Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1947, p. 9

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IIilf ISSUE 11111 HE 7725 Avlr F11 pies JIil Co Ii BARRIEJ 71111 EARREEIDNTARIO CANADA trainer1v 1111 11 HEAVY 1111111 131113111 LOSS 1111 131101 ROXI HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE KEEP COOL AT THE DELIGHTFULLY TIONED ROXY 110 Wimp AIR CONDI THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ONIINIOIS SHOW 51T 31111 131 111 lierrier 1111 rnr lie 111111111 VAN JUNE 118011 Van in new and different role with the screens most lovable girll 1111 thus lI 111111 fr 11 vilriej 1e 1121 1li 11 111 11 111 tile 11121 one 111111211 ii11 Sunday Rain 112 inches Was Feature of Week 111 Days 0180 or Over 1orr11 11l p117 111111 11111111211 this 111111111wmor tward 11111 the 1111151111 11l14 3112 11111111I1 illevleri 11 1111 the elds Was 111111 111111111 111111 ilol 1111 il I1l1 1111 11 21 11 111w 11111 Iltltl 111111 1111 111 srdeiulile 111 11 1111 rains 1111111 extended the lrriv he 11 1i11u111l1h have 11111 the elleil 111 11111 111 lin ll1tll Ivlrl lotul 1rlllIiil 111 and onehalf infill 1111 1111 of 31x lichen v1 liuul1ie lllllltfi 1111 111111 ill 111 adventure by the authors 01 Mutiny on the Bounty tlri 111llr 3111111151 riouole l1e lul av Slltl1 11111 11111li illIIltld 3131 July Ilre 1111111131111 11 news ulrller 11111 Stanley ireerisladi 111 111 11111 run eldenl on July 111 south of 11111111 Head was thrown Lil Ieet when 1111 111 the car and was dead 1111111 9111 minutes utter lieini struck llamas llCHEli lariiyiMAXllill Eve Shows and 9PM COLOR CARTOON and NEWS STARTS MONDAY ENTIRE WEEK ACCLAIMED BY THE CRITICS laughed and wept and loved itiIouella Parsons Unforgettable entertain ment movie classic Ioollt Magazine The pick of the pictures Jimmy Fidler Movie of the Year Esquire Magazine 11110 rmvusu 11 Till SOLDIERS MEMORIAL will he SUNDAY AIG 10111 11111 at It 111 at the 0110 TOWN HALL The Service will he token 111 IIeron of the Square Ilaplisl linreh Please bring hymn books iIIIIrllll seev Slilltltfl held on Mitchell 21 lluother and sister 1111111 of Murik 11il control lie izrive useful in1 llon Ontario 1111111rlron on Weed spray11111 11111 WWOOCOINIOOOIJOOOJltlllra roollrctrrlrtolcltottelooolltlt SWIM TRUNKS $251 $275 $375 31195 10 $595 11 ei 11 Sluklsr Smallv MCd in LIUEI $110$I351 $195 sound film by the National SPORT SHIRTS ILAIN OII FANCY 3300 10 3895 ODD PANTS Light or dark shades $475 to $1625 118 FOR YOUR VACATION NEEDS MENS BOYS IIAR HI 55 Dunlop St Barrio emmuoW1Icoruuuoommutmit4mottu If 1h 1111 llllllmonulll Asslilil ommomurlno MinelsPtPavilion 1111912111935 Dancing Every Night MATINEE MON and WED 2230 PM EVE srrows 630 and GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT You can keep c001 in bathtub but its much more fun at the new aircendition ed Granada elTHURSDAYV FRIDAY SATURDAY Again For r9953 Popul exaiiders Bagtimellaiid 11111111 1111111 1111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 20111 Contagion COMMENCES MONDAY NI As usual Delaney boat service and Greer bus service from Bayfield St Wharf and Bayfield St Terminal 51111111 and Andrew Cumming members of 830 ltlie Special Agricultural Committee Excellent Floor Danceable Music of the County Council accompanied WWW Mat Sat 230 Eyes RM EMONDAYAUGUST 4th Mat Mon and Wed 230 WWWAeWNomQN COLUMBIA PlCIUllES presents SUGGEST AUG 49 Veteran Speed AS WEED WEEK Boot Driver IN SIMCOE COUNTY Ln littll sirgglslrti Hut 1111 trrlx ul August to in rtii trrix 111 Minter 111111 During this ptIlUll c1111 tarm is bring t111 to Llltt 111ml Iltllt hr 1111 spare to 1121 the peed1 on the roadside adjoin ing his tarru All 111111113 in 111111 11m and tIIlJllII in 1111111111 111 heroine iiir11 Hummus and encourage the drslruelion 111 111 11 These suggestions were made 11 the South Slim11c Agricul tural ornmrttee and 1111 been 111111 endorsed 111 