Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1947, p. 2

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THURSDAY JULY 17 334 1131 TWO Till mono EXAMINER 131mm ONTARIO CANALAW THE 25 iluli ll lll liflNIHV blzji11 1l1ltil liulnc AI 111111411 IUHUHH 11 111ml 11111 iii Hii llli lzolzi 111 111 Hi 11 lAvf illllnifi lldllz liiliili 12111 1111 hlilill 1X 1111 it HHil 11 II VI VV VI lIzVVVr IVVV VI lliill 1Ilillil IV VV IV MAN 53 from the fl ici1iiiioli Lilli ili11l 51111 of 1in III ilil 111111111 LVUIINH iHMr WWI Vv VV I4 IIVI LII VIVIIIIIV up MI 4V W+Amw 1+ VIII1I Im mm 1111 1111 111151 1111i1 11 111 lufflr 111151 Ult lVIVVVVIIVIV VI VIVIVV VIVVVVI VVIV 1V LIIVI Ind II WI WV flmiul ltll lung VV IIII UKHI Siili 111 111115 iilllii l11 3511 111 11 in illl Will llilllllt HUN VIII III lIVIlkIIVI VIII VI IIVI IIIVIIII IV 13111 31 111 II Llll 1111 iild lhlk 11911 ic111 in NJ mu Ijzm Aliil ldVS 111111111 I1I amt 111l1111 11 i1iliiil 11 1151111 IV KINl lien 1111 pap modni 1511111 15i 11 1Il111111 HV r1 1111 lililu 1111 1m VV V1 II Tuuununuuuuranuuuuuuannury 11x VV VI VV III III IIIVII ll xiil 111111 11 lill llilISS II IV II IV XIVI LI HV 1VV A1A11 111 I1L1 11 I1 11111 1111111 i211 1311111 411 11111111u illmlv IV II II 1111 l11 VI VV1V=1AVV VVVIAIIVVlFW it Available 101 1311111 1111 VVVVV VVV VV 1111 111 li 111 illlllllllli 11 111 1111 A111 11 111111l= 211 lliilllli lollm 1111111 III IIII III AI IIVIII II VI III in ill 15 II Lil ll1 iiltililyI IIIVVHIVI 1111 11111 11 11111 13121l llli 119111 pm 11 V11111 11 Irlihnirlrl id ll llllillll W111 illl 1112111 lllgIlr 11111 1111111111 13 co IVVVI VVIIIIVVVVVI VII VVI IVIV IV IV VVI 1V 111 HAIL IV 11 111 1111liil1il 11111114111 1111 3111511 11111111111 rNWHNaIprilllaitilolIlelJlIllIIlllatvldto 111111 iiwrltll 111 11 iv 11112111i111lr 1llili lilrlvlill 111 13 13 1q131Ll 11 Hui Siiiliiin iuiiiiiv lhirls ltlzli ii Flzil li 13 11 1112 11111 111 ii 11111111 1mm W1 1IIIi puma 111ll1v 1111 31 11 111 11 Ii11I Atjilz 1111111 wirli Ilium11 1111 11111 11 111111 111 11111 Linc lt1 1111 5111111 11111111 11 1A 1111 MA 15111 1111 1111 1111 vllllml rm Excess pfOfllS Tax ACT 91 Musx 111113111 11 11 1111 11111111 lk Mai lt 11111111111 111 111 111111113 111111 1111111 lUll 1111111111111111 111 1iI I11 VA II 111 11llll l1 111111 111111 AAA1 1111 111 V1 11 VlAIIIlVA 11 ll 1111 11 mini Standard PrOflfS CIOImS 113 lLllIl Halli 1111111 LivIL 111 11 11 111 111111 Hill lllV ml1 iVmiH 1111111111111 1il him1111 My ml TM 1111111 11 1111 11111 11111119 1111 111 111 11 11111111111111 1111 11111111 11111111 1x11 ml vhllHIII My ll mm Hlmmw Virioii Ii KNiiliii 4W wt 11111111111m 11111 111111111 limoii 12 ii 1111 lam11 1111111111 111111 11111I11111ll 11 lllll 11 1111 1111 11 1111liitlil 111 11115 rally lllllily lzllv ll11k Ward and 111111111 1111 lilm 11 Sillllll 111 11111 1111 11 11 111111111111111111Miiilhiill111111113111 11111 411111112111 111111111l1 111111 111 111 111111115 11llIi 111V1 ltll 11ci lilili1li 111 111111 11111111 11111 Hslil 111m 111 lllil 5111111 111 All IWV MINI IVIII VIIIV MAL mm III 11111111151111 11113111 1111111111111111 11111111 p11 11111111111111 1111 lilll1llill 1121I him mm lIHI II II illllwml 1111111111111111 coininllim IV 111111 1111 111 Iiilli 1411 