LOBLAW WIN LED BY BETTY SMITH 1311 AT MINES SOUTH SIMCOE PLAYOFF GAMES ARE ANNOUNCED SIRIIUD DEFEA me UTOPIA 62 ennui GAME ill EPIExHIifii l7 HAITI IF Canadian Open Golf Champion 1x lr ll tr Concrete Work II Guaranteed It gt viliu lt llllllrllqllll CUl Alltll ltlll VI lull lri ii le lllili MW In it who iutiii ln r1 TIT ono Sllltt oi plioiir lfl Hill irl nan lull illvl Li he Barrie lllying Club inVIte you if jj Ia to join lllllll on ltrInlltxat Night to liltoii Airport IIlil ini Mir on Slilltlll iul It llwlilli is iou Ixroitiiiiiox 1m Itlzlts 31351 ii In Lilllm lll llHtllllllltll tllll ls spree is limited Lil liili ii 31w lid gill li WAlllllCllMlNCE VTiii Wu no iitgtl lxiillii ILYING INSIRUCIOR iLOCAL JUVENILE in Watch lhiSSpoce for further 30l lilii lvgt li lxlu 17 Phil ACllVilieg rm til lzi tltllli tin llgti liwi hiliiii hi illiltii You Will be sorry if you miss them linvfllm WMMQmM llst liultiinAHuiirnn litiiili pi 3Day Show at 7SUTT0N HORSE snow AND FAIR Three Full Days of Exhibits lumping Races Three Full Eveningsoi Enter tainment IS Fun ll llttlll ltAtlm 4ll1llblltliASllS llAtll lh llll SAT lllllltSllAY SlllllY Sllllilll l1t ll liliiilr Slimti llllllSl Nltilll Zllmj filltY iid GAMES Illloys DISPLAYS llCMlNIlliAllthS llllltithi l1 lltlllSll llhllthl or SIAlil llllilS lhll GRAN STAND tllll hill SAI IlllllS ThurFriSal Aug789 Adults 35cChild ISCMAutO Adm 35c lilt ii on Steel 303 R399 Jr FROM TheAir Aug PHONE 3498 FOR RESERVATIONS BARBIE AIRPORT BORN lN THE YEAR oi ti 1887 the Empire celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria In the same year theManufactured life Insurance Compony was incorporated by an Act of the Parliamentof Canada The company was bornin an age of peace and growing prosperity The world was then0nthe threshold of great Technical andiscicntic Rchieveiiieiifbut no one visualized the turbulent times of war and economic stresswhich lay ahead The sixty years which haveelapsed have witnessed severely testing times for any life insurance institution but innits Diamond Jubileeear ihe Manu fecturers Life looks back upon an unbroken recordof growth and increasing nancial strength THE conrnnv insuIiANcE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANAoA BRANCH OFFICE 70A DUNLOP ST TOMLINSON CLU BRANCH MANAGER gt District Representatives OLA ANDERSON l887iDlAMOND JUBlLEE YEAR1947 Fa WALKER pair in the seventh to complete llll2tlltll pliiyotls lll continente it ilin liiirulluzul Ilirlx liidir ltinilit when the llilirn lioys ploy ilol to Allitoii in thin IpieiiouS encounter on tVlllllllltrlli lflllit tln llilxlitll cr lltilitl ltlwl lll till llh ltll lull llll lHittite mum in xiiixioir to opeul the seinitinol itlltn llll lll lliti htteiliiHiiiiroe ltitlill wh tIliyldeil into two groups inil llt tIlllll liist poxilioii iii ttltllllt Stllltl lilillt lll this group went ii lltlllllllllis Mills while triiinoie illl ished llllltl ind hintinliehl toiuliil III the other azroup ljltiretl eoppull tht lllllllv honors while 1lllllltlll Itillllt Stttilltlgtllllltl lleetoii third Ull NH Barrie and Albumin Will ploy best of three Lillllt Stlltr lll omg lmenufinal lniieket while Everett tllltl lloriiintzs Mills will tnnple in lthe other Sclto The Winners of ttltll scrim will then play for the league tliiiniiponship While the DuileriiiSinieoe ltlllll is not ufiiliziled withthe