111111 111 1111 Sow11111 With 11 1111111111 111111 1111111 1211 Young lhilon 11111111 111r1 AliIll 11gt 1111 IIgt1 1111le 1M xii 111 11117 11111L1 11111 111 111 1111 11111111 1111111111111 111111 11111111 11 1111 11111s1 1111 1111 1111111 1r 11 11 1111111 1111s l111 8111111 N1 111 Ilifi VfVll 11II 11113 11111 1111111511111 t11111111 VVViiitilllyly3W 111111 1111 11111111 31111 11111 111111 IVII 111V11V111111111 l11 11111111 11 111111111 1111 Alimu srcy 1S1111111l 1111115 1111111111111111e 111111 1111 1111 511 13111lti1 1111 11111 311111111 11111 1115 ll 111 All 11111111113 lynx1wer 11111 11xz111 111 London Weve most tlllllllL for your car to insure safe comfortable holiday motor1111 11 iIr1 pun11 dont spoil your 11111 111rn11l vacation with hunk11111111 or faulty cqulpnunt licck 111111 111 sure before you go 011 1111111111111 1111 ships op 111111 1111 111151111150 Univ 11111 111 1111 71111113111121 111m 1130 31111 CRUISE 11111 Midland 1111in Voxccpt Sunday 111111 chncsday 1111 IRe1111Iiilicr too our 1111VV1st complctt stockVol fishing tackle cottaizcrs Because dollars spent by tourists are needed to pay for the many imported goods and services essential to keep Canadian industrycit high level of production and employment Poppy WHITlE CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS 25 of honor wore agown of shell pink taffeta with Mary Queen of Scots headdress and carried Johanna Hill roses and white gladioliYMrs Fer gus Cron bridesmaid was similar ly gowned npOWder blue taffeta Mary Queeil of Scots headdress and carried Rosehill roses and white gladioli Thomas Carter Guelph was groomsman and the ushers 111ere Harry and Ronald Axtord brothers of the bride After the reception at the YWCA Tea Room Vthe couple left on wedding trip to Northern Ontario Theywill reside in Hamilton WHITE CHINA CEREALS L15c DINNER PLATES V250 VICEBOY MOTOR OIL qt25 gal 98c WE ALSO HAVE PRESTONE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE While it lasts at gal $375 Empke Hardware AS NEAR TO YOUR HOME AS YOUR PHONE DELIVERePHONEZSSS MARY lELlZABEIH sis Barrie Ont KARATI CACHE The first diamonds found at Kimberly South Africlas largest diamond mine were discovered in 11170 Nunsm ISSUED 3111115 FORElGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD unusaAumouw OFJHE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA and c1111111crs s111111lics11iols lions etc 11111 1111111111 111111115 331111 gt1yUch0ujll wins 11 him1111 111111111111 1111115 lroin la iy CVVQIKI 3111 nun LID1111 r011 13111 VV mm HIIVVhVIVVVIV IIHII VI Sum Intmm IIIIIHV To ensure that US dollars we made ovcnloble for this purpose 111 0111111 3311 11 very 111 59310 IIIIIVIVIVVXVIIIgVVu Hm VlVlhuVIIII HIM1 1111111111 11 the Forelgiyxchonge Control regulations require that merchants HI INN and VV 11111 11 Includes inc 1110 and $1 an 11 minty5 511111111 Now 3111 11111111111111 51111101111111 VV VV VTcuV VVVVVV VVVllVVfVlVIJVIVtVMVtVV VVVIVgVVVIVVVVVVVVVVVVV BVVVVIVVVVVVV WVVVVVV VIVV SVVVVVIVVVV VVVE All SVVVVVVVVVS Snug Time hotel keepeis serv1ce stations 11nd Oil otheis turn in whatever en 1111111 1111111 111 tcdncsduy Black 111111111 11111111 11mm EORCIAN BAY VV 11111 llll011l lnitctl hurch 11 1111 111111111V 21 T1VIIIVVIC0VPANY UnitedStates cu1rency they receive to then books Honors ouplc lire llicy Lcavc mm Jun 111 111ltl1 1111111 lulv TD II ii1isiiV II 111mm 1ltIVUV1V VltVilVEFVIVVVVVVlUlilVVnklflltVVld Max WINE 11IaltIm Mimqu Ontario In his own mteiests as well as in tliOse of Conodo1t is the obliga 111 111 1111 gtlltl conoonnom V111VV 11V VV 11V1V1V11V1VIIV14 IVVHVVVIVy tOn Of every Canadian to comply With the regulations which are lli 51 11 LVt TI 11 11 111 lllinvzilo 111v FISHING TACKLE ilgczxglnz MVIVIVVVVVHVI MM VD HISm necessc1ry for the orderly