11 1111 11l 11111111 1151 11111llet 1111111 Cooks ltll 111i Allidon 1111 Bradford Ehoiim Dannilift p411 111pe1111 1111111111 1111l11111i1 1111 and unclriied out in 1121 pi 01111111 111111i11111l1 f1 first czar llttlt lliis 1111111 11 5111111 miles from Illndaie 11111 31 line Siiiipsoii 11111 It 1t111 deal of the With 1111 ltlicis provide transportation eetved for llarries Second liiter Jersey THIS WEEKS 115 butt in 31+ out ith Year No 35 153111 7750 COptes Louise Colley Conducts Beginner Swim Lessons For 300 RuralChildreng 11111c111 111 11 11 1111 11121111 the Hal 111 cendutled as an 111 5111111111 1111111111 who 11111111 by 11 1ll t1 oi 311111143 11111 111111 1111s ll111111l lit titll 1111111 lllt 11 111111 1111 cnliivYtlziyn about 11 111133 and 13111 11111111111111 SECOND SPEED 110111 1111111111 Last week the first entry was re 1111111111211 Speed Ilont Iii11111111 to 111 held Saturday August This was from 11111 lippcl of Moiitclair New liydroplaiie class With 1111 1111111 V11 Mr lippel lid not take part here last year lie is chairman oft the Inboard 1111131111 Commission of the AlllA lopi ooper veteran speed boatI racer will be here 11111111 and this1 year he will have two boats one for the 225 senior division and the other 111 the 91 class John Stiver secretary of 11101 llnrrie Chamber of Commerce which sponsors the event says there is 1101111 to be great deal of interest in thc dike Simcoc handicap event The Rotary Club will donate 11 trophy for this cventi 11111 ZlYYi limit Cnilli 0111111113 1llrilt1=til 111 l111 11 11 Hit 1111 when 111111 111111 13 boys out inls 11 can 11111 11111 1111 1111s es the 1121v11 1zi1l 111Ys t1l11 LI 111111 11 huge 0N BAGGAGE CAR COUPLING facilities for the class lie11111 tees have 11111111 111111111119111 piovnze ti1iipitiatioii and tinenthu 11111 will be continued for another 111 111 will enter the 111 cubic whose appointment is announced as chief engineerof Leland Elec tric Canada Limited Graduatiniz in electrical engineering from the 11nd among those expected to coml pete are Dr Bigelow Dr G1has spent the intervening years dc Seymour Bill Stewart and Rosssigning electrical rotating equip Smith It is also expected thereIment for the Canadian General will be other local competitors as Electric Co Limited well as from thcOrillia district and other sections of Lake Simcoe Council meeived word that thel Ontario Department of Highways share the maintenance of highway connecting links through Barrie Ald Griffin said it would mean $35000 in favor of the Town 011 the work to be done this Summer and he declared that the Town had lost thousands of dollars by not having made an agreement years ago TWO TORONTO MEN ARE ELECTROCUTED AT SIMCOE BEACH Two young Toronto men ivcrc electrocuted at their summer home at Slmcoe Beach on the 1th concession of lnnisfil last Saturday night They were John Taylor 803 age 28 of 17 Harvey Ave and his brother inlaw Robert William King age 31 of 535 Soudan Ave Doctors police and hydro employees applied artificial re spiration until three oclock Sunday morning but without avail The accident occurred early Saturday evening University of Toronto in 1934 he a1 Engineers of Ontario an As sociate of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and member of the Engineering Institute of Canada had llmVCd agreement tulIn tliel1itter organization he servl ed as chairman of the lcterboroutzh Brancli of Mr Girdwood formcr principal of the Barrie Collegiate 18nd Mrs Girdwood and is grad uate of this school He is married and has fourchildrcn pears in The Barrie Examiner by courtesyof The Financial Posti the service there was large number ll 111111 an Watson 11111 111111 211 lld tim 1i Lctrgtol 11111111111 11 113111111 1111 21 The 1111111 tlu 11i1i 1111 tliieY 111121 1l 1l111 if lllglllllllln 1l1ilt 3111151111e foi pursuing the 1111 91111 llirot 11111111 tlit County 111114115 and llll 112 1o1111 llltli 