IlA the liiiirie club llftf entered the Ontario pliiydowizs lll the luv lyenile rluss Sllttlltivltlllll lltls bieli rounded out lllfl the lmys hope mod lioini iirl lininis and Bill lliltlll hove been doing the lituliiir leltl hone turned ll some reiniirklilile purines liiitl Mewr thc czilehti power hitter itlltl llllS lllltl llltlll llltlll one intone out of the fire Jiinniy Stizithiin Bruce Kerr lilf hitAr lhur tllltl Don Simmons round out the infield while Dunn lolnnil leiiy Lougglieed lolinny lelti lllltl llltllll livero guard the lllllti garden Starting from scruteh the boys have lllilllillitftl to net lilllltll new uniforms and have high lioper of financing themselves for the rut of the Seiison ALLISTON IUVES only ttrlllllitl lliuii llll llii iie TROUNCE BARBIE In In exhibition juvonile base ball game at the Agricultural Park on Friday night the Alliston ju veniles polished off the Barrie boys 104 Both teams play regularly iiil the South Sirncoe Juvenile Buse ball League but are in different sections and when the playoffs ar rive they may be drawn against each other For five innings the teams bat tled oneven grounds and Barrie nursed 43leud going into the sixth Then the roof fell in and Alliston pounded over five runs before Barrie could smother the fire The winners added another 104 EXHIBITION their total Alliston attack with tv0 runs each McAithur Kerr Meger and Emms scored for Barrie llll liilt XVII llitllttlti Lilii dilillll loi SiiiIlIinin liiiii izitiilt liilte Sinipsuii uitll Jillll llltliillti platted tiltu inilli llze tliziiiepiom ititl ll Knuth ieii lllllrl tlltill for Wonder Viilloy SlliiNlY HAY Lon Sunderon fiiii lltlltlgt linii ruwtoid 3h lloiiithy lilllllm 31 Joyce Slillllhtlll Illa toiol lutliiiril ll llii lorrenli Lorraine Simpson cf luue lli il il WONDER Vzlll Mort lunch ltlu illiyvr My SunniJill More in ion lunch 51 liiiinces ltrniey SS lluris lliclilun ct lleriiue iildwell nei ll gENTER ONTARIO GIRLS PLAYDOWNS llii lluirie lliilltllltlil will entry lln lliuiie hopes into the Provincial loiutur Sottbull Union play down for the hituiio tllllllllllllll ship much stronger iiimeiziition ousted by thilliii in thi flint iouiid in lililti llii llillllllltlh hope it pm if long way in lllt pliiytthllS To help gaiun revenue the team lfi point to hold ii draw for Ii two toiie lllllllill iudio llClitlH for the drnw may he obtained from lillllllllt of the team Aieliie llionipszon the mentor ol the llinnblers expects to field Ii contending tennl In Etlitli Hurt and Dorothy Miller the lliiiiililers have two fine pitchers Ann Mill er and lioliin Lennoxr will share the lllLllllll duties lefore routine to Biirrie Robin played 21 lot of softball with some Outstanding itllllltl in Toronto Palm Moorhouse Mickey Kzish her and Fran Brunet will hold clowntliETThSt ljzisc posit ion while Lois Allsopp will guard the second base Hezivy hitting Dot Knapp and Rita Jones piliy shortstop and Ethel Chuppel performs tittliird In the outfield are Home KcyDoris Garvin and Dorian Parker Couch Thompson stated that there are several other girls in town cap able of limiting the team but no regrets tlizit only 15 pluycrs Ciinrbe signed and these girls will carry Alton Turple and Enlist led the the Barrie colors for 1917 Complete sports coverage in the Examiner 109 Minncnmso EWY Sunday and Wednesday Return