tttUfiitAx Attett TV 2114 31 CLASSIFIE All BATE CASH RATE cents nerd minimum 35c tlnst bc paid before insertion It CIIAIIGH cents nerd minimum 50c 25c extra for box numbers or rcplics directed to this Uliltt ADDITIONAL lNSHtIIONS SAME RAILS All Classified Adieu Must Be in Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAVL iou must include cash 51an ur mum ng mm NV Hui to get low mic HELP WANIED POSITIONS WANTED Au in ya t1 hum1 Ill COTTAGES ilitSl lit 1112 31112111 1111 int 111 wt ilsl ii Ihoic 111 11 13 lt NEW 117111012111 lziiy 1111 11 i=1 cluilii lmti 1111 Ixl1lt VV VVV limo 1111 Sinai 1211 titliltl 111111 Zll 111 111 41 11 11 Mr 111 1112 111111 rirrirplmup 11311 l11m 11111 11 111 13111 11131 likttl 1111 lu 1111 llritp tll 1tli AND ttlllftlil 111 llt1l tilinchml 11 1111142 111111 llllll illdvll lil 11534 51 liailze 11lllilllt elm 111111 ll itJilly 111 fol 1111711 lllluti twiii 11111111 1111 1111411 11 ll11c lllltl Iiillr 5111111 Iliv lloiinw 11 11111 ltil 11111 111 111114 111 11 41 11 11111 uxu 111 111 1111 11 ll111c wi MAN AND llll 31 119 1113111 11111 ttiv 11111iiiliiilllt1 11=111iti 3111111 1111l1 tillllttllilll win 111 111111111 lili v1v 11111 l11i 11 111 f1c11uii h1l ltllitltli 11 llllltt ll111utli 11111 11 ltl11 suitrut lllll i7 Ilil 11 ll 11 11Il 311bit clc FOR for 11111 11114111 111 111 liiltll 311111 111iiliilz Naltiii 1lt1113111 tNli cciifial lhone 1111311 3131 AN ttllltllllNliY lllltlilttl 13 iiI JOHNSth lIIIIltIAiIlXI ltiiml 1l111 11141314 available WINDS IIICNI 11v ti or neck Wilttl 111111111111 order $101 If 1111 111 ititilc1t uzii beluccn itltlltllllll HD 111 1117 Ille Liw lllllm Illm II the trues it null 171 h11 c111 sccuic111ilntilfil111111 tlll op 1111011 IIIIN1 11111111e fm IlllAtiI IMHIIIHIIV Itl il 1lilillxllill 111 ltllrtllltsx 1111 or coupli 111931111151 recent THE BARREE EXAMINER BARKER ONTARIO CANADA vrrr 1171 08 BALI 131 no III In unlitr 101111 NEWS FOR SALE in In In Inlkrl UM NI INIH OBTAIN Hi 11 iti IS AND H111 tits au no lot rum in IIAN PERSONAL mu nu It iii to lllninit II131 It 11 Wuhan lidluVLVt Tu it Hct slI it ltliillzle1 IIiI SEED FEED tlu IN IIItau it IUI it iii 511ch Il1111c1 111 tt 1114 1111 11II I1tt1l il11v ATLXIiY 11 tmtiiiiu H31 lit 111iIll 11 IAIIIAGE AID MOVIN tbly you it In lm lumlnul 53111015 If EllAtIl uul SltlIIAGII l1tit1cc tVtViittticlozs IlltltK 11111151 Io ibIVYLII 13h ItchHirer C1111 121111 ill lllf E1151 11 Vi MVHV VI 111V o1 l4 gt1i1ll WOOD FOR SALE Sly Il ll Ir Ins hamper 1111 Gentind llmu lti il SIANIlIl Mt vet 1111 IIIIIil Iliilco tutti1 11iil 11 numbti lilliitl SI Hull AND SUN ilc111 It l1n iimitc Stimui Ll 111111l SlatAid 1illliii1l tolltit Isilct ii 111 111 cowl nullitiuii phutic ma lil llllll lillli titutith 1111111 1111 lllltlt1l1 iciipin 1111L4it lllu IllIlitl iiiitt it vi 1111 1111111 11111 ID 111111 11111 Hlt WI 111 11111111 lfllllllll 1113 t1111tilV Apniv 1o1 It 1111 lll shit1 illiiltlttiltlll gt1 virtu 11 3111gt11 lilttllxS 11111 tllll 1111111112111i the iltll 111111151111 