Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1947, p. 7

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r11 ERRDAY cnowu HILL ww ELsx lNClUDlNG BUS and STEAMER FARE Gray CoachLines 111111211 of Muskoka Lakes 1131 100 MILE CRUISE $405 Return and TAX Busses Leave Barrie SUNDAYS 720 am DST 111111613 11311 lNlUlUlAllUN Ar BARBIE BUS TERMNAL PHONE 3l62 SANDY SIMPSON has been patiently improving his dairy herd He saw his chance to buy pure bred hull and WEDNESDAYS 50 um DST ltlillfltN Slllthltli llltlfl hittth lllll DUCKS Every Sunday and Wednesday 43 1l1 ll1111 11 l1 3111 141191 Il1 l111 l1111l 111111111 111 3111111 11111111 1111211111 111 1111 1111 liV lluj1 11 11 1111111 i1t1 1111119 111111111111 11111 111 11 i11111 1111111111l 1111 11131111 11111 lle it 11111zi 111 11 11111 11111111 111111111 11111211 111 1111111z 111 1121111t 111 11311 K1f11Hll 111111111i 11 3111 1111 1111 prev111111 1111 1h 11111111111111 ll1ll 111111 1l W1l1l111 1111 1111 imhu 111y 1119111 111 1111 111111111 111 5111 111111111 Hurry 111111 Ntlllllll 11111111 111 111 11 111111 Mn 111113111141 1111111111 l11l weelc Mrs 11111111 tlr11111111 North 11111 lllt1l 1111 twni 1gt111 311 11 1111111111 11151 week Mr 111111 Mrs lisi 111111 312 M11le llill l11111z1311 gt111111 81111111 with 11 11 ll hidez M11 11nd Mrs lruuh llulbrr Sheltnuue visited 1111 1111151 c1111 i11 Mrs 11 1111011 lust 111111 Mrs 11111111 ll11111l11 111111 1111 11nd Mrs Gr111111111 111111111 r1411 111 Albert Muws on S11111l1y Mr 111111 Mrs 1121 lloyd 1111 Dorothy Burrie gt111ni 1151 11 with Mr 111111 Mrs 11 ll Miles The sucrument 111 the Lords $1111 per was observed 111 1111 1111111 Church here Sunduy 1111111111111 Mrs Aubrey Gdtcn 111111111111 111 funeral of her 111111111111111101 11 lngrum in Toronto 1111 Monday Kenneth Kerr and Mrs iiir Meulord 11nd Ilenry Merritielr Acnic Alberto collect 1111 1111 11111 Mrs Bouser lhursdny The play entitled 11111y the 11 111 my Heart put on by D1111c111 Young People here 11151 31111111111 night was enjoyed by 11 large 111111 ience The sum of $30 was 1131111711 The Womens Associauon 111l their July mechng 111 Mrs Smiths last Wednesday vnh good attendanew Several items business vere dealt with 1111111 program prepared by Mrs Vi Goodfellow followed At the c111s1 of the meeting1 the hostess serrcc dainty lunch GUklHRlED July The y1111n1r people from 111111111 Guthrie travelled to 111111111 by 1111 last Friday and thoroughly 11 joycd Junior Farmers Day Congratulations to Norman Gi11 1111111 who vaszsuccesstul 111 obtain ing second class honors 111 111 first year at the University 11 Toronto Holiday visitors were Mr Wagg Toronto with Mrs 11 Gray Douglas Hawkins and D0111 las Gilchrist Bruntford at Gilchrists Miss Anne Mchuai and Miss Graham T00t 11 Henry MucCuaigs Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell out Mr and Mrs Howard Campbell attended the Ca111pbellPo1Vcl wedding at Hamiltpnwlast Satin3 day On StindaylM1 and Mr CampbellMrs Wm Campbell Sl Mrs Osborne of For Credit Mr and Mrs Ross Camp bell of Toronto Mrs Victor Ross of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell enjoyed motoi LLJ THORNTON NEW LOWELL 11111 111 1WW gt11 21w l1 111 31 11 vw IDA iuv waivv l4 11111111111 LINN Mil t1 111111111111 gt 11 111 11111 11 11111l l1 11 111 11 111 1111 111111111 111 111 11 111 11 11 $1111 111 1111111311114 311121 lt 111 11 111 11111111141 111 111111 311 111111 11111111111 1111i Thornton li1r1r 1111111 lhv 11111 111 311 1r1 1ir1111v 1111 111 151 2111111111 11 Mrs 1111111A1111z 11 111 11111111 1111e 1111 1121 y11111111111 111 1111 1111111111111 1111l11l l11ll11 lillllll1ill 11l1 11 111r 111 tholute Mnry 111111111111 111 111111 111 suddenly 11gt 1111 ll Alto11 3111111111 111111111 11 11sV 11111 111111 111v lili 15 Sir1 111111 11111111l 11111111 1111111 1111 1111111 1111111111111 11111111 1111111111111 111 11111112 111s llltitl 11nd M111 I11 111111 31 121 All 11 llfH 511 11111118 WATER when New l1t111 111111 Wife lllrc lliH 3111 RN 9V the liugrunce of Maxwell wt in 111 1111 1111 1111t1 1121l it llouse lills the air This 111111 Hired 1111 111 WP 111111 111111 11111 1111111 111 11siil1111v 1il1 Hllltltllllll liltlltl