111 math 111 3111131 1111111111111111 11111111111 lltllliltltl 1111 nicttllf Kllluluw HHMI MW 111 the 11111111 built 11ft 11111 cot1mind hulk 1111111 lisltllltli 111 the beach havci 111111111 lliill llllltllltl$ available for the 11111111111 to change their clothesl Weeks and will be held aftei 111111111 follows Monday llllllalll 111iizcs l1111r111j class was held 111111113 Allenwood lhursday $1111ng Spiniphinst Ileacli north of Stay burst Friday Ilass 11111 511111111 last tlt the 111511 gtav GIRIHVOOI IiASc He is 11 member of the Profession Mr Girdwood is the elder son The above photogravure ape 1200 Officers Cadets AndSoIdiers at Day of Prayer Camp Borden On Sunday July 6111 observance of the National Day of Prayer ap proximately twelve hundred Offic ers Cadets and Soldiers paraded to services held by HCapt Cardy Protestant Chaplain and HCapt Sullivan Roman Catholic Chaplain As spectatorsof the parade and as participants in 1oii11 Ilr 1111113111 111111 1111 1111 11 11 11111 1111 11111v Moo1 11111 111 expiizititc decided to tay 111111111 21111 1111 and 11111 thiee 111 room 11 die three 11 Robert Lewis Retires Affer Reading Light Meters Here 40 Years the Barrie Public Utilities for the past 110 years has 11111011 because of ill health llpon resigning froml the Utilities Mr Lewis vaspie sentcd with 11 substantial cheque Mr and Mrs Lewis expressed their gratitude to Manager Salter and the PUC Commissioners for their tliouuhtfulness CONTRACT LET UNFtNlSHED HALF HIGHWAY 26 tuirtlitig 111 Iltlnirlliiltuli nu unrii troni iroigc ti 11Y11111 stun lll walnut this 111111 awarded to the King tanstrne 111111 11 for 1hr tonstrartiun of 1111 lililttlhltttl 11111 11 Highway 11 from 11111114 liotist lf on mpm to 511111IJ tllslallu of lx01111s 11 is 1pr1t111 11111 1111 111111 will 14 11 Stayiirr ind Hll he completed by Sept 40 11 1111 tetlliir is ftufxltl1 111ii the 111toot p111111cnt 1115 built in 11LIt 1111 11111111 of 1111 11111111 11s left unfinished for reasons of r1 1111111111 1111111111 1111111 Nlt 31111111 to he 111 1t1ltl 11licrY the 111in 1d 111111 1111111 1111 111111Iei 1111 11 1111 eriin be fed Now they are 1111 113111111111 1111 1111 111111 Micii1l 111111y rLltll conductor of the 1111111 Ilrt 1111 novel llttiil1 rm E7 Robert Lewis meter reader for Kiwiliniuns Farmers Hear About Hydro Mondays Kiwanis meeting wast llCld Plzllllllllll PM 31 our social 111111 economic life Dr 11 11 11105111 isric flflnier itteiidiiig The kWomensl Filll Ihd dill LIN 11 111111111 111 11111111111 piiiitiplt 11111 gisomlmmn 1ij Mlmsmtg UHt our people no matter whether they llmc mm 05 CXCC ilive in the city or in the country 1115111 Vlzlcll W215 SIClllddCIlllolllltitleserve and musl have 11111111 inedi nice 111r was arrange eYCM 12m Kiwanis Agricultural of which Fred Kelly and the program on Rural Hydrol was of special interest to the farm ers The speaker was Blay supervisor of Promotion Ontario Hydro Commission who was introduced by Salter Hydro has three main functions supplying it to municipalities who resell it to individual custom ers supplying it to large users of electricity direct and supplying it to world consumers There arel many problems in Hydro which the average person knows little about it cant be stored and there must be 24houraday service There is continual demand for more power in Ontario and the Commission now operates 55 plants in the province At the end of the of civilians including wives andYFirst Great War Ontario used Bong and King were drilling children of service personnel re well near their cottage and the well was almost directly under hydro line carrying 4600 volts They were using sand pOint on the end of long pipe and when they lifted the 20foot pipe to put it down the well it overbalaneed and touched the high tension line Both men received the full force of the current There will not be an inquest siding in the camp For those of the RC faith HCapt 