in student Ilzuiie tlliiit FARM any you Ill It In Ihl umlmri Illiilit 1121 IOIIIRTY W1 IIIASS SIIIARI VALVES lw 14111111 cit 111 MAX NllIl for no 111w 1111115 twin 15151 11s11c 11w1111111i union lttllfsltllltl 111 11111111 111111 WINE Jury 131 11111 auw inti 1i1 iillilill 11 11 11111111 11111 1111 1111111 III1H Ill Illa 11 11111111 111111111oiil 11 Hill ceincut 3111 snuncluor exri limit Ilizl lizlJ llttl and Ill 1c llfflltll sixes xumil tilItt llzurie llhrix illtlii 211 Ill if liitl 1x11 Tips ltlllttlll 1111111 metHlllllV lli1 tlll 1IVVV1 11111 1141 1311 5111111 1111 1111111cr111c sale 1111 lttlillufl V177 11 ctctuuiucizn ANtitiltA moinw VVHV Itil ntlt 1111111 MM 11 lilt Itoch wttli pur ill iltiuli Iltlll 11m 1121123 11 lllIl Illtt1 11111111113 111121 11311111111 tritr hillllil fll11 iii Hit xixntli if with 1111151 illllllltl vlttll ll 11 llll tniuiiictili tt 111 uit i11cni lii1 111cc timed illtt 111 1l11111v11t AlAiIlAllZNL lll 1121 1c1c1lliie lilltlll Ilxccllent 111111111 1111111 tiltlitl it 1111111111111111 po1tillii Apply 11111 2111b ICN ii 111 Iltll1 111111111 lIllIillll 91 11111 11111 2111111 town lllttll iltth 111111 111111 34 Acid ltox 111111111il 111111110111 hon hydro 1111111 creel 1111111iV 11111121311 1111111111 um 1111 lllttllLllttit 1111 ii llll lttlt BALII llltl icim iiwlti vitirkiilvle clxiv 11111111 cement foundation llltltlltlttl 111111 good water mile 1111111 lintiri 111111 32 1111111 tlHHliliUll station 31511 llllnlSlllCll lllllllltltthi rent 229 liaiiu Ix1111111cr 1111151 llhfilllllp Ill ll 11mins 11ilitlllc Mitst iii $111M cusli 1111111111111211 111 11 1111 Ithiic 11c tltlIY 1V Slutt c1s11 11111111 1111m 11pV llarric ani Illi1lltl Illtliltl lmui 111111 1111 Icfiiiiiitv11t Iil ltIlllllltl and lhniie 114111 f111111 1111154 chard iltlt llliill schile lt11 i1111 tr 11 Must iiil It Iltllliiltle l1lli of 11111 41951119111 tltttouul 70 Henry St lftei six lWHIIIIHWtl full ltiltlliltliits 111 today to The 110 11 321 II Watkins 1111111111V Dept 11111 II Iliz 1011 on steel 111 111 I1 1117 3115 81V 311111111111 IIIIINIIIIIIIC STORAGE safe Hood repair lhouc gm clean stoiaizc two warehouses ton imkc artalzc and Storage 113 113an Iloid Phone 31 13 11ttt1 ItIlllltllllTIIIICI WAGON for WANTED LL titltlxlli tires Say you anII in tho txiimliilr Hw IIIISIN ll 111 1111111 llnx IIHllI lIx111111e1 It 51211 mu hm vAAV WF IiilllNil lltlti found black and 11011 llll Vlll 111 11111111 tan approx years 11141 11111 rtc condition lhone Ivy it 321 1121i 17 112p ll l1li1 Midhursl lhouc 110211 1111 1111111111 31 near tins torks Harrie 311111 llioiic Zilltl Liberal reward I7 321 ctc wanted 31 ltirlilltoil llnrric 11 3514 llllilt11ittt phone 291121 Slaviicr 111112 117 1111111 11 carnival Finder please phone IIIIAIICI GARAGE from Nov Ilw Ilox Iii Barrie Examiner It 321 lr1e vicinity hiltls pet Ap 111 71 Parksidc Drive Ilarric 1mm 1113115 AND CAITLE pmMd Hxzplrow horse drawn good condition wanted for free pickup Phone collect Barrie 31117 Gordon Young