Nlt got only three hits off Iiappcll IIiiiis Motois Illtl lilil liltlgrl ii whilp We bum we down swinging and six took walks Bill chgatt was glcclcti with chcii run outburst in the seventh and in the eighth the winners added two more THURSDAY JULY l7 Iiltli Straight Victory CNR Down Harris Motors Bv Convincing 61 Score rr 4x Inl Ii lint llit liltiuiI fix limuv HIAHIUIL Ii will Ifit TILUIII cl 11x ilic Io hi iiiir ItIIA played in im tiitriiitt itnpioit will the tnl pitched lionlull LALJHLIF Ii liftzi iiiiii liii Illlllli ii IIIII it mull ui xiiiiiv liXlIii up two unlit ilaii Imitx til huh itIIiiI lo iiii iiii Iiiiifl out ll tilitl ulrlnl uiii iiuiiay litt leadoff innit Iot ilin IIJIIIULHILIS optlint the his iziiiiiig with bunt iolv Iti Liv and tillr iii Hi all lIlIlIILI oiii Tilt vloioiiimii iiid the imit iii the llll uiiiiiiy as Hair thapptll imclittl its on an Iiul thorge vlniliii walnul aiiil iluiply loicvd llippl iii liiiltl ltiii singled iiiid Mailii ioiid Iolaiid tainted lin litl IAu luiilcir Iii Hid lili him in HIV tliiid with oin out Hail iliitiall niiopprd bunt and scoot id around the Ilium to mum on an iiiiluld oiii Iiitwdltli ialii ml the toiiitli thilIIKAI IIil Nlt marl antmwm iii imili iiiiiiuz multii on Fifi3 liii In li Mini Strausiiiiiii and ltiiltltlr illlll final iiiii lit the eighth lllIllIii Mull Siiaiiriiian who is Iill Elli IIil ligill britti than cvci mine lIilUtliIl with two hits in three Ili to the plate Muli now has right hits in the liisi II inin Illil liio Marshall and tainprau iiicli luid two IIlIS for IIIl llilitl$ IIaiold Laking got two hits for Harris Motors tNlt in ii Marshall iii inr iiig cf Tlizipptl tIUIiIiSlUli Miii iiikiii If ainpcaii ss Stransinan 2b lill lb loliind Iilllllb Motors liappci lb Miiitin 2b Murphy 5s Ramsay hilliiic lb ouize Scott rt Laking if Itoacli If Norris if Show cliiik cf ilillltllt Ilb llincs llb ioi llilll out ii iii RAYCRAFT HIT GIVES CGE 31 WIN OVER RCAF It scorching double by Bill Iiiiy craft in the eighth inning scored twu runs to give CGE win over RCAI at the General Electric Park on Wednesday Jtily ll The Illlll ii replay of postponed con test was one of the best of the sea son and by gaining the win GE remained at IIll top of the InterI inctliaic Softball League Fireball iiiiilcr Bill Riiycrtift pitched sensational ball for tiic Electricians Ihc spccdstcr gave up but three hits while fanning ii and issuing three walks Ron lzirkcr on the mound for IlCAI gave up eight hits fanned four and valkcd two LGICgriibbed the lead in the first inning as Brown and Greciiaugh Illl safely liT fielding Grecnaughs outfielder Featlierstone threw wildlyto the plate and Brown scored The Airmen tied the count in the IIILIIWWIIOII McRaerdmibled and scored on Parkers single Brown opened the eighth with hit for CGE Greenaugh walked and Mallionwent out Pitcher Ray craft came to bat and poked out double to score both runners Gord Brown led the winners at bat with three hits while Green augb cashed in for two safeties Mc Rae Phillips and Parker got the Air Force hits Kg Barrie Golfers Enjoy Annual Midland Match ReSults of Games Close Barrie golfers had their annual visit to the Midland Club last Wed nesday It was an enjoyable day of fellowship and divot digging Midland will play return match in Barrie on July 30 Some of the results were diffi cult to obtainit the finish Most of the competitors claimed tiein their lBhole round For num ber of years these two clubs have been playing draw matches or it was claimed However on his occasion roving reporter scanned the scoreboard and any loose score cards that were tossed around the locker room so that some vague indication of the final tally is herewith presented It is our opinion that Barrlewon by 117 on points although several names of the following list might be reversed in the Won and lost bracket Our apologies if you won and we say you lost There was no doubt though about the