Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1947, p. 13

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ttus merits ISSUI 7725 Copies lUlmitlIC AS Slh CLASS KAEL LN MO TUES2 DA 20 oarsnricu IllVIOI WEEK STARTI UlHnA HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE COOLEST SPOT lN TOWN THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY lNllNlUlS SHOW SAI 21m ll ltiis in iil8 airan laughliis iii the that Nhoo Fred tiles l0 Paulette the gala for another male Paramount Pragenls PAULETlE FRED wiillDDARll MASMURiiAY ibiudidieinllg Macdonald Carey Arleen Whelan PHYS NEWS MARCH TIME lilll SHOWS ll ARlHllll RANK presents iiiaiiS0N cuniiii illiili UREEN ilHlllll PLAY in TECHNICOLOR GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT We have justinstalied the most modern cooling system in town We guarantee you perfect weather at the Granada THUR FRI SAT Mat Sat 230 Eves 645 PM +316 why my Sil lll iiiill All OWGREAT MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT PLAYING ENTIRE NG MONDAY hummer went30 PM Evie Shows650 and PM MAN AGAINSTlHEWlLDERNE551 THE BA BARRlP omAraO CANADA iiiiiizsoAv am 17 filth item No wow illiii ii lili oizi li lli ii in tilliioi in llllli iv iii ilii italic il iiis ioia llsitb iiiit YSiONLY OFOR DAYS Starting Wed 230 EveShows PM IN arr BROWH lilLvlliilllltl mWNaH mourn mini WINTER EARNlNGS LOST WHEN YOUNG HEIFER IS SHOT lst vlotitin fund llislxiii on lniiistil found ircistrt rd red poll lirilir dcitl in tlic iiiotflol on his Mill llic iiiinial lull liirii shot lhc licilcr litil leicn bought for Sill liv loliii lllslop son of David last priiit tllll ill uiiitcrwarnlilgs llir youth had planned in start ill tli luld Hf rzglnlrrrtl Altlc lbri llllftl had been lllllllL about lli dais when it found liov oiis Allir Lilrliiiiisr is investigating the shooting llieii have been other icportx of cartlows use of ilflc in ltttlll necks lAthlll tlllllll liAlS lllii oi itw llrli lot lil ii ll ilit It llill llctill li iloiiiri ill illllilli 154 on itiiti llz Tacit iliii twill llillJrlll lixi iio lilill Mi i5 ill iiic lilil ioliali itlafo llHItI Mais ii ltilii Fiiiilivy llilx ll itiiudc Nancy lllll iliiii iix ciiaii lill li liidiiiliui lliiil llttllaill il EClub Members in County To Have Tour to OAC Fine Days Program Al llliltlllll vii iHll tlillllilIl fl int lIliI iii lilt liil illii fllllil tuial oilcgi by lilili llllllllltlIQ iti iilllltul ouiiy isiiiiibiiu of llic coil Illt illilili lllil potato illill lii spciid the day at on Mon day lulv ill lliizacs from olliing wood llairio Midland and liiiiia have been ciiailcicd to tilt lic tlioysaiid girlsA iziaiit by iill touuv 2mm 113 HHIWHHP ty oillicii will lltill financc oiiii trip IiilIgc officials illt oi opiia Iiiidtlic lllllI lii liavc day progiaiii ilili1 Sllllliti priivc ciiyijl ililc lllli ill vciy worthwhile from an ciliicatioiiii standpoint Johnston Hardware Saved From Fire By Prompt Action lrnmpt action on the pail of Lalrcuic prcvcntcil ser imts fire at Allaiiilalc early Tuesday morning Mr lilrcnic was on duty at the Nlllcrosslng at Essa ltoarl at 150 am when he llllltitti smoke issuing from Johnstons Hardware The fire brigade was summoned and soon hail the blaze under control It appear ed lhlhtllf fire started in box of papers at the hack of the shop The proprietor said thch had been no one in the store after six In WT3W ll irwin came licrc from Niag ara Fails last Saturday to play the bass drum for LOl 450 of lvy in the annual Twelfth of July parade inlaid ll cd llilli Barrie Artillery Unit at Summer Camp iliv MM iiiieii ill tiicj and iiincoc ilttlt irizil in ililllill Arafoid ilangw on irony ii if in iiilfth Ii=llil moutitctl oi jttp iic it Hall if iilltll 51 Hairon all of Barri3 it Sli5tlllll ilariic Sgt illlllllllt and toiiitcom imam ti Aiizistrtiii Sgt litiijhizii service iniii Sgt ii 31Sll Iml iillill increased Membership 13 Show By District ttlihi to serve you day or iinzlit lli Barrie Society on Top