411113111111 21111 1111 Al II 21 11111 11 1111 11 111 111 11111 11 11 11111111111 11 1W Hill If Hi 719 Ill ImI II 111111 throng111111 111151 your 11111111V 11111111111 11111111 1111r pml MIIWHIIV Tqu Recent amendments to the above Act promlc that all IM lllIII fI llllr ii 1111111un 11111131 Scull dildo standard profits clziiiils must 11c lilcil witll 1c lcplir ill 111 lillkltlim 111 WNWHim 11111 IN MM 11 311 Rlllllllli 11 Kl 1111 is llsil Mic31111 1111111111111 1111II1 1111 111 113 IIVIIIVIIS SIIIIWII IIIII SIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIITVVIVVIIIVIV IIIIVI IIIIIIVIIIVIIIIII IIIIII MIIVII VVIVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVVfVVVVVfVV VIIVIIVV merit of National Rcvcniic before 151 bcptcmllci 1947 liSllllulll lll liin v11 111111 1111121111 piUtiliillMi 111 11111 111sl111 With 11111 if II II II III ll I1 I1 lliVlV mini 11111111111 1111115111111111111111nm All applications are requircd to lie in such form and VV 11411011311111 11 fiV1lilllI liiiilwn ll 1111111 1111 1111y 1111111111 111 Imus III dIIHII IIIIIIIIIIIII mm lllllluul 11 141 lVvlm 111 III IIII IIIVIVII III VVIHIIIOII MIIIIVI WIUI VI IVVVpVV 111 1111 imimmn and yin t1m TIIIIIHIII mm 51m IIIIISIVIIIIII III IIIVI IVVIIVIV II IVIIIIII VIII contVain buCll in OlmthlVon as may in picsclllicil Vliy llic 115 this 1111121 1111 11121111111111 11 11211111111111 1111 VI VVIIV IIIIVIII iiiiliccs 1111 1111 11111511111 bililililir 311 Anderson liixblillliL Edward lImlpS WWW was Minister and the Minister may rqcct 1111 application 11011110 production 111 1111111111 1I Illrillvrs 100 kvvlr 11111111111 hark 111111 m1 limin 111 11111 11llifljr1Iv xlwlull roots or 11111111 rill1111 that is not made in such form or that docs not contain 1111111 11 111111l iltllvlbh 1111111 1111 IIil1cioli Hum many 11111005 1111 11 liusi an and lion111111 111111111111 11111 1111 11an my MIMI mm In 11 111111 1111 IIinii 1111 HHH Hth 1111miimi and mm 111li SUC110nndtloxl UMMLNIOI lllRlill AlAlL 511111 his 10111111110111 pliSiillii AlhuiilziliI 1111 Viilliltitlily mm Ed mnkvrmn hm The cribed forms pl 1rc II D1 Tm CIIIIIIIHI mum III iIImImIHII MI 11 11x il1 111 311111111 1111111111111011 1111111115 111 in in 11111111 Uf MIV IIIIII MISV NIIIIIII um my IIIVI IIVIIIII INVIVVVVVI VVVVVI VIVVV IVVVVVVVVIV ViVVVi 1111 ca 15 IIIVd II QIIIV IIIIV IV gym IIIILI IIIVIIIIIIUWI bIIIIk 1111 1111111111111 111111111131111Li1 iii tly prom1 111111 From 1111 Incillbcrs of his own JuiV 11 A1111 mimr Mil11 1111 WIN Dimmp tIIA II UIIIIE tn 1m Tax 0111665 0f the Domlmon JUVClllllCllt II H111 HIM1 It 111mi 11 momy IJI SullivanIldlf 111 liLtlVlil 11 intmire 111111111 1111 ILillilfl 111 Mr 111111 All 51111 111 funier WWW 11mm 111 illLlllttl 1111 1111111111111111 111111111 1111111V VI II IVIIII IVVV WVVVIVI V1 5mm mm Iium 13 II KIUIIIIIIIIVV All pertinenlnformation rcqllircd on the form must lll Wllllll 15 Worthy 11111115311111 llWllSlll 1H 15 lIltzlihirlnv 1111111 111 11111 11111111 of 1111 111111 1111 volllllslllia 1111 be included orattac116d tllcrcto inschcillllc 101111 lill 11 by Wly 101111 Alilllildlllll T11 111111111 11 ml MMV Nil imwlimmldlllb 1m Ml mi km 1mm mm tatlve or incom lctc forms or illosc 111111 iiltcr 3111 11 511 W1 11 111 112111111 