AG TWO Ws EMTHE BARBIE EXAM 1111 8111411 llllli 111111111 li111=11li111111 1iiilloi llllllllldlllllllll ltlt iiiteiiiiloiil izeeiy 1111 leiold oi 131112 llltlltdillll5 and Diploma 11lViZlll llls iiiigtiill 13 Iiinportaiit did held very iiiigioilia 1v tlzellosinial Hostel12 from his 1a lie was rug cidentally was on the llaria hotkw cluded the present loroiito as fiUdllll followed his caret1 wi elsewhere that at the recon 1llIltlll or ates should declare liin sturgeon Canada lids ever had great many people mil 11 that Dr lilliies reizrei cnt positions he has Liei General llospital will entail his full time to privati iilkn lli uliitl lil lair 11 iiterlwl here and cruel l1ie lleniiel ii in it also iiiiiieil success iiiii Barrie and district will be pleas 1ltl plans llt now proceeding to the liunipuziisliip Dog Show repeated williiiie intention of making The success of this show heir work ill connection with the event tns year will undoubtedly have the effect of lllllllll1lll iiiili welcomes all dog lovers net itilios 11 to kzi iil xi st1 lZRY IlNlZSl Iltliilllfl lll lIllzlllll lll lit Last week The llairie ifxaniaiei ritceiuii letter from that ii 1111t1lx ii la the Extension ltllllllltllt or fire State College at Lllllllllli which in in the highest terms oi treamiiit reeiviq in the Royal Victoria Hospital lidllll iolauu ing an ziccideiit at liilllgtlztii when his wife were so injured as to rennire ization After describing 1111 ciiciiniiiies which brought them to the Royal Vie Hospital as patients his 1111 atom oi to the lloyill ll very and llll increasing 1111 Kennel liib 11 their EDITORIAL NorEs and linsiiilgi lr Villm 1id Io dalltl into llil like to commend the at their disposal meet the needs o1 7111 con int public have lllllltitl lzii gressive coiianiun hospitals and lint good plannine community As general thine when people act out on holiday they hare little llioilglltaoi Hind i1 113113 patients in hospital that will alllll ll iiilii illl latter lllIHKIEImHIIhi Jaw attaiiisi spending any time as They think of the outing as one benefit the health and give much pleaiiie imgIm ironic as well as improve their education by swine Mom ti new scenes and mingling with new people Buttoday the story of holidays seems to be increasingly one of growing list of arch ents especially to thOsc using the highways Should serious accidents occur when farfrom home it is of great import ance to have good hospital facilities within Mr Parsons is evidently of this ld by many other wports that the prices in every day ltIllltllill nieasumre that particularly the reach opinion and doubtless it is he tourists to greater or less extent He is to be decontrolling complimented upbn taking the trouble to rationing Ra 115 excellent to rise fromltiti pe 1111lll11Ll 31 wounds inter ilil of use oi ll pedestrians killed wl intersections where there were no signals re couldnt wait for clear IrightofWay traffic 51111111 When liillt thousand pounds of hurtling automobile comes in contact with 150p0unds human beina the odds are very muh what the cause of the contact the result is the same deatli Last year 111 Untario of the 388 people 1110 were pedestrians matter Youth of all the world are flocking to the like insects in June and the re world are getting hungrier the Farmers Advocate Yet in the high school area program the Ontario Department of Education is pushing cannot but greatly increase fiockine lo the bright lights in this proviiiec The United States Labor Department ussian Government is busily to abandon tioned bread has been allowed cent to 240 per cent in order lllE BARRIE EiAMlNER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 1111151 1llt11 llllxlllll iol lilsl HUW giiiluit Hill lulu Hi uni IUfllIiill fvl1i YEARS AGO iiinls and find of Nll loud illirtial if it had iioll almidl 311 lill iiii iumui ADVANHZ 1tlt iiilethut 1X1lllJlgtnoll 11 Illllli the It