Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1947, p. 13

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llillitSlnir ii In 114 CLAS CASH RATE Must be paid before lllStrllun IF TLHIGH cents word minimum 35c cents word minimqu 50c mm Al BATES AlllllllUNAl lNSiilt IONS SAME RATES All Classified Adlets Must Be in Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY ou nlUst include cash stamps or money order with copy to get low rate HELP ANTED SA In Hi ixrrl WANTED Sn cd ti In 131194 FOB BALI an In in ll 1114 Anna TILE 16 lAlilJZ ol on then Til if BARRIE 3344 llfIE FOR SALE s1 up in Eiflltliiif tIftlfaliit CANADA AlIKOMOHlLES no In Ha new 14 Iolksnfrr 1111 510 11 litlliV filill rife iiii Tillllvilt flu aiv ii 111 liklil1 IIIII LtAitT Illll llllltl lll if liznnr 311 GARDEN illAtlillil 1i 21 lzlIlillillln $100 Ttlipllullu 54 BIi1Ii inl 1101315 ilitiuk 91 on 1I1Il1 AI HI littl II it Slllt llllll ex lgtlr and chain llionr IIIIIIsIs AND CIIllt Luci Zirl lwe pickup ll Ilt 115121 in an lhllllJu vim 111 liniw Ioii notion YalJlll 11 53131 NIILlII bin WW lll 11 an liltHCllAltlll amnion Hod inn VlVilitlIllu IzIIIIVV lI LIIVVE Ila it1rllllltx I11l4Illzll illiltI 1114 Ki Lilli 1pr 111 BLUEI lliAM llni stiliilo ttllltll Al AA ll opens Illlo dollnll lltl Apply iIti VVVIVVVIVIUI11liiitI and folk lIl Illl 111111 51 n11 hwpm mum Ilifullj la ml to cool tinIi LW v11 lilltm ll ii 25 1ilgl W00 lllIl complete ti kltrll 11mm 11x51 15 IIz lil 224 izim iAslIIM IiIIIAl xxzvi 53 it Mil VV llonc 1101 $0 11 ti In min $1131 VIW Im Ile ltirIllllli lllilllll lll illltnl irIIIIilill UH L1111inI 11 Iv tilt lll 1A1vpl lllinran Huminn nal lth iljlTnlX lllIAlliitS kitchen CI lHI limn till 31131 Ni illzi Inalnei hall mat and mirror IlIIK In MIII III lillli lulu $21le In llnxl IuI 1Ipli iiilll izlIIl Iilll 51 ius llitill llI linl bllilp Iutals Igtlln1lou1lii No lllltlltlL lhllne 2va 10110 2311 so nil IllernloizliAIlm iiltlllt 21 lHN mull lllIIIIIIIJ til llli poultry zln qilallllty we piiltl llil bl III Shoutl ltllltlt cooler milk Coolers $71 Him if wry blolllia and lIrlIiay lholzl 2101i 777331 1311133 loIIIlise mmmi 119 ImwnmAi for sale good lS new mst $140 last summer soil lor $iSuflIlKl lll il leii o1 41 Iii131 IIIL Ivu 1111 tLLUMMUIMllO mm Hh lb lII lillllill Ill Il ion Wimm Vlllgtllt ellitsllcliIllclu liivvv HNHl IIilllv11 1111 111mm cxrelielll condition $115 Apply 31 lI Drum Lane 733l HM llltlliX lll2llll ml 111 E1111 1111 ll lilfilUBlLl FARMS WAN lill PROPERTY FOR SAL I1 813le rad nu 1I in Exaiu Ilikii PAGE THIRTEEN ERSON AL an is HM unlun itili LIlt may Clocks In 191 31 sixI AKTAG AND MOVING 1h you no in AAsun MM RAGE FA it 315 FOR SA LE ii tumour III 1V lill liii IlIZ litlilil damiul iI llllldlIIw liiozlv ii ill1iii1 IiIIIIIIIIi ulfn 211111 I1 illl ii low1 ifliloxii MWLLJ Illilxs cn BICYCLE or sale in Inujhvr luv IfmiII lblihllillil xxI1 1w 31i11 137231 Iii ilNiliiixis111q11 mm bond condition Also tunic size 141 mil IHHIIIL 111 11111111118 511 LLsvm Apply 1m Bum My Phone also illllriiltifflll TIMI 115111 iiiiif IIHVIIIIHIiI IIII Illlll1 lHillIi