PAGE TEN Rural School PROMOTIONS Irimiii It REPLACE FURNACE or Summertlomu and Corruga tu rai IVEED SIFII WORKS Limitd Ilipi tiil lliit rillolootivaallataIla14Illirlltlplltllsrllozrt1443111141 ANNOUNCEMENT Store Closed Mondays All Day During Julyand August OPEN WEDNESDAYS ALL DAY Iii ioriner Years this riianiicin store hours for the two coouoooooouo once hot summer months llliiVitI sittisfacllnv to both cits tonicrs and staff We ask lllli cooperation again this real IIIIINIIIRIC SIUYIIS LNI III Phone 4492 TRAILER HARDWARE See Our Complete Stock rad box RUBBER FLOOR MATS With NH flit f7 it ili himiii Ii tiiiiiii Iilt ii liiiljtt iIIi SMITH If its for your car we likely have it The price will be right the quality assured Our moneyback guarantee is your protection Arthur Iiicgchcn Douglas iliimbly promoch on years Work Ronald Sturuc has written the Entrancv Flexibl cxains iisiilts not known Metal Tubing most complete stock from to liniuodlate lirery ry low prices Duvall Larry IIdncy Jack Hanibly Mary Iatciiett Joan StiirgEOn Kiicesliaw Ronald Knecshaw BARBARA SUICIJFFE Teacher Illiilllf plated over Brits Tire Pumps will not rust New iuilcrn Dcsignl Better Reception Easily installed on any car 533321 309 385 409 469 order If child failed to pass to the next grade his name has been omitted from the list Ash Trays Suction cup mtg 59c Clampon 89 iter Mchiay lier Margaret Kecskes Irene Lock hart Mary Mae MngnnssonRay inond Stacey Billy Schcil McCo uili Lockliiirt itoo Joe Allen Barbara Day Gerard Dumond Lorne Orsei laiconer Marjorie Magnusson Eugene Varga CAR TOP CARRIERS Heres value Sturdlly constructed carrieE forlboatsiladders luggage etc omp ete th straps and hardware Reg 595 Ball and Socket Couplers 159 Schell Bumper Coupler Bar 295 OneMan Tow Bar 750 TWOWHEEL TRAILER FRAME Everything to make your own sturdy trailer except the wheels 2545 trance Number on roll at end of June 27 ROBERTJ FLEAR Teacher Felt Ilacks To Fit FORD 195 CHEVROLEI 29 to 34 215 Chevrolet ioassi 235 Most other Cars 195to 3eo meet on Thursday July 17 at Miss Laura Halls Sheriff Drury is to be the speakerThisis not the series 235 reei399 Coupied Let ussave you money on lawn hose nozzles Coupledl sprinklers couplers menders etc MAR ELIZABETH srs Barrie Ont iiitxmii StlllttlIAF lt ci iii 55 Ni It illt ii III2i II ISLHI Ls lii as Xi SllH Viiiiirv lii iiiii brill1 Im iiip on lflldl Ii Iiii IMli iir iiiio dlll it toizi IIIll llill III ilii iij llill iiium Mnlioiicy iiii iiuiiz tiniiti ll II IltlYI icocliti lllli ilmrn and ii lii litll IUIJ lifill Iiiiiaiiiii IIIII liwl ct Ijli It rIi Ir ll liiiicl Spi lztt Ii ipii ii the 1iIlitI llibiri It ilitlli Ilt llclti It li dcd iiid IHllllii ilcrcc iiry Iiiiunp pm lozdori Wall with ii PARIS imcbcl iioioiiij Holland and Mr rangc SS N0 15 Ii Iiic llonni llcasiiiitl to il Sitw Matwijcc to Marion Illack Ill laul Mild Iitwiicc Ii to lordoii Mtlili and llll Ii QITANIZ ioacher tiitnds SS Ni it ESSA Mrs Niiincs in alphabetical order liadc Il Ilclcii lliillips Willi Il Mathew ltiii lliolcy UtllLiili Ilifili Tummy ilil iliiigin 1Iiininic Ill1tlll MRS IIAIIUAIIICI KUZYK lcatliei SS NO 12 WILLIMBURY Itoiilsons iIill Scliooll um nines pDililIilillltlbcilttlilyr Ilonors were indicated on person il rcpt iris trade to Bruce Edney ii to Douglas Didicker Patric ia Diwali Earl Sturgeon gt1 to Arlene Sturgeon to Janice Batcinan Douglas to Beverly Knccsliaw Paul BRENIWI SCHOOL 88 No Suiinidzilel All names are in alphabetical Grade to Ronald Day John to Mary Allen Stanley Col to Helen Kecskes Stanley to Irwin Collier Marlene to Harvey