oziuitm illrli tum Linn iipizirdfa iiaul to Tomato indie 11ml liir to ill ltwn 1I1ili3 tin acquaintaiiteslnp ltxlill nude Your til2011111 11110111 li1Ilili1l 1ibllgtul in any 111l1tld1 llxtt nuion voilt litrt 1lrlilliz 141 111 illillrl liilii if liazi lt 111mm ixiflll min itil lawI iiii or do at sure Elm four at Sill wwn it leii low l32i loin trill PARSONS Lei li4l1 voiild lJl lil11111 il lllrlvlllll 111 illil liltllllll lilliirl ll ltle illlreil was handling in arti lll wlni exploded lvinniziu off lis ii1Hi and budi blistering his Sollll Iptil 1111 Mill FRICD BRANT TELLS lol DAYS HERE 1Ziii1ivi Jut lttad 1111 in llllllgllllalxlllm 111 illiattii anol ivi tliLYtlH lt EARLY 11111115 sllllv liilr ltlllliil by llitlli lliereI it111lkililligt lll other doe llll Kt re ulpciioi 11 iHllltl the face liariw Fishing lzili mill to Shake but 31 5i vtslty ll11l11iillllll do of piills oim of lllt1l um llllllioii1 llllill1r 111111itllfitllllull tilllllll11 lu atvi 1n 1il on tile foiiii llllllll Illllllti lllgt1llll liliir lllrlllll loin lo iii llllrnw lllill llllllli To dniim 11 151 ten1i illtllillii llil iaii Alldiiiiisfr lloininion 111 pio iid Ell hair in tln fnide and Hum Izito the lint lv vallol fioii to ill as quite ltiecl lioii gt1v ll1lllSI rllsmi lit 111 111 811011801111 Illitltllt of tiie blocs Il lin mlili oitizizirce the iiiiriirs and with 1wa iii directors went to lilllzi llh 11lilllldll 11101 where lie was eiuled their efforts haiiigitoiisiiip Dog Show staged all then they proceeded to make mm Hm mm my mkmp all iol oie oi llt best in Ontario luii had the active su itlti low oreerii iw thoroughbred dues and their work connection with the event illili eoiitrzinilioii lhere was one iilu iieti of no small llllliolitrlltt the show 14101 tll 111 Station ioic Office and llniilop llne 1il111 and ile prewiit lull lilt liiiinmtlis valuation blfillllll bell has arrived by look ood only for tolorado 100 gt1ii l11l 110 an apprentice 1ttille 11111 1113111 ix know tiitVlolls 1o ltiliel in the shine situated hotelie tul dale mum of Citlllll in the llllllltb iuits extended from here litlllllll and batkl again after sixty years Milli and lasted only six weeks tlicre be iiiv lli Juvenile serv ices lo the Exullillltl office because lilr King fired me as iefuscd to work on lhzinkseiriin Day for Klls secretary and fullback of tho llllllll match in the Queens Park that afternoon with club coming up from loronto lore lllillgt1t Barrie Iollier SLI Pearson lludson Illurtoii Avenuei llios Edwards Taylor Clark Orillia 11 Burns lhos iWillianis Angus Gilbert Agar lDaltoii II Brown Minesin But he said could have the day wwhingm Hmmnlu Strangways Wyevale Spar mm MUWMM ling Elinvale Brown leiie taiig McKinley Midland very devout officnil whose pewjnedfmd Comwm hurc was llS1 behind ours so perhapsmm lieIliad seen really required moreHuwlwsmmI AI Fish SCI0m religious instruction than had al B1idgc Baum at new 3de lftfllhd flew 30 MM 11 lartridile Edmund Baker uiic llllCllSUll iosc pew was WI SIHII Iv 11111112111 Lliliiillielitc IWIIS likely the b21810 just across the aisle from ours and mm 10 crossing who should know great deal bet doesntwrote the three Grant boys were attentive local team which off it instead attended service Collier Church of which Mr King was the Barrie teiueveii me that never very the services So perhaps Mr King was right amends and that youthful unconcern for church decorum is one of the reasons for mmpleted arrange memorial listeners of make accounts But sort square recently installing window in that church edifice Regarding earlier locations of the Gazette tain it was no any ments fairly cer it the corner of Dunlop and Bayfield Streets not in my memory anyway But IIdo as well as pie tures of the twostorey clapboard building platform supported by solid tim bered framework and facing DIiin lop Street obliquely on part of the site now occupied by the