111111111111 ZISSIll Iiiuv 111 Ionicilis 11111 111 1111111111 in 1111 111111i111 11111 l1111l11l 1111111 A11 Illiiiistlng August 1947 Willilot bc occcpicd Ulilk stuff 111 his lr 511 A1 Ulltllml lNUillimlmS 11115 311bll lllll 111111 lldllllxlill 111C 11111111111 9111159 01 LLllllllull silokc Vciv thrill 111 11111 Milli11 Illinllxlcmhlliul 1lii 111111111 11111 11111111111115 mm column 111 11111 liii iltllillltf 11111111121 IS 111 llclp control piiking 5111111111111 coopcmlioil ind vorvicolmfy rim 11 134111 md iimi 111111 who likc illcil lilliHl 11 lllLllltl 1111 111 v1 lthil by Mr Kililhl ll 111111111111115 lm kli 11 ll 11 15111111 1111111 ollliV 111111 11 1111 11111 1y Iii VVVVVI VVVIVIVVV V1 111 ol 1111111 1V 1V conspirators 111 1111 ilihcr cillllllllcs 1llllli 01 11111 111111 1111111 1111 illcllisclvm but plOVldCCl HIl fIIIIIIV III III 114 mm from me me OI II VV VV II ii 10 11 11 111 was lLt Iinll Mrs Eliivk 11 11 lllt RI LVHV Vllh 1111 fl Vthl V1 V3111 1le tthVVVl V11 V1 V1 V011 1V Vlllllel ll llVVWIVVVlSSVV on Sailiidll Juno 28V11 1111 1101110 Sloucvigm mmwn In311111 In BARR ADVANCE MVC 01 lmmlldll fulllllllll 111110111 111m lv Am 1111 11x 11111111 lb clillcllnttl Lllt 14113111915 0f Mr Vlild Mrs Lllarlic Klillllll 19 Iii 1111 13111111 Viitiilliill 511111111 111111 JULY 15V um Jame an 111 and it il1illqllltlliil11 all 1111 mltlflli 111111 1111 51111 1i11111p 1m ppmutmo statement Brock bi 511111 on this occasion 1111 in Si Aluliviys litSlVlIililll Munster of National Revenue upper classigsI is 11 clung11111115 1111121 LllltLlliEliA11114111 mm 1111 Tim11 cilimciiI 511111 statement IIlltllVllllkV 102151 35 Pllbcmcd ChHHh untlvi 1111 llmlrlflllll Bum 1mm Notes 11 105 11 cvcnln 14 11g Ina 111 111g lilc ircc cxmicilcc 111 1111 ClllliitllllllIlil rot111111 Mil llIlllllli AI IE ROI HIIII I1 II r1111 Town 0mm 11mm mail II 111111 iliilii aflild 111 as lion pm 11111 Mums A1 11 MlewI III mm WWI would lXlVJV11 II II II 3111111 I1VIllllm JlIlV 11 L110 lci 11111111111 Mls 1111111111VVVIVIVIVIVVV IVVVVVIVVVIIIIIIdIIIII IIIII $011 it 1115 111 lll My oyn 111 010110 11111 on r11 121 migmg it 01 ll nilmp 10 HUI ll 11111 hum Opy 9f the llillf of the CRN Co the vicepicsi HSUIRIUA MPH INTIIIV Illcil would Wiilt for their lilly iiii 11111551 11 V1 1111111111 111111 1111111111 oi the iorkton Entcr dam Anhm mom prosmncdlMIV III MII IIIIII IV IIIIIIIIIII11VI IIIIVIII 111 11 11mg can in of LilllllWOIlll NO 511ml mlmum 15 XCUNLMH 11ll lls 1111411191 111111011 liczldcfl LCLS go Knight with subslzilltiil cheque i111iv11o 1111i11inlgt111 llllv 11 llllJmmi mmps UWNW mm lt 11L LollLlILill lllt V01 LilllllilclV 1111 111115 1111 Innnnnvntly VIUIIWPGV NV typogrplucm crumpmnch 10 up HIIWV VI VIIIIIIVIIIVVIIV oi iiiViiVV IlVIiV MIEVkuVlcVi cxlscis Couililllnists Lllld their 71111 111 pursuile tllosc SIIIIIIWV In IIUIIIHILW illustmu and com preclililon oi 11151111111 and efficient Born To Mr 111111 Mix1 1111111111 III V1 Im II films 111 so opciily 1111 1111 111111111 that Al 1111111 Hm hum I1 mllnIu10n regarding the SLIIIVMSA IV IV ililliy lollilrolo 11 gt41 rllilligt IIVVIIIEIIIVIV311IQIIIREVlFIVVII VIEW II 1i wii sum usy 11m Vic A1 Worn was $11 111115 bl Pmllllldud 151Hhllm Wm rush111 111111 111 Suslilitrllcwnll and