Inn fluxliu sIzixmxi ll MHHU Hml 31 YV gtt IIIIIIItlIIIIIIIIl 1II111W HIV V2 WW IV WI Vi 1111115 111 JULLHS Itil rll Mlll BINDER N1 4111 011 11001 fjfv f7 lzIII1IL lilili ltllfl tillv11111131IMat1VVI111HI 1lt11l 111 1lt1MHillj 11 llolI ililtNllllillilV ll Mir IHl Alllililliill Ilnfilllllsll Evlirlvmu 0rd bmdm llhmuwljun TWO Villllmm llJEIlr 13 llllilbnl lilllll mist I1Il liux Ml 11119 1I luzuml wanted or elderly 111 lllmmh 916 l33ll lllml lIXLiIHl WU WW UM Mil 1111 1311mgt 11 311 Slfjfw 11 1le munch 11 11111 171 llltral lllone ro 131 11281 WWW i5 lliLU ml llil Hill Mill All Wilmltll anti alfalfa rank mat IXPIAVRITFR my Sim mid 5W lWiil ml Til Ilnn lllv ilii be ill zumi IlInnlnI orderl tritililld liliilil sturro inzli Sinule liil NEH Wm MAN Vka on FURNISHED nmmnvm by HUMV slIIoeVnt or beginner Box Tiar Variety Shop Illilil Si 211 llarrlv iixzntnnii Uf mg 11V 114 mm mini 11111 simuwr 111111M5 mililllk IUlllilil no rillilliren Abslain IIxlmmPIV 1331 VI YR lll 2111 1132 11111 111111 llllll 111x ll SlANllth lli Immum llh Hunsnloms 3971 ll 2in INiiHHUH for ilt gtIi ienllelt ll ltltll iiiIIIIl finim Mllliflllimnfi lIiOlllllNC CARRIAGE blue laill1ll rluckeyo Incubator Ballecu lllii Igtlgtl1lllll47 1umi iIIlltll 212napalm ILEHKJIHIKLIXJfI gilljlb ppmw 51V MW 1134 11 311 1311 211llill1 ANT liOAlll Wanted with Ion ttllllilll $1 Phone Mrss ilyallctlc lluillls IIn1lr llttl iltlll $173 olzsaier trade or coupe 10110 mum N0 011 QSV Richards 4322 7281 II IllVlLsS and springs Must laIVsolIl Applr iltl house east of klliillllrsl 11an Hm HALF 111133 111111151N111N Ay VVUMAVNVVV IVVI1LI 1911 111 111111 mi Barrio luxaan PIANO for lm in good wuditimhl VlVViVll271V1lll1=I Univ VlVillVV ilillim 3M steel outside and illlttl Willi moor silie VllglxitVl thVInIVItlIVr Valid illllit liollsewull nIl live In lllti ill mum tltlltl no lllcd for double Lull Allin lMIIIHlI hit in Map 111111 nllacuvc loomnui 390 Apply Bl ill svim lmlilll 11 unlcpm Highway LET lll Tllstlil lltllltlllllluriVi IIIIPWIM COUPLE would like or Bradford Ont 7389 Ifl$rNIII Ilrrrli lxirlIuc mm 1tliil lil ifitiilon ennui linbi kn 11m 11mm lfV8l Al unlurnlshcd rooms or house In 13 loll cared registered black and Apply Cooke 04 lccl $1 mp 111 1115 A1l1c1l1s 111 Hmon lkill 1l1 Box 23 Barrie lixiiBOA1It Arhioyd1Ti60 Ian lox and coon hound pups lar Vllarllv 11 381 mm ills 17 MW 11mm JV MEN with ham bonil mi in ammo 28 CompCe Wl sm ems hillu Sliimms imll Miller 23H lilliizlllvtil lxillzr small stock lciilinv 1EiildXieneial mmm or 2240 WOW ml pox Davis ll 193 MODEL FORD wad 32m liiiifnibnxwhiff lillihiiiiiiii ftittlll WWW 336 lll01Hlll WWW mokilm hum Minimum App 1R FURNISHED or unfurnish Ayllllel lll RR LIT1311 3917 Mas oacl 5131 A1 gH diam111Illiclilun InN 31311 ll 211 lmV 11151 pamDUmHVL Puck llmlmh lll VOllllL COUPlCVWllll ll lupplgb OR SALETI 01 small ill Ba Iaralzv 1711 fisszl Road 111zlrnlluwigigi VIM 11f ers Barrie Ill lJllb Chlllr APill BOX 13 Barrie Pill 10 mid Split lllcn PURE CANE feeding molasses car lhone 2187 lllBill fw BHtk BUCKWHEAT N1 legsmh lX1111111MI 11281 1010 Phone 84712 7gall