Collier George to Melville Orser Harold Number trying High School EnI GUTHRIE Jacqueline Peirson of Toronto is spending her holidays with Mir iami Besse Guthrie Womens Institute will picnic ypreviously planned but regular meeting Caldwell 90 years old on Sunday July spent the day at the home ofihis son Robert Caldwell The family were all present but Harry who lives at Portage La Prairie Man Mr Cald well is hale and hearty and boasts of running foot race The June meeting of the Gutlirie Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Mel Jamiesonv with good attendance The new Dist rict President Mrs Bell of Cold Water along with the seven Guth rie members who attended the cel ebration at Guelph reported very interesting trip Mrs Clarke gave paper on Current ilkey reported Events and Mrs on the happenings at Guelph 4gtw by Wednesday noon Weekly Newspapermen Meet in Ottawa ills zgr were can on it It it it It Local Holiyhcxwks Dolectt Oakland Hill Oro Soccer Loop THORNTON WW NEW LOWELL iiiii lnddWH ii iiintlul ilti Ililliatil IIII Mi MI Lili ilIiI Iiiiiilili tguiil lt tints il All Siniil II ilii gt1Iii Va imiiiIinlll illl Sunday Hi Cookslown Shirts Iill mi Out Leiroyr 150 um Fennells 70 iii iiiilt Eli ii iii ind li illill Mix INS IIIIII iid Iiill li Ali Nin ililtl IVltItIiIUIISL Iiitt Mgiclidiii ll Vernon iliil Lllnllts Spiinc INtlllliIIi Wail Iliilli Wagner mi lliiuli Junior to Scnzor Wil un llill Iliiliiii Iiiiniiit lliiii My Iiinc Iiiil uziw lI lt ii iid 111 lel l2 lilitl xi lt neck Mrs Will lcc lii and Siilcv iitlci isiicd Itc Sin lltII iiiiiicii ll Iiilil mun play in ink limn ililll ili ovci nud vinic dllIIttilll wiiilo Iiid ii Iayiiii tiiiiiiiiiit lliio Sldilliitii innitnod Grade to Iltirii Icii3ii body to the United cliiutli Htin ixmi pi1L Ill Juli day ttlilii1 winii ltrv ir liiiigz wall had charge oi lllt Mlilil and Mrs daughter tiliiicd iioiiic iltcr ii visit with iii and other ltlliiiii iillir Iioii illi ilii Lodge Hi ii limit Iiiiiiilt all imit ioi stincii Iiitt in iiiii ill liii ilind Itlli in loinili uii illitli iiii tinii wih winchrun splurge ill oiirc and duiiin toiimd Illlitl ind liiiirii iiiuiiicd lotion Mathews IiIILa ilJi tli For Mrs lic lliiii HIM while Wciiiictln ii Im illliitilli All liiilil lUcd ic lLthIlll Vilinic ind Alis Education Womens Institute NILLJtIn The Imiilcd iili liilIII1 liltlll down lii illigpliivrf rllilit in liil Iii lanncd iiint and Doris Elliott Florence Oirok 1Ilillilli WV Will Illllljil united one touliiii Bill to timidl 1pm imp served by Mrs llttQuay iliii Il Uihvvrhnx ml mmuwl liiililiii Bride Iiicci Honored evening innny illtlltllillii lltlglillii goio ticd tin town hull Niw iivil to lohonor to Miss Iitlll iojg piioi1o iiii min An address was li Iilllllilii pocin li Kitlt Imp IIJ iiiliiiil iimi in IIi IIiiilliiillii1liltAid liii Iiirliiillli liil iiininr unbc io ti oollmvii two inn IillII Iiicsda liiiu iuliurn and lnoiiiii iin ililit i= tun Illilii runs IIllit liiiic by Mrs iiiwiii was made of beautiful and lni gifts Alter tinre were iniw by the bride and gzroonido put on display Ileicn thanked the pcoplc as did the gtroonidoln laliiiidier Ilc also tXIilllitiI oi illillilliil Visit liltlll in their 1103 lionu lunch was liii Illi iiiiltli tiu Illlllil Hind iIl ii pave iniizz Iill ililii lii1ii Illitl IZIII niuiiii itll II lilli liiiii ililizirii uni two bcit ilili Iiill Ilililtl lIllI liair toum Marlin ni lllIiiDl iiiiv iiul iimilv ilo liil iiilli IIlllll lllltl IlllllIV tllfiii rthur spent in dancinii Jr IIWEBB THREE HITS srROUD DEFEATS MOUNT PLEASANT viiii old ii nl ik