Illlllltllinz lilrx 1747 TH BARRIE EXAMILER BARBIE at WA mM NV PAGE FIFIEEE mnsau IOIBALI FOR SAL PIAan AM meaas IlArrf ut In Luna tumuhlm Intliar thy no unlit hi lacuna rmnnu1 jun mm STATIONARY NGINEER an before mun sl rltilWilli gt1 1r tIIAIItrp 555 cf ahtajz9 M5 mlnlmum 50 III Inuu smors 23a sin 151 Qumd by 23C 73 It bi limber 01 replies directed to this ofce twin WW ii ma 3211 ADDIIIONAI Issmrioxs sank RATES VMrirAI nox plan int FIRMS FOR SALE Cliid Ptarm std 17391 aw V11 LL VVV un1 iih Ins tertifiute butlsfsctory HAY SELELEENG TILE All Les 2427 pennantat position will pleasant orklul tundiiiuns Appiiunt pr1e 3753313 741110 required to do my cunt building malnutrch nrrnury Apply Than BUY Hm CV Sjsh 511 in ptrgon by lettcrauiinx qualifications and sat pttlfd iu ou must Itcludc cash an AP 8113 20 11 0011 gr to turn 51 749 52V1V111==lt=1 tar ALLSUPP minimum VV Vdggirii sViimViViuS Inr are non VWVVVVVVVVR VVVVVV VVVV 1AVVVltgt 15 Ami it HELP WANTED WANTED l1 rtnnrr lttwiitig 11 II smnmrttt zl SHWHviochmm lunnnxlnlmtunmn Vils1AIIORILISUIT size 16 Hrs Mirror IM 11 33 509m St 331 mm mumppry WANTED PERSONAL for 11 ruantttintgma run lilii 313 BARBER EQUIIMENTV 111191th dOltiflLYtIJl ark Ir 11 11V In ruiltll In human 1h In in lnilui II iv mill ll I111it ll lily 37 11 lt VMD 13552 NIliV ind thvitVHH am nnnmnn M6 50 39 Smnill liinnr 1337 i1lliliZf in lipill ltd143 mMl EMTU to liivvnv not UplSl NISII GUITAR for sale 5350 Km 1r 5U Wm 111mm 3303 luppwlun 11111113 will MAJd HI Llrtv HYttfiii lllil AV Int faIIII BUYS BICYCLE wantrii 111 gtrtrl 7101 10 FF ltillrllr1 11V li illlivle 1137v393JP Vi wrx iqumcondition IIIo11ttl0rl 191 for Mm 51y V1VVV 13 1111 1112u1 I=t1 QV VV 11111153 1H 11 11 1km It own A1 All it Hni or homo 10 VIVIHh WANTED for mink focd Other mitt furbhiturcUllhiunlnigl Hint 7H ill rl rl112 1w At Jill irttr givtng particular 1IL711115 15 up 1VV If IVrvitfiirx Ivlp tic1 ii Inyltu rltdhnrst lhmw 80311 71 13V lxt Iuttrvrl tltItntlrtigd Apply1 man 11 V1 in lilll if lltVVlVltiV Mid ME BROWN HOLLAWAY x111111111 1V11V1lill tllil til IAIIIt idli titlla ll Zi liaiilt llrihtiilxlii $991 milr Wm 13 PIER Fm mm STANDARD SEWING MAtIIINI or Without manna tInnnr run on vamc 1utmf1 57 5W Ltd VV to 1111 yptu Hal 31 $111311 vwV 1px 111111111 Va 2H tr 11 Iiilt 11mm will HIII Iii Anni11111 vx 1111 ytIIIIIi Ilox it Ilamc In 98 WblfLfgi ilcncaIrIix till Uhimi 10 balm rH liliwhnb Llh STOLK FOR SALE RUlTb AA LGLLABLES IVqu itVlt Vii 1111 Apply 11le iiilitthi in lrm mtgl ll11l11 V11 nun My HI II Itm My Hint IIIA in11 I111 Kluvitt lint Hwy VV IIlll VIChHltIlAIR111111gttot1i my Itt 11Igt1r ltVinitiw IttiiVsr1VRiVvx c0111 4ttlV111r111lf Mp 51132 Zdrlfn botlrr run Ind hi4 knitlltt PROPERTY FOR l1gtt 23 SWAN tihiiliiTRIlyllffiliRiiit if Unii I341 vi IN Mti itl k1tti rvr 111V 1A MENU LlVid VAN MIMI illiilihlimt 3111301 729 lilititnc grid in LI LU blixlliili whirl in lid My taila units our l1 villil1 MANS 1me or VVVVIVVV in gm mm will ItttVriiItlLS KHVAuzinrlrlw Kiwi imiil VVVVAVVVV VVlleVVViV TV 141 WT will DIM lithium AVNI CAIlII multitan 261 111V1b91h 51 phone ALI STEIII lllll 157x31 WI tliil 1121111w1 111 run In Mm DWI 0051s Ah BOARD 11V VI VV Vm1l VlVllVl lgVfiV lkuiil Iitizl 2990 7291 idfh lurk Willillii in iiWt 11V11ii 1l inmwn 11 1yty11 wig WANT 1VVVV my mm It mitun onnu Hills Apply All snnirr HI wi mm VV lVOMIUITIAHIIj ruminant1mm Apia lilyla 1131 1433l imp WATER TANK with faring rwlixtiunt Wm WM mm Flim or salc 44 McDorIl 31 10 5m WM lmmm Hillukl 3339 ELECTRIC HFHIHHH