300000 hp year now it uses 2600000 11p The expansion in rural hydro is Sullivan held Mass at 1030 hrs in phenomenal In 1946 there were the Garrison church At this service the childrens choir was in attend ance At the same time Druniliead Service was held by leiCapt Cardy for the Protestant members of the camp Music was provided by the band of the Royal Canadian Regi ment City ROller Skaters Pleasing Exhibition dazzling performance of roller skating 12 members of the To ronto Roller Skating Clubwas pre sented in the show Revue on Wheels held in the Arena Satur day evenings All aspiring for pro fessional careers the Toronto amateurs displayed grace andprer cision wifekcellence Beautiful Barbara Kenney and Al Robertson who opened the show with dance demonstration Son wheels presented some graceful numbers Their feature number Romance at Twilight for which they received an encore combined beauty and precision to great ef fect In his solo performance Man about Town Mr Robertsdn glided across the floor with perfect smoothness in exhibiting some dif ficult tricks Miss Kenney com binedwith1 pretty Joan Yule as the two beautiful blonds performed their number Two of Kind Miss Yule swooned the male members bet Touch of Hawaii Nineteenyearold Dorothy Week ler who has been crippled since birthtook regular turn inthe eastnumbers and presented an out standing solonumber Sophisticated thousand WHO attended Lady Although she wears silver plate in her right hip Miss Week lerperfor111ed onefoot spins and spirals with such ease that her handicap was obscured Graceful Eileen Hunt in her num ber Mamselle gave one of the out standing performances of the even ing Her grace and ease in spin ning and performing the swan earn ed her an overwhelming encore Miss Hunt partnered with Cliff Gibson to present duet Rhythm on Wheels Comedian Kenney Markell quit clowning to perform feature nume berThe Stylist In this number he demonstrated one leg spins waltz and split jumps and topped his performance with cartwheeli He Cliff Gibson and Johnny Wad joyable program young farmers andfarm women Guelph for the day and there erei and 18230 new customers and there are now 177605 rural consumers To meet the increased demand the Commission now has $200000000 development plan under Way TWO interesting Ciilms were screened one showing the Niagara power development and the other Hydro on theFarm Rev Clements expressed the thanks of the farmers to the speaker and Kiwanians for the en Two Hundred SimcOe Young People Attend FieldrDaydat Guelph president of Ontario Junior Farin ers Was chairman of the Field Day recently held at the OACGueiph when about 200 youngpeople fromi Simcoe County were Yamongthe Cars and bosses took parties boys and girlS softball tea track stars The North imcoc delegation was under the of Clifford Morrow ass tant agrij cultural representative whole cast were sented On the Boardwalk the Continental and the Precission res were given by the cast whil the girls did strik ing humbe At the Oh Brother nclusion of the perform ance th members of the cast Bar1 enney Doreen BoonDor eckler Jdan Yule Eileen An Ontar bara othy RE 1111 prior 1Y1ii f111 1112 11 111111111 11111111111 11111111111111111111 1Y York 11111 Toronto lie was 1111111 11111Yot 1111 111111 1Surueiiiidnliiet 31 1y honorei by111s1Y1111t 1lso1111111111ci11 11 11 11111111511111 811 11s pictured 11111111 111 21111111 Surgeon 11 1111 caitit 1111 511 above ltiiliiwl 11 plttttlst 111 ahead 11 in 11 111111 tYir her y11111 11 the next 4111111 111111l lttlit to 111 iYIioiio lltll 111111 11 lt world 111 ourv 11 friends 1111 1111 professor of wir 1111111111 con 11111 buy 1111111111s 1111 11s 1111111 llozioiott 1110 glory 1111 1111111111 11115 ietireiiient leery 111 the lfiiiversity of Toronto 1efeiied to as 31111 11nd teacher Y1 1111 11r Gallic lizrenttst surizcon 1111111111 ever land as 11 prceiiiiiient lsurgeons Medical rapidlv