Till Bztltlilli 1X1lhi1 tlltltl NADA emsamazement NEWS OF ELMVALE gt 100113101111 111 11111 1111 1111 111 11114111 rLriiic 16103 3= bur 1111r if VVV VV 1V VVVV VV 11 VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVAVVV 1VV VVV liltttrital Ullllllltflf Vi V11 VV House ondFdrm 1H 9315 11 11 ll WIRING 31 111 121 1111111111 LV 1111 11131311 111131 VV VV 11 11111 i1air 11 11 11 11 1111111 s1 mA VVVV V1 VV ji 11 Park Conveniently and Choose our Fishing Tackle li11111 and lim 111111111 for liiititl V7 miplc Rods Reels Lines Spoons Plugs Luers Landing nets and Min now mosterpoils lllSllIlIl lllhll lll fill lZS HUSQI llfl lilllllll1yl llll IFLES and SHOT GU 1N 1111113 ll3lftlivll 11 hurries 1x11 1111 orb1s 11S 111 ASEEALL BATS GLOVES 1156 DUNNES ROLLER SKATES littlTltliC BALI lilIAllthl 11111 211 illtttflll tlltl llon liciiit In Toronto pic 11 111 11111 Kits PointsVCirnislies 11 11 11111 36 it Extension Gross seed Clippers crud Hedge Pruners 111i111 11i 111 Kllltillt ll11 lliglit llroltcil 111 riii i1 fly King Bug Killer Ladders IV 111 1t Bordeaux Mixture GENERAL 511111 111111 11 593 1111t1 112111 TBG111 VmV YIVm Jogn illltlll Nr Loses Right Foot 11111111 1111 1111 1111 1111 gt1111 71 1V V1V 111l 11111t111111il1itiiti 11 f1i 11111Lc1l 111 li 1jj 11111 they 1111 411111 11111 11 litl 11111111111111 1111 111111311191 ltitzc I1 Mb ll1 51111111 lllliiV il1il 111111 1111 11 time 111 l1 fhas Buchanan 111511 111111 111 M11 11 1131 1111 211 ltlllV by 1111 GREEN CROSS INSECTICIDES Johnstons Hard is 11ftl in IV ll 111 to l1 ll1111111 1111111 111101 11 impromptu iasc iall gami 111111 1119 1111111 111 Rout 11111 111111111151 lhont W1 1111 121114111 by Albch llcnsun 111 111 1111 1111111111 1131 111 111111111111 11111 fair11111111mi1 1111 11111 LUNA 111 Diviut 11j 1111 by 11111111 ltltl$gtll Strvitt =1 11111 feature Vfor the happy Snuddv Oman 111 Hummnusl VV VVV WWI 11111111113101 11111 LOBA 11111 51111 11117 WM Mm oniiiiioii Dav ciriition 11 11 MI Mlhml 11111121 ltltiltl llltl Marion Thc Doniiiion Day celebration other isitois attciitltd 111111 1111 tavorctl with fine weather drew ship in St John Chm1911 111w large attendance It was tillilllltfl McFarlanc delivered 11 the 111ks1own Branch of the iiicssaac 111 the subject Canadian Legion the proceeds 11111111ttstazits lltlicvt ltlll 51 gilittl towards the fund 111 the rut 51111 The Stranger 111 11111 53111 litis lc1111rial H111 11cc The lllilllloftilll0 of the day was itht softball tournament in which livc tcaiiis competel Cookstowiw Ias reported in last weeks Exilllllll azt 1111111111111 at Leonards 1itl aiitl Mrs learnt Bantuig 111 Mr and Mrs Claude llant 811111 Mr 111111 Mrs liioiiipsoii ltii nttt haveriNu 11 iii llay 111i11 11 31111111 the suiiinior 111 111111 lrs Jack Moldtii vigil 111 over the resend with 113W 11111111 and Mrs Diinn V81 Johns SS liciiic Over 17 attended Si l1iiizlt SS picnic at Allcnwood itczicli nesday Alphougli the weather iort news won and donateth COHSOIE 27 9W1 SUM 11mm 11J111 11 Conaratulatim 711 1101011 ML ilVL W01 PH 101119 MCWWNI zip in the lake The juniors 11111111111 and R11 er lltiurgcois who Ilall fund Mount lleasant whicn Used 11mmselmg mm WOW mwrim 21111 1111 1v1n ouV was in second place contriquth unbung down the sand