indicates 1115 111111111 lime mix 2111 active 1111131 11151711nll1 mural 11HVLllV1I Mary Boilrchicr 11111111515 Gallium 110 1th lohmal 1111 proicss bring 11111119 T111 EXtllllllelitiX Incinbcr of SLIIGVcoigcs Anglican mum Wm 59mm MW Ban W93 party OI mm mm udmtm should WIVVIVVVIS VVVVIIVVIVIVVVVIVVIIVVIV IV SVVIVI WVVIIIIV IVIIIVIISMII Mm IIIIVdeaS WIIdLII7IiIIIIIIIVV VV uiaVIVIIIVVVVVVV VVlillllil 1111V115111VV111111111 11111111511011 111V VVW ignored Imam Whallmged 111 111 111111 11111111111 yvalls 115 past Mam 0f Km 11th ultrlllhd it lilllll dillllYElls Ylltllrl ilioiilflli 11111111021333 LF ACClliIllli the CVKICHCE is mnnplcux and ab 51 Crowvls Smmduy tlilchlliilils llid three winners ll ll 11 sollltc Limp illc dIlMllclllV corrlnlilill is 1l1 AI LVIIIVIIIII IVVIIIV WIIIIK mo people were In mm 1905 and has also had the VJIIVIVVZVVVlV lLIIVVVISVIVlilVVVI IVIViIrIVVVVVIVVVV IIVVI IVliVng 1113131131 111 $1416 oiVo iiillL RANC PANY the rcvoliiiionnlyViilgeilVto 91 108113 poll1 jilrcil when it transport trailer sideswipcd l1 lfilirefitmia1313x dinner 11 1111111111111 111 11111 Anilch Bgihgym iniIIllg 3803 II that the Omy 05m 15 ommmmmrirllli111111111proccssloil There was Lime 81 81 home 1111 l1w 11111115 3001 chose that they have pronused 10 destroy 0111 1111 It mum 0f the Boald 0f Edmduml th 103111181 111411 111ix 111p II VI III IV es Strife and bloomwd IIIIdwhcn 111111111151 silowoci some IcschLtor Lhe lor six yeaisV He is fond Vol lawn IVIIII IIIUIII TIIIIIIIIO rhIIIIIUIII Imd 101111 jdmd WWI Dub5111 AL Mummy Nowadays it bowling and Is usually up 111 list of Simcoe County Briefs V9 never altered mmrionu Elmvolc announces le appointment of 19y 13 1mm Hmme to See automobiles Showng Vmelh alImany toumamems 10 0F It NI desperate gang of burglars had term program to make Canada itilOtlltlVVLVIVVI IIIy IIVVIIVIIIIIV Orspew Im such Mrs Knight was formerly Miss The LIVV VVVVIVVVI VV IIVV Operated many towns and vi t1 snos Communist biatc 111 which lll lldllldlllclltb V1 C101 mg daughter ofI the late 10 0F 50mg Wmn St Hm lures 1110 followmg Sinicoe II II AblLllLlLlUll ll lilULUHoL Will not come to Mi and Mrs Charles Goring They were Visited New Lowe Cree ClVll Sell100 JlldlCldly llmy MIN mu was the scene of ii 1411111 affair It banker me 11mm lsiop whim 11111111111 cltlILI paSSIng 01 being Val9 1W0 ChlIdlw Mrs 13 And anew IIHIIIIIIUIIII JIIIV 194 mme lencairn Penetang Vlc 12111 Vb mthVu llleiVbiV 1H VllVvI VS 30 Ipmml mp LIImn IIlmum MI least 510W dowmbsonqlggrii EVSIVontVoi and Charles VVVIfVVVV IIVQY IIIIVI RIIbIIkIIh ioria Harbor Goldwater Waubaul ownemy 1310513919115 Mme 11 311110151 21 MIDI Lod es of the dmncl and families 5119110 and Barrie Finally Detec munlst trade union leaders would 2111 be cx wty aPIPOmed Ildllaggl heldg the IIIUIId mmm Wm live Alf Beardsley captured the wr us in Wm termmawd by the Red alcmmrsmu Accorm VI TOVVOVVVO yH canic kfbc ionl IVavIng as VheIVV VVVVVVVIVS VIVe VIVV5I gang Bdme and had them plat ld ii Tlii 1211111 1111101 Situation seems almost as 50 099 ed behind the bars The detective mg to the blueplmtbi 01 an WU Th charge at Hornepalne and Capreol dents 0f Hlme seeing three men on the Mulcaster as 111211er be under Communist dictatorshlpi110101058 My ml Rmmew