Rural School 11 II 1I Kt Nlllll 11 11111 141111 ii El Ii id 1i ll 11 11 1g ll II ss V111 sixxiinii ii i1i1 11 i2 iiigt 1111 glilllIOIII10llIIlllIlIlllll 11 Mild 30000 Island irnise 111111 ltllii Iidliuii pin iriiiriilii 11111 p111 II KIN H155 IIILIIIiIiN Site 11 111111111 ii1 111 fwli 1ll11 111111111 111 1111 ili il 15 NIHL Hit 11 siiii 1111 MIIUIH l111 11111111il 11151 151 ll 811111111 1111 11111111f1 it lIiii 11 11 illillliIlJ 1111 111111 fiiiitiiil full 111 1111111 will 11 lilmdll 1H1 l11111 l1i 11111 1111 woo gzllll ii11i1 1lli ill 111111 llilllil1 foe 1111x114 111111 Saiii 1111111 l1 lit 111 11 11l11uii 11 Simli 11113 l11 All 1121111113 14111111111 113111 lmll Ullh MM in Nb 111111111 ll11 191111 lilLllN BA 2E IIIHHIII 1f iI 1111113111311 111131151511 111211111 121111 1111 4111111gs1111 111 f111llr 11l11l ll or 311111131 111 lII if 915 111 11111i1t 1111 1i1Ii11111i1lI Midland Ontario Iimi 1111 1111 111 1111 1111 IOIIIIIOIIlllllllllirlillrl 111 li l11I11 lllll tllt l11i1 1l1izr 111i lwi 11 viii l11ii1I 11 tl11 i1 000 main murmur vuwm 19 ESSENYIAL mounts 7llim you are tired out 1111 cant do 11 good 11l11sv111l1 Neither can exhausted Mill If you ant plenty of best quidiiy 11111 you need to keep your soil fertile by ridding balanced plant foods at the 111111 time Soil testing in experiencedbands indicates how you can make your soil more Illitlllltlliil wry valuable seriiee obtainable from your agrieuliural college or experimental 1111111 1111 cost It 11111 payyou to write the 11111111111111111 of Agriculture litaira about this Planned Saving like planned farming IllilhtS sense Regulardeposits at interest steadily increase like crops in good growing Weather W11 invite you to open an account and ifyoii can use 11 loan for fertilizer or other that illriucrease farni rcvenucconsult our 171111111111 branch manager lBAIIIMOROIITO Incorporateil 1855 Branches HIP47 ALLANDALEF Stevenson Mgr BARRlErn Nettloton Mgrr lt 111 no war Si 101 Halifax l1ii1111i1 111111 lilu li lll 111 1371 1l111 71111111 111137 lii KH 1111 11 l11 111 ll1 li1111 1111 1111111 121 l1111i l11111 1lli 11111 1H1 llllimr 111 lr l11111 l111111 lllll 1111 Ilirl l1 11 June ll111bi liiiillk2 1121111 NS 10ll Iilll Nounn 111 1lpl11l11111I 1111111 1111111 tlii 1111111111 l11tr11111 Itflill l111111 l11l 1ll l11i111l1 i1N1l1lgt 711137 liiilt limullr Illrs lili1l11liI Iltlllllilll lift it 11177 11111111111 1111111111 lililili K1111 1l11lri 11 tlu 1111111 51 111 137 1111 1lli1f 111111 barn il1111111t l1tlllifltti illr l11l MeNabb 1i to loi111 lllgtiitll 1H1 Nlilliil1l toodfellov ill 11 llay 1illius 1111 lSUlilCl ll Nllll l111li11 ANHCN MILLS HIIUI Name 11111111111111 111 111ph1b11111g 1111ltl 11 ll leriIv oir litlllli qutou lit 11111111111111111111111 ll11 il fir li1ll lillt liiHi ilillIi l11i11 lonos leo l1l111111 11 ltlliill 11111 1loil1j Haves Shirley Iiiest Sr 11 lilllii Ilanl1iu lloiiaid Scott Sr 11 Glenn 111111111 tr Nttlllli Hiiitiillrltlllllll Hans Margaret Newton FLORA hllilli lizitliir CROWN HILL Happy Gathering The lovely home of Mr and Mrs las Itix was the scene of happy izatlierinc 1111 Sunday July iii vheii relatives 1111111111111 to meet Mr and Mrs lireiikehunu 111111 illlllltliitl South America Ioiiu 11l of Trinidad Mrs lililllitlliliili daughter of the late Bishop 11111 of Prince 1111111111 111111 1111111111 those present were Mrs llllSillili otI North Bay and Miss liix llzirile aunts and an 111111111 Mr 111x 111 llariie Mrs McMnster 11f 111111vi burst Mr and Mrs Ihoinpsoir and Miss Ihoinpsou 1111 Mrs Muir 11f Ioionto are cousins Ilut it was hail 11nd farewull as Mr and Mrs Brenkehnan had to return to Io ronto the same eveninit They are enroute to England for 11 holiday and to visit his mother but expect to return to iiliiriofor the 1111111111111 of Ridley College where their son is 11 student and to place their lit tle daughter in Bishop Stiaehan School before returniny 111 11111111111 South America BEES FLY PACIFIC Six queen bees valued at $0110 were flown from the University of California at San liraneisco 111 WooliahraSydney New South Wales for experiuieiital breeding purposes