and further chances to conform to the 111111111 place in changing many practice will unilcrizo revolution that Such service is already Committee obstetrics is chairman medicine 111111 and in the larger centres in s11i gcry paediatrics and the special ties There is no reai reason why the great mass of our Canadian people towns villages 11111111111 the farms should not also have the advantage surgical and specialist as is enjoyed by their fellow citis Zens in the larger towns way or another this province and indeed the whole country must be divided up into zones in 1110 centre ofwhich will be surgeon or two who are thoroughly trained in the way that we tsurgeonsl understand given for thcl who live small of first class care such In stniic Ross Beatty of Slayncrnvicel 1v oi 11111111to and 11s 111 11111 to 11 The tirealest Great Changes Coming In Medicine Dr Callie Honored Byflssociates liv lllillS lilil1ll 11111111111111eliw 1111 l1ilt 111111 Dr William litlward iallir 8111 of the 11111 and Mrs 11 11 111111111111111111 111111 1111 111xrl by 11ev Ilorne1 11111111 from the position 111s 1111111 111 pivau 111 11 i11ii 1111 11111111111111 11 112 1111 121 11 511 is is lzen EXAMI OLD HOME WEEK PLANNED 1N BARRiE Many FOR AUGUST 1948 1111 111111 111111111 11 111 11 11111 litiixfsttl s1 Baa1 YYts NER 05 Traffic Accidents During Past Seven Days Fourteen Cars Involved 1111 liixitr Lice 111 Hid 1111111 11s J111 iris lid 111111111 s111i 1111 111111 111111111 11 11 ntiiiiiriirc pill tlir zit Holiday 1ltlatllll 11111 lls1 11t111111r Hint cuiy 111 to ml lllls 11111 bc the first 111111 1111 siiiti 11111111111 111r1 11 111111 wars llls11flllli lx l111r will Appoint 111111111111111111 111111 to 111 ti 1111t1s 111111 1111 111111 ltlf 11f toninrtic iiillllllllrr 11111111 tlltllttltsl 11111111 Walls 1111 ll 11 11111111111 CROPS 3111113111 11111120111311 1111111111111 1111111 1111il11 1111111111111 11 11 1111117 11 i1 1111 111111111111 1111 11 11111 11 11111111 1111i 1Y11132111111e for 11111 days The 1111i 1111t111111 is cxcrilei 1111 11 plentiful Ki llie 111 inoiileiii on 51211111 1i1111 Yliti91111 vvlllt 11111111Y whole 1111 ll oi iltt 11111vest 1111 1111111 11111 11 111 11 111 11111Y1 1111111 ltgtlllti 121111111I Hl 11111 applications 1111 11 liY 1f 1111 old 1111 tillll tllll ll ttllll SilltlttlllS Greatest difficulty iii taking lliCl benefits of the best surgical care to all the people of Canada is finding sufficient surucons We all known he told the dinner meeting thatY tiiere are scarcely 11 loen hospitals in the whole of Canada in which the staff organization and system of internships and residences are suitableto the training of special ists For the ncxt20 years it is the Clear duty of this 1U of nicdicali school and its four great hospitals to make 11 tremendous ef1 fort to turn out steady stream of young surgctins all with the di ploma of Fellowship in the Royal College of Surgeons and all dcdor ated with t11c7nastets degr in surgery These men will sc our1 people as they never hac been served before To do this icalljzucccssfully tTurn to page e1 please Russ Lake COop Property cured 11 charter has been granted for the Bass Lake Coop and Hu BettyKincaid Al Robertson Wood of Alliston provisional president is seen here postings sign iff Gibson Johnny Waddel Jim on theproperty near Orillia oley Kenney Markell and Harold Simcoe County Federation ongriculture is to provide holiday resort of the audience with her solo num dell performed asadept comedians Demmery took part in the regular forlrural people and will also be developed as cultural and education Several numbers including skating with the general public at centre The project sponsored last year by the 1m 11 1119111111 1111li 11111 the activities 111 1111 1111111 surgical centres AllBreed Show at the Barrie Strotid Mountaineers Gents 50ml ladies 35c 23tfb July 11 Ray Coles orchestra Mulcaster St wednesday July 23 