Itlul llli SliNllll male 111 11521 lost between olwcll pit and An cits about weeks ago Phone 809 MW rAr POULTRY wanted any mm 23 Reward 17321 quantity lop prices paid lushkoff lhoue 1151213 Ilarric 91112 GOLDIJN QtKlan scANIM 51qu 3111111V found Owner may have same by llttlllllll1 1111 and paying costs USED stAMrs cumin in good Phone 835113 Barrio 17321 it Wl f0 er 100 W77 iiiil Idlill Chi1111 All Niall II IGOtLD gIOUN IIOSE 11151rWillCll V9 IV $7732 as 111 iarric ccpsate dcl Hun ceased Mrs Carr Maple Leaf MANTICI ttAinos mens stilts CH WI Wmd 11452111 army or work boots victrolas Dtl 4187 119111101111S Chum taming tire tools also two Model A1 St gmp cranks in vicinity of Barrie Ap ply Box Angus Reward 17321 BARN WANTED approx 40x60 fl in good condition John Bishop SHEEP STRAYED 10 L01 CO RR 5V Barrw NVHV Lot 10V Con 13 Innisfil Owner may have same 13 Innisfil Phone 4062 Bar by pmeg properly and Imymg CV 332b expenses Telephone 2187 Bar 110 17321 between North Barrier Camp Bor PERMANENT RESIDENTS mUSl den and Angus Please return to have house apartment or or Bill Treacy Loretto Ont Re rooins before Sept Telephoneward 17321 4572 11321 5month VHOUSE wanted 101 PROPERTY FOR SM rent With option of buying PhonerCHOICE BUILDING LOTV EMMSV Junction 8326 Toronto col at 150 James St Phone 29 mgzp lect ll3234b 2BUILDING LOTS Apply 73 APARTMENT WANTED Dundonald St Phone 4329 after rooms in Barrie or Argus furnish ed or unfurnished lie children pm 16329 BCOIIIIIS Angus ll32p 6ROOMED BRICK HOUSE APARTMENT on HOUSE or 33114101110 Cnllal Telfgjggg rooms wanted for about Sept by local melCham Apply BOXI BUILDING 107 for sale on Drur 50 Battle Examiner ll32b Lana Apply to 56v Baycld SLV HOUSE apartment or rooms in or Barrio 1632b midVEgg553531g15dcaglpgnggx BUILDING LOT for sale on Napier 48Vn Barrie Examiner 11m32p St near Cook St Apply 72 Cod rington St 163132p 3ROOMED APARTMENT furn ished 0r unfurnishedV by Oct SMALL COTTAGE and two lots Pricedfor quick sale Apply 75 No chIIdxen Au Force office Burton AVCV 1632b Apply Box 941 Barrie Exam 4ROOMED COTTAGE and five iner 113132p UNFURNISHED ROOMS wanted acres landpabout mile from Al within four weeks lady and school 18ndale Phone 83341 Ba child Parttime services if re 1631321 rd U4 71 2B halfjfggp SMALL 2ROOMED COTTAGEfor sale hydro insulated opposite APARTMENT or selfctyttainedtdu Barrie Golf Club Martin RR plex wiredforclectric range heat Bltle 16321 ecl garage ifVVpOSsible Three adults Desirable tenants Occupancy Sept 4ROOMED COTTAGE EOOd sized apartment required by couple from September or sooner until the mid 4ROOMED mndeln bungalow dle0f December we are careful roomed semi bungalow also home tenants Fo 13am RCAE stiilable for rooming house Phone 2377 16321 SMALL HOUSE apartment or rooms wanted unfurnished orvNEW BRICK HOUSE insulated rooms centrally located preferhaltlwood floors immediate Vpos red children abstainers perm1595910111 nice garden Priced rlEhl anent residents nonsmokers Ap 3C1 QUICICIy Contact