til Trinity 11112 O11 l111i11 11111 l1 111 llltllllllril 1111 rollers isleiunt Roasted yw4 it 111110 its held the 1111111l RothHui 1illf IM 111 dewlop to the lull all 111 rt11111111 111 its 111m goodntss l1i 1h1l 11117111 11 11 Rev W111 1011111111 of N11 After 1111 1durii1n 11 1111111 was 111111 111 10 busenuu 111111 ltort 911111111 or lLKflMlc 1111 esontin 1111 8111111111 Rel1111 111 011 Corr 1311 1111111111 111111111 11111 lrs 111111111x the WA 11 iunduy 11111111111 Mr 11 v71 10111011 11 11 l1f1 C1111 lll lli aniGHURsri July 11 Mix lehlvl is illllil in 1511113 Julc All Willie THIN111111 11111111 1111 icuds heri 111111111 Miss 1111111 Mi 11111111 31111i1 111111111 131131111 1111 111111 Mrs 11111 Coat1n 51111111 11 few lays 111 11111111111 lust week The SS picnic 111 Midlund 111st reek 11 enjoyed by 1111 attending lruCCst 711111111 visited 11 111111111 111ke 111111 1131111l11111iu131111 11151 reek C111111111111111ti11115 111 llelcn lul 111111111111 who 1llltl her lligh 01111111 etluns Best wishes to Miss FlgtgtlU C11i1111 11 0111 11nd Orr11111111 81111111111121 who vcre 111111ic11 111st week We welcome Mr 11nd Mrs Eller 11311111 Niuezuu Fulls who have 11111c to live in this village iVlr 11nd Mrs Norman Hodge 11111 oon Mimico visited iVlr 11nd Mrs dux Hewitt overthe weekend Mr 11nd Mrs Charlton 11nd Joan loronto spent the Weekend with 10v and ltlisMu51111 at thwctuuv loan will remain for some time the managemhhisbanlrlenthimtho ready cash to close thevideal Now h6s expecting great things of his new calf already he sees her winning herclass at next years Fall Fair few more like her and he can also secvhis milk pro duction rising well as I1ic extra income from selling his surplus stock to neighbouringfarmers Branchbanks in rural chmmunitiegf across Canada help to build prosperous Vlarrnsr and atthesame time help increase the owof food to family tables Vimhothwat home and indistant lands pupilsixiyer to Hafwlrinsrtea rooir for ice cream The pupisgpresgn silver cake plate in grage desigr trip to Niagara Falls Deepest sympathy is extended t1 the Graham family in the suddei passing of their sister and aunt Miss Mary Graham She will eve be remembered and revered to her helpfulness and kindlineSS i1 times of sickness and bereavement Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Beverly Bertram on the anival baby girl in Orillia hospital Jun1 26 Last Friday afternoon the tea cher Miss Irene Gamey and pupil of Guthrie School held their picnh at Guthrie ball field Afiei1uncr and games Miss Gameytackwtht ted Miss Gamey with handsome prior toher departure for her home in Strathclair Manltaba Pay in advance for your Exam iner Classifieds and save money Worrv composes oss of Sleep Worry is probably the most common cause of restlessness Anxieties and fears worries over linenV cial ond1otlier matters all take their toll of hours of restful sleep Suh condition 1111 eventuallyueault in nerv ousness and irritability on of appetite or fatigue If you suffer from 11 nervous condition or restlessness why not try Mllburns Health and Nerve Pills Over the not ftyyearshtlioulsnndn have found Milburns Health 1111 Nerve Pills benecial as general conic to help build up the systeni and thus help promote In Health and Nerve Pills identied of Canadians utreshing real c1111 sleep Ask by the Red Heart on the box or druggist for Mllburn 1111an 1111 111111111111 Toronto on 1711 P111 l11 llil 121 ll1 Wearmmm You Have Date Barre Kiwanis IVAL Tues 11111 T111111 1611 81 U3 LY Post Office Soniarem Fun Frolics Amusement All MerryGoikound dl 1121 ll WEBSTER ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS FARM WIRING Etc PHONE 3230 BARRIE 1le 92 11111111111 111l 11 11115 11111111 lllll 11 ll lilllh lllltt 11E 11111 Qr cg Proceeds 1111 Kivydnig Community Welldre Fund Underprivileged Children PrizesDraWn Every Night Changes to win Prizes If you are the person to diScovr Mr Karnival he Will mall well worth your while Tickets may now be purchasedlrom Kiwanis Club 2511 any member 111 PAGE SEVEN Ullhlllit SUPPLY roux Belting Needs 111113 Company Special Features Ilt llllt eiit 111a

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