Charles Ross Block on the east side of the picket fenced triangular grass plot then known as The Station Gore with big board Sign ex tending across the whole building Office far as my memory serves me the Gazette office moved direct from that locationto the premises where ME Williamson and myself did our stuff in starting off on our news office have memories erected upon plank and The Gazette 50 from on files at JllY ll 11w TltLillitl ll 133 in him iiilri tine 11til laullll iiid A1111 lim liis siiii t1 llii Harm liorpilol llle 1l ai Suillama June 1mg 51 $5M and $10 each from llllll lllllt 111w inc1 of liliiilt Lilitl Selilitwl ltlmmn ens stole1 that about Fifteen isnintuis oi iiie lift to lie lll tii 214 innit Niliieoe ouiity Briefs itieveritli liie lvi1eeiies iaiineis happy Misslllill locii of iossland thillli to South Annrim to do missionary pork Georiw lhidenhoffei of Ailierley career which has had sample of had few stalks of lill wheat fromnnasuiint six feet John Jlill of Loretto 111111 Tracie fltld of idsrke iii which there was not llllllltlllll of Weeds Statute labor 110111 on most of the roads around Newton llobinsou l1llli1l1 rs stationed to Barrie dis by Toronto Conference were 13 Harper Elizabeth Stl THURSDAY JULY 20 YEARS AGO from the file of likilltll Jl 11 lll11 11 1111 fllr lairrie itialtfitalilllls hill pin 142121 oizx f1 lit not ll ioiu ivio criviiiiAiiiuisrs 111 1H ltd1 mu by Mun minim 1i iiil 111ir Ilarrir lAicLll Nulrk 21 23 East to West 0000 Siiiiroc oiiiit iriefs SAID YOULl ROLL EM 8137 wiTH 0605 Hi town 1l ll1ill min ited idslllkl 11J1 eIlo lllllxl1tilltllllttl 1111 li 111 1111 iiiilil 11xvj El NS lii iiaii llvlllg fair iiiity ran lll1itl Slim 11Ill tltili let in all ii e1 11ii lil hastball fioiii tillili Siltlthn v1nh tennis ilidliiil took purl iedinedresulted iii tie litWeen Midluirst 1n the tlllllil litlilcl Vespili nnd 115 lltttoiig new finloud Sivenh Line mop at up the main feature was llarrie quai tetle 1IlSlsllli1 Mire 101 and Dr ceiiils for the lay over $1511 County counci June liiidiways froni ilie aideii party at St Paiilsl llllllllil to send Classified Advls in lIxainiiier early lo ilet tliei cash rate payment must be made1 lby Wednrs of Miss lolison 1111 Laid liar lotal re llariy my $0120 at iiispectiiip realized war PIPE SIMOKERS ASK FOR OGDENS CUT PLUG an in impeding Wariniiisler Paul recent purchase of 48 new Dieselelectric locomotive units bring the number in use at CNlt terminals throughout the country to 127 EVERYBODYS USINESS One of the small but impor tant things that helps man succeed is the ability to re member names Half Century ColonyYet Nation Words never before in the history of the world tissmiaied together memorable sentence spoken of Canada by Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the Third Iolouiul Conference in London England in 1897 And that same year The imperial Life opened its doors for business in little ollice at King and Victoria Streets Toronto Tbmugb 1909 Poncumur AREA onus UP 1927 CANADAS DIAMOND UBllEE YEAR This year Innuda celebrated sixty years of progress and achievement This Year IMPERIAL LIFE 111111TY YEARS LDL Business in Force 82123l0K1 Benets Disbursed In Date 820714000 Assets to Nice obligations $45242000 1934 0111le BORN IN AllANDER Ithc world gasped in our rise when live baby girls were born in Nortiern Untniio to Mr and Mrs liva Dionne triumph for 1rlafoe Business in Forcei 8278934000 Benfts Disbursed to Dale 879085000 Assels 1017199 obligations 871357000 The discovery of gold in the Porcupine District out Northern liitario heralded the discovery of other mineral deposilseontrilmled greatly to the upeninnof Canadas northern mines 2365071100 SI 000000 85303000 Business in Force Benets Disbursed Dale Ass to meet obligations 1913 CANADA WEKOMES 402000 NEWOMERS This year immigration into Canada reached lit williover four hundred thousand new Canadians