load on hand Through purchase of Slim 77 11111 11111 1111911 1H 113111 11 15 momma STAR MOTOR lol sale complete 118 slack Inn Upkil NM second car price sccurc travel outfit this is your opportunity to get established in profitable business of your own For flill particlllafs write today to The WatkinsCompany Dept OB5A 2177 MassonSt Montreal l2730b POSITIONS WANTED YOUNG WOMAN would lik by the day Bar Apply Box rlc Examiner 228pl HIGH SCHOOLGIRL ould mith jcllllclren afternoons fa eveningsl Phone 814l3 Barrie 228p1 MIDDLEAGED cl and reliable good plain cook sires position ill motherlcss home Jr would care for Invalid Apply Brock St Bar rie 228p POSITION ANTED as account ant Capab of taking complete chargeof set of books Willctt tario 228p UMMER COTTAGES ASAGAG rooms fireplace elec lc1ty screened central sleep July first week on Elnlvale 40 282628p COMPLETELY furnished cottages and cottagettes miles from Bar 1le CyrilS Hughes Shanty Bay Phone Ora4024 2827291 Apply ox 655 Parry Sound On fact rcr red ARN Friendship outstanding Friendship box of all occasion Greeting Cardsunequ Friendsand coworkers will marvel at Regalslsvcard as WOrkl sortment $100 Handi Notes 20fo $100 46 clear profit Write to Learn to make money this led value Ltd Manufacturers DepthEl 103 SellRegals day easy way Simcoe St Telonto famous Fall sale St GROOMED COTTAGE for sale on Lake Simeoe close to golf club in s1de lumbing furnished Priced to se Smith Phone Stroud 17r33 282813 Tudhope Only reliable hustler con Writc Rawleighs G128131 Montreal 42731bG EXTRA way egal Christmas FRUITS AND VEGETABLES qty y6u wit In This Examiner WINTER CABBAGE PLANTS for 50c per 100 STRAWBERRIES for sale 5c box allowed for container and McArthur EdgarV202728p TENDERS Say you uwll in The Examiner TENDERS will be receivedby the undersigned up to July 15 for sale of mouse property at Jarratt being Pt NW PtLot Con11 Oro Twp approx1matcly onehalf acre of land with 9loomed brickwlad house and outbuildings perty maybe seen reither Wm McKerrol or Jarratt Dept MONEY the Sell Regals Stationery Co Cards this 41731bA 298 Bayfield 2028b picking This pro pplying to Terms cash Highest or any tender not necessar ily accepted Trustees Hawkestone RR Secy Board of it long 2027281 Phone 26 Tudhope base and pcdcstal good condition $50 Apply Craig Hills dale 7282511 THREE ACRES choice mixed hay Ernie Robertson east end of town near Shepherds Service Sta 728p MH BINDER for sale No5 ft less than half price new Maycs Phone 7622 Cooks town 728p MANTEL RADIO Marconi bat tery 5tubo ill good condition Ap ply Mayes Cookstown orphonc 7622 7231 INT COMBINE 1946 model motor attached scour clcaner pickup Apply Cecil Haggard Lorec Phone 161r31 72811 RUBBERTIRED WAGON foii sale 600x16 tires also trailers for sale ApplyGrallam Sommcrs Craig hurst 7281 MOWER FOR SALE 7ft cut choice of two Deeringor MIl Herb Gibbons Lot 11 Con 11 Innisfil 7281 INT TRACTOR PLOW 3ltlurrowp or would exchange for good work horse Apply Box Barrie Ex aminer 1281 CONN SAXOPHONE alto SllVCl plated also brass bassoon flat bass Both in first class