Ilirll In IHill lililiitlillv lirlL LINN ml leiIIIPIAJ11117l giifllfinhhlhllgl BOARD AND HUD HZ VV IVV VVVVVV VVV VVHV VIVHis italic nah nulls 1111011 lithium moltn Irlllrl ra 4111 VIVVVVV VVV VVVVVI fV1 ttl liox mm WV Emir 11VV11 phony IIHIJ Iol lI le ind 1111513312in 10 Vtiiicty 51107 ullicr SI Dial MANS BICYCLE gogd Irctrvrs and riillili Ilttttllllit Iiainv I111111 II tJt1 Mm 110 INVV or Hr Amity in iiw nn Inn to 191 00 Anni iii own 51 ntwr 310i 111 il1l 1111 for 111111v1liac Win MM old Ava b1 pm 7331 VT 11 11 WW II lAlxl st 141 11 lamp nnrqlll BABY InnKg WAMim SUV 111 1nd INDOW illIHn1k suits 1Il VVVV rViVVVVVVV 1VVIV VVV1VVIV IMF IT Slililt SumI tvaIpIV VVNVVE VVVVVVvVVVVVVVVV DJBDVVV MAN 11 VV VVVVV 1114150 Poultry any quantIty HER iitWVNii for Sale Eight WWII ilmdV 13 viii VIVii i1ii151V11 1V1Vitli 1111 tVIIlvu 1M1 mmm thrown 11 VV11 Witt Wiil 01 111 btztynur Will 0M Frank Perkin ititi VV fli Vim CJM 25 lHIPIL 10 ymm 1111 11 SALE to gnu 1101 111111VqV wiinv Alpptx iii lllti1ilttlhlilvlllifV33113VVIV11EYVVitiitLV Ffinay Built 7291 39 39 Ltit 11 11A1V1x 11 ifVuVlTV Wlrm 11 131111 11 tiittldjltil baInRropc lhlmci Inlung lirlii riimtti Hillth In firth tor I101 gggllV VV 11 iii Min 11511111 7t o1r111 lit gain VVVVVVVV mm SVVVVVVVVVVVV 1V VVVVVVVVV MANS BICYCLE Wm WV I1VIIIRI7 svrovrx I11 mu TJVVVVVVVV VVVEVEVVIV111131V1VVVt111 VIVIVIVIVIVUVIIVxVV VV 11V VVV iVxViniVIVIVVV 51 III HUM 1V lltltVlllljllfl Hm1 111151 1111111 dmpn Apply 14 Owen st Apt ViIiVrfiV 131 ViiijilViViititVV ilVllVV VV 11123 11 NW in llilvli llIAM my 110115th for sole 112 train of lltl urrrnlprrml CC MM Will 720h Vutq it Via111 1111110 golding Apply ll llAItRIIl llltii ttttliliilllliS inn1r Dunno 01111 Apply ODAHON WANTED 390V1I111IIIIINRII IIIIIIIaIIY 21 11 Yoikv Damon 9u291gtlrtoodhmiihrv imor Btontholdmdw lloum 1th 1H truth 51 31m Mmunm 4915 MilD HLMK SIANIEIS lnnt hlnrlr on 1an 31 111111 l1 tVV imm mi Inch loIII lirnn Shanty Ilay WANTED TO IlliNl illnniialtm wok ld for 10 29 cmle Mirssthlinilulh Jillllmx mi Own 31 filling him rim nd SADDLE ml DRIVING MARE Phm 2m 24 T339 Hillih im p111 1111111 wort $111111 1111 mum Mm id 7A9b 5f 111 laxamrrrm 11 3111 If1 id1 ml rain and Ullt pony gelding lltilln iii oiil itilYtIlllIitl lchaS 0011 51V mmm 2215 HV Imp fiVVlVVVV gldm mVH lVlillVVVVV VllV3VlV Mil lrmnh lillllVltL 95291 KELLY IIltlxS SIRHal low Int lltlllllllll lilulllalyll Vrrl Vc ll lllJHlGltllAlOll for salpV 50 mm lti Vtl1l5V mono 1m rV11 Hllll itMV IHlm WW Mi priccs on 4t11tIi pulltts from ll hi ml 1ll1lllltl mill illOUMKD llNlUIINISHED pm1 Ill3 dllilllll PhOlit BZBL Ill Eliz VV VVV VV gunl 1111 511111 1111V1WV 81 lmH QliHlti HHlt Vi billit TEAM BLACK GELIHNGSV 11 WPHRIV Im1 SUN 11 PHL VVVVV VVVV Wm wumwl 31mm CVVHVVIVVV NVV ahcth 8t 1mon H111IVIONVtrVlBIIVNIVVBIlkln 11 IIIIIIIIIIII 11ch VVVVVVVV SVlVIVlitVillVV llllillilVVVVVlV 111nm llltlll 1011 V1 MV App JOSCPh 5411119 WI laymil AVUVVNV me lillrllil IIIII 1m mml 11111n mm 27411 29V VVVVV iii alas llllitim 1lt1V1t131t Im II 11111111 mm ZVVVV 151111V munch Hyattarm NV 11 XV rnmrMmVV QWBQVH VVVWHVHVHV VVMVVVVVVVVVd mVVVVVlVVHV iiii lilt litIIIIIIIIg In iIIIIIII Mirlrllo V21 ml OALV AND W00 iiVf nimlll Altllll HVIVILIW Nb mm nil Kcllv hitk lllllvlltl 03 lappciv 11 VV VlVVwV ZVVVVV1V31IHVIV VtVlLItllltth VIIIIVIIMOIIIJ AIARIMLNI or uglliwnfuitd mndmon AlPVVllVVVVVIVU mm IVliinttVMVill llitlth litiern Ill illVV lgtN MAVng fur MluV nil5L Vf gimiglp VVV1 AV no 11 1111 V11 Vt mum by 11 of JulyV Apply VVVASV1VVVY3VARVWVN VVV