hwk VVVVd TsV Wank HVHV TW 810 to the ball fund In fiddlilmlAftCl 11m delicious supperV V1VVVVIVVV we mo weekend 1111 was conducted bySuptE FlLLfflitll Mr and Mrs Beverly lennctt all the enjoyed the races arranng for larri visit ioys and girls Mi 11111 ill R11bt1t peanut scramble caust 1111 11 ted IllL lorniers brother vhobad 11o the ball gtllilCS1llC spectators 1V fun Motor Trucks PACKARD BUTTERSCOTCH CAKE Youll Like It Choice Cooked Meats DAINTY SALADS IASTRIES ETC Russell Bloomficld Don Gilkes orchestra provided 11110 music for the dance in Reeds tsavilion which was much enjoyed va the large number present Miss tDnrcen Baker drew the tickets of 11110 lucky draw at the pavilian land Harry Cousc announced the winners Pressure cooker Elmer Martin Alton pair blankets Jack Vivionkman Aurora electric irVott Features In the evening most satisfying1 supper was served in the town hali WWIMNN44 under the direction of the Womens for only institute with food supplied by the people of the village and adjaccntl community comedy fCousin Jill from Complete EJunctioii Hill was well put on by Powerful tube superhetcrodync radio 1111111111111111111V SclioolV stuchViitsAdt DLLICATESSLN iected bv tic teacier irs Emddtlst and DOIICC band iCillt Between acts there were Weekend 12 Inch speaker iplcasing ducts by Tom KiilllS and 181anley Korchuk and Harry Cousc Try Internatlonal BilllfAlli antenna 18nd Wells did humorous skits 1V Fullvision tuning dial Farnsworth Automatic Record Playcr play 11 inch or 12 inch records Record storage space NOW AVAILABLE iros RADIO Harold Cooper Barrie kitchen 1clock Miss Betty Jones Barrie basket of groceiicsHaiiy Taylor 100 Bradford St AA 1311112121tartar11111133 DIAL 39411 P1101112121121111111111 an Jr 91 WWWNIWMNOJ Fine commercial printing at The Barrie Examiner Please order as far ahead as possible Phone 3609 44 Essa Rd AllandcrleV PROMPTSERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Store Closed Mondays All Day Not only tlic nest dry cleaning but our hands completelyt Enjoy iheVVcom bined benefits of betterdry cleaning and prompt delivery that saves you time and effort Put yOur drycleaning worries in prompt efficient service During July and August OPEN wEDNESDArS ALLDAr In former charsVVthiis change in store hours fortthe two hot Summer months proved satiSEactory to1bothcusV tomers and staff STORE and PLANT CLOSE fOr VACATION ON SATURDAY JULY 1291111 AND ARE CLOSED ALLTHE NEXT WEEK The StoreVONLY Will Open on Saturday July 19 at 9AM when phone calls and orders will be takcn=infor the following Weck Storc and Plant open as usual 0111 he right Cleaners 88DUNLOPST PHONE 2634 Next Quecns Hotel BARBIE ONT VVVWe ask your cooperation again this year VVFURVNITURE srovEs AVND PAINT 129131 Dunlop St Phone 4492 MOTOR CARS lameSHart PAINTING lll1 ltl lJiQ liiLilSlLii The Green Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS lllllwAii llxpcriciiccd Bookkccpcr ocr 31 ycars of age prctcircil Sit111 ciii ltlllltllt1pl at our Slorc 011th INSULAUUN iAsroo 111211 11111 11111 12111 Lt udi 51155 Stops Siziiiarii 11 11i1l 11 111311 lill5 mblm rov cons 81201111 21111111111 11 ii 1l1zi11111i itl PLANT lltllllis Kill PACK LANNICRS tlilltilltti 311 13 811 V3 lTiiiiillzli liNliAiliNtl