condition Phone 4300 728b GARAGE FOR SALE 16x12 pine lumber 2sticks0f timber 6x6 24 Young Minesing 7281 BEDROOM Phone 9304 evenings Say you saw it in The Examinar Cenl ral 15281 for rent 3ROOMED APARTMENT furn ished adults only rrlhonc 3047 15281 LARGE ROOMS to rent house keeping privileges Box 11 Bar ric Examiner 15281 COMFORTABLE furnished bed room central Apply 103 Worslcy St orlphone990 15281 THREE NICE LlrlllSlTCdAlOOImS and Sun rooln for rent one milciout of Barrier Phonc 806123 UNFURNTSHED ROOMS Iojront near Shanty Bay Apply Mrs Bclshaw RR Shanty Bay 15281 FURNISHED BEDROOM to rent in Allandale 1iliet home gentleman preferred Nondrinker 274 Brad fordSt 15281 FURNITURE STORAGE safe clean storage two warehbuses Cooke Cartage and Storage 43 Essa Road Phone 3359 1514tlb HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS sep arate entrance electric Barrie five miles $4 weekly Skeffington Shanty Bay or Jacksons Grill Barrie 1528p NICELY IFURNISHED 61001110 bungalow to let new all modern conveniences for board and care of teenage childrenBoth work lngV Apply Box 14 Barrie Ex aminer 152in L1528p day ial No 744192932 good tires radio heater upholstery in excellent con dition Peel St after 1941 GMC 3TON speed axle 3ton 5spccd transmission Toronto Garage Rco Truck Sales Barrie 1933 TERRAPLANE good runningorder upholstery like new good tires Rose Service Station Highway 90 miles west of Barric 1928TPONT1AC COUPE good tires and tubes towing hitch at taclfcd Suitable to convert into wheclcd trailer Mervyn Martins awmmile north of lvy ll For good buy apply 82 13281 1939 Ford 1946 Rco 1941 Dodge Apply Phone 2214 13281 reasonable Apply White 1328b Can be seen at 13281 1020 GREYDORT CAR cyl small mileage good tires many ex tra parts $80 also 1928Chevrolct fgton panel recently overhauled fair tires $130 Peter Willison Painswick Tclcphonc 19r121 Strolld 1328b 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1941 Buick sedan 1940 Buick sedan with heater and radio 1941 Pontiac coach with heater 1940 Chev coach 1928 Chrysler six 1947 Dodge 2ton stake with rack and tarp Graves Allen 14 Clapperton St 13281 1940 INT TRUCK with new mo tor 2spced axle 8x14 platform 5ft stockracks In Al condition Will take car as tradein Apply 31 Centre St Allandale or phone 4544 after pin Thursday or Fri 3811 13281 Collingwoocl 5281 PRIVATE SEWING specializing in childrens Clothcs Mrs Holt Dllnlop St over Eatons0rdcr Of fice 528p GENERAL REPAIRS on all makes of washers and household appli ances Essa Road Telephone 4044 5281 SHIRTS pants socks sheetsany thing you have to mend bring to Margs Necdle1oilltfrdnt door 60 Clappcltton St 528p FRANKLIN HlCKLING back on road again after accident with two trllcks now PCV license for Bar rie and Toronto All loads fully insured Ph 2629 Barrie 52528b EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and vacuum repairing Ioffcr high class guaranteed service man makes Reasonable charges and prompt service Phone Bcrt Sager 4165 co Jorys Garage 15281 FUMIGATION complete confiden tial guaranteed service Your home or place