INCLUDING BUScmd STEAMER FARE and TAX SUNDAYS 720 am DST Busss Leave Barrie WEDNESDAYS 650 am DST RETURN SERVICE DIRECT FROM THE DOCKS TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT BARRIE BUS TERMNAL PHONE 3162 each limes yell it Shout Hm oil Fitll ll illtlll il ll lloi i5 lllt ltllll illltlll iii llutli lliilihii llt blurIv Joyce litllitllllll it lle Slilll ieiti who trlti illl Vlilei REG ROACH WON SECOND lN 440 AT EDMONTON Iii III ii If Itl ltl lltll ll=v Ill lloitlii Ill illll llllilil ltlil Lu vt liluioiiiui lunch on ii ill iiiid it of lot tl lluiiiil 1lll the in ut IHIII tr t2liti ol the llmollliili ll ttllllltl ltltllil pine in lill iilt Ili ILMIV LL llll ll luii id tlil lllllltl mim iiozii llitHl Itlll it lll trill iltu l1l llv llulii1iiiiilatrliilu ll to tll Itllltl plur lll ll tine win in iieir iimrd tliir itithi lltlllll tl tlltJ ll iiiiiltlli xllttHllt lni lttl only Illlllllltl lll third 110 III IiiiipilitliJI lllllllt vttl ll1ll 1lllt lit ulnle llit ltltlllll Spoil loi ll lll um int tlii tum llolll llze liiiu Iiiii iiii tilltl llnllll tllell Miitil on lill lliZ in rhoile outi Slim5w Sottlmll Pinyin liiivLoiii Sioziil llllilllll l$ieliil Elii liltili iii SAllllll fnil luiuil Speed lloiit liegzittii lliot lnzlw 1USDAliiteruietliiite Sottbiill lll it 1iitu illimnw ll SHAY Senior Snitlmll NH il lllgtlill Monti il lll iluii is COOKSTOWN WIN 341 FROM MOUNT EPLEASANT FIIIDAY LJ rmt CENTRAL ORO ELM in lw ll llllttttui liiiptpl llllll Iihs lllll lt pileiitoili lull luiii lilui Jul if and the lilllllthltl woii the rliuiipiiiliip tilltl tin1 piin by 11 to 11 lolli twouul hoii lb ltlll In the ills loin lt ltJlllll and not lllllll illl rlelid lll11ll Hhu tAbout thei tlii iiiuitr llu ititlli l1illli PM it if ii Monti tltl out llllll iiij liltll Ili llll IIlll ttilllt1 llie litIllt qIllil txuiiI ft llllmut Tlfm illuh ll iiin iii the iviith with tour LM hill mt ll tli1 ill4 llllllrll IlllfllllltlIlllillnl Tlllhl uiii ti lith gun iiiriii to which IlllllJil is Iiiritirl tilljill liliilittlrl Mix Iiiiiet ltliidford lltll4ll eiruiyvtl tltlltltl to lill liUrlllllllllf in opening llll low till home tol cllllllollroIIIIIOOIltrOlolI llll lilltl tlieii lift llllillll to ljllllLri til it plvpnluli loz spirit Iini 4liill1l lllll1t Iiii lil iliv mil Il ill 30000 lsliinil Cruise Daily leitring Midland pm returning 030 DJ vltllltstlllXS two ships op eiute on this tllllH Pfiifll EllTEEN it Vi lll ii ii Ni in MORRISON MOTORS li intoiimi rm ii ii it1 lh gt1 Li IAWHWHAArwm ii r01alelIIIrlllloaotlltltlrcIlrcolrlolllllltralrleltiewtrlllo llldOW Shadeg lath oi lllloll lllltrw lo viii lew iiii or lllllti lltltlt ii It tiiil iiu 1i lilill lllll uili Irl Barrie Tent df Awning Co rt ltloNtovooov oooooooowooevoovtowooooooo f1 34 Boyheld St Phone Home 4314 in 1111 1le Ilvlv talllooilollollolaloollloartlotrtlcltiolctloIlrlollltllrlyipr tni oi il Ci lilLl iLzuuiiH II ill lgtilll il ill Will lEi it ll li lnll fllllllilln lrl lllill llr ei 1lltllll iiirli nlvtmli illlll li ll Lil li NI li Ruth llililuii ti ll itil mi iinl llll1$llli Hilly lilililiull In ttn riliilii llvnozinl lln pllil llllil liltlllt ll ltltltl lliitlttl um when llllll flitlltli lililll lii iiilluiil l11llllllp tutniglniiliwl 1H in the ttteiiirien llllll giiiiii Hi It llp lZI Sllllll li Silllitl l1 by the delightful ftllt by uh an liturty voti