afternoon and evening 2628bv leveerliideyiiight Admission 50c lsioh 501 231fb ish music Dancing from 930 tot and there are few men to meet 1111 demon1 There have 11111111 few farmers from Vtlltill tanada but there me not nearly 11111111311 111111 who 11111111112011 111 Inc tii11111y of loiiiiito the first 11Y11111e 1111111111 in 71111111111 for 11t1tliillll of surgeons so inspired 11s pupili that it is considered 1111111 111 disttiictiori on this contin eiit to 1111 tlluillle for the Gallie tlub formally organized by 1115 former pupils Ile cniphasich 111111 he considered one 11f the greatest flutter of leading surgeons to be the tramincaiid development Lady Owris Winner lt Ch Reno Mannerheim Von chtJY escaped without injury nor Doberman Pinschcr owned by Miss Emilic Viaucf Montreal wasltracks 300 feet and railway em iadjudged best of all breeds in the ployeesu thought Willoughby wasl ed Chief 0f the Barrie F1 iBarrie Kennel Clubs Internationaldead when they brought the train 110 stop and found him hanging YArena 011 Saturday June 28 lherctunconscious over the damaged cab were 306 dogs pntercd and the champion was handled by Ted Ward of C1arkson The winner 50 girom shock The cab andmotor of cured for his owner the special Lthe truck were demolished prize donated by George Frickew BRITNEY f0 101 Cdmlw the Slmw labont five miles an hour but with 27 cars of grain it required 100 COMING EVENTS 122441 Dance at Brentwood July 18 Dance Hawkestone Hall Friday At Midhursr Crossing at Midhurst on Wednesday after 11 low ylldlt iilnl 111111 121 111 11111 11 11 ioor 01111101 11 ithniinuni All Iiian 111o 1111111 II 11she1 31111113 17 Synnott 11111111111 Thit tick tliiist11c11oii 11 Rodgers lt HORACE COLES YYf l1111 who was installed as l1 1111 Deputy Grand Master for the lntiopeiitlent Order of Oddfellows in ceremony at 1121111111111 The llsllltl over which Mr Soles has jurisdiction includes organisations it Alliston Barrie Cookstown 1711111111111 Midland Qlllllfl and Wau hauslicne Mr toles has been con ncctcd wuh the IOOF about 20 years and 1s Past Grand Master of Barrie 1111111111 few years 11110 1111 had been elected DDGM but he 1111 not fill the office as he was transtered by the CNR to Horne payne Three years later he re turned to Barrie and he has again reached the office of DDGM lie is an active member ofTriiiity An glican Church Mrs Coles is the former Mary Tate and they have two daughters Barbara and Beth lt Freight Smashes Truck Driver Escapes Unhurt Willoughby of Stayvner was in the cab of Maguire Transport truck which was struck head on by Canadian Pacific freight train noon last week but he miraculous Tlre truck was pushed along the 11111111113 111111 110111 1111111111 than 1517 1111111 11 111111 2111 $1111 11111121 111 llll 21111113 t1 tuivrii 1131 yeti1111 with 311 11 11 1111e 11111 11 foliow 31111 eioss 11111 111111 down 111 111111111 1111 111113 and t1 1e 2111 new of 11113 tluin 11 111 111112 please 1111111 Kiwani 11 will hold their annual K11111 11 the losl Ytlifire 81111111 111x1 1111s on lues d11y 11gt11111Ydtj 11111 111111sday llnly 11 lti 111111 The iieinbers 111111ziittcc are 11tlltlll treasurer 1111111111 if he Kariiiva Many fine 111w v11 be given to the lucky ticket holders Three lili1 will be held on 1111151111 11ndY Wednesday 11111111 while on Thurs day there will be five till05 award ed The prircs 1151 Mens Bond street 1111 or ladys 13piecc 1111 uage travel set lane cedar chest iboys or izirls bicycle chest of Rogers silverware Sunbeam 1111x 1nas1er mantel radio 1rilite floor lamp Bilpiece 1111111111 Tree china set Shakespeare fishing kit Ken wood blankets N11 liesto c1111 ner An added novelty feature will be the presentation of cash prize to the person who c1111 identin Mr Karnival Throughout the past few weeks many hints have been given 115111 the identify of the thysterious person but as yet he has not been recognized The first person