my iii ll illitflf Ill iIlIilt ntvi ii tin Iii Iii ISTRANSMAN 429 LEADING SENIOR LEAGUE BATTER iiiill Iii twinpipiii in luii 11 litll llltiiii IIIIIIllIOIIIll441140llllllllllllllIlJtlllllllllllllllllll FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WINDOW GLASS thIIANY llIIIiii iiiidt only kllltlitll glass lltlltl are pleased to lllllttillltt that can now siippli iil sins of window glam iii ldlItILUI or less llliltlilii ltllJll Illlllllililit lltIIVllY Ililill our iiltliiilir Iillilillilll ior IIIIill ocvvoa4ooctocooovooovvlaooooa11o ALEXIS NIHON CO LTD noxriii ioiimm 1331 liil St Iliiiiipoit lid it tlciir ion lfill LIIIIIIIJHI ZliiJ gllllllIlllIllllllll 1i iu mi tutti iii to til You will have 11 certain color in mind iit iii in int 5m II uliltiititiftulilisillillllilsWiltilStItCt no iili loliiiii lion iii in 1o iii tlii iUli ioi Illii Ilit mg ii roof for new home or new iioiiivtiis tiillli link with tour inn roof for our ircsenl home bii llilliill liiili oi iiu Ilillltii lluv nation iLuinii iiu lxill oiii In it is equallyimportant that you choose lmv libidoii ixiili Molina WWI ii roof that will long withstand the illililil ilIi tun llli iiim iii abuse of time and Weather Stiond liilit loiiii licariini Itllili in lIit Illt ioic ALIGNMENT Care in manufacture backed by the skill and Dont imivv your printing Order the remainder of the eveniin iii the 1nd lllillllli and expect immediate iiiIlitly First in money saving value first in safe dependable per formance re in Ponglasting mileeatingdurabil ityi No wonder Goodyears are Can adas rstchoice tire Buy them today on con venient time payments ciiiiirs It pays to send Classified Advts to The Examiner early To get the cash rate payment must be made EOWLERISI TIRE SERVICE Phone 4335 711 Clapperion St RECAP VULCANIZING ROAD SERVICE Barrie Illl out llllt Ill iliil ELL iciili Itll the Stiiiiid Ihii uth gt Internationali years of experience C01l MOIOrTruCkS Asphalt Roofings standard of excellence which marks them as superiOr Competent lamegmart liltl Bradford Hi PHONE Swill llAltlllI unmmrilnsur It rays to blister cash nnd EquipmentPoy cashlo earn valuable cash dil snanunuucupuunou IHE naval BANK clam ilii cnnili knowledge which long tri utc gives Viceroy dcalcrs recommend them London Roofing Division Viciiioii Minoriciunmo comrinr iiiiiiw timoon attery Pay for it with towcot mun IMPROVEMENT Loan Repay by convenian instalment Farm Improvement Loans for manyusefnl purposes are available at any branch of The Royal Bank of Qanada Take advantage of attractive nancingiplan to imprOVeyour property and living obnditions on thefarm Uoo lowcost bank loan to purchase new implements Improvementl counts Strengthen your position with suppliers ranged to meet your needs Come in and talk it over plansover withus BARRIE BRANCH an FISHER Managerii WEBSTER ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS FARM WIRING Etc PHONE 3230 BARBIE ll IliEIi tIIlltI ll tillll Iii CLASS Llim for ii You execcr Ar noor IO LAST LONG TIME Ii lt If dicoutltuil ILA FIRERESISTING Roof that will still be Modwii Imported VICERoY coupon ROOFINGS ASPHALT SHINGLES MHHLI moor AND MINIIAL slierch ROLL ROOFINGS Aumu an uncut SHEAIHINOw FELI lOUILIUP ROOFIIIO MATERIALS noqr citAtlltGS YOUR SHIELD if PROIICIION Hand outmioRoios New Buildings Improvemigts Repairs tensiom cm alsobe nanced througiia Farm Yolk FARM Make Iifeeaaiorand more pleasant for yourself and your family Tam no mmm Youcan nance the purchase and installation of farm electric system with IowcostFarm Improvement Loan Come inland talk your It Iphit