How ply Corner Cupboard Roasta 51 13119101 Si 16321 lem 11241 3ROOMED COTTAGE 2141oom Station Camp Borden 0111 113zp Coutts Real Estate 15 OWen Stt rooms modern place Quick possession RASPBERRIESVIOISBIG 50 allowed Reasonable terms Henry E1 each box for picking and bringing rick Realtors Owen St 1611321 yourown container McAr thur Edgar 2032p 93 ACRES OF BUSH black loam one mile west from Barrie Thous CEVRTIFIED RASPBERRY planl ands of cords of wood and cedar Wllie Box 754 Cambellford Opt posts Creek running through pro for illustrated folder and growtnglperty $5000 $1000 cashbalance know how Dont delay Supplyion mortgage Phone 811r31 or Box limitedV 203033pb 62 Barrie PO 16321 chuicii and store Hi iuuitv Road No 11 Nillt1st1 lwp nubs south of riwinorc Htttl Audi 1110 Sixth St ollnir ii1ri 1111 llt1l Hydro 11111h1 Nil nslr Ihouc IiiItll condition lftlft1111Itc1Mv11 1th lit uinniinu Illcl1 lillllttlll ton ill 11111 111s neicim Ulllli Apply 119 It lranccs SI V1lick lively lim 11 11111111 Ll Also 1ailers for 08 AND foilND tVIViVVaVlViVuin Summers 11i111rs1 Itn 11111 1V 1111 151 11111111111 S1 t111ti lll BALI he received by the uiidirsixzncd upV 171 fur the 11111111111N1 1lllgt 111 11171111111 sale 1111 Twin noon Saturday Au puicliasc of SI 1111 21 on 11 cnntninun This is coral pawg harm equipped witth No bu1ltlincs lwo llllltSl from Wasaun leach 1111 Prev lliuh Iiiuhcst or any tcudcr not Ierins cashl liaiiii Ap l11 1111318th ll1 lfllV 11111 St Cirllill 111 mm l1 11 11111111111111 birrl 1cm llllll 1111l IlllAlt SKIN mounted nicd run lIUIISlb WANlIll for mink iced SACK MENS LlllIlNv lust HINDI llllti 11111 111111111 lhruu mm Hos Iwp more 111 less tuie neverfailiiu 111111111111 11110 NASH 111 1lltllllttllIi over iltltr 11111s llarrie Mo lIIr 321 3111 Milli 111111111 Sumter drive tors and 11111111 1111111 well lllllis itlltllitmll 11c1 1911 lllt17lll Standard sedan Phone 31170 tltl IlurtunAvo after VV 11 712p 11 MPH No f1 cut 111 Apply ltay 111 ne order 11111111 1111 pooti running Louizhoed scum Miritis1nzts ftrathers 1101s FAWN WlNlililtllAKlZR 11 WI Harrie p111 lllliI observini humming hud DIED 1111 accepted 11111111 37 Innisfil St 19111 lllllltll2l IIl news Mrs Apply pairs of 11111111 regular lIAVI few 31 rubber boots to clear at $5 17 Lb Golds Shoe Repair Clapper 1dminlstritor ton IIstate Marharct ot tires rebuilt motor North St 19111 ILYMOIIIII sunN heatet defroster 111111 hood tires Maple Ave IIIRDIZIII ltlllNllN Sti in Blake harlotlc St area Apply TIGER KITIISN lost in Parksido tltKSlllllT DISC PLOW 2fur IIllIlRiNfiTth 1111111 111 her lllItt ilr rilllillfl 711111d1 11111 1111111 ll1iilt111 if 1111111111 Smith for service 1111 11111 llinon cnicleiy illi 111111 Vicl pital Dawn4111 the Maria lain nuloes ol lain MISCELLANEOUS tSnY you saw It in It Fxnmlmrl Apply 70 up 11 11111121 111111 lllltillL1 ntlnxcd 11i1 IIIIIIJIING STONE handy to loud Apply Stroutl 14121 Phone 77 3121 Walker hloonslonc Lloyd oulsoir lltil 1112131 GYPIIOC lxtl sheets all