DVVV II11 1111115 111 good mmhtmn Ll 1111M llll llllleQfL Apply lxIInIIIt1 40h Box 27 liarrIc Exanuncr ll 20p my Aw VNligtbm mound Mrs ItlcN XVJII Ii IWA lmil WI WWI IHiin ill lcnciang St Barrio fivltp illll tH Lil1 QT tiltio Itcandlc I01 salc VII Manly no law 111111 51V 1111111 2111 lctnnncth 72111 10 IIIIlcs north of MlitIlANlt itANllljl with classl 11Ns1N111 W151 hmm VVVVVV lnght cVIVcctrlc fixture for salc than half pricc Maycs Ihoni Ar IoIoIIto IIIaz Ilighuays 27 and it ilti YOIIKSIIIIIII PIGS toFl urccks kt1 11le 4an 1f IVHTVAI CVVVpananV mm VVprVVfPIVVhLVV mm V1VV1VVVVV RV VVVVVH1VV lliUnc 1101 7v29p 7021 ookstown tillpV liIlIVtK llVtiSl in Alum V1ltlt11til liiiltrsVpu iiilelt rm 51011111311 13 11 21 11V W111 V7 110 3001 VizVVVVPVMVVVlVthhiVVVVIIEFViVVVI WIN iXlllIlillit 0111 wagcsl izail 111 ttilitllltlltt th mint 11 1011 Izmir aIIIc itllSt rou Arthm Suit 11 IaiI Iurst 2E IHI ritzht Inzui Morrison Motor 1m Bum Ixlmm 29 ROWBOAF lUr Stilt goodas new PUID AND OUNU lidt mill at 111111k gallV Apply NV um11 lllt garagv and lhll Imiisr Land bliibliilit ilitcl IlWli ltil Ntlllmittl Balm Itarrw 25th cost $140 lastsumincr sell or 513 and fcmalc Ilavc our by callIIIizVThormun llmm 1H5 11 11 a111 prachcallv lcvrl all IIIIch tlIlIItl DRAFT OI1 marc black two lltilllll authoritius sav that tho IRII UNI UHNINHID llionc 4476 08 Bcvmour Hutchinson ltlll ro 01 lImms wank 1V mum mph 30 SM V1 VV it JiViHb Niall fiitii in iVMIV lltilir 90le lOL combined classarch of llllii$ of dull manlnhmnm in mi Willi ZVtiil old will soon as pos USFD RANCl or 110 4b mum 1L4 mm Ilvnol 11BR1KK MUCH hmm a1 5mm App Hummw MM Hy VCFpm comm 29p room Shmld HIM hp Hum 5111a stoct 1111 11nd gcncra V111V VVJ lliVnPr ago II iliiilt onthuild anipbch llox til irimshy 11 packing litttirit txlitIicmc Apply fvodBiVoaniition iamms Llcc 130 FOR SALE tomth ft min lnnzu lot nun ranunn IziliU 272111 IIROWN MARI 31 years for solo MM HHHHHAVI In Ulemtwvleik FURNISHED AlAlllMlZNl Vl Li UC 729p it bully kllull gillnllxlllhll QIUHIHS Whom Fmd SIM mm my iuuvng mumth wirk ms IlaIIIc hit atom 17101115 tlVlltllFtiilllll itltlltlt 1111 It BURNER IL STOVE with oven Bid llxfiftflllllluiiih ML 75101 $1121 ilk11 1191111113 ght AUTOMOBILES mm mm 0an 27 9p ExChanqe VfM 111 VV VV IIIImVrmmiy tornvmr rcprcscIIta lawman $234 21133 371 104 btVVUF Istom anr 0m 3211 16 29301 AiAiiiiiID TEAM gray pcrchvron he ititm lliilriv illStrict lnntol cS 731 TIMES WM iVVilt 133 CO 13min ARMY lZillttJ for salt Inuics and rears broktn IIlVlllVlitVtl parIVIIVIIVII VVV11k hours at WANTED IMMEDIATELY by Cam 81mm in C0opCrVVmVVV Puck 321320 IgontlIVS liIIVcVonV SMth yVItinmvd cullugIV l3 InI 1111 good 11401 Franklin Iosc RM Crccmorc ltV oVnVIVIIutIItt IItc box V40 plt With no Clliltlltil Ii unfurnishcd crs of Ontario Jos Cochranc 135 Lmulm VV IIIIn ttlttl iprccc bath hot 1111 9ng 11111 1VVVmmV 1151 mnmSV DVVVVVVVVVVVV or small hum mm BVVrVVVVV 20V 4011111 Assocnrtc Stow 7w9h lilillVlliil good VSIZitl lot good IcSI Iiiltl NASII SEDAN wrial No VVmqIm NUS DIAL in viint 0111a 1117 so 1oo1110d liltlTI Ittlltitf II titlitZZl ll Ill 20 99 AIABLE IltIINSlIMlXTIIANIC Ihonl Iltrlsfistillirliidkrtffjgi RADIO RCA MCCORMICK DEERING potato brick bungalow hardwood Vania 3JLii pith months Silo wanted Goo COLLIER ST BARRIE ONT VVV1V1V1 1VVVVVVVVVV Wm 01 VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VmVV new J31riyd13rflllllioncg d1ggo1 chIVIery now Also potatoVwith Ihv most 1111todato t1lll1y1md I030 IlUllANl SEDAN foVrVsrtlp Hull lhnrnton