of business made thorough ly free from pests without vacating premises No publicity moderate charges full guarantee Phone Orillia 2342W 5282311 THE SINGER Sewing Machine Co representative will call in Barrie each Thursday Alltypes 0f ma chines repaired Workmanship guaranteed Also limited quantity of machines buttonholes attach ment for sale Write Singer Sew lng Machine Co 37 Hurontario St 5253011 anltoo or Littles Hill RR 5Barrie 928b SEVERAL GOOD Yorkshire boars AR backing serviceable Apply Charles Newton Bar for sale age rlc SADDLE HORSE sound quiet with children complete with sad Phone die and bridle 8131 YORKSHIRES choice litters Sired pion boar Perry Barrie PONY 11 hands good health Phone Strolld 26113 wathanunior Camp Con 13 High years way 11 SHADY LAWN Spltlllle Phone 23r11 due sdon Apply town 26122 V7 win Hare RR 30123 Creelnore month Phone 81312 one Sons Beathton Senator Pierson serviceable age boars bred sows PUREBRED YORKSHIRE SOW Newton Robinson PART JERSEY COW yrs old due to freshen soon Lisle Phone TWO YOUNG HOLSTEIN BULLS for sale registered one months 9281 IRL WANTED to llCl with him 111115v1 SumnmCUMURCV gm WANlEl lblMlIDlAliEl by cou MOIORBOAI Inl0 lb 1L 50C 15 mm mm 5man 111 with llzlllsllllfslllll and good ladla NF ROOM mm 11me WV 11HVVH 117 mu Bav WI no Lll rcn llll urnls Icc 00 Wine ITPBHSI all lvicl Coo Services 2429 Bar mll 59m 151111101 114113 lllibblllii 10111 1111 1d AUEWL Rt Imusupmutulljt ml 11 hills mdik west of Lens 14713081 am pm Ll 11 91 IlltlllllL loom iiinlnu loom boll1 iii 111 111111 our experience and Finhon bedroom llll were bath iw 41 11 In ilclluly of Allandaleor Barrie 117thm 101 51de 113829p COLLAR 1511115 to 510 gooEIVIIIlocIZ 111 IN SCREW CUTTING 501 1915 0105 Is rooa pillldllmn vllllf11VsIllVltgtlilkirmxiiiIVIVIISHLISCSRS LIVL SlOCKTglElRVSAVLll ers pp orn Barrett 1211 40111 N11 kllltw tires ltttllil overhauled $7011 Simon In xnmnm PLEASANT tumble Oman 10 HOUSE WANTED to rent by wid Barrie Phone 8121 7281nfcz5sf$11 211111511 or best offer Phone 1333 or call WWI Filmmlfllfilmiiilllgvlljg YOUNC Cg In 10 PM 1011 family W111 cooking and ow and two sons 11 or close to rclininc machine 840 both 3320 14 Essa Road to pm 13291 ViiillVIiVii il5 lil2 811111 Vme housework in cottage near Barrie English lg lgillh 1301 NW 111110 IELEICOTMC FflOtOXIl ILOLIEHERi complete basket bottom machim CHI 10 PUVLI now Pm All conveniences uiet love Ore Cl 811 lll leilimts 35 10 is CWS450 Cornell limlvrlw lruc 71V mdmn Ax 131 IWrite Box A7I VBMHC Exam condltlonurl rrlelQ 7281 Om good ms good mmm insulimdIFQR lflOtllthtAl coilardt OVls In VllVltVt sVVhanVVl lllVllld Fxgmmer pp 805 10 11321122313 mm 1198p mmmmm 90mm 34181 brick vcn iplece bilth hot all illldc or sell llallle $11113 Sirp11 MVH 81 ER for sale sows CREAM SFImRATOR mm Uth 11mm IV 611V 1348 lleatillgo6l sized ltitiei10rllcsVIV Lg ORGANIST and choir leader wantn SMALL HOUSE apartment or bred $01 yinEllens Oscar Golgm plow stock Melouc pCIliVLiSOL$V dentlal area also SVloOIlVchinlftidcerl Irisl IiGS6caiSiolVxcan VlliVlllellIltllltl 0d Central Unned Church