Toronto Akeside 20311 tVtIlllltlS BRICK WORK done material work 11 PONTIAC SEDAN good tires Wetibirttcry heauuwwltti condition 50 larkslrie Iii leIILI 11111 l1rr1t= 11241 lucky draw Walter Schand A114 31111 olrlcst ptlsoti ptCSttllV Alberti 1111 lim youngest David Pratt faith1 ASS Simmons chest Phone 34113 BED for sale inner of drawers complete mattress lti Collier 3211 Drive 13321 32351 spring 19311 r0111 v11 in Al condition rvI Must be soon to 116appreciated Phone 4035 Barrie 1931 NASII SEDAN new tires bat tery brakes and cables Phone 1113 Time and Phone 2852 71321 PLASTEIIING patching and stuccm work done Call 191121 Stroud Rogers Painswiek GENERAL TRUCKING aflcr pin and weekends Bayfield St Apt COMBINING DONE all types with Cttllplll Bros 33121 mm 13321 RADIO for sale Iliilco tribes in vcry good condition reasonable al ureat coat Phone 8115 11 Schundlcn and Will Ilopkins SupI Iohn per was served by the ladies The Resting at gt Chapel Thursday Interment llllllli been 7321 never Apply 1313211 so army worn MOTORBOAT Continental engine good condition $350 including wheclcd trailer 71 Ilurtonjttvc mm rid324151 1931 DODGE SEDAN in good con Apply Murray Drake co W111 McKecver Cundlcs 7321 1935 011SMOBILE running Hayfield St Barrie 13321 Ilarrlc Aux Ray Lou dit ion 5311131 tery HOUSE 1947 13321 hilha LOST oti Little Lake Road kit con manor phone 4501 Alfred 42FT CABIN CRUISER in good Trolling every PllCC$liUiw Phone 4th 0r 195W McafordLLJllillp COCKSHUTT BINDER for sale nearly new Also Eureka potato dig ger Apply Campbell Bros Stroud ACCOMMOD TION WANTED Con 11 east of Highway 11 3032 LOST On Sunday black sutt case GREAT DANE PUPPIES golden black mask stock llmise ticyl Apply sedan 751111 year 81111111 Cos committee members were Ires and scrxitc on 11111 llulbct Sccylrc1s Mildred VV 13111 lllll Stlltvlltilt 11 tables convencr Mrs VA 111l1 sports Mr and Mrs Elincri lllrntt Wilt Hopkins and Convener 1717 niliijlrh Srhimdlen for retail and wholesale 151154 1111 ml 11gt151V 11131 lurr1w llub1ert thande the businesses latest equipment Phone 17121 MOTORING to Moncton NB A1111 IS returning Sept party phone 2850 after 5321131 LADIES wishinL contact Mrs McRac Dunlop St Apt Some special prices 53213 SHIRTSpants socks sheetsany thing you have to mend bring to Margs Needlepoint front door 60 Clappcrton St good order 13111 Interment Knox mm tricnds for parcels sent him while Stroud 7611 year ctct Irn A111 SOMERS 111 Aug 15117 10111115 union will be the second Wednesday completed Somers beloved husband of lien in 1111 rietta Lonehurst 111 his Hist year Interment Barrie tcry Aug condition day in Meaford Bay BEAUTIFUL 1938 FORD COACH See this car at 48 Ph 9054 13321 Immediate cash Interested Louisa St Apt FOR SALE or trade for car 1910 motorcycle Phone 4492 171111111 Avon Products Cenic Audits INVITED UTNEAt the Sick Childrens lios IN 031 Bradford pita Toronto Raymond Patrick Utiic son of Mr and Mrs Ii Utne Bar rie in his 4111 year Excellent after six 13321 1941 