says the Australian News During the journey of 31 days the bees were kept within tem peratuie range of 75 to 115 iii111113 Each bee occupied separate compartment in large cardboard box rmM Round Trip Tux Included $5780 Quebec $2775 Subject to Change Tickets and Information at BARBIE PHONE 3162 LIARESABL $4485 Barrie Bus Terminal FAG Ii II 21111132 1111 AllelElQYingaMeai Enhance Your HOLIDAY SNAPWW EXTRAORDINARY from Your Own 91511111 Negative 3111 11 in What titirirlrrtc CD1 11 fir110 JDIICri wrw LARGA PRINTS va 1511 551 1111 by the MIRROR TRll 15I II PROCESr II II If LARCA 1111111 11 II 1114 I11 11 I111 12 11 Gillette Gillette Dirty 1111111 3ix ler 111111 mini 111 rltvuu look 11 111111 7111 IIIIIIFICI i111111 11 1111111 1111 111 IIIIII ihrrr llll oilrit Inutu H111 1111 uliiirn ilniu 8111 blvw Eliilis Gillette Milord RAZOR 1111m111 VA AuIOSIIp Honor 11111 1111111 11 11 111i no citing 1111111111 111 111111 oriiphte wrtli Strop iiumlil dimmi Ml Phi HI li and the nilnlxtfr up iliui 111 i111 11mm rrtiu 111 11111 1111 VIlli illMlL right out of the ehun 11 b111 it but not enough in l1u1l for that How iin 111111 I11i iroumlw 1p 11111 11 11 111111 Iiiiuul D1119 11 girl that 15113011111211 her on the 111111 11111 111 r1 iirrship and make 11 do youll live 1111 111 11 YARDLEYS LAVENDER LOTION 85c150 WOODBURY LOTION 25csoc WIIIII Inned Raspberries MINI bor uni rnpbnrlu 111 the 1111 1111mm lid 2111 1111 tril 1111 how theyre done Heres our 11 1111 and the b111111 hire fl1111 P111 11111 111 111111 them 111 111 Ir 1111111 is 111 111 are plru MENNEN SKIN BRACER 59c119 INCLISH LILAC LOTION 23039 LILAC LOT ION mentholth 18210r 35c WRISLEY SPRUCE LOTION 150 blow 111 REMINCTON TRIPLE 1995 503101 iii11 1111 hoiild driw REMINGTON FOURSOME 2395 20 for 73 11111 11111111 12 for 49 REMINGTON FIVESOME 2495 1010 00 PACKARD ELECTRIC 24o IIIIIIIIfffj GILLETTE inf112A fill the Jar to 11111111111 syrup top invert to 111 11111rt boxes 11 BCHICK COLONEL moo 11f Wlyllyagiil se pint 111 ll CREAM Hilltoiii drill1111 Itnn WILKINSON RAZORS 10c 25c 33 13151t1231112 VALET AUTOSTROP 59c 100 951713131121$31101151112511 EMPIRE MODEL Says Ernest J11r 11 IIIZHR iirezetcr riitm of 11111 111 511 1101 STROP soc100 IT ln wooden one with Razor find Tiiimi rcmcx Sim mi 81 pillictol so b1111 fiu b1 tir 111 IheivJs ili 11i wan MAGIC NIWDIADK 11117111111 WILKINSON RAZOR SIET mml we wiih Rum Strap 3nd Two Bind 600 JOHNSONS BABY WILKINSON SEVEN DAY SET 1929397W1W $321391 3Lmm4 In nicllleplsted are with Ruor Strep and Seven MADE IN ENGLAND 11111 1000 rossetoinu WyykickwownyxyyWA AVQVAWIQ Aiitt New Low Price ANDREWS LIVER SALT Cooling and Refreshing Johnsons Baby Cream 55 Iohnsons Baby Oil 6012 110 VAPINE INHALANT 39114211 151 RAZMAH CAPSULES 50100500 1500100 ASTONE CALRINEX 100500 MISTOL with Ephedrine LIiNTICEN 600 ABUOTTS PHEDRINE iiigrain 20s 45c Vagrain IOOn 105 Vzgrain 20 65 lzgrain IOOsI1GO SUPERIAIHER 3111111111 11111111 1111113111111 1111111113 491 11112111111111 1111111 1911371 HAYTONE 1111111 iiiiImoie iiii lattes PARFINt 16114314011791 LISTEBINE gaitfft 11111111111311 391 991 III TOOTH 1111131 1111111 11111111101111 391791 711512 airwickl 31111111 1111111 111111 4111291 gt Kiliallltlidl Obli IAMBLYN lAlCllM It 210129 inypiiiisn as Whte 11 11 Sweeltegs 11 511am 25c 401 For Relief1 II of Headahes so 1131 we and 119 bottle 1qu Conspoted Toothlng Give Bnbyn Own Tnhleil to quickly brini the relief that encourm Int ful comfort Thor oughly dependable lully zrunhcd tir powder dulml mar 11 MEI BDRACIC ACID FRO II Reg lac 11 Reg 25c 19 Acetophe Compound Tablets crass CORN SALVE 15011 QIIIIIIIIIII 351 751 159 EKEEZQNEL II 452$ BLUEIAY CORN PLASTERS 25 OLYMPENE $011 100 1111111111111 7r Relief of Softer Satori PETROLEUM JELLY Move PENETKINE 69 WHITE 11111 Headaches NUFEETI 25 1I 2030 Eggg Rheumatism SANTAX ff 12 TABog 31 Neuralgia FOOT POWDER 23 111111111 1135011111115 11 YELLOW EL i5cazo 48 11$112 LWt is 315 FREE no DELIVERY Phone2650 11 After hours Energency 01163871 STORE HURSMonu T111511 ThursyFri from 830 830 dnesdcry 830 cr 111 to 1230 pm Saturday 830 am to 1000 pan pen every Sunday 12 to prn to pm