Phone 11 rIngVV 4V lzriiimn itf5 will RESPECTABLE LADY 00 iilfl Lefroy 151l3t 7201 2911th with 833 New timiiil Jilrlrvhml IC 50 haw Ewen Mll imd 1mm new WWW J0 29 93 qVVthlitVVVViVV 1111 IVt anlatlyii ontly want moms 1V0 mmV husV 1V1at1Vly IVIVIIIVNI lots for Ship in mmV VH1 VVV NV ND VVV VS VV 0k Iss VflVIVVVlVllledFrVwdlld ilch 1000 USED BRICKfor sale ch BUCKRAKE complctc powcrcd hill 72377H Hm 1llizt c191 1111llfl Thmm 1111 101 SV110 V115 Vhcap 01ch JVl AND BUVDERlt VWAIIIIICh fullor part timc 1111 Liv 1Q1gf$iltl dim Mcmwa Phelpsmn Phone by Pomodillid 1933 1701 ml Inn 1372 othranc Thornton Phono Ivy ifnrms andq laundry snpphcd staItV lmmm mm 7299 9W1 4V0 Vmy IVml TENDFR 94391 WE CAN swag 317123 1V1 VVg 3Ia11iwnIiIll 53330 dill Ilia lrW1V1NfTmsclfrcoiitamcddu GIRLS GOOD USED CLOTHING it EMI $531MimillSitdlit$3lmiii Yonxsnmns weeks several MHNG rnnnngrr Unitml Cigar Store Earl isrixnrlfixytg rm ltircrmim heal for 5319 10 yrs Apply Essa TRACTOR FOR SALE McCormick lrNDFIH WANIrI 11 lllmii 1mm um Ser by 1956 Chan 129 DOSiialill tlcnrififgl OCcCUiiillitiyadSllenll Rd phone 3180 729p Deming 40 hp 51001 55 school building ll Now iflli Dim boar PM Adams RR iV UV Box 30V 1131113 Exams McCVD BINDER mpg Londmon App ldllm Udnfl 1111c Vcsnia llighcst luds not ncc 19 SMALL BIUDPBMPH 9283299 pig15 m1ka Oman 1me 2932b conditile Apply Frea Ehcgsgifg Ont Phonc Brochm ZlIZl 7zp Us my HGCODWL 5mm good tlrps nnn artfmwttral $211000 VVVIRv YVVAn OVD MARE pm mm Vi mini 171 4246 13390 ltUllStWVOikVtiI cottage nonr Barrie ACCOMMODATION WANTED bV phone 15F 7299 CAMIICOTS and thick muttrOSScsn broken wright about 1300 lbs foi 1NDEPENDENT NAlLCO ND iVIlVVVLVSVIHVIVrVI11311me1113Vprictnlti SeptcgtlmiV or bcforc by quiet tcn PIANO forxsale i1 00d condition $gcuiitcorly migiguiiggeam11313i CARTAGE AND MOVING lmi11l1nln51rffl will villodlsdilfiuil Simpkm Rabmlcadaggli Vii Gm om VVV tin Cart and room furnished or Mir 33 015 05 FY iMnuncx 1291 m11nshch in BlakeDwnden VVSVdgrgnglVgkgVf Agisggg Big Bay Pomt Hotel StioudV 2312 WW Emiro Ihonv ilill Bccton it91i ONY dV VVVV VV 115th near 11SRep1y 10 Box 31V IDICOOKE CARTAGB and STORAGE IanV oVoV ca 1VV OVRQANIDI and thou imdm want Examiner 29 19311 onus mini good Ines years Phone Strou torts Hia cd for Central United Church BUlDGIfE BIRDS or 531013 COIOFSI CABIN TRAILER moms fully igniralncjngng dysetMover lair shapc Price $13 or host offcr Vlhit JUNO Camp Con 13 Iligh DIItIcS connncncc Scpt Please SMALL HOUSE aparhnent or mgr3 esnle m2 pairs fillnibhed winterized and oil hcat vssa Road phlw 3333 rdcaggmfb Apply box 34 Examiner Illa 201 713 11 929 htdtt Iildlifimtlons and salary ex looms wantedV 1111111151de or g5 39 ed 23x8 thsondio Annb Willing to mun MM mono Domed Apply llilliild AytiSl 75 rooms centrally located piccfcr pART FOM AND Rx Northeyr mile SOUlh 0i KUS 40 SIUDEBAKIJIapptarancc A1 BROOD SOWS DUla V60 weaned pairing rcfrIgcrators pop cool Toronto SI Billllc 12730b reclai children abstaincrSV perm Vh SPITZ 103 Vle 728301 SUM ER COTTAGES mechanically sound ovcrdrivc pigs stacker steers Herefords crs stokcrs Oil burners InIVlk anent rcsidenisV 10sn10keSV AD H00 Chlden Apply 03 new tires $950 Dalton St1329p Silitiiblc OF Netting some wring CFS Wirinil HWOI 1Ih11mii VVlIXEVTEDS foli IVVUbIVVC ply Corner Cupboard Roastar emy or one 2974 7291 INTEIVRVNATVISNA 1d SCUVI SROOM WINTERIZED COTTAGE crs and fresh milkeri ApplEVV $11 and servicing all types of mod Ina on compc WI Inou crs aso aid in Va no mac 0ftil ts ancc bus scrvtcc