CHEVROLET Master Deluxe coach perfect condition Supertest Indian condition 4459 1947 beloved on Ann 15 fawn champion registered reasonable Clapperton St Ph 2014 73233p MH 21A HAMMER MILL new condition feed also quantity elevator belting Craig Hunter Stroud Phone 135 7321 RIGERATOR Monarch medium finished in ivory in splendid condition one of the lat Sophia 7321 48 BUNDLES asphalt shingles in terlocking type shaded red bun dles sq size 16x16 price $5 sq Mrs Hill Hubbard Road 814122 Itesllnu at REELBYln loving memory of thc lcnnett Funeral llomc Rar Mts William Beelby Who 9355 ric Funeral to St Marys liltich W37 A1115 lgv 1942 11H 111SS T1 Angus 191+ All her 10115 and conflicts over day Aug 11 at ant St Marys Cemetery WEBBSuddenly Also deer Angus 13321 1938 OLDSMOBILE COACH heat er cooler defroster new tires Al condition Utopia rifle 5321 Ont Garage Interment what glories shes discovered 111 1mm 11 In the Saviour whom she loved his sistcrinlau Mrs Dalton lr EVCI remembered by 1917 3311 Imbandwd lamly mixer lton cap LIVE STOCK FOR SALE John RR 13321 1935 FORD CONVERTIBLE new motor radio tires fair new paint Elizabeth St 13321 Davies 10 PIGS ready to wean Apply Art Wilkinson Angus 12 GOOD PIGS for old Atkinson Phone 84114 20 ptosf 211 months 0111 Miller Stroud Con east of Highway 11 22 WEANED PIGS Yorkshire for also registered boar Bates 764 Cookstown FIVE SOWS three due Altg 15 second litter Phone 13r23 932p HOLSTEIN COWS one near freshcning type washing 842113 PEIICHERONVCOLTS and years fullsisters lingham RR 84542 yrs old and calf weeks old Don Phone 932b ICE RE 111 llt Maurice Webb helm 1d husbaan of the late Mary iucsi Webb and AMPBELLIII lovmg QOOU Sheet Metal work Clic dcar father of Dunn St Pauls Ci 93133b win Toront gale weeks Barrie 94321 Apply S450 RR Phone 4105 1936 OLDSMOBILE tiptop Condi tion throughout $025 for quick sale Martin 5113 house Sunnidale Road Barrie 1937 OLDSMOBILE COACH radio and heater tires fair 160 Elizabeth St after 5130 pm STAKE TRUCK platform hoist West job miles 9321 10 Innisfil Phage when AK LIBRARY TABLE brown wicker gocart bread mix er doz quart sealers rocking chairs wickeri doll carriage Maple Ave PUREBRED COLLIE PUPS black with white mouth front axle and tires suitable for makinrz trailer Phone Oro 323 4WHEELED TRAILER for sale practically new short tengues also Yorkshire sow showing up 2nd litter Keith RVob inson Creemore Ph 04113 7321 13321 Mrs 9321 sale 42x26 MORRISON 411in Morrison friends relatives and neighbors for expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness in their recent bcrcavcv tnent WILLSMrs Ernest George wish and thank upholstery Apt 13321 good wish carrying Bates Ivy later Oscar 7321 Ivy 1941 GMC 1938 Ford truck with 1942 Dodge sedan Toronto Garage Phone 2214 Barrie WANTED192931 Ford or Chou also 193842 Ford Chev or Ply Apply Box 1332b Wills to express to their many friends relatives and neiuh bors their heartfelt thanks and ap preciation for acts of kindness mes sages ol sympathy