godd time the Barrie men had and the inner speeches and entertainmeiyd were on lip to par ARRIE MIDLAND Jack Knneiy McIntyre Geo Church Fred Bell Bill Cranston Dougherty0 Chas Seagram0 Hartman Smith Geo3Rnss Capt Cardy Bill Merchant Jim Willis Stan Sturgeon Dangerfield Dr Pinchin booked the ball into the twine from scramble in front 01 the Oakland goal Later in the half Norm Moore made the count 20 when Charlie Kearseiji GotcsMaxweil he scoredErlc Scotts rebound The Rugby forwards carried their terrific attackinto the second half Bill Dyment Art More Fred Norris Dr Small eHeWalls ick Moorhouse Roy Merrick uaWL aw Mm of Le tmvii liiii Ann lloiiibiiiv ili Penttong iBiiiiiIE132 iball League Ihoinbuiy Indians consolidated their position at the ltlwc decision over lllt Ilarrlr Iii tciincdiatts at the Agricultural Park on Wednesday July it brilliant ball for the winners IIt issued no walks while fuiiiiiiig and limiting Barrie lo Illltt scratch hits IIiiivty happil started on the mound for Barrie and hurled great bnll until relieved by Inggatt in the seventh inning Ilioinbiiry the first inning as Chrysler walked stole second and came in tinGold sniiths hit An error walk and stolen biisc brought the winners another in the second In the fourth Ladcroutc walked Bath singled and when Poland over tliicw third Laderoute scored Bath came in on the next play Cliappel reached first on aii error Cloiigliloy lined single and when Chappcl scored and Clotigliley Geo West 12 Alex Preston Dr James Clare Mills Bob Beaulieu to Chas Hurtlbese A1 Hartman and Wally Sheiswell gained the Jack Rodgers i0 Toots Wallace winners third goal Taking Don Jack Nixim Bill Morrison SECOND HALF GREYSIMCOE BASEBALL iii liii It uni imii Ill iiip IIUZIIIII iE lioiiliij ii pin it IAIIIIJIIE iliiii Opp Lit IIIiilnfi ill lain IIiiIIII pin lluiiit at liwiiriiiiii pix 151 tiiiii lioztiri liiivlaiii iiiil pm liaiin at iuiiip litiiorn Li pin lib IJIIIVIIIIig at liiuiiilitiiy pin iii iani lioitiiii lil Iillii illU pin do in oiiniiigitii Maine Lit Icinviani iili pin it lliiiiiitmi at llaiiie Ill be aiiaiiijtiix pin to irl Itiiiiiiiitni Idliiltti buI Liunimiiii il ill liii liuiirtopi ioir moini and till in on Strans iiiiiii liit iiil iinl Stiaiisinniii xvcii liotli rudi on iiiIda iIioitti Leaders of the lirySiiinot lliistui op of the heap by pounding outi lleliiiid to going into the seventh the locals lind possibilities but sevenrun outburst by the iiidiaiis clinched the game Veteran Elinor loldsnutli pitched Ihoriibiiiy hit the score sheet in Barrie counted in the fifth as the outfield thrownin went wide pulch up at third Cluughley scor ed as Ciiinpeau grounded out lriplcsby Pembroke and Bath and singles by Darling Iciiibrokc liutchcsoii and Shaw combined with walk an error and field 015 choice brought the winners seven runs in the seventh inning In the eighth Laderoutes single and two errors brought Ihornbiiry twoinoreHmsOMLI lMMJIlQ scoring Coulson Cloiighlcy and Cain pcau gained the Barrie liits For lliornbtiry Pembroke Goldsmith and Bath poked out two hits each IliornburyClirysler 3b Darling 2b Pembroke ss Goldsmith Hutclieson If Laderoute cf Bath lb Shaw rf Jackman BarrieMcDonald lb Fife 3b Leggatt Lougheed 2b Thompson cf Coulsoncf Poland 3b Chap pel rf Clougliley if Campeau rf Ramsay ss Thornbury 110 200 72043 10 Barrie 020 000 ll RALLY IN FOURTH STROUD DEFEATS cooxsrown 3o Stroud strengthened their playoff hopes in the South Simcoa Soft ball League by gaining 30 win over the powerful Cookstown team The game was playedio Cooks town on Wednesday July Stroud scoredill their runs in the fourth inning Snache and Webb opened the inning with sin gles and Bill Blaine came through with homer to score the three runs Cookstown loaded the bases in the seventh inning but failed to score and the Highway 11 boys came through with the win TrSnache and Cbuse both pitched great games and hits were scarce Snache fanned four