Elli IRENE El 1EZllll ONA ZlO 3lfliSDAY JULY 10 1947 31 KAE we ems thzll lllillllg llliiljlll to the ACCiDENTS in Retirin in llollwuife ll in POTATO 131 III kll gt moo Mills will Iloustml to capturi lwry lllllti lllili Mt am Sllprrll llnxmll llousc gt lt it ll gt gt gt it ll vm ii or ATFS vi it it gt Il ll in ll mil LE iii rj in inijiqiil of 131 El 3H3 llp by no WIN it It wo lilltlllnll lv 11 ll Kl 30 ll1ti in DOCTOR lOWLr tS HX TRACT or l111 srnawnnltlt lhw men wm mm or Ll mi it thrillelit 01 ht thIi lm to lewiiv liit ll the nm in DOCTOP FOWLER lltlltll EXTRACT 0p WILD STRAW mymvmlrmim map BEng 35 ltl will hamlets ii Humucwwlc MW Nu ank MI itll ll lllt tiit shin1 ll itdlti Lt modern lll successful bone Itltlzlziill low lirlidly practised Mill illll StilltiiIitY its work on bone transplants whitll opvnvd up an entirely new led to lll consid iii no MORE FLOOR WAXIN Ill 01 Ytllll FLOORS llll GLOSSCOTE lllthi LthlD ll5ll MADE IN tll pG Tlll ltht tl Sllllttl le 225 per tart Beautiful linisll lwtl in Siliuols Churches Industrial 1le and lltlllltx IMM lmlillllmil MUN tissues lt deinonstv ed that lllt LL Ratio tlilil lie Tlansplanien and menu an lllllultil part of its new site in the lod lie announced this as llun iirlan lecturer in England in hill the first Canadian so honored and ithe strips of fascia and tendons he ifasllloncd became known through iont the world as lllll1 sutures Itisetl ltlSltittl of taigztll or silk in the repair of hernias and dislocatlons of knees etc The Callie technique lSHSNl by sur ecozls throughout the world becauscl ililugstlttllcslnlte and grow where they have been used to re pair defect Dr Leblesurier surgeonin ichlef of the Hospital for Sick Chitl ll GATES 82 Dunlop St WISDOM8C0 11 Essa Road Save 20 On your TIRES shoulders It dren presided at thedinner Drl lGallies portrait was given him by lilis stleCessol as professor of stir Dr Robert Jones and the presented by Dr gery volumes were lllobert Harris Personal nonmedical friends at tending included It McLaughlin alld John Fraser In his valcdic tory Dr Gallic who at 65 willI begin to devote his full time to1 private practice said that the ap pointment of Dr Janos as professor of surgery has givcnmc the great est satisfaction and that under his leadership great developments could be expected in surgery at the university DONT ASK QUESTIONS re adlets addressed to box number Send Or leave your name and address ter produced of any make or at ANY PRICE LATEST STYLINGTread designs are those approved byncar engineers for Eurrent our production MAXIMUM SAFETYBuilt to the highest standardsof the rubber industry for greatest safetytat all speeds UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEEDPositive prote full year ggainst all halards of driving FREESERVICErres purchased mounted free in our modernly equipped shop SAVE 20 ON TIRES 25 ON TUBES Theres none bet tion Or PASSENGER SIZES TRUCK SIZES Tire Tube Bayou lremiumtonstmction 65015 $2070 $395 The Tube 70015 2240 625 65016 Ply 52845 130 50016 1725 325 65020 Ply 3110 513 65016 2125 400 10016 16 700 v05 143 70020 5255500 333 75016 my 00 ms Sizes 12 tov20and 13 to 19 Sizes 38 to 50 52555018 1410 300 75020 10 Ply 0120 130 47550010 1175 285 82520 10 Ply 3445 95a 44045021 1115 235 900go To llY 9185 1090 ALL SIZES ALL PHES SAME IDLSWUM Right now when you are needing plentyof tubbable cooltonvcar Frocks cOmcs this salcZof Dresses designed for summerOOmfort and smartucss priced considerably lower than many others in pleasingvariety of siz VDresses in stripedandchcck pattrns facturprs clearance oftDresses resses foimerlyto $895make you would expect them to be Styles shown and War cs fabrics and coldnrings Chambray andingham Caribbeana Celanese Crepes in daintypastl shadesrAt manu sell for $695 and Zellers midseaSOn clearance of tFOrfurther listing of Other Merchandise see Yellow Pages of the New Telephone Directory the hightestSotety Gloss especially mode for car Windshields Nonshuttering Ground and polished for CLEAR visionl made to HOURS Mon Tues Thurs and Friday am to pm Wed amto 12 noon Sat am to 900 pm ICome to Us for AUTO GLASS serviceswear Rilllllll RADIATOR sumo AUTO RADIATOR and GLASS 13 Clapperton St Barrie Phone 2636 MAIN ENTRANCE DUNLOP STREET SATISFACTORY or your money refunded ELIZABETH sTs Barrie Ont MARY L41 Frliik thl at outstanding evcntl Come in and have your pick after car windows Stands up under hard 5a gt usage is times as strong as ordinarY glass Gives safety niaximum protection Goods Purchased at Zeller Zenerls hunted