floral tributes markings 1935 Ply l332b modern Phone 9321 Also fairly machine Gordon Cald well 7321 and beautiful extended to them in their recent sad bereavement in husband and father especially thanking the Ma Sonic Order of forontoI1ev lVIr CarderRcv Dr Green and Burton Ave United Church WINDVATTMr and Mrs Pctcr Windatt and family wish to express to their many and neiglkltors their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts ofkindl bf sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their recent sad bereave ment in the loss of our learrson and brother Tommy m1 1N APPRE mouth State prim 52 Barrie Examiner 1941 REO 3TON TRUCK Beth hydraulic hoist and box motor rc ccntly overhauled Phone817r2302 Hayfield St 1332p 1939DODGE SEDAN in At com dition good rubber privately own Can be seen Saturdays Rea sonable for cash Phone rising Ped Phone 9321 tires long and Barrie the loss of dear JERSEY COW 8tgtig5 nelly Camp Borden Road 8162 Barrie FOUR PIGS for Sale weeks old also honey Bring your own cons tainers Apply Dwinnell RR Barrie Dalston REG YORKSHIRE BOAR monthsV Shady Lawn Lad 86Z real good type HE Gordon Con SH Lot 10 Thornton GREY HORSE yrs broken to all farm implements or will trade for heavier horse Al condition $l45PreWar quality mm movie camera Skan exposure meter sil Box 43 Barrie Examiner 2932b 101 Village Of Anglls ADPIY vet screen and stand projector and Mrs Coulson64 King St or phone case SUBLET of furnished 1101150 or Stroud 800 16321l and several unexposed gfilm Phone 7321 large roll reels in this friends relatives 2597 evenings NATIONAL Harvest Co Ift combine for sale 12 ring 13321 42 CHEV TRUCK is cwt in Al For tow or farm use Low mileage INTER 9329 ness mesSarzes with clover pickup attachments and grain tank Usednnly two seasons No reasonable offer refused Sproule Stroud 23rll HEATER coal or wood $25 cook goodoven and tank $20 stove pipes 20c length 5gal coal oil can $150 watering can $125 electric desk lamp $3 garden leaf Phone 3374 FOR SALE2 low farm truck Wag ons on steel in good repair l3disc Superior seed drill order 7ft digger condition Will carry tons Reasenablc Cecil Campbell Phone 1332b MOTORCYCLE Harley Davidson $175 in very good condition Ap ply Moth atPetetsens Garage 222 Blake St 0r51 Bayfield St af ter pm 1929 DURANT cylrecondition ed motor just installed also new clutch throughout bearing starter paint job For sale ithely Phone 3218 after six 1332p 1942 MOTORCYCLE HarleyDavid son 45 in Al condition bags windshield buddy seat new Price $450 Must sell Write Roper 205 Workshop 731321 RCEME Camp Borden screens L321 3121212 9321 edition Hills 932p stove John Barr Phone Moonstone SPRUCE MEAD YORKSHIRES Due in Sept and Oct Gilts and boars to months AR backing and show type Ben Steers Bradford Phone dale 133213 DOWLINGMrs MatthewDowl ing wishes to thank the slaffmf the Royal Victoria Hosp1tal many friends and relatives for their thettghtfulness during her recent illness rake $150 732p Bred sows and her