11 Dunn ul iis11111 11111 rrripliill ltaikes oI tlro 1111 inspectors tor Miricoe 1111111 91 111 11 l1 11 1111 5111 13211 at 1n gt11111j to 11111 11111 177111 1111 11 5111 111111 Also for 11 11 111 111 11 111111111 111111111 11111 wr1 1111 11111 11111 11 11m 11 11111 13 111 Mr and Mrs Isaac King linuuall 11v 111 3111 Hosts to South Simcoc 111 131 Illtllr 11m irnitu 111 1111 11111 211111 11111 1111 Inl 11 11 311 l1 1111 1=l 111 14111 nailhip 111 Trimsii It 13 1111 1111 11 re 311 21 ri 111u1i 1W elrrcw 0111 improve lrl 11 Ar 1o 11v1n lnix flu 1111 111 11111 ir l111 1111 111111 lrJ 511112 111111 1111 lllllllll 11f 111 11111111 lt11 Death of John Robertson 111 PM Mil mm SPLENDIDGROWTH1 Faund to Be Accidental 11111 11111111111 11 11 1N0 Blame Against Drivcrl 1111111 1111 111d 1111 crown l11111 1iiluzlit 111 11n1riiiru the tK 1lll1lllll 1111111 111 11o lllll 1l11111 111v 11 on o1 11nd 1uulr1d 111 the driver was 1111 ver 1111111 1li us the 1111111111 511111 111 1111111115 1111 rrirpurinl 11111 111111111 memo 11 1111 1111111 into the death 111 John Robertson Irot Ixeciynr 11f the IItitll ramparmwwyl hm gm 111111 71 111 Ariizus Mr Robertson 1111111111151 51111 liol It lilyl WM 3mm WMW was sliuekhi car driven 11 John 11111 and lill lielelieson of the route to the hospital 11 Harrie 111 115111131riuieulturnl1epiesentulive Harrie on Thursday evening July concise report on his work 111 the district 11111 the problems vhrclr he Snrvivuri Mr Robertson are 1111111 found to date In the matter of lurited support 111 township councils in 111111111115 weed spmylnu equip Inenl 11111 road rnueliinery sub sidy of 551 per cent 1s paid by the All Sizes Film Board on soil conservation was presented itoss Ileattie as 515111111tllllllillllill representalive operated the equipment lunch was served by the Womens As sociation ot Dirukerrori United hureli Iflllllllll Smith president lion thanked the speakers Wil ammo and to the K1111 lamily fEX Ray Keetch of Toronto 1Riding Motor Bicycle Was Seriously Injured Crop improvement Assn 1111 111zml111 1lll it 1111111 dinrrli willie 11111 llIlIllll 11viri1u SUNNIDALE TP TOBACCO FIELDS xvie1 Alter munrun 1111111 11s1111iloe 111 New Iovell on Soils llopuilirniit 211111 iillllllhlt mem 31 July31 lilltlime 111 near Anizus about 11311 Dunn veed rnspeeloi ior 3111111131RH rmxupuiy pm June 17 lie died llll en 3111111112 tlt llllltllllltlli by 5pp111 1mm 11 undylianipl 111li lie explained 1111 1111 11 an lllliltliirlltt Ihe llltllllSl was 11 11 Drum l1l irispeelor 11ve11mW lms mm 1m imp shown 111111111 growth 11 lze 11 lenL11h 111 lune 111111 11 olde ev i1llgtlll11 2111l All 1111 111111111111 of rieriliile and Charles Todd iepreserrtnivel fred Davis vicepresident voiced thanks to the Worryerrs Association 1810 Clubs journeyed to the Col loge in six busscs from several points throughout the County Club leaders and Donald Broer the boys and girls STRAIGHT ADMISSION Following dinner in Creelman Hall Prof Knox head of the lAnimal Husbandry Department and members of his department furnished the party with splendid reviEw ethic College livestock which was followed by judging competition The Juniors judged Civic Holiday 11 At threepm tlreparty inspect Inaccordance with the resolution duly passed by the 8d me experimental 110 at he Mulcaster St College Prof Laughland and Council of the Town of Barrie on the 21st day of July Huntch of the Field Husbandry 19471 do hereby proclaim Departmentled the group to see th11fe MONDAYAUGUST 41947 neiiiiiwiihtheTitleldialceZ agricultural research relative 101 field crops AS CIVIC HOLIDAY 11391991dliiiftitmtttrilz le THE TOWN or BARBIE and do call upon all citizens to observe it accordingly Dated at Barrie this 22nd day of July 1947 from the County Councilhelped GK MAYoRr materially to finance the tour Mayor Waterloo Potato Farm near Hes paler which is under the superl SUNDAYMIDNJGHLAUGUST3 STARTINGAT 1205 