rooms wanted unfurnished or 1101 Lisl 5772 Db chrrcw DC Lava Anklltl0hh 351iHUlSON ICONVERTIBLL ex NiltLlVk11111n1311131giltyqmggii Ilxgmb 10 1011 1111 Dutiescon rooms central located refer cc cnt motor lezller new twolone lt one quaiiiitiiihssiio singled red children aybstainers pperm HAY AKEI McCI 10 In In good f15r5l XQiimoltifodlli palm king pins starter makes 31 kitchen as isl059m1mod P10 peeled Applv Harold Aycpst 75 ancnt residents nonsmokers Ap Condl Ion Apply Jas Handy RR secti0namwhme Huls Dunlap St Apt after 13481 erately priced lots 01 sale 51 weeks old Appl 01 Toronto St Barrie 127301 ply Corner Cupboard Rondal rrie Phone 844r34 728b tlsc1viccmnsdalc 0mg 023931 Coutts Real Estate OitlgnZsat $2211423ll1115011Biilllt RR glunzu Dial2377 I1 1teua 1124th MOTOR TRUCKS New KBthln TEACHER WANTED roi Public SINESS DESKr011top S0114GliontSIIILK COOLERS in ck ternmlmml 20000 lbs gross minis School No Flos Small attend REGISTERED NURSE WOUld 08k China cabinet Apply 20 nowmum cooler at $213 53111Llsecl International stake truck RECEN FLY NmUdCllCd momcd REIUNGTICAIJ 131 AWL ance bus service onrrmghway 27 help nuigllrlglshortage here if some ranvlllc St or call 2613 72813001er at 3305 10Cac001ea13315l $1501 11311 1110 Bradford brick cc11t1lzlllylocated 101115011 llllc miles north of Barrie one coil ep housing shortage for 111z 11 s1 1323p Iarrwoolt ours Wiring stating salary and qiialification iohusband schoolage daughter WOOD SAW MANDREL Blnch huh $3133211hilggcmgng fireplace dinette kitchen cup SERVICFWI VH Thos Stone sccylxlleasu phclpslh01self House apartment or llOU Pllllcy 751bs fly VhCCI Almly now s1mc0C Dismct compel111 R130 wire wheel deluxe model bOIildS 0X11 VHSlHO0m maul AIV lgunitl ponytsaE ton Ont 1282511 keeping rooms desired prefcn ly Jack Cunningham Baxter 7281 services Dial 2429 7281 coupe rumble seatgood yearround 001 00111011 blt150171111y lillmdl dhlmlo mm 15 SuflllShgd Ogcllpimtyr any MANS BICYGLEI St car in excellent condition g6llocllezlliigogndlgndiCw mu oVIVV 010 hone 41 01 53 CI amo Eval Al Ph 83 ring 100 WI 13 gt15 53 811Digolgnlngrx135321101151331J new Apply 145 Own Apt lGFTVCENTRIZ BOARD sloop 28 1m who Box 911 VMKI REG Ionksnllil BOAR tell work Tom Jrum 01 mnnn ROOMS AND Bo upstairs Friday evening 728b bedm 14 51 fl 511 Cd FdSl land or Box 21 Barrie Exam months old also call for vcallnc position in Linodcyrn Baxrriehhoe Oak mi 1vlvloonlzl FORD29 COUPE four illcr 10281 101104188 9281 on lake Additi n11 1813 KITCHEN CABINET POICClaln Cedar planking 00le lmllow good tires ncc1iltcli and battery VfTI Tl to 51V 10 cmp ROOM AND BOARD or gentlc 10D also ladyis Iron skates fibre mast BOtlthllll and 521115 In loI also Va1 111 1010 C1111 wcskw WHSCELLANEOus JERSEY llEthR prosaicApply LE 10m 3897 man Phone 3170 12281 Wheels size phone 3131 723p condition Reasonable 11 Johnstml Minegm mm 6011 Gordon McCorlnack RR Barrie oi WillC 10 Box 14 Barrie 1281 CARE snagging ML View HOICIV Comm pm IVVVmb 10 L1 T50 10 mb on Highway 11 923p OF W00 727281 carpcll Opp TUI gt DINING ROOM TABLES oak VV VV VV lll0lfl331plcrlfllllg