Mewuly 319 He and Mrs Kytc and family have DDGM COlPS W11 3555 St dock Said he knew may were and soviet police and whole categories of 2110 111131111 WINK 1110320 dtIheI 23ml WltIVh govdef 3ng the VSVVRI IeISIIdencer deISIfglIfIgmwifhc the fellows lie was after though at very leavy lay crop 12111 ommen vaca an distance of 400 ads populauon WOlld be humane the ii rela race for Odd Fellows and Y1 1939 Asmstant to the Presrdent V1 01 15 mg tvI 10 9x138 make he met Constable MCB lid II course of lntegl ung 0111 llfe and BCOIlOIIly V1119 home 1n AllandaleV Rebekahs Elle llllle VtOtSdEDJOYQC proceeded to arrest etild Penn Hunt Four qu red 11m Into Commumst Stale Isa Wt gem 358m representing Beardsley arrested Robinson alias Y1 smithI alias Malone and Me RURAL SWIMMING CLASSES Semi 6f rrrr 13499 shortage is elm mums New mdges 13 or cyl 11 T11 off elze 185 ar en Purely seasonal but much of It lS due to the 39 wars present were PGM HmghEbeganrJEhoathime awayV but he was arrested by TOV Dean Thornliill who represented GMVW MCCEIIIhy of SLV Cat ronto police in Maloneys house next morning His name was Al Apply Nuisance Eeory ex eri nent Stamid on small sea as an fact that farms are permanently undermonn last summer the swimming classes for the rtl ccause 01 desertions to the at 22251112213121223111$iii1fil$31151138iifclimsy 01 mm partly children from all parts of the CountyV liarmcrs cannot compete With factories In Iwide movement against the price HamvrIIPVGVMV EVRobertson murder Maloney and Clark were chocolate bans Behind the siii Binnie Chairman of tile Heine we rates ofwggesholidays with pay fiveday Whlle the on SWImm Wm byUweeks or eighthOIFdaysScicncciwhlchhas SuPposed to be fammar scene on mg mrm done much to advance agricultural condit ihe statistics actuall indicate that the per centage of rural people who learn to swim lslonsr not yet 501V th Problem or tjhe very small In fact the proportion of farmfarmels hm Rm Perl What the people who canswim is considerably less than dusmy requires 15 Pub 1613mm 993 triziiZoftheir city cousins It was on account mem will Wm emphasize the ammcmons Of this condition that Miss Louise Colleyand21nd rewalds of mm th Coiinty Recreation Committec decided on 57 thcprogramfor rural children Ir Whlle swimming classes are something new inlruraerntzario theyhave been received comMUNIsTS THRIVE Quorum by the peopIeOf Slmcoe Countywithoppgeci Finuncial P05 able enthusiasm When the classes were an We dont think enough people are yet evenI hair awoke to the menace of the cancer of communism Board Assembly Prcsident Mrs Aemn Bumstead of Menford As Esembly Secretary vMiss Violet Pearce Toronto also Mrs Bloye and and Mrs Russel Woodruff Toronto dent agiiation is the No Commun ist youth fronirIthe National Fede eration of Labor Youth passerts TheFinancial Post This is the Redvhuod successordo the Canadian Youth Congress which in turn was the successor to bountiful picnic supper under the Cadmium Youm Fedemmy the trees was enjoyed byall the United Youth Federation the Visiting officers wcr introduced LaborIYouvh Federation of Canada by PollL Farker Supt of the and nally roe Youngg Communist Home Brief speeches Were heard VLeague original I017 we whale name Band gave