landing on our shores it great boon for Lpnada Business in Force 542632000 Benets Disbursed to Dale Assels to meet obligations its liei liopefii and all live lived $2435000 391117300 make knownto the quality of otimsprtalscrviccrnlthe appre ciation of it felt by his wife and himself His letter should be read with special inter Govcmment b1 est here in view of the appeal soon to be made their prices down slightl NEW YORK CHICAGO ST LOUIS DETROIT SUBJECT To CHANGE Tickets and Information at Barrie Bus Terminal BARRIE PHONE 3162 price sugar 173 per centbiittei 136 per cent lmilk 220 per cent At the same timethe ack market storesvare putting oriiiE BIGCITIES IfSIMUEMQGIG Farms rim tow Round Trip Taxlnc1udedI careers Some of the other apprentices on the Barrie7newspapers of those days were Walter and Fred Nash Herb Mick Ernie Noland Ed and Tom Crew Jack Malloy Moore BuckFullerton Sam Gal lagher Jack Fletcher and others many of whom later onl met as touring printer in such widely separated places Juneau Edmonton Calgary Port land Seattle Vancouver Victoria San Francisco Angeles Denver SaltoLake Min neapolis Butte Quebec Halifax gt San Diego Cheyenne Chicago De troit Richmond New Orleans Ssh Antonio Houston New York Phil adelphia Washington Boston etc etc etc and mine ofthose printer King Fred Mike Barry Jerry Honolulu Winnipeg Los If you dont ownhypur own Home why not guarantee your family Rent money should you not be there to pay it for them $2190 2200 2880 1405 Confedeialioul1e ssoiialioii llioii 21 Dunlop liilllli When you call man by his name you sliowan inter est that strikesa responsive spark He feels that he has registered with you and that in your opinion he is im portant And it tends to stamp you as observant alert and on the job The value of this habit in dealing with customers and people in higher positions is obvious In fact the prin ciple can and should be applied to beeryon we meet Tbrisan almost magical Hilferenge in the effect of Good mornin and Good morning rFerrisl Try improving your name memory and see if it dosrlt help to advance you in you gcarelerrvo n7 IWheniyou thinkiof your future think about Life In surance too No Other in vesunent offers such an easy systematicway tosave And the seemicy it provides for your familybrings priceless peace of mind These benets are enjoyed by me four million policy holder in Canada AV 1936 THREE ENTOMBED Al MOOSE RIVER Three men were buried in innaccident at Noose River Mine in Nova Sc tin ater two of themDr Robertsonand Alfred Scaddingwere reselled alive Business in Forcef $281579000 Benets Disbursed to Date $93172000 sxels to meetiobligalions $79100000 1918 VICTORY Al lAST World War was over The bugleshad sounded Cease Fire and wave of relief swept the oountr Canada had taken fullgrown nation part in the Victory 2401iours 72741000 86882000 Business in Force Benets Disbursed Dale Assets to meet obligations 815448000 1939 CANADA DECLARES WAR OnI Sept 3rd 19 Britain declared war against Germany Seven days lateras soon as Parliament could be nsbembledCanudu made her own independent doaration Business in Force f8 99 59760 Benets Disbursed to Dale 5506003 Assets to meetIobligations $91815000 319546 IMPERIAL LIFE BREAKS ALL RECORDS During 1946 the Compaq insurance in force pained itlrc3400mmi0n the last $100milliom aving been secured in load than six years $437339000 Benets Disbursed Again 10 meet obligations51377750 1921 FIGHTING lHE SCOURGE AEE1ES The whole world paid tribute in 1921 to the Canadian DoctorsBaiiiing Best and associA erfected tecliniqu for Or use in diabetes Businss in $128968000 Benets Disbursed to Date 811369000 meet obligation $22079000 when they extracting insulinI Assets to 17 mark Business in Fortes to Date $164103 000 SIIECURITYIAND PROGRESS THROUGH AIF CENluny Imperial Ll Ml err Founded 1397 Head Office Toronto Canada BRANCH OFFICE WIW Bank of Toronto Hulldlng Barrio