Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1947, p. 10

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liilllftl 1tllt1 111111111 AII1ER BAltl Till 1511111 ON OBITUARY runs 1111111111 minibus It1l III ISIIIIIII1 ENGAGEMENTS farl illitlllllllrlltllllldlllllllllIIIIOOIIIIIIOIIlvlldlt ANNOUNCEMENT to re Closed MOmIays All Day During July and August OPEN WEDNESDAYS ALL DAY In tornnr yum 1111 change ill store hone for 1111 111111 r4flrllllfd rrlraoaooovcooooc CHERRY IIISIUI DOWN CAIJF hot summer months 1r1111lantistliitoly to 1111111 111 Iiillltls 11111 stuff 111 1Ii yillll1111111111111111111111IliitZII SMITH IiIIINIIIItlZ SIUVIIS IAINI 123131 Dunlop St llllllllIllItJIlllllJJlllJIlIIllIllllllllIlllllIIlIIIJlOIll IUII IHICI 1111111 11 11111111 1111 1111 IX111i 111111 111 Phone 4492 iiVlWlsillli 212111 Klll 1111111 111111 111 111 IJKI 01111111111111 fllIlllIlolIlltldllaflllfllf rrrvrr 1117111 11 11 111 i11111 11l1111 1111111141 111111111 111 Parachute Silk for Ladies Underthings Dressiniikcrs 11nd ladies wlto do home sewing will lII I111ll IUtll llm 1mew 11111111 111 1111 1111 111 111111 Snudae with Walnuts 20 LUNCH AT RYSOII Ice Cream Candy 22 ELIZAII IIICALIII HABITS 1111111 11 111111111 3111111idn dieting 11 111 lI11111111 1111lll1 111lli 11111 111111111 lt1 gt111 Mitten 111 11111 I11 1111 iii 1111111111 11111 111m 111 11111111 111 1111 111121111111n 111111oi1 111 111 school 111111111 11111111111111 911 111311 11111 thl 11111 kindly ilwuy lead 111 11111111 111 111111 111111111 111v1 11111 111111 1111 1111lt 111mm 11111111 help 1111 inurest 11111115 1111 1111 gt10 enis he 1111 11111m111 111111111111 1111111111 Arrniie 1111111111 1111111 11111 stipeliilleiuleiit Sunday School 1111 1311 5111 111 111111 111I11 111111y offices in the church was ill elder 111111 111111 11111311 been rolled upon to make decisuins in difficult problems of church him1 111 lle 11nc1nher 111 Kerr 11111131 Ilt dc Al 11111111 of leilectlon 1111 Scottish Rite was tlLllhlllLl of Commission 111 entie Snntor leticlleis Association 1111 18 yeah inrnmn 111 the Alllindlile Y1 111111111 member of 1111 11111 Society llortictiltt1izil Society retirng useless 1111151 gt1111111 11 11141111111 111111 litlllllll our wl1s 111 1111111111111111111111 Llwho point 11111111111 11111111111111 11111111 1111141 1111411111 11111111 CNR TIMETABLE Effective Sunday June 211 19111 tunes Eastern Stzindliid 111 8111 111 N111111 s1111111u I111 11111 1111 1111 1IIlt1 lime 111111 1111 11 1111111 11I1lllll 3111 111 in Al 1111 81111112 12111 His is the x111115 11 least 111111111 Ihut Fill 11111 1I111 11 1111 11151l ificotzt 1111 811 AND CURED MEATS r1511 rowr BRIGII VIIG IIIABIJCS GEO COLES 121 IIIINIAIP PHONE 3214 Member of Barrie Chamber of Commerce lltl111 1111111 111 111111111 11111 1111111111 1111111l 11111111 11 111 111111s 1111 1l111 ET ST 11111111 1111111 11t1e 111111 31111111 mi Wm ONTARIO nosrnAL scuooror NURSING 11111 e1111i1111 Ilogt1111111 1111111 lion 1111111 No 11 Leave Toronto 111111 11n arrive Alllnldale 111111 11111 Barrie To North 1111 1111in ex FRIES 131111111 11111 1111111111 Iitilriilitlllill 1111111 1111511 1ai1111 5111111 1111111 lion iig1iilii 111111n 11111 Itot 1111111111111 11111111 11111 1115111 11111 1111 Sunday N11 715771111v1 Toronto 11115 11 12Ii1 11111 12511 p111 daily except Sunday ln Algonquin Park 1111111151111 day and Saturday Hay 1111 Monday Wednesday and Friday N11 414 111111 Toronto 551 p111 arrive Allandale 1102 11111 Buriie 1117 p111 to Midland daily except Sunday No 47714121111 Toronto 1131 pm arrive Allziudale 120 1iil Barrie 1214 11111 to North Bay aiid Nlt daily No 1ALellve Barrie for Winnipeg and Vancouver No 1111Ileave Tun11110 12210 p111 arrive Allandale 224 11111 Barrit 231 pm for North Bay Saturday only love parachute silk for linings 11111in under 11111 things childrens shorts mens pyjamas Ilere rIVr Allondule Bulllt 11 1111111 mks is 21 specier uttering