Canon Cody De dic ates CANOE CAPSIZES ROLLER REVUE P1ERAWNSAVED Ilnl emorla lmes 11 1131 Houssor HITS First W1th the Best in Barrie LAST DHQWING TONGHT THURSDAY VV 11 00 01 111131111111 Nevg 11 171 1V 11 zuiiiiuscon +4ri 21 EVE SllOWS V11 VV it lIll WARNER VV VV 1V 111 11 11V wr VVV rRIDAYSATURDAY Vigt Continuous Show Sat 230 pm 11 11 11 tony 111 VV 1il1 1t 11 i1 11131111IV iv llutllhi lli 51 ll VV 11 lililirmxl iii 1Iai ii Vt 14 111 gt V1 A1 BANTAM MEET 01 113 jg115 Fred Norms Sells IV V11 11 11111111111 VVVVVV 1111511 11i111111il11 Lakewew Dairy 1111 IN VVVV VVVV IV wk VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVV 111111 111 my WV in 1111 llOIlc CNS0 Uri2101 ii mmuix 11 or 111111141111 11 stop liniz lon Iiiail liiroiiioV Vii lVVl mi ii 11 21 scours CAMPING tzl llltl Intst lllltl Jtgltl ii VV 11 Li illt llldtllJn 411111111 lulL V7 9Zi In addition 11 inning all iltwwli3ld PlClUliiS t1tti$ lltwts in ill 1l11 oi lllttlidllluh it 11rd ttlaslx lilthV llll liirlt ll 21111 r1111 111 111 in liilntor In littlitl lilarlt Red will fit mm l1 11111 gttgttvll illst Lana 1111111111 and iw VlVl 1111 11 11V1 11 llttlll luwt llllllil ol zamt VV 11l111l 121 11 1V tantamx till all ulriitiis ronilt LlCOl MOCdONOld VV Hi V1 Vltl 11VVV1V1 V1 111 1111111 Vthmns Hub Speaker EVVVV VV VV V1 141111111 Hi Halmnmm Itltllll to his lt1 iii nilli1i 11 ail iiiipiimn lltilililgt in Liking first ii VVVV 1V1 WV VV VVVVV WV VVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV 109141 111111111 111 11V111 1i 15 1V llll 11 SUV ltllllrliii littlnr imlxmnr nx ll ll ll ill PM il Ill illt il lllt ultl Slam 111 i111 to 111 nl1 molur Villl llllllllidyllil VVVfmllim Vlltli llhliltlh ltilVlli 1ti1il 11111l111 111 9111111 111113 1V VVV rm VltVll lVll ll 1tl11l lllllltl 12 lllillv it 111 or rlw alvrnrtrll Mum1m 1111111 1111111 ll VIVIV VVV iVIVI lormcr BCl Students 111111 3111111111111111 11511 VV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVV 111 21 111 vi1111h VVV VV Mill 1111111 azmmr 11111311 i1111511cecssful in Arts Exams lflll lllltlV ml thinrw1 3111 21 VVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV 11Vo111u oip 51looi at amp imVIVV WV ml It 111 liimlell llilllltlh lnlitlvttltul UanCTSlly 0f TOIODlO viii Hmulilmhlin anlilxillls lvit tiiiirliud lils VVV VV VVV 1111111111111 111ti1gt concerning tan M1 11 pV my Plus GOOFY GOLF titty 1111 111 Hi il 11 11i 111 5111111 111 211 saicutxqau n1 1151111 315 mm Ulllu llll 37111 11111111111l 11 crfo 111 17111192 ESQVN 911111 IRLA5 Him dim it Hi ltlto 101111 11in1ioi tliv Unil dill limit lltlttllll 1lli oiu iolltr VVl1 SHOWS and In lrday l1l lllt lililltt l11i11tVVVVVV VVI llVVV VniVVV Tm VVVVVVCV1V tptiti ll VtiittiittV lithll mum 11ng pm VVVVVV1V VVJILIEVVVV1V1IVVVIVVVlltVlVlVVlllgVlVVilll 11111111111111 V11dn11 Varv all 111 ttliCi VlVlilrVVlVVllVlVVlV VlllltfVh ilVngVVlVlVV gt1 ittlt thttiitl I1llitlit as t1Vu Vthv rv ltllll trus or 11 rpm 311111 Arts 1H 1115 11V ltitttftth1litl 111 hw ill 11111 511111 lvtur lltos 12111111 Second Class rtll mm lllk 11th IVJohnston and the soil act if lrit than in in whizplciini his second Drew who gtlt11l 111 two llott Warm Finish for June The picture everyone Wlll want Avem Max for Do 5V1111 111 l11111113111111i11 1111111 111111R1dmg Motorcycie 1111111 1111111 1111 W11 up 111 to see am 11 11 111 James Campbell 5111 11 131 83 ne Ram on 281+ thtl11V 1H imw 1t mt Vloionto In V1 