to guess the correct identify of Mr Karmval will receive $525 1f lie or she has Kiwanis draw ticket 1f the lucky winner possess cs 11 book of tickets the prize will be incr used to $30 1At tlie Karnival there will be 19 bootl featuring bingo and many other crimes familiar to the public For the younger folk there will be n10rrygoround while still others may prefer to ride the ponies Members of the Gay Twenties Club will be selling flow ers and boutoniiieres to the pub lic APPOINT IMcMULKiN FIRE canalsou VOLUNTEER BAS door However he was revived and found to be suffering only The train was travelling only yards to stop Mr Willoughby told police he did not see thetrain Newsprint is problem with most newspapers tliescdays Brev ity in copy is apprecmted Cecil McMulkiu was appoint Brigade by the Town Counth last Monday night However the council abandoned its earlier decision to appoint full time chief and MLMCMulkin will serve on part time basis as the presEnt Chief Patterson has done The Change will take placeAug Council had called for applie ations on full time basis and vote was taken on hiring one of these applicants but it was lost on tie vote Mr McMulkin Yhas been member of the Volunteer Fire Brigade for severalyears AQpnDitstrict Office Barrie ForCertified Garden Party St Marys Church Cookstown Dance Pavilion Den Gilkes and his lOpiece orchestral 2511111 Dance Shanty Bay Hall everyl Wednesday night Music by Stroud Modntaineors Snack bar Admis Dance at Baxter Friday July 18 Stroud Mountaineerswill turn1 oclock 35tfb 24th annual Richardson reunion will be held at Alcona Beach Sat urday July 10 All connections and friends come and bring your basket Play Fullers Fortune by Elmvale Young People in Edgar Hall July 22 at p111 Auspiccs Edgar WA Admission 35c and 20c Lunch counter 2829b Oldfashioned Strawberry Lawn Social sponsored by Womens Christian Temperance YUnion at Fairview Villa North St to Thursday July 10 Tickets 501 and 35c 2728b Zone picnic Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Midhurst Park Tuesday July 15 Bus leaves corn 2811 er Burton Ave and Essa Road 215 and Legion Hall at 230 Basket lunch All members welcome 28b SedPOtatoIndustry Harold Whitcside supervising in spector for the seed potato certifiV cation service ofthe Dominion De partment of Agriculture has re ccived 250 applications from secd potato growers this year Theterpritory lover Which Mr Whiteside has jurisdiction includes Dufferin Sinicoe Muskoka Parry SoundNipissing Sudbury Algoma Timiskamihg Cochraue and Hearst central office has been estab lished in Barrie and Mr Whiteside has the offices in the Ross Block formerly occupied by the provin cigl police The wOrk has increased to such ancxtent that several assistants are being engaged Edward Cup page of Orillia and George Hackett of Cochrane are seasonal permano ent inspectors and Helmer potato inspector for 14 years is coming here from Toronto There will also be two relieving inspec tors in August The 250 seed potato growers from Dufferin to Hearst will have more than 1000 acres of seed potatoes thisyear More than half of this acreageisdn North Simcoe partie cularly in the Lafontaihe districtk 111 the Lafontaine area all potato fieldsarerinspected and Mr Whites sidesaid there ivould be similar area in Morgan Township near Sudbury where all fields wouldbe inspected this year Other such areas will be established when seed growing becomes concentrate ed On account of the father of the spread of bacterial rings rot the seed potato inspectors will make three field inspections this year in stead of the usual two However on account of the lateness of the season some potatoes are justlbei ing planted andthe inspections will have to be delayed While the season is late the po tatoes that have been planted are doing well and prospects are good An idea ofthe growingimport ance of the seed potato crop can Turn to page eight please