ofwholeparachutes1111llwitli 11l2 secretory 1113111111 Thurs 111111111111111 1o $181111 13 11111111111 yards of finest silk Fill ill the coupon and today1711 unusually rare offer will not last long Pentecostal Full Gospel Tabernacle 111 111111111 St 511111111111 lilley write $11111riiit1ilrni1t of Nurses Ol1HIO IIOSIIIAI IOlttlO Collier St Baptist Churchi Independent ItlV MITCHELL Mini 5411 DAY JULY 11117 BIBLE SCIIOOI CONDIIMNAIIUN lUSIlllCAIION Air Serrne 17121111 lll lllAYlllt AllilYlthL VIMIIIHS cordially welcoine Cross and 1111111 NICW mlptm steri llense send your rcpieseiltuiive to see 1111 111111 Show 5111111111 without any obligation on my 11111 princi Wales from Prince Upon jiiilship School in 11143 he was honored by number of presentations from 1111 neinoers of the leiichers Associa tion 31nd others llis wife tMiss Itany Wicel pre leceased him three years one son Lloyd who has been teaching 19 Stratliroy bert Acting l1 iv ATTENTION Property Burners No 111111111 111111 11I1211ii 11111 111 11111111111110 in your household or 111 111111111311 might mum 111 injury to guest or the public lNiIllANtIl is 1111 only ANSWER if Lawsuit follow tolisult AmOMsoNs INSIII1N1II AGENCY 33 Squds $1201 ll1lli 27 151117 slful 1i Ilvtl11N i1 $11 11 111 37 1111011 SFHUUI Name SIIIlVICE 1ZA1illlSllC 71113111IIN11 Stephen Iilley lllllt11 11111 daily Address 11111 pin 31 lbw in or town Irov 11 11 brothers Herbert and four of Thornton and lercy of Sudbury William of Belleville also teacher survivi of the family There was it large attendance on Monday July 21 for the Iunirlil Avenue Inited Church with the minister lcv Carder in charge Assist 1l was Dr It Sinclair ot Presbyterian close friend of thlKH MAIL TO LAIIK COMPANY 401 Jarvis 141 IOItONlO Vliiiil itillniave Ilainilton 71 l11111 arrive Allandzile 1051 ain Harrie 1053 1111 daily except Sun Oily No Cospel Hall 111 Parkside Drive ION SERVICES Central United Church ind r1531 United Church All Services in Central United SUNDAY school Senior School 11 21111 Ilixixiiiners and Primary lie 11 am MORNING SERVICE llrAIVI EVENING SERVICH liltgliIIILWS 7h LEW IS ISI Mr 1111yl Tufford 151Leave Allandalc 1111 am No 1134111BVC Allandale 815 pm for Colliiigwood and Meaford 113in except Sunday No stirLeave In Cm for Penetang Simdziy No 40Lcave Barrie 453 am Allandule 511 aim arrive Toronto am daily No 427Leave Barrie 757 am Allandale 11115 11171 arrive Torontc 1010 am daily except Sunday No SISLeave Barrie 136 pm Allandale 149 pm arrive Toronto 1135 pm 111in except Sunday irNOfiiLLQNE Barrie 420 pm Allandale 440pm arrive Torontt 11135 pin daily except Sunday No 156Leave Barrie 836 pm Allandale 849 pm arrive Toronto 1055 pm Sunday onlyh No EGOArrive am from Meaford daily except Sunday and Monday 62Arrive SUNDAY JULY 27 11117 ervice held Burton 11 AitlHrez1killg of Bread it IM ASlllldity School 111111 Billlei Class 711111 Gospel Meeting 51 IM Prayer Meeting cleoine seats free no collection 41 Dunlop s1 111111 3735 Allandalo 1045 daily except Road Church W215 Essa who Morrison Interment was in Barrie Union pallbearers lBiaii Cullen Richardson McMillin Pugh and Wm Park Acting owners were Kelccy Bell Geo Morrison Smith Reg Wilson aiid Ross Wilson Floral remembranccs very num aiid beautiful completely lanked the large room where tTie They eloquently cx regret AIKCOIIIO 1011 All 35 INIERNMIONAI we 1110me SERVICE T011115 HARD or 11 EARING By the Worlds Firit and OldeslMarruluclurer of Electrical Hearing Aids Do It on Wan HW If you willwritc us We will go to your llomegive you Hearing Examination and 1111 particulars regarding ACOUSTICON Thisoffer isgood duringr JUNE and VJULY anywhere in SIMCOE COUNTY ACOUSTICON has45 years experience to help YOU Write Today LE COMPANY Honorary enleteiy verc Trinity Anglican Church RECORD CHANGER REV II HOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT Organist Eighth Sunday after Trinity RM 11110 AMHOLY