PACE SIX PLAYGROUND PICTURE INNISFlL NOTES Ilulltlail lLi ll litrlil Hill Illlzi lriilirs thlll Illliul illici Illiy lils Llll lo Iflli tcc IllI Iiiii Ill ll RUillxlfhi lint llll WICK EEJ FM PAIN lTl lIIIJtlll lirinlIil llinslinus liiii cl limit1 Ncu eds llocr llll honor lznl ilrs lleleii llciollion ll ll lilils lehllr xHIIIII line llilni Ali Aled young couple cic i=llllirl rilllilvll lolllll llllci SPRAYERS AND DUSTERS Ill lliii Slutty ltl Iil null prc of nibrel very present llllllll ui sit Ilcil lnll ldlzl lrl duneini llic Ill Hitill Iiilillcti fllii lll chilli iiEtsiciiic iltll ieri tllll ll Illllll llllll lint BERRY BOXES Fltl lty llCI Blown 880 ttil lltl Illinlop St Iiltlllt int Iln ll unl jlitllli lliloi nnll us lws July ll ltli is home for lrel sczilnll lid Zillii li lit lltli lll Illic do Illlllli lii Zilllillllil Toronto liolne Ctllll1l IIS Ill liilli Winilnei lurnnlo clullinfu week ll olcs tnnplicll lizltlilts one Iillli null illulll tinyl lluirlc dny Jezin lliclizirdsiln iiil li of llirie spent the Sllrtlb llniison hos returned to hei llrudford lluiuht Cox cislci Ill ll liiillil lcl on lniymfl tors zillci tl Mrs NIIllllill llll visited ll ilrs lllts liliflTuy loilll rcd ole bus the cement loun cit no for his new ll2llil The expected itli llili of weeks lcd from friends li mnlw llurlilll Jones lr lllllllf loi until liollrniet itllll right renters 21ll lloitiin lnil Mrs Gordon locli lei Tillss Minx lllililt lnd Vlrs II Murlin nnd llnn IV have moved to their hoinl lll the llluve Ilill irc no lnisy do lliJ Hiiiil building Mrs liirle llcc lillli spent Pomy lIIlllil lelurnelll Ll hero The MS liltllli on Jul good Lilliintincc of memberit Iitors irun pnpcr ll lll oninco utter Sunday Wilson rontli Mr and Mrs toles Mr ind llrs ll Knunp und son llurric Sunduy All Wilsons Miss nd home iioliduy lrziuley illcr of Arnslcin Willi Anion Quillo llllls lr her linsliunrl und liltllilil were dii lll hurl isilid oil unll LIth Anudell llitll 00sui00il LICENSED AUCTloilIilili EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN For Successful Sale of Household Furniture lillliilt to loronto lltci Ili his iulrents hl Illlli honc ilttr lrunk iribiicn lind ond duuuliter Ullnn lionzc ltic Inuruin und oliilI iefilr iIlL lriin the How WIN Iniui clil to hold Sole the iiellr future tltlltl of home coolzinir in ind liouu Itenilnillii llll IisilTyitli ilrs Silndu Aiiios children turned to linrrie lfter VlSliIllL Mr llerthelotle Win Dunn lust ycek with Mr and Mrs Russell Arkwy Ilillsdule Mrs Mulligan liid Nlr nd Mrs Lcn Nlrsl mnsl with Mrs Mrs Mueford and two lire Slitlldlllt lllli Denney Mrs visiting Kiernzln Most Iill the on Sutumlziy to celebrate it of IlllV in IilllilO Mr lllll Mrs Mooney Siliirlllf Mi ind Mrs Wl Mooncy Miss Norilie lilliot tendingr summer school her home here Beyer returned spend foriiiers Ilillllllllll Sounders Mrs duuglilcr ill5c fiillr turned the July it it Mr und Mrs Jus Wull Montreal ire holiduy here Ihi irn visitors with friends Wm VpnwlS will tun who is ll spent the McLean uttendczl licer lluinilton Iit nun on Mond Mrs spent lust week ut the runners sister Mrs Jno Cope ilind Farm Stock and Implements PHONE STROUD 23111 weekend Lil Mr and Mrs 10 to their home in lusscx Iltci Bell Dukotu ond week with Cummings ltillelits mid family llensseluers NY znid Cummings holidaying with their parents Dr and Mrs Cummings Iil lIzilibuiton The United WMS met on July lOthwt ers Cardie McLeans with the members of Beeton Auxiliury ts very interesting and was supplied several ladies tak business of the ittended to where over the and Mrs Ken Hurley Oltziwzi In House 18 0mm On Blake Shoot the lunchon andlhe Shanty us gues instructive program by the visitors ingpzirt After th Auxiliary was all gathered on the low time was lunch Next meeting will prob ably boat Mrs McLeans cot age rHA whome social spent of Highway 11 Bay Road Doans KidneysPillsaL Help Back Ailments Backaclie is frequently causedby disorders of the kidneys ently if youlsuffer from backache Kidney Iillsmay be helpful Because of their stimulat ziiid uri Kidney Pillsl ROOM gt AND SNACKWBARiAi DINING meanest 830 to 930 am Noon Dinner 12 to pm Evening Dinner from 530 to 8pm Conse our to you action on tlielddiicys nary passages Donn assist in the elimination of wastes from the body Safe dependable and quickacting Donns Kidney lills can be used by both young mid old Backuoho and rheumatic pains us well as minor urinary and bladder ailments may be quickly relieved by tliip time proven treatment Sold at all drug stores In mm 00 Mm on Eor Reservations Dial Barrie 2243 Cabins and lodge Room by the Dory or Week BETHESDA EI Please lllr Driver Dont Forget Us 741 Aill Iiil llr It gtgtj at And loll rli lEi il right lit Ii ln lcl Iul unit In nib IIlil doni put liin lizi ll Iul lot itii kiwi It ill urcu Ilill lilll will Ii ill Itll lmmwr mu itv in Ill mom rid lunln in ml mu ll lixiluJ in rilllllliir Itl put you d1 Luii SARIEANT INSURANCE lltl lllliiliip St Burrit loo MILE CRUISE of Muskoka Lakes Every Sunday and Wednesday 405 Return le= Anl lililliDlNG BUS and STEAI ll IAllli ondlAX Bosses Leave Barrio IZDN IISDAYS 50 min DST lllllllilrirl NIIATS Llil DST rl Skill lilllll iiilLi Wllt liI ll tilllllllli llAllltlll BUS lljillMNAl PHONE 3162 Gray Coach Lines Quamm MW LET US RE COVER REEDILD your TI CHESTERFIELD $6950 and PIECES COMPLETE AS Low As Choose the style and Coverinqqlhot you desire Samples on Request PHONE 3600 Terms run he urzihgcd Workinunsliip gllillilllltll ill of town customers please write The Barrie Furniture Hospital PO Box 24 =r5lNCEgl6681 WTT WllmlmltSterIillcsilliiiovistarrrlzit43+lenningiioqliayErmiwgn