and proper use of our foreign exchange Variety QIIII11v bullnss winnun 111111 1111 church was nearly The must conilllclc 11111 111 ion 1111111 with friends 111111 1111111b111s resources glivuglrltHKlifs 1111111111 1111 151011111 111 which this El A1 11 Illlllllt 1111 111111 1111511111 of llllgt Va 1311111311 111311 IIIIIIIIM IIIIDIIVI mm VVV FORK HANDLES 91L FORK TIME 65 and save nwllty 111111 IV host or others VVHNVTKI JV piano TURNIP HOES AND HOES 11111111113 Morton and clinics in the You REQUIRE UVS FUNDS APPLICATION Wm MI by MVVV1Vhn Ben MANURE FORKS AND SHOVELVS 7V RAYON CORD 111 111111 MiVs Iichleer were Plymouth BINDER TWINE Red Top cwt $1800 CAN BE MADE7A1 YQUR BANK AT THAN COTTON 1111s11ltc11 111111 11 VlLIlUtl 11 CicsVlcr V7 TIRE PRICES 111111 1111131 111111 table by Morrison NOSE BAGS FOR rHORS 1109 and 50c l11n 1111 11111111 of the congrcflationI le 20c le 850 100 Natural Rub CIITQRSSCSJII 111v faithfully served 1111 10 years Cup Glehe All $1185 111 11 ll Moi11in 111 Lansing 11111 1112 Jones 111 Strcctsvillc SAVE 20070 ON TIRES 111111101 1111113101s 111111011 tributes fl 2592 TUBES 1111er arcllies $1 VVLIQUID VESTOCK SPRAY DDT Gal couple 1n lVVV Vic VillriV POWDER VDV BARN AND LIVESTOCR SPRAY PAssENGER SIZES 11 121y llillllgdtldllllkl 11311191 The Tube the many friends llVchellVgllIS 12 lb lbs Jones Mr Hiclt ingsesuc 5015 5250 53 11 was introduced and spoke FOREIGN EXCHANGECONTROL REGULATlONS lNBRlEF 1V chly 1Refrcslnnents were served WEED NO MORE 2110 71 11311411111 212 400 11 110 50 11 1U 23V EdVIaVFVdSAVImd wcddmg V1 in no case 15 ll Vegol or 0110 ion VresulenV OVpoyVOu currency to onyone1n 15511 310 wedding of local interest took Change 10 gllfljlynck platch JVlIlV SaturdayV Alllit fZVVVVlgii 1115 235 11 11mins w1en 121 101111 laughter VVf M1 and Mrs Fred AX no casein egOV UFO inn reci an payout currencyin Change 0de 5L ThOmaSV Wh wedded 320 another Egnodrofi reSIdentevenI though the latter has tendered US currency in Righmld Olvjllle Edsms Igglml payment for pbrchOSe ton son of an rs gar Edwards Elmvale in Hia man AV SCREW DRIVERS wuthzi SLV Baptist ChurcbhV1 SVVt 38 pce INNER SETS No Canadian rsident is permitted to retain in his possession US currency in excess VV All Shapes StyVlts analr111 giglzfilngwVDlliiev Enggmngclg if AD 19 3105501 of $1000 but is rEquired to turn IVnVsVuch tends to his bank forconverslonintoCanadian 11 W1 111111 111 in Ghulne Chrome v1 aiiium Cuttlng played the weddinU music on dSV gtDel allil 111111 Egret$1 IlVlieis hullt by 131111913 Kracutcr etc Fergus Crowsmg 1walk BesideV pee fun VVVV wide range 0151011511111111 an1l Phillips illie tint11 that money ranbuy YOU md Because Chorley Park $1025 drlvers available Lengths range from 941 III 1111 07 T1 bd Merchants or thers cotenng to the touristliode muypqy UScurrency1o nonreslden 31012 urged 11nd cluumc vanadium I11 awe In mdmlrye Ce blades wood and unhrcakahle umber her 12111161 wore 21 gown of Willie IV lounSVts mVVthqngeVVlf US currency I5 fancier951 for opurchasel and may reyqin in their handlestheyre prim11 11 j5c loVup faconne prepe made with fitted Caresse VU VV VVV IV VwardsI 1V1 $261111 hunt 611111 rVenreschiVieilVg VVV bodice and bouifant Skim Her p05510n necesary omqunto VS currencylor 15 purpose 111151211131 91 it 11135 Siting1110 IV fingertip Vveil ffnbltilhdeled ili 66 pct DINNER SETS Vzg have 111 mm IRONS 1151011 no was W1 pear en VV i1eeipi111gteeryxsiiVifiild lhrstlroergregihllg headdress rand shedI carrieVd red Reg cy on are on IV rrV IIa yroos zIIry n1IVar IIIIIIEI Oremer Briarclitfe roses in step anotis NNER SETS PTA gcnms lm Miss Ella Axford her sisters maid 66 Dee 25 25 BREACMOFTHEREGULA110Ns 1111105115 THE OFFENDER 11151510 FINE AND lMPRlSONMENT VVl

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