111mm 11111 in vutroa FLEMINGS PRODUCTION or 5L1jIV75VQ=VVVV VVV 1V WVVVVdC0mPd L69 FOCWG 3forViViVlydeij113SggfiiV1 HUDYARD KIPLINGS 1111111 1111 1111 1411111 51111 wlly warm tinish tlnr avoraizv inatL VVVVV VVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV laincs riinphcll RR Dtroud suffered Va compound fracture to wu lillb Will ISSUE 7750 Copies Vk it Lil HA P111V Hrwi ill l1 HE Captains Courageous With Spencer Tracy and EVE SHOVVS and Commences ireMs sleiirw HAPPY 11115101111 Fink 9111114 11111111 1111111 11111 MWFORD 11w Nun Wed Matinee Iuly 9230 PLAYING iniuai tmiiporature for the last tire with 89 on lays 11 till degrees cur On the 12nd llitl11aipiii tlierinoinctcrVshmvcd hi1h of rain arrived on noon with very about an hour heavy fall i111 to our garden records was an exceedingly heavy rain Jun 28 for the past Lk lows accompanied by some hail Two years ago accordl there our thrr niointrtcr showed readings fol BAR BARRiE or 111 631 and low of 48 The niuchnucdecli Saturday alto Ull Hm LUWiwav acculrut aorta 551 pro11110 no Of MAD51 THORSDAY gut ltilll completed their first year of1 lass Arts vls DRIVER CHARGED FOLLOWING FATAL ACCIDENT MONDAY 1w Robin Eraser lleatlidalc Ave lrvltlltlllltt rluvl iii the ltoyal Victtiiaj Hospital about nine oclock 11111111111 iiith about four hours after liltlll of Churchill Kenneth 1l111L1igtlliii Bain Arm driver of the vehicle in 133 which Fraser had been travellinqd 32 57 33 48 BARRIE ARENA VVpresents TOrouVsto Skaters VV VV Revue on Wheels PRECISIONACTSV BRILLIANT SKATING COMEDY COSTUMES Picked Stars from Strathcona 51an Mutual Arenas VV For Dq VVV1VV VV VVV VV V1V SUIVe or illllt see It gone 30 77 11 July MWNWWNOM Orders VtVaIEVLVn lVor Ito peQri1eV in unit byvMr and Mrs Grand Top Features Morrison for our sea Sea Cadet Work FOUR MEN AGAINSTVA NATION Phone 33114 252511111311 WEDELIVER Navy League Vof Canad2 Vin VV VVVVV V7 mono 7V 0113 gain VV VV PSIH BGSIIRGlthHG and Nigel Bruce in DRESSED TO KILL EVE snows 63011115 PMj MAT SATURDAY 230 PM Ella Raines THE SCEENis MERRIEST MUSICAL 1Rod Cameron Virginia Grey 75 or 131 BLONDE 1111115011 SDVVV mg Vang COMMENCING WEDNESDAY IULY ABBOT lich COSTELLO IN The Time of Their Lives PLAYING netin DAYS EVE snows AT and two PM Public Skating Aster THE STARS WILL SKATE WITH THE PUBLIC 1was taken into Custody and has been charged with 111anslaughter dangerous driving and CtttCliSS driving lotTtecapCd unhurt llowie Diilc Ellsworth Ave Tor 1iiito suffered ruptured abdomen Peter McDonald 35 Raglan AveV Toronto had shoulder fractured laud George Newton of Toronto alsoi received brokcn shoulder bone Leo Grace 121$ Mortimer Ave Torv ioiTtUTl551iol hurt lowutt driving converted troop carrier with steel roof had pickcdi up the above hitch hikers en route from Wasaga Beach to Toronto Oncl lmile north of Churchill the driver apparently slammed on the brakesV when car stopped Vsuddenly my ifront of the truck There were1 skid marks 285 feet and the truckl rolled tiVClVSCVCtZIl times ProvV Cons JOlill Sloan investigated sat anus 830 VTWO4HOUR SHOW CHILDREN 25C ilt1V wk 11 HHVl ViVJka lm his lcft leg and also rccc1vcd severe tl PIISMX lt ilS Vtttf Ulltll 101 lt V1 lil liceritiors lnizlnva accul ll ml mm hi ml ul 0pm tlitlltll ltii lhird lass lloiiois 111 was featured by strum nor cut at 11 11111 on July thl winds and lowering incrl ltilrn ileum and ranrcs CtaigV RVdVVVVVV