COMMUNION 111111 AidMORNING PRAYER Preacher Rev RA 71111 lMEVENING PRAYER Preacher Rev Jeffares St Andrews Presbyterian ond First130ptist Churches UNION SERVICES AY JULY 27 1947 ll AMeST ANDREWS CHURCH PMFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV JAJMES FERGUSON in charge tSolvOtiO 60 Collier Stu Adjt and Mrs Strachan IOIIS asket rested ressed the high respect and sympathy of many friends relatives and Organizations Reprel sented were Burton Ave United staff of the Prince pupils lcffaies OLDTIMEiMETHODlST 94111191113111 St REV AND MRS CHASE in charge Phone 8111715 Barrie Allandale 750 Church Wales School ichool Barrie Board of Education Centre Simcoe Teachers3 Institute staffs of Victoria and King Ed ward Schools staff of thenBCI Board of Managers of YMCA Assocn of Teachers and Instruc tors of OSD Belleville Lodge Scottish Rite Bodies Bur rie Parks Board staff and students Of Seaforth High School and the Summer School Student Guelph Some Ofyth same Allandale 411 from Meaford Leave 430 pm Arrive Hamilton 820 pm daily except Sunday NO ISOArrive Allandale pm from Meaford Sunday only NO 398Arrive1Allandale pm daily except Sunday from Pene tang Passengers from Vancouver and Winnipeg reach Washago alt440 am and proceed to Barrie by Gray Coach NO pm SUNDAY JULY 27 1947 230 P1VLSUNDAY SCHOOL 1330 PMPREACIIING Crown Hill Church 730 pm Bible Study and Preaching Special Singing All are Welcome lhurs 11 pm Missionary Prayer Meeting Groce Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie Kerr ACOUSTICON DA PO Box 147 Barrie Ont SUND or oAc Use from outef town who attended were Mr and Mrs Morrison and Mr andMis Cookstown GethOns ThorntoniMr andMrs MOrrisOn Miss Isabelle arid Miss Kathleen Morrison lBelleville Morrison PercyMorrison Mrsl somerville7George iMorri on undHVIrS Robertsonfallmofl rrlie Westinghouse 11110 Nothing lse like ithestinghouse Duo combines highfidelity autO matic radiophonograph with tube selfcontained liftLOut radio Balanced speaker builtin antennae Plays 111 or 12 records automatic ally Handsome goldtrimmed ma Parker Mrs Army The JSUNDAL Elgllzli7i SUNDAY11UIZTAA27th ll AleHOLINESSmltIEETING 2311 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL PMSALVATION MEETING SciVICes conducted by the Home League Members Clean hearts are always healing IO AMSunday School Meetihg ll AMBelievers Meeting Friday Aug 151 at Missionary Caldwe speak of the Lords work 111 the Islandof Puerto Rico with inter esting slides on the work there All are cordially invited BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Rev Carder Minister Mr Ray hgan cabinetrSeEund hear this he Westinghouse $13950 WW ANADIAN SSGCIATION PPLIANCE DEALERS Sudbury Mr and Mrs Dickey Toronto Mrrand Mrs Robt Dickey Alliston Mrs Dickey and Mr and Mrs G1 Fauxe Roscmount 11nd Mrs Richardson Peter boroughyMr and Mrs Edwards vHensallLMrand Mrs Morrison Clinton and Mr and Mrs Elliott Varna PLAY AND LEARN new game Eat RightScore High based on Canadas food rules has been produced for use of Ichildren and provides in as well as entertainment Through iprovincial health departments and local health units parents may obtain these cards which will help in teaching chil dren how to choose the right foods sensational achievement Two great instru ments in one for only V1 11 will Mr cquainted with Get New Location MORNING SPECIAL 1151111 MACHINE WAVE 1013350 Camerons Beauty Shop Over Olympia Restaurant PHONE 41114 quic iSee 1111111119 Home Appliance Shop FIVE POINTS Phone 3432 Williams Organist and Choir Leader formation gt 11 THE MINISTER No Evening Service During Julyand Augusti COME BRING YOUR FRIENDS Holly United Church at pm Church Service at pm PepsiCola hits the spot anytime Theres twice its much in the big IZounce bottlel teachers and Barrie NaniCola the registored trade mark In Canada of thePapIiCola Company of Canada LimitsI

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