AM COUCHICHING PARKI PAVILION rower ASTORY mewcome RKSwimEVELl ltEES A156 DANCING WEDNESDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 01 r1 pressed appreciation of the hospij taiity given to the club membersl of Simcoc Coiinty special grant After supper the party visited the DEMONSTRATION or AQUAPLANING AT NOON SATURDAY Ilie cariyMlnals 11 the 11 calla 1111 81111111 will hr lllrlll rd in the Irliillg lrIIiIIIIIJlilr ol Norma 1111111111 111 liftiniIle LYIISI oi disliinlrun IIgtli in 130 Iiufsepulser 11111 1111111 111 Don Hunter 111 rillrs 1gtr 1111 11111 tirgin Iirl itlllilli1l 111111 11 15 11111111 31111 1111 111117 liirilc 1111111 1111111 11clorr 131 Iiexatla nllllnilltt Iiclnre 1111 111 11 1111411111 as star ptlIulIlltl in the 4113111111 32111111141 lhitiilni1 and since then has Ltd 1111 siderahlc tours in lnilerl V111 Iler Itllllllhitdililll will include hulroplaninx suit rldriix 11111 litr skiing 11 11111 ltl 1111121311 11 lv 111 oi1n 1111i lie 111 111 Norrimn 311111111 wire 111 Dr lreil 111113 lit1e 211111 11 Marvin of the pulllrerljs 111211111 lruru ilil1lie1 11111111111 of 151111s1 trlllt11 IlltlttSSlTlll 11Iir1l While 111 Simcoc they travelled with Cliff 11d1 Morrow 15 llllltlllllllill representative and George Dull ol New nusell xvivi is tnnuilzir 1111 the 1130 1111 11 tobacco fields 111 that distrie Iletore leaving Sinreue 1111 11111111 Dr Macllae declared that 3111111 irrn authorities this year were not advocating the 11111111111 of primer 1111111 UnilCd States as 111 former years However tolureco 11er will be permitted to apply 1111 1111 ers to come from Iltltlss luef border Applltilllllll for 1TllC icnced eurcrs may he placed With the agricultural ltlDlQSOllllllVl or 1111 the national employment ol 11cc MOIKIEUH JUIN 131 Will 101114 10 vision of the Ontario Auricullurali membcrcd by Simcoc County boys collage on returning 1110 and girls who participated in OAC campusv softball gym WES tour to the Ontario Agricultural held arm which the mm 10 College Guelph Some 2111 members from the var ious clubs including Calf Clubs proger were made Swrrie Clubs Grain Clubs and Po for home Arrangements for the College with Toltori of the Department of Public Relations QAC and the group was in charge of Lashley and Cliff Morrow Departments of AizTi culture Alliston and Barrie News items are appreciated SALVAGE Collection AUG All area east of and including Magazines hooks papers cloth rags and fats stilli urgently needed Anyone anywhere having large quantity mayphonc 2228 for special pick up on Tuesday or Friday ALLI ORILLIA each Week ARCH HUDSON Prop Night NER Section Zwrrches to 16 5W IMPERIAL 111 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BR AND NEW PICTURES PIGGY 5111911111 10111 10110011 A3111 UH MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY WWWW 3511117 lt vengeance11111111111101 OGAR 111C UURROUOHS Mame gel 115 amen WitRegs 111111111 1111311111111 101111111 11 RI rum by $01 1E3 run1 11m mayv4 ionno in hut 1w vn 1111 Luv llllllllllltlllltlttItIOIOIIIIIIIIOIIIOIIlllllllllOOOIIlo Lions Carnival POST OFFICE SQUARE gt Final Nights Tgllight and Friday BIGGER and BETTER Than Ever Fun for Everyone WATCH FoR BALLOONS quoummrmuoeowuuom mlurt INOW CEDAR 11111101111 BEACH PAVILON Alconia Beach0pp Innisfil Natural Park DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Featuring plierd and his 9PieceBanii vocals by PENNA MUSIC STYLED DIFFERENILY FOR YOUR DANCING PIII IITNEY DANCING INGV Dori She 11th PRIZES 000 IIOIOI II PIOJIINOIW sear DANC mwmtom NMMqunevtdomoroonoortaioNIO AOONNooNuml STONCENIENNI Js1+ AL Saturday stingray Monday Tuesday AUGUST SaturdayOld Boys and Girls Reunion SundayDedication of Canadian Legion Memorial pm Sacred Concert in the evening MondayDay of Sports Fireworks at Night Tuesday Old Time Jamboree Horse Racing Fireworks at Cairn at 12

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