lilolkoctifgulociiily Phone 81413 501 kitchen Chaim Apply 20 1931 FORD COACH Model 01 60le ICWM lhggc HORSE renew propose forlronestfttpcndlblc applicant Granvmc St Phonc 2613 7231 OUTBOAIVED M0310ROSO inalncdlllalc new tires motor and body ill good 3988 EifdiglClbligftCllN V012 llllcl lllg cc ivory at 35 11a on common 1103101 Apply Bruce cc cs 14 swoon M13110 low 83m mount at orm an olstV Size 82 cms Compee Wit tanr Vant 11 2113 1323p lt ducts 7227 Alexanda Momma 2ncw7Phone2839Barrlc7281 tings 310950 11 ll1 garden trac 919 Phone 4256 287411 us VJUMVRClOlHH gt1 Amt QuoDep1 031 12831b tors $11306 32Alllhgarden trac 1931bllliILlfiYS SPOREY Wit ptASTERIWG ynclmw de UCCO VlClOI MR Ddlblon 9alii SECOD an 01 tors at 38 00 ttac ments extra rum or sa ooc llCS VV lt do PANXJPPORTUNITY EstablislledI Eali 3150 allgle iron Of all 51105 Transportation prepaid anywhere license Would consider small grlVlthge VCLVllllV191131 StFlOLtjflle if Rum Watkins District available thDDIY Alex Cleland 71382135129611 anada Chhristians Electric TV truck FlCdlLRWS EdCllVal 305 3151C EIiig HUtClngtnSn Edgar LgP1VI If MAN ANTE for steady travel 13 ar ware Os awa Ont 72831 75r32 Elmvzlc tixeiiielrzigfttalv523333 are =v===== are 113thTillllshillillft Imam ms anon COHHCC 1011 WI 8150 ma PROPERTY FOR RENT again Phone Barrie Wholesale Fred Wells Highway 27 south al 9281 Elmvale weeks several by 1946 chain Adams RR 928291 Hia 92811i YORKSHIRES Stroud RR 911237L28p Allen Horller Phone Cooks 9281 El 928b cww 9281 for sale IOIIIMIIIOIIIII IOIIINOINI For Sale lil Ilmizl ni EIIIlI not ill llllllt IIl riurv III Four IIIII1Iili r21I lu imili lll lin Slniill Wm lllss Isslv II lst llltlil Tlil llt for liillllllill Moritzitu nI Ines III iiallll Henry Elrick Real Estate Owen St INNNONNW HOMEWORK OPERATOBS Earn extra money by sewing DOLL DRESSES AND RAGDOLLS MUST HAVE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE Apply by mail RELIABLE TOY CO LTD 258 Carlaw Ave TORONTO MEN WANTED Willing to earn extra money rc pairine refrigerators pop cool ers stoke oil burners milk ers wirinL motor overhauling and servicing all types of mod ern appliances Official reports estimate business worth million dollars monthly Be sure of other sources of income better employment or your own repair business right in your home 10 czllity No money or employ ment worries for the man who likes working with tools Start complete basic training now while at present job Learn to make repairs where to act slip phes and what to charge Prac tical training arranged ill new modern equipped air condition ed shops Must be 19 or older and willinLr to devote spare time to make chance for the bet ter Write now for Money Maklt lug information STANDARD ENGINEERING 1657 Bloor St 11 Toronto LUMiBINo HEATING nepnlns Your Fllrnacc VACUUM CLEANED No muss no fuss INSTALLING SHALLOW WELL Wright SHORTHORN BULLS accredited vaccinated serviceable colors and conformation Sired by Desirable McClung 9281 PUMPS Phone 2246 STAN HORNE Allandale Plumbing 133 CUMBERLAND ST

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