Hi lllltllliu Mm leluey tor llllS inczision Whether your guests tromber two or twentywlietlier their age is three or thirty the think they oil 44 MILE love for its cool ho flavor is thirst Allll5 Sldillt HAWKS 50 quenching ClllULlO Dry Buy some now MIRIt of Me in iigiiii letter the fwtltltllV til lllt Untiirio Hurling tzwlnlillllill ilillllillitti tliilttlltlli1 Hlll tilllll piitn loitlo new Itllltl You will find that iiiuii lii lie llrllllll illi tl will lie uiiiiourr Iii elunl will the bond thlt lltl they foii reulh iiiiii llildllxxs Well illllill on livllmlt beenuw we ile lll euriole unit hare Ilt time of writiiip iliout halt the iuiuireil nnount lllttllitl uid Joir pirieinl tune of llitl ltlltlttIi iii lliill Fix it ts yo TWO RINIIRID IR HOCKEY Trillion Subscribers 5302115 for Junior hockey gaunt5 in the Barrie Arenii next winter went on sole it lillllllti Electric on lliursdny July 251 In the first three diiys oi Stile more tlizin 200 tickets were Sold and it is expected that close to 700 subscrib eis seats will be taken up The seating capacity of the Arena lllis been remodelled nnd 224 more Stills will ubt available for the en suinp season There are now 142 Seats in tlic Arenn of which 734 org red tsiclesl 330 blues ciidsi and 1538 whites lcorncrsl All seats will be reserved From every indication the Flyers will present zi strong team next IHIISOIT Elevon players from the 4046 squad will let returning whilel +33 to 40 players will participate ingt rthertraining session lit the Arena CNR DEFAULTS TO HARRIS MOTORS pRYSONSIpiIICAF Both senior softball games sched tiled for Tuesday night were de faulted At ShearParkcm fail ed to round but team zde Harris Motors gained the win by default and thereby moved into first place tie with the Railronders Ken Guilfoyle who has been pitching in PcteibOIougli fill season and is now home on holidays pitched icouple of innings for the Allandale crew Gilly has developed new change Of pace ball during the sum lmer and had it vorloing to good ef fect At Camp Borden the Prysons nggregation showed but seven play ersth RCAF were awarded the grime friendly exhibition game was played which ended in 66 tie which will beginion Sept 15 This Week Bare ye Hocky Club iSubsori IA Emms Electric 47 Elizab $100 per seat White Seats corner only 756 Blue Seats Ends only 75c per Scat Last years Subscribers seats will be held until August 16 iliiitlziy illll Wednesday pin ietuiiilhg illllttS front Parry Sound lollollll noon includes All Sailings Standard Time TOURIST COMPANY MIDLAND LTD in Worjpwlckw dLmd IllrlIldblllllllilllOleNldl lilti Midliind tixiily except H9 111 3930 titre meals and Stateroom GEORGIAN BAY ICU8 NOT BUT NEXT WEEK Junior AT bers Seatsfork194i7v 194S ONSALENOWTIT at St4 The follbwing conditionsfor the seasbns ticketswill prevail Red Suits sides only deposit of $200 for Red seats $150 for Blue or White will be required for each seat chosen under the plan Deposit Will pay for seats forlast twohome games providing Subscriber has picki ed up or paid for his tickets for all previous home games or will be applied as pay merit for tickets not claimed by Subscriber duriiig season atrateof $100 per seatfor Red Seats per game or 75c per seafor Blue Or White per game If one prior game missed balance left On deposit will pay for seat or seats for last game only mi