on Highway 27 tmn 24m RUBBERTIRED WAGON also at double disc Good Condition Cecil Will IdlilC1LifilI1mA lilIIylllLOWIEIiugl IIinlfililmdidIdrP OiRIEOodelniiiiii 3295 94292500 $371133 gilfsihcssuiirth iILiillyilun it miles north of Barrie Apply my1aCk lVanithleLean RR Campbell RR2 Barrie Phono 28512 51V 3110 1VV$1I181430 1r295 101131an 1051111 13 surr n1 stating salary and qualifications to POSITIONS WANTED Barre Phonc84JT21 7399 012r32 7281I Gil VENSOR VDOONI YORKSHIKES1 other sourccs of income better COMPLETELY furnIshed cottages i941 PONTIAC COACH Ilxccllcnt The best In quality and breeding emp10ympm or your own repair business rightwin your home 10 226 Elizabeth We are in position tosupply the Thos Stone SccyTrcas Ph lS LAWN MOWERforsale inngood LOUDEN STEELTRACK for sale 56 ft long Hangers carphayfork ton Ont l2829b Domestic work td VV BEAVER 86 INCH LAIHI and and cottagcttes 1111165 from Bar condition Apply at VV phone 32m 5223936 condition Apply 30 Victoria St face plate Two wire spoke whccls rie can Hughes Shanty Bay St between pm and p111 29p finest typc of youngboars ready 61111qu No 1110111 9111101 OPPORTUNIIY VPowerfu1 com or Phone 18 Barrio 729p 500x19 5bolthubVTwo 600x16t1rcs Phone 0m 4024 134729 for service also LOJoungplgsj mem worries ml 11 man who pony has opcnmg 111 your locality Boy 16 W111 cut grass for reason COLEMAN CAMP STOVEV tubes relinerS su1table for traders IV 1941 CIIEVRoLgr COACH good weeksold for sale Some gpod show keg uorking with touts Start for honest dependable appmamV able prim phone 35m zzgp In good phone V2546 7291 gilkrgspngm CVVrvrGBE for 5110 cmdditipn hiatci Ing chfIosterg pBroszectVsV Inllthgwkg rVrViVVileifgowm costlplctc basic tIVIVIiIIIIVIg IIoVw 1mocsou 10 arrIc oo Ircs pp ape vc arm 1e athresgm 10 earn condition brown steel bed with 7299 9291 make repairs where to get sup plies and what to chargc Praclt Vtical training arranged In new bury RRZ Shanty Bay well acquainted with district Ex cellent remunerations and prospects 13299 Blue Brand Pro 108x465 hydro artcsian well large trees sandy shore Fleming good springs Phone 4403 overdrive aircondi WOIk wanted for truck with hoist for angm future Lcavc message Phone 805r12 29b PORTABLE SAW MILL ducts 7227 Alexandra Montreal complete In A1 conditionfo 535 51mg Chain and P1111b complclev LOfFOY 23299 1940 NASH mscllllnot Que Del OBl 123311 MAN Wants Veeks light Work be somE Eugenia St Phone 2990 29D Effrqsltrgfidin Apply 7293161 COTTAGE FOR SALE new Slile233233337425 Wm 31iifbsiiillidrlsCZfidiiiiiEi and willing to devote spare time l320b tween Jul 18 nd 28 ht 33 lg rooms completely finished inside 3151 CUSTOM WORKDONE with buck AN OPPORTUNITY Established or part time Phone evenings 2536 DEERING BINDER recently over mede Lot mm Om Bedch VV ma 21 angc ll IC 76 FT BEATTY flat steel barn rake Phone 819r3LV Rural Watkms VDVlStItCl available 229b hauled 3130 cow and calf Muir If you are aggresswc and between AngusV phone 831 Bafe 729 tlaCk COmDIEie With car sling 300 feet from lake 5190000 1939 DODGE COUPE for sale In ter write now for Money Mak ropes and 175 ft draw rope Bert Wylcs Oro Beach 2829p first class condition Good appear Sand Gravd and Logs 111111de ing information STANDARD ENGINEERING Toronto the agesof 25 and 55 havoor can TUTOR WANTED to teach 2nd secure tIVaViIl outfitY 118 15 301 form French once or twice week opportunity to get established In during vaction Apply box 45 Bar Binnie Phone 4225 529p REFRIGERATION SERVICE and ancc good tircs Miss