ill1llltv iiit ippoiiilnniit Ill ri lliti wt Siciciary Mix Kiiliy llllw licnii lilliMli Mr iaik iid it was an honor to bc member of horticultural so iicly it was tillt of the low 4illtllti with woild wide lllllltslg and liltlt was such large scope for work and scrvnc There has liccii considerable dis cussion doc to the growth of hir ricii liilisx particularly in the lor onto aica rcgarriiiig changing the name of the Ontario lloilicullurai Association District 5A vtilcti un animously against such move socitriv RIClORlS liic Sociclics icpicscntcd report cd as folliliws ANGUS ll incmbcrs Offered asn premiums Honeysuckle Spirea mock prangc hosc as their emblem tlic mock orange They maintain plot in the village and one in the ccmclcry lNNlSFlh til members They plan their annual flower Show at lnnisfil Park in August proceeds for charity STAYNER till members They The provisional directors of Bass Lake Coop have boughf 75 acres of wooded land On Bass Lake IneaiaQrillia and preliminary work has been done to level site hear the waters edge Leonard Coutts is seen here operating the bulldozer to fill ina low area to provide picnic grounds financial campaign willbe held next Fall to provide for the develop ment of the propertyasa holiday resort and an educational centre Wm Levelling Land at Bass Lake VWED JULY from aatipM On Supper 510 in Grand Draw p111 GAMES NOVELTIES REFRESHMENTS itllllvt itt oi ti in this wide iiiiad liltiltl tli lill iipiitlsiiltitlic viitiivfi that all liii wcicllis illl ilttll illl iiiiitiii tlio ycni with and iiiaiiilaui llic iargc rockch on llil llliiliilll lor scvcral lllialiclh St the lovely rose garden rlllltiltW llaiiic bod tin largcstl it tiic and the gnrc at Owen lllllliiill of iiiciiilur with total of and Mclioiiald Ss llicv completed llll and stood high in aclucvcl and planted it this Hlllt Presid iiillii lil Jilin illllltillllilllilli introduced the young than Mr il7l liilltlt who ionitshillcr the roekcrv cpia it Illlllili Ill Sl71vlllllli ilti recently celebrated his Goldcii llio liisiiic illlltilil thas ldlki ml HUIHWYH up Upwarm Ur thp ltliiilltli llial liil llarrie Society WNW Hymn Tl hm up of had the assurance of be coopcrl lillll of the Minister of Highway in 5330 Phone 2781 Open evening Llmitly iiipiovcrl litiSlillXS place and said Canadians did not appreciate AlyAlliA ARMY illlvTU in It licunlai SSH iwimaiinni to ill The mural north1 of Illgllltlillliliiiiil jiiitir innH by uppxpinish savi only iiicwi jtl it im iiiiaini lloitiiulliirtii in reds and lioldmg jiiiiior conl Dunldl Sl 13llllfll3l 1l ltll iiiti is hold iiii larkl tcsl lliog Minion our ionn Noni ihcic iii delay the Activo ill 35 liilr fl their was and hold coiiiptlittons for the lilitldv New licatcd sedans for lo llAlllllE Slit iiiciiilicis pliiitcd lcddiiig Anniversary it was aim liclpiiic to beautify the entrances to Harrie on Highways Nos ll and 27 tllllllli Still members an iii crcasc of 73 over previous year They held banquet iii April and in liltll seasons daffodil penny and rose iltl1 TilO are holding their annual flthvcr Show lll UllJllIlLllOll with iill lrillia fail fair in Septem litr llllAtlIllilllXvlIltlti members Sponsored school ground improve mciit competition and maintain two public gardens They also have plans to improve waste areas MIDLAND7132 members Millll lain flower beds at the Cenotaph and other public areas also hold junior garden competition HUNTSVILLE 517 members They hold regular meetings each month and show slides maintain the lovely flower boxes along the river and hold Christmas Tree decorating contest VESPRA 30 members This society has been rather dormant although they have done much to beautify the grounds at the Mine sing Continuation School by plant ing 100 trees and 300 tulipsand maintaining perennial border CREEMOREle ineinbers They plan flower Show this year alSo look after the beautification of vacant lots Al AIR FORCE CAMP On behalf of the citizens 0fAtigu Mr Kirby welcomed the