while Couse whiffed five Rugby Bovs Posted V41 SOccei win over Oakland Hiii In wideopen soccer game at Rugby on Friday Julyl the home town favorites Icame through to post decisive 41 win oyer Oak land Hill in an Oro SoccertLeague game large crowd was on hand to WELCII the Rugby players gain the verdict Toronto teams this season cantilc liciigiic more work to do lai gained his top ftillll of the year It iHit over Harry Conse and the Harris lliotorri Eric Scott led the Rugby attack Both teams played wide open footI ball and the score did not indicate the play Two of the Rugby goals were of the fluke variety while Oakland Hill just failed to get the breaks FIFTH STRAIGHT WIN FOR COPACO IN GIRLS LEAGUE game in the Barrie Ladies Soit ball league when they down rZelleis 218 at Queens Wednesday July Altho 1g ten Zeliers scored morewir Copaco had scored on theim in Eric Scott aggressive forward with the Rugby crew opened the scoring early in the game when he McLeodfs pass Eric Scott got his second goal of the night to make the score 40 On the that play at Ill 1bRuth ct Knapp the St utliarincr iviiiin Itliiii will be coached by Hobby ildnm iIIiIi lb foo lliiiiii iai Will he known in IiltNgilitIilIi Iiiillilllllt iiiii lino with New York Iiilllillh of III Nil eight key players and iii ililiititli inoid Saiidiord laiil liar and will litch to find 31min plain of tin5e players illt Elilitti In NIH tiIIIII With Iiotli iiiliuno lllli iiidii ll Gardens for hoiiii iiiliic only lll5Ii fliil2llt could be pland with those clubs lastscason doubli ntllttillit will In pliiird with lilt IZil llli who has coached tlicicc Young Rangers since they tll tillllilii ll lililii Iiilfi IlltlliitI tii the reins to Wally IIaldir lniiliani iilllivliiil ili tln ioroniii Mch Wiidov will ruiitiiiiii MARIJIOIIOS claiin lili tilll iii iiu Iii lo iiioi nmt Winlii With most of their last yinrs itllil Iliililllii in iiv iuid and mock goalkeeper Iioy MiMultiii Hlilll1 hone Jinniprn lln iiilllil IAJII fzirni ttinii illt bound for the top iIltli ilitlliilil liiltIll Iluilii leading scolvi ii season ano Itiillif iii IIii loiniuo Maplr Rails and xilflfiixiii Bathing Beauties Beat the Heat Wave lean Making lIlt most ol tlicir tipiliiiillliih to limit in liic sun tinw IiilIllll beauties it loruutos Sonnmiiii llr ill IllllI It ti oii aii to ioniiiwp during IIH xiiiiiinris lllal IllI Iiill on IIII Iiilll1 ur Iltiill liiiiiii Ilenisc LUllllui iini IILII lIllIllt ltii1ii IN ItitlviNl liAtlii i581 ill ii Mi gained ltlhptlirliiilibi for lliillii pli winiiiiigwa by fiitiiilii tilll wn league standing but according in in SIN of then players who iiiivi in of these had been llliilliil timing iltl illilit and iiltHltItlll iliui In iiliI in vlitiluiil for an official lllltslliiilliill lvi lu iin three days iiitii in liiliia llliilil llll won iln game lilili was iiii bi IH IIIiilId pliii iiiillii iinnw tilllliiiil ilivii in i1iiin Itll in imi in the iiviii Ipwl ll Ili iic oiil tll liiirti ll HI ilil Ii iuiivti oil lliiln iIlJ Exm Itiii piiiird of iIl illiiiil Uiilliti nix ii AIIIIIIlII IIII IIilil ililvll lili hulaw new ill the Iiiiicliidil JIMMY xliiNNidI iii for tlic past two seasons iiiis Iitlll cap United States League will iililIi tcain next unitci Sillllliil Ewiltilid turn succeeded Ilbbii loodivllow Li niiw manager of St IUlll Iiicis iii iii li ill lluiiw iiiit YOUNG RANGERS will play illtl Rink next season lililil mm oi iinmin who ti ml minim Itiiili of tin liltidl Hwhiiu lliA luiiior lliil oi iiiiiwi Iltl in infill Fjiizi Houiililiow is Iltllld 2mm ioriinii Iiiilliil illlli liivl in tiu llliiiiil pmiioii whether IilItIi will be with Si ilii oi iilhoiiv Iiliilil io Illl Sttll iiiinv Ilills itil ii not is mini ii poiiiiu relations man for Iiilliiiitt ilimnx lii HIII Iii it ttiioinl bosons iii the Junior AYioop liloio ioi Iii1iI ii no piiviii iltLIIIl oi iiill iiilllili lllit which iiirw icvpiiiiIi iiiiiiiitioii USII