IVVOVOVVVVCIC on hiVVhVVVVVVVII south str11ck by car driven by Harold Gibhon of 944 Etlllillml West Toron lto Victoria lSti Barrie July 24 63 pm Tickets of Barrie Campbell was He was taken to the Royal Hospital Barrie whcreV COMING EVENTS Dance Gcaiin ilVall lliCll51il Monday July MulhollaiidsV Oichcstra Admission 35c 27p Barrie Woincns Institute meat supper and ClltCltttllliiiCIithil hoch o2Mrs Corbett Duckworthi 730 Proceeds for 13111110 Memorial Hospital Fund 2728l Strawberry Fodtival Wednes day July at St Georges Angli can Church Utopia Entertain inent also ball game and sports Admission 60C and 30c Supper to 730 WimIleNmmmmotwmourouowtooa SWIM SUITS PRICED AT $250 $295 $375 $395 to $595 srmw HATS SIZE 634 to 751 11200 to $350 WORK STRAWS39C to $100HELMETS35 to $100 SEE US FOR SUMMER WEAR FOR WORK OR VACATION rMENs nor5 iviiAii 55 Dunlop SL Barrie ILF WONI 11101 7316 gt RED GARNER Cowboy IIM BEAMISHV Lefroy ERNIE HUGHSON Montreal Tax xrays were made and was 11111 r1 niovedito Toronto hospital fol treatment Prov Cons 50111110 llr1u1 1105 investigated Vs VS All area east of and including lulcaster St Magazines cloth urgently needed Anyone anywhere having large quantity may phone 2228 for special pick up on 27b Inesday or Friday EIGHTWEIGHT VAllStar Professional WRE STLING BARBIE ARENA 1111 8451319 RETURN hour Vlo Finish LED McKINLEY Cfan Anny Champ Former Can Champ SEerrFINAVL out of falls 45min limit PREriIMiNARY tall 30 minVlimit VS JRDMISSIONAu Seats 75c Children25c Included it IMPERIAL De 131 31111111713 Collectiim mwoom books and fats papers rags still lt Spider SHACKLETON Montreal TED SWIFT Toronto THURSDAY FRIDAY SATDRDAY in urxirq 21 13111 ltcrv 11111113 or 1111 BIG 11111151 ONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Showing on same program lllliliifillElt WOMAN JOHN ROBERTSON 1DIES FOLLOWING ANGUS ACCIDENT Join ftoherstonRR1111iusriiid itll and PC iconic llerrics are iii oi his way to the Royal Victoria cstiggatnig the fatilith KNIIlOIIWJNNNrmrNcNNOMNNIONIIIIJNNOmlor CEDAR HARBOUR BEACHV Alcona Beach Opp Innisl Natural Park Don Shepherd and his PieiceVV SPOT DANCING WNWW MJOWINVOIIW SAT ONLYBus service via Greer Transportation Co Dinner coYERCHARGEf VFeatiiringlhe Club 79 Orchestra 9M Cottops TRIGGER 3ilftl Mom NJ is Glenna VF Opog GAO ll VVVVAVVVVV Vwou 34 311C GE Son of the Pioneers wwmei Featiiie N11 No Lynn Roberts Virginia Christine Marian Martin Adele Mara mile starring DONALD BARRY ANN SAVAGE with ADELE MARA Tom Foweri Shrldon Leonard Robert Livingstone Lenore Aubert llospital Barrio 1oout ill pint lrwl Friday inalit lie was iiboiit 71 years old lliivcr of tin 1211 winch struck Mr Robertson was John Watson Rowe 111 New Lowell lC Charles PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY FRIDAYS SATURDAY Featuring Band Vocals by PENNA MUSIC STYLED DIFFERENTLY FOR YOUR DANCING PLEASURE Ltd Leave Terminal 38 Hayfield St 830 pn1 SATURDAYS and HOLIDAYS Gents 75c Ladies 500 PRIZES 79 Dan TUESVWEVD THURSJ pm to 9311 p111 The Biggest Little Band in Canada 37 With 1V GORDONBURRELL at thiiano Accordion and gt somvox Also JOE MCNEILLIE and his Five Instruments GEO OCONNOR and his Electric Guitar GIBWILEYV versatile Bass Player JAGK CROOKE the Singing Drummer Special Vocals 15y Selma Black Dancing Every Evening eXcept Mon From 930 Price $100 per person FOOD THE BEST Breakfast Dinners also la Carte Open from 830 3L4