Bond Craigvalc 1329p Watterson NH lot 10Con III nisfil Thornton PO gd 751201 MENDELSSOHN FLASH GUN for sale Good reason for selling and 1657 Bloor St PROPERTY FOR RENT meilablc bUSinCSS Of your own rie Examiner onl used twice Pho For full particulars write today tol 29b Lr 34807 29p COLLIE PUPS fonsalev good Det 1942 CHEVROLET TRUCKV ply Vales Prompt courteousV service The Watkms Company Dept Young lady office experience de KITCHEN CHAIRS china cab Wilton and heelels qua 50310 FURNITURE STORAGE safe tires A1 condition ton capacity phone 2153 5299 OBSA 2177 Masson St Montrea1l sires quiet job in or near Barrie inet and FOUnd 08k tables Appl mm mbbers iseveral klmen Clean storage two war8h0uses reasonable Cecil Campbell RRZ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ex Barrie 812132 13291 1981 PONTIAC SEDAN new tires new motor body and paint good Norman Roe Hawkcstone Phone 113 Oro 1329 1938 FARGO TON TRUCK new transmission in good condition Apply Douglas Brandon Hillsdale utensils in good condition Mrs 7291 Cooke Cartage and Storage 43 Essa Road Phone 3359 1514tfb LARGEIBEDSITTING ROOM for rent Phone 2314 1529p FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent Apply 69 High St l529p FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 20 Granville St Phone 261 729 FOUR GOOD USED TIRES for sale 600x16 Willison Pains w1ck Phone Stroud 1911121 729p COOK STOVE for salewhite en amel very good conditiongApley 112 Henry St Phone 3836 72913 pcrienced workman Abercrom bie Phone 4256 52831p PLASIERING patching and stucco work done Call 19rl2l Stroud Rogers Painswick 52730p DRESSMAKING experienced on dresses suits and alterations 12730bGr some outdoor work preferred Box V41 Barrie Examiner 2291 STENOGRAIPHER ex erienced Typmg shorthand and nowiedge of JunIor bookkeeping Apply Box 29 BarrIe Examiner 228p WANlED number of 2x8 and Que AGENTS WANTED MAN WANTED for steady travel among consumers in Barrie Perm anent connection with large manu facturer Only reliable hustler con PinfoundVPhone 2827 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and air purifier The leader in popularity and proven inquality Still sell ing at 950 Dial 3392 for free useful emonstration 72531p MASSEYHARRIS BINDER for WANTED Opportunity for dealers to sell to an untouched market with newstylc Velectric water heater AeIVoid water heaters are of highest quality finished in stain less steel with automatic thermostat control fast heating Central Phone 3106 igfldiwgrlialiatWIeligm Dg 2X6 planks 12 feet long Will ex rea Chan all sale in good condition New can 240 29 ph 32 1329 EAVRN EXTRA MONEY the 34mg thrlnngflgmsf glgcgggcplghggafg f3 vasses $5000 Deering mOwer in new unga ow hone 10111 heal retention easy to in nFriendshipn wayV Sell Regars MurphyV phone 3065 BarrieV729p good condition $2000 Apply Ross FURNISHED BED ROOM to rent TOURING CABV $9500 old but GENERAL REpAmS on 311 makes stat operate on 110125 volts outstanding Friendship box of an WOOD FOR SALE Hughes Gilford phone 4441 central board optional Phone 2854 good transportation New tires and or washers and household pli AC current VThree sizes 136 occasion Greeting Cardsunequal an yonuwliln TM Eunlm FgXESS hAND PElllRonrlstlile Bradford 729p 15ng Riglybztiegngusnts lllmra gliiaglllo ances Essa Road Telepgoge 24 gallons sunathle for 3w 18 Per ew 4044VV 572 range uses Vsuc as mm ledllvalue antends arid cwrker LowellPhone Crggmore 4523V 29p1HIGH VSCHOOL RED BLAZER HOUSE TO RENT close to Camp cottages roadside