ardclightfulconI bunch cert after supper ando short pro Imgilivmos DVVeViVipleE 1139115522 is grim consisting of vocal and in I0 31211 85 1E Ogslmp 01 Istrumenm numbers from some 0f eomms dolwant re oaverghtcentg Zine Lodges in thedistiict brought for checolain bar1 whichvlt can do mosi enjoyable affair to close nounccd this year there was support volun gweu wwowo with the National teered from several sources Park and beach figoiyy Federgmmr of Labor Youth IVSaV authbrlties made their properties available large Neither was the communist party when it won complwatiedImairer politics and I6 and four sites were selected in different power 111 Russia Neither is the Communist party in 1th applicatmn 19 carryline nlsmme theory anyoi the countries whichin recent mo and sectionsof the County Womens Institutes yeIIIS have fVIHEIIVIIIey to Red Fascism and Red Cross Committees assisted inymaklng there were 10 be arslogan in this ght against 25mm Imp Dates guifi W47 the arrangements in thelocal communities communism it should convey tn thought Uncover sq out and to provide freeliransportationFederation Vexpose 21an spotligthVthVeirPacgviEies So iainiJEVdar fume In of Agriculture members cooperated by bulld We 010 me II IV Newsweek magdllle Round Trip 11ax Included II Datesind stallions for summer mg rafts and hexping fin othgr ways various Our surest weapon is truth The Communists How long could Mother Other lndiVlduals and organizations have 21150 cannot endure the scorching gaze of the public Iobser lcampa for Royal Canadian Mg Ca lent heirencoura ement and su ort vation Their most effective work is carried on ldei adro InIm iiiiii Hotwever the gigeatest responspep has conic runder the cloak of secrecyA Lies anfd deceit are their maize 112111 agilolunoesf 1533511 Vice 311 may nggligggrlpv Tax meluls 20 II principal tools NE trick is to low or themf IMarshay Mimletonw CBEI dd from the children themselves Bays and girls Hoover knows what he is talking am when he OmcVV Commanding CiVVVVVIVVVVVI A1 your Income su any REGINAIVVVVVV 5945 from seven years and up have thronged to points out 11111 the known cardcarrying communist sCommandi windows CALGARY 79 the classes by car and truck and on foot The isnt the only or worst danger The individual whoseE 201 iii Tonontol Squadrons VANCOUN 992 classes have been so large that Mlscholley 111311333th 313533 33113353Igglgnggoygsgggigigcgigggggwmpggggng Subjectiociioiij has mm restraining the group the PM and who rises in its defense and sperm Borden Aug 2111 16 ziimew de Tickets and pm 31me the Water When other groups heads Its campaigns greater menace These are market Squadron Camp Borden on ra ion orma on war their given instruction the communist sympathizers feliow traveirers andmug to 1111142 Mimico Squad 1r1=ii1m mcoe county acumen 15 go be congratw communist stooges IWhelher tbgy be Innocenl 1011 Camp Bordon August 161111301 11 minim irlwlw 1111 ted Von the rst County Otario gullible or Wilful makes little difference because they 112I 180 248 2711 391 I330 3941 T01 further the cause of communism and weaken ronto Squadrons Camp Borden BARBIE pHONEgwg Aug 16 to 30 mploy director of recrgctlon And in Democracy

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