PANS ljlim 19 11111111 11111112 11 11111 11111 ALUMINUM lVlIRtUlJxlUI $119 5135 Alllilet 111111 1111 11111111 Ac1it 151519 ILlii17l lliA lilIIlllfS 5135 $15 SALUUR llflbitli SIUVIIS 73 This burn that Oil gar WWW ll 51 ml tlltlt 11113111131 11iiis$69 1911 SPRAY 11111 ii siiiAriCiis 111111111111 111111 111111 fl IllflS tltthlllal Sixth 11 9111 1111 llllfllllf lillAllei PADS $1115 $730 59C Illlt 1131 Klillllllliftltll i1lllffl l1f1 Kill liltiisla WEEDS Quilting $1111 sire or 1111 lllI llilIluN 11 11111 tllc1i11111 tiipsai 151111153111lti 3111 f11111l $111111 1111c 111111 111211 1131 Kitat litllltln liatcs 1111 and 2131 1311 11111 11 11111 512111 AllAfllili11131 lti tgtlitziiiitrs iii ltlill wipcs out 111 11s and grass Ift 111111 ruu MATS 11111111111 Ycilaw 1111111 liccn lttisc ls REAM lliliil 11111111 Upcil Stock Ready for the Revised Law Brush Or Spray EXTERIORINTERIOR Expert Work Job Guaranteed ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 4177+ sittiniii lltlSUllANCl BARBIE ONT GEO COLPITTSV 49 DUNLOP ST You owe it to yourself to find out 111in Ontarios rcviscd law will affect you if you have an accident after July and cannot pay for it For complete details see or phone GenuineRVEO Parts and Service DEALER KNOWS YOUR REO gaz Our maintenancc policyis not to sell rcpairsIt is to prevent cxpci1sctokcep operating costs lowl Why Because too makconlytrucksandbiiscs4wliicli are sold 0111a basis of low operatingcost This is different kind of serviceanda different kind of outlook Decide today to take advantage of this new deal in maintenancebacked up with trained efficient mechanics who KNOW trucks We are the trucking bdsincss with yourwhy not use US as your maintenance department No matter what type of truck Wowwill save you moncyl REO BU1LTV SOLD AND SERVICED IN CANADA TORONTO GARAGE REO SALES AND SERVICE BARBIE PHONE 2214 11 billil ll 111 01011 13011111 101 VV RV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV IVVVV PLUM 41 i111i toot lengths PNW lllclttl tlltl littlltl 1111111 3111 Mill 3H lltllflll FLUWIER 10 15 VV B111111111 111111 111 11i 111 13 1111 131V UV 1mm 11111111 11111 ltlfli 0101 111VVVVH1101 mm115 VVVVVVVVVV L5 399 mm 51111115 Inc lilllllfll1 mt IV VWIVH 11 Kym $11 11mph 5111115414311 Happiness IS benecrol IOT llle bth It IS lelei that de If 98 ST arm up 1111111111I V111 fVVllltVtVV iltii11riil 11111 hltLQtVVliy VV litl111111V Vwilt VV11V1 EV t11itrl 1lA Ell lV1Vt found iVllViiTitanium 1ti 11V1111Vis11j Vi lllllt V1111 11 lll 11111 ilit VV 1VllVV1 VV V111 111V Vitllll1i Vgt1V11AV 11111 illf ittln 11111 1111114 111tit 1111 illLlAi 11111 11111111 11111111 11111 111 ir 11111 Mrs 11111 Spoor 1tc11l attcndctl tlic 1111111111 July 11 up 1111101111 111111111111a111111111111 11111 Vi 11M WITH H1 V1 WV 312th unvod 11 111211 91101 M1111 11111121111V1Vi1111 V21VV111V1V11V 11V1Vgt1V1V1V111V1 111111111111 111011 at 1111111111 111 1111111 V111 irs Banting1 11115 licltl liit sllt tulixrmnm HWY 1111111111111 The Late Mrs Wm Banting cticsi sympathy 1x oxttiilcd 111V fnijiif 1111 111111111is1 1V After 111111111 lillltf illtlt the bereaved family Ill 1111 11111 olU 1111411 I111111 hiiis1l111 111gt3Ll 111 the Great llcyoiid l1l of 1111th Cifl and 1111111111 11011 iALklMi iiiimu 11 IUKACL