delegates and announced that arrangements had been made to accept an iii vitatlon kindly extended to visit the RCAF Station at Camp Borden Group Captain Greenaway of the station accompanied visitors and supplied guides to enlighten them as they inspected the work of the men in Technical Training School No and later were con ducted t0 the flying the id as used iii the war Lancaster Cata lina Mosquito Dakato Hudson and Harvard Patient guides had hun dreds of questions to answer In the technical school they train aro engine mechanics air frame mech anics machinists and vehicle mech anics Returning from the Camp to the Park picnicrrsupper was enjoyed and there was some speechifying The AngusSoelety to climax its with crushed strawberries After supper there were speeches Carter of Guelph and Occomore treasurer of the Ontario Horticultural Association ONTARIO PRESIDENT Howard Hartry LondOn Presid ent of the Ontario Horticulturall Society was on hand and spokei briefly to the meeting as it wa necessary for him to leave early enough the lovely couiitry in whichi they live He oftenasks the Amer ican touristsjust why they came to Canada and he saysfour out Of five reply that it is because of the beauti ful scenery John Clark field man from the Department gave gratifying re port on his numeroustvisits to so rcietiesall over the province He says there is an increase in mem evidence of their interest may be seen throughout Ontario nual meetingin Collingwood in 1948 was accepted Before adjournment announce ment was made that Mrs 360 Gray secretary of the Barrie Sdciety had won the prize for essing the number of maple 56 in jar Mrs Grays guess just below the correct numberi1300 Shortly after piss the gathering dispersed feeling that it was the end of perfect day amid delight ful surroundugs KlWANlS KARNlVAL CLOSES TONIGHT lOCAl NEWS lE lil Shop tori tllyniiua itc urday luiy l9 from ii iii loll kpiltil Flinn ciiilil ill iaxi llloiic 4l5i Filtfli ipccial vznachinclcss wavin illl finished in any style lliiiiw Hill innerrink llt lluiilop St Jitfii uiidic School report published in last weeks iixainiiicr litiilc it should have read iliirirci Hi lllV Howard Walker Beauty Salon fill Elizabeth Street Regular $500 llilllltllltliix llli sold then residence in tlic cuiiici of Bradford and Vcspia Stswlo Mi and Mrs Harris llcdinond of the Metropolitan Life anent wave for $1430 aiiieimii phone 4484 3le Brampton sheared off tcliplmiici pole at Oakland Hill on illlliiwer ll July John Sloan llltll gated and laid charge of carclo driving vice day or night phone llarriici Taxi 2411 Special rates on long distance trips Trailers when iicod ed lil ticket office 52 llayfiold St Barrie BilIlfibl wiclics cookies and small cakes made to order Wedding cakes feed and decorated Experienced advice regarding wedding recep lions VReasonable rates for full catering or scrviees Gertrude Archer Barrie Phone 4235727tfb calls within 24 hours the middle of last week and all were to the same place ShilVlllgSllad been dumped along the road leading from Brati Beach and park site and smoulder caslons hospitality served ice cream topped1 theestorymfrthe complainant pounced Mr McCarthy has been KENNEY SiiWesEernaGentlemen Maegan1 DANCE BAND FEATUBING BOVELYNOCALIST NORMA LOCKE and THE QUARrErrEL At COOKSTOWN DANCE PAVILION bership iirnearly every society and Chris Clark of Huritsville was re elected District Director for another gt year An invitation to hold the an RRlE EXAMINER 47 ENTERTAlNS MANY Hundreds of children and Adults attended the opening it the annqu Kiwanis Hamlul Al the Post tlffire Square on lucsds night llundrrds of dol id in prius ere gitrn LJ and curynnr was in ilillfl4 mood For the childrrn then Merry3040mm midget car iidc and other enjoyable slirutllins including pony ride The Kariilial 15 held iKAlll Inst night and the final perforA mance will he tonlglil lIllUrsr day All proceeds to assist the Kiwanis lull in liltlr chat lldbi projch llau it We