stands rest XV 03 13 5N1 Gag E15 gm EET BgsKVOOD We drled Small Size 14 $150 short red gren Borden Apply Willard Mooney HALF TON 35 FORD TRUCK SHIRTS pants socks sheetsany aurants barber shops farms $100 460 clar 10m tor C1 1ng Ova reghyearsh hm PLATFORM SCALES capacity fel iaCket W001 Plaid lined $600i BaxterJOHN 529 for 5319 gd condilim new thing yOu hav to mend bring to camps etc Dealer franchise day Lea to Rake monglye V3 355 Ws amy 29 1200 ms good conditionVphne teal blue wintercoat brown fur tires 6x6 platform complete with Margs Needlepolnt front door 60 available eaSVV way Regal Stationery C0 33534 call at 45 Brock StV 729p sanVBllt $750 76 ToronVVto 2Sgt VFURNIEHEDVVROfOM tfVor rent Elojod racks Sander Bros 31 Essa Rd 29p mappermn 31V 5V29p write HARDINGE BROS one ome uita or usiness HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD PREWAR OLD ENGLISH OAK 1529 MODEL FORD 29 COUPE four YOUR STORE 0R opmcgcleaned of Canada Ltd1 Ltd Manufacturers Dept E3 103 43 Scott St Toronto 5333 Sthrfigaggtso 3111 SRegtaiVls glagffolgsairinsth11911141515Polly hand carved dining suite9 pieces BOAT FOR SALE 16ft mahogany good tires new clutch and battery from pm to am Monday to F311 17311 p1 stem 20 gear ambwi Apply box 47 Barrie Examln 29D huued runabomr Complem with UNFURNISHED ROOMS near 3150 Valve 10b done C311 Wesmy Thursday only Appointment write one to 6293R Fordmotor As is Vand where is town limits Outside conveniences Johnston Minestng after 600 Greenacres Shanty 31mm 529p 5019 015 blaster 110000 FT LUNI FORDSON TRACTOR for sale In good buy for some boatsman at present Adults only Phone 2553 pm 1329 Canada SEED FEED BERr InChv Scan good sha HerbGibbons Lot Apply Ronalds Service Station 1529p EXPERT SEWING MACHmE ami V729pv BUICK 1937 special sedaII Ser vacuum repairing off high Con 11 nnisfilStroud FONT291 Gravenhurst Enronnu It I11 Emman lingJOiCe 2X6 2X3 any length CHANGE two flim ial No 744192932 goodVtires radio Class gdarameedV sewme on 311 WOULD EX VV also lot Toronto St Apply Lorne Win 245 El Ph STANDING HAY bargain5tanley 28485 over 93h 6339 MANVS SPORT COAT brown Size FOR SALE Waterloo steel grain Ished housekeeping rooms In Bar heater upholstery in excellent con makesV Reasonable changes and P33vmimetvsmamtwnerr Washer Pneumaticlvess Ebelsol for apartment 0m PM dim buy apply 82 me service PM Bmsam bargain $12 32 Maple phone 3316 Selffeeder Wehber grain thrower 3627 15291 Peel St after 13299 4165 co Jorys Garage I5491 V729p RENTIAL transmission clover attachment 25x40 Rumley FUMIGATION complete cOnfiden tial guaranted servxce Yourhome STANDING HAY for sale five acrs Phone 3447 BarrieWa11ace 1939 CHEV PICKUR TRUCKiol ANGUSELLONDONwiu exchange sale in good condition good tires for rent 5room modern cottage msr AND FOUND you am It In TMIllllll ATING AND tractor Apply to McMahon Cookstown Ont 729p BUS DIFFE Graves Cundlcs 310291 ls ti LOST TOPOF ARQUASITEring ron en ee res an VnIo or for cottage or artment Allason or would trade on ood car of STANDING TIMOTHY HAY for vicinity Ma le Ave and LoblawsV Apply Puget St Barrie Phone 4544 FOR SALE mantleV radio coffee Angusr 1529p similarmodel ordate Robert 1123335fgglgsnlilalilrlhigigfig sale 30 Vacres1 Apply John 32 Maple one 3316 17429 7299 table dishes picnic hamper fish Johnstone RRZ Hawkeston premises N0 publif modemle pmV RVRV 2V BarneV 10293op ing rodand reel 22 rifle violins FOR RENT Large front light Phone 119 Oro 1329b charges fun guarantee Ph0m 00 VonV es an guiars poceiian wris