Cookstown 65 93233p and immed good working power takeoff potato with transmission Dalmon potato picker bay horse yrs MOOlbs sound First Cooperative Packers Cochrane ring 21 EARLY ONTARIO The first newspaper to he estab lished in Upper Canada was the Gazette which made its appearance in Newark Ont 1793V MH 50 FIGS for Sale weanlings and up bred and open sows al Alltchoice Yorkshire stock Everything eligible for reg SIEIck RR 942 saddle to 75 lbs share in so one boar 05 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 31131145131755 gm 5513123 tires and tubes Phone Stroud istration Frank 1332pV Bartie Phone 807r31 st 37 1Hcy Fever Relief is 1Ptomised Thro 4D Alt Ift tei the sedans are trzps 1l if itt ill 12 Vi H1 1V Idll 1111 1E 31 Hn1 11111 lii VV 1111i 1111 lt1 Hr iiifc plate ilvli Whttr puhwi 41 11m 1lt1111c v11 11d VV wi 11 111111an 211111 11 111 11 4111 11 ii1l1 v11 ll 111 of titl1 11111111 Htl llcl il i1lt11tt We 111x111 in VV it Im 11 11 it Walton It lltil lit111i till 11111111tm1 51 NV 1111 1013111313 hu tvccptitliiv1e xli mm ltltl shrill cllic 111111 Wedding likes mull 16 ilncui 1ch ll11tttltltttl ll 211111111 Iciitiil1 IIWII iilllllt 1191 for itlll 11 cit1x iiillliltit Liituiti it 11 11 Mc llr1 liioiic gt337 27111 MM 11 illlllt zWW1 11V1111H Alicfioi of I111l fuitu 11w illllt to I1e1 Muliixt 11 131 np11li Asa1 tIll ttv twin ionic 51 lots IVVV Shunnm 1111 frat44 liv of l1t1lst11Hiit II IIHIII 11 lieit were 112111111 111l1bli 1171 4p 5311 11ml Lounge of 5717 11 pin it 8111111112 A111 ltllx 01 It 111 c11111p111 which 14111111111111 the Illlllt 31 11 Iilt 11051 Hilltt 111 11 guilllitiliniiuf411 tltttl than 111111t1 11111 lrum 1ii11111ct were 11Ic1 found DIM 4187 111111c1 to Hle 111 it he had 1w 1w ltliltll of tree 111 It int ll llHll lhc nests uc 1111110 Hit 111 1141111 plants and the 1mm ltltllt cotton Vllillllllll While pm 1111511 lint 15 readzly found 111 121 11 1111111151111similarconil llill buds tliev can be located 11 111111 of lltllll lle lilth annual llubbert picnil 11 1t Spruiuwntcr PurkV July this lilllllltil from Lindsay 32111111 lliointon lrcufel 11nd Vl OI ltlSNOIlN AVI IOIONO 11 lt 11 11 Ill 1111 but wanE PRONn lest distance Murray llublerti Sports wprc arranqu by RalphlE overseas lhe date for the 1948 rcl 1001118 tax forms Weekly or Monthly In she dwells with Christ above Campbell who passed away unctcry Inuigflfllldliillt 11119 1933 ST Your presence is ever near us lYour love remains with us yet DDDOSltC COIIICI You were the kind of father KS Yrilll loved ones would never forget AAAAA lovincly remembered by BARRIE 1121 Wife and Family Iean their To Rent Office Space 211 ft by 21 ft space on second floor Well lighted Tnewly decorated heated Most convenient location 30 anlop St Barrie APPLY Mooass SHOE STORE 32p and Wheaties Upfitmiiy Fresh up wirhcrisp cool 7Up the gay Sparkling drink that puts smile on every face Its the happy bubblingontlietongue fresh up that relieves thinrand Iicns spirits any time any place 321 32b 32b