iiIIfQITIIi3 have lost have to liliililii Iil itlllll St lllill itll iiiii iiiiilIlIV liltIiIi to iipliw IIIIJ in All five IllllltllJIPIdElIld IIii iiian lill liu raiin iip is iipirll Iiicoining the ace Ilillltl oi the Senior ioiibdl iiiiic from itiilariicy Pat has ii lo Linnir upon the Iiniiooa lle Villll young man he hliii to nndi giiui Ill of the Ontario liovinrial lnlice ftoiioiiwd tliapiin iiNorllieiii Ontario where crnnc ii on Vtl Iiiiilitti game of softball lie prficiiiwi diio viiiiy an the leading liiiiici for the ilililikiill iiiilll Ontario Intermediatefinals has not been able to get full moron oiirii until iiii your lii be buried the opening game ful CNI and Iiitil mii Wellaiiclilaiial until the season unr piniiiiily pier Iliif Itlll pilciiiiis grunt ball up Many reports have circulated as the ic left Gait The latest iinnor esfs have purchased stock in would be shame if the Border City more the Spitfires hope to obtain Iege Eric Fugue iieiy riding in Toronto horse sidesteppcd into the the game Miles Hickling scored on penalty shot for Oaklziiid Hill to avoid the shutout With tw0goals and an assist some won their fiftiu straight theirrfitst four games The yisiting team Copaco won the game in the first two innings as they pushed over six runs in the first Inning and eight in the second Zellers found the range and at the end of the third the score read 146 Both teams couny ted pair in thefourtli while Copaco added five more the last three frames Miller led the Copaco scorers with four to her credit while Bowen Ruth Knapp Gilbert and Hare tallied three each For Zel lets Graham Shewchuk and Gross toining lo Illil effect the Windsor Aiciia opera aoiiu piiicii ioiviiid with the how recently when bi rowd injuring man thin in iiclnnd low miles ioit Illill Iiiiillill ii incinliei ilili Iot iiil ziltiiiiptcd the ililill Ii 1cv jywzii Iiitlllilt liitliinl ill ilu iItIIIIItIII lariic few year ago Pat reason on iiili dut ii the liii year with only last week biog ilio Iilliilillilitiji to 31 Will on why the Detroit lied Wings tlci that some Detroit inter Arena and they feel that it led ill the red Further roni Aiiiiiptimi Col tlzzliazra Generals was inoiiiit reared and illlliili anti SIIIZIII child 2b Miller Him Bowen if ZEliliEIlS Mdliiiiiis if Grit liiiin Siiizwchnk 3b ll Green 21 Leiiiny of Gross as Wright 1b Leverington Given 11 Folk her if 2680 221 241721 Copneo gt 123 zoo oa Zlflltlli boonior summer collagen comp ers fishermen eic Non sticky Piedslng odor Spray on screens to keeprooms free from Insect pests NEW FREEDOM FROM MOSOUIIOES BLACK FLIES SAND nits in Roost HIESW AND OIHIILIAHNOVING INSICIS ROBERTS BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY TORONTO counted pair each COPACOK Bowen rf Kash as Gilbert none INSECT REPELLENT ia lShonty Boy Girls Hold Ore Lcogue Leadership ds First noiir in Senior Softball iPrysons Oeieaied 98 POLAND HAS BEST PERCENTAGE SENIOR PllCHING Ki PILL NEWEST AND FINEST use WSER was TIRE il inl lii III Xiiu Iiiliiiil HEM IIII ii=iti iiiii Iiwii ii li lint Ii1 iixiiii lvi IL Idriniii ISliLiiin lil Iilliil Iloidriw IIVIiiIi in pluiv il xifml iw iii Ii STRONGER RAYON corn New heavier gouge Rayon cords make every ply simngcr guard uguinst iotiurus increase lire life HUSKY TREAD BLOCKS Built for tough haulage Dominion Royal Fleirtwtiy increases tire iniicugiz and cuts opcruiing oats III iln id irv RCA Copoco Girls Win Exhibition Game At Newmcrrkei 135 nil tiili iii in in XIIV il mgii Minimum uisu fiii illtl wow Irimiui lniiiiii III trill Iliij lllli oi in Sttllfl Ilsiiw Iiiili3 iiuiiuii III1 IiIili iii iw iiicl iiii town aziiinc nd tIIiliI fiiivi itiiu ilillf ixiiii illlty Int by Iigti live iiiniii Einiiiliii uii iiimip IIII T57 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 2694 PROVINCEWIDE SERVICE tlltii one Ill IIH in wti IIit llIi Knapp ioiiiidtd Iiil bi Ill tillllltii NiLJII int liiili tios xiiitii Itll lilic ioiiiii