ouse eem room on Ioun STRAYEDt QUANTITY OF USED tr tum kt Onllia23421W tza 31p YELLOW FIELD PEAS wanted prg yearling steer about June 18 bci Hemlock and pine Eld It At watches vacuum claner The Var floor Available now Apply 49 1940 FORD COACH excellcnt conW See Eric MerceITiVIVornton Elevator Apply Pnesg Anten Mingon kason RRI Barrie phone 4trl4 iety Shop Cpllier St ff29p Park St 1529p dition radio rsouth wind heater FILMS DeVeIOpingprinting and ryour Fur30 tam i172830p MC roor BINDER FURNISHED BEDROOMt lfwcnmm tires andldmh llso enlarging To introducemehiirh VACUUM neary ran ev on an reai sqrANDlNG HAY acres timothy BLACK LEATHER VWALVLEVXI lost LAWN MOWERSV secondhand for new also 2furrow McD walking in Allandale Quiet home Gentlel with goodtires apnd emotogr Illgth qCzilrligrya pi3f$hi3dgole sifectiael CUEANED and clover JasV Bymes 6th Con Saturday July 12 In Barrie Re sale also angle Iron 01 all sizes plow In good condition Wanted man preferred Nondrinker 274 ready for service Midhurst Sunoco offer of 30 per exposure 011 N0 muss 110 DISS Vespra half mile nOlith of Union ward Malcolm Shanty Bay Apply Alex Cleland Banield V3furrow tractor plow medium or Bradford St 15291 StatiOn 13291 This offer has expired and regular cemetery 102911 1729 St 7272919 narrow bottom James Burke RRl prices arein effect ask about our INSTALLING AllistonPhone 130r22 Alliston SELF CONTAINED heated furn 1946 FARGO ton stake truck free colored in Oilsenlargentenls SHALLOW WELL 12V ACRES ALFALFA and timothy 2YEAROLD STEER strayed to mixeda150 17 30195 timothy 13 lot 15 Con Oro Owner may have MIIIer 250 Elizabeth St Barrle same by proving property andpay Phone 3269 or IvyThornton phone ing expenses Phone924 Oro 17 6r32 1029p 2931b HAY IQ CUT onVshares 8th line of NAVY BLUE COAT lost in Barrie Innisf11three miles east of Jones on Saturday Identification card 8000 miles 1942 Plymouth sedan 1941 Buick sedanette heater and radio 1940 Buick sedariheater and radio1940 Plymouthscdan heater 1938 Hudson convertible 1928 Chrysler sedan 1938 International ton panel 1946 Chev 212 ton truck platform 12x7 hoist DP rear end and 10 ply V825x20 tires 5299 THE SINGVER Sewing Machln Co representative will call in Barrie each Thursday Alle lies of ma chines repaired ortunanshtp guaranteed Also limite quantity ofmachlnes buttonhol attachZ ment for sale Write Singer ished upstair apartment Tenant Willing to do light housework in mornings Apply in person Cod rmgton St l529p HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent over general store in village of Cralghurst flares for trucks Apply McMurray USED TRUCK TIRES am or 7511 x20 VDennis Moran White Rose SVerv1ceV Station Bayfield SL Bar rie 729b COMPLETE RADIO servicing and repa1r equipment including amp lifiers transmitters receivers and 729pb DION THRESBER years old 28x40 mounted with Timken roller bearings Hart elevator clover at tachment on rubber tires 700x16 and drive belt ply 120 This machine will be sold with the PUMPS Phone 2246 STAR HORNE Allandale Plumbing Se garage New frame house Write or and latte in inside pocket Please battery charger Apply Graves and same guarantee as new one Leo for come to see it Arthur SmithRR2 write Arnem RRz Angus Allen 14 Clapperton st Phone 3533 Moreau Anten M1115 in we one General Store Craighurst Phone only 7000 miles Graves and Allen in MachmeCo 37 Hum tario 133 CUMBER 299 Reward 17291 729 vale 52w 72930p 845r41 Barrie 152915 14Clapperton St Barrie 13299 Cogningwood n525 0p LAN 81 Stroud