at Hinmmii Ha Eagle llll illlltl dzai iltil 1i tbaiuis ci pm Hi lllcilllh liilxra Sloic fzont and offiiiw rl=i cii by careful drivers liill Monday ziioining fl oclock pMal 41 or long ilriltlllCL trips Activc Tlllitlil llltttlllllLl ti iit There was slight ciivvi iii hH Morning Special Mai io Tutti Mr and Mrs ii Moro ill Spcciai ll am rct Soho pm William Walker ll 17 llll ll YJH wantreliable taxi sci liast lhursday loscpli licll drivl ing taxi from Barrie to Ollllltli picked up two feminine lntclil hikers who said they were on tlicirl way to Sudbnry The girls later overwhelmed the drivcr and rci licved him of $46 Dainty receptionstyle sand The fire department had three ford street to the Barrie Bathing ing fire broke out on three 0c Yesterday Magistrate Foster iii iiiuinr dcpnitiiiviits of the iiiiipzn tho LuIrtlciiir was lip tlf atiatlic at the aiilniglit this itcws iiiizs liivoibccn con idini lIiiiliassy in Washington fitv lircc years during the war cu barrier on June peiicoci oleworking in his gard cu one day last week As he moved about he became aware that notes but this was the first tiniei Semeni Pages l3 to til it eeeee IMPERIAL COOEED FOR YOUR cotton THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Brand New Pictures JGEORSE6ABBYHAYESDALEVANS St um aosuouumisoasiimnoattas gtv3ntl ltig llit gt MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY More exciting more during more wonder ful than youve ever seen him tOPQF ll Mi AliVE Milillr WiTHOiJl lMMLLl tl0AltANDDAGGtR mini TV wu BER LDA Scuttlle ii ll uiu smu Im iwi cidtlbdMovieiqnd Magic cnitcd llil tlic Jinada lifc sinccitlioso shy but lillti had made illitl nilfl has had experience ill illitirniselves fill much at home when li Listirit DuringV cycti ti other llillltiltls of the lam for llicrc tirc lvro doves ui liw fHti poncho motor cvidcncc carlv ncx morning charge of wanton driving was registered icrc on June 23 by Mann isliatc Foster against Kenneth Cart er of New Lowell fine of $10 was unposod but costs were heavy maltl mg iota of $5310 charge oil having an unregistered autoniaiicl pistol was dismissed because of lack of evidence to prove ownership The weapon fci out of Carters car when he struck trcc near Camp lltlltlw SALVAGE Collection JULY 21 No Maclaicii had novel exi rm 105 in Mfield Ross arid Illllt Streets Magaaincs hooks papers cloth rags aiirl fats slrl urgently necdctl Anyone anywhere having large quantity may phone 2228 for special pick up on Tuesday or Friday young mourning dove was foilow ing him lillll picking up bits of food that appealed to its appetite Mourning doves have been iicstingi on this property for some 30 yearsl and sounding their rather plaintivci mme posed Ta fine of $50 with estStifl $1850 for leaving the scene of an accident near Brentwood July ii The car of Don Youngiarric was where they had an opportunity tostruck and two fenders torn off inspect some of the big planes snehlbui Spooner drove away Defence was that Spooiier had gone back afterwards but he had not contacted the owner In reserved judgment given July 16 by Magistrate Foster term of one month was given to wm Cotter otvCamp Borden on conviction for indecent assault uponI an 18yearold girl near Gookstown dance hall His Worship deprecated the custom of young ladies going to dances unattended but he believed At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Canada Life Assur anCe Companycn July the ap pointment of John McCarthy Assistant to the President was Saturday Dancing 830 IAdvance Sale of tickets at $100 eachat Cookstown Cold Storage Plant Saturday night the door $125 lhultrtravrmi Dancing Eirer Night BOB POWELLS lNew Melody Men MONDAY TO RECORDS AD 15c=25c As usual Delaney boat service and Greer bus service from Bayfield St Wharf and Bayfield St Terminal start 830 Excellent Floor Danceable Music STRAIGHT ADMISSION WI lMlsfiAAM luyQ MEN WOONNIWW July 26 in to 12 midnight KENNiav

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