PAGE EIGHT tatm JULY 151617 Ill If 21 An et rocee or We are Community ervsce OOIIIIIIOIIIIOJloloolrV VV GRENFEL SHOW lla i111 iltlt gt111 as 11 ii Bit Minister VV 1111 1V1 11 if 111 111 111 111 l111 1V gt1 VV fVx 111 111 1115 lliicvicll 111 lmrhcr 11V VV Vl it 14 arms 95 Bin153 Enamels Wax 11 ll ll ct l1l1 Hl Vlt iVVVV 11I 11 Li 11 11 VV 11111 $1111 11121111w 04 11 of it 111 ii 1l1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 11 IV 1V VVV 111111ts 1x 115 Slll for sale 1V VVVMVV lliNlLlAM aim uovns HI n1 ill Ill iillllmlll Alan nlxuutn limiuxs 1131112 11 SARJEANT CO TD WWW ll llwiilttmlll Vl lV VVlV 11r121111 Iiilltlltllltltlil of 1l11 ltthl lV Ml VV il 12 llizlli School lltlllu iii illir 1ll tilnlilli Hi ll llvnml it ii his ll IViH ll WA 1t 11 11 11 111 11 in 03 1k 1i WM Edutltu IV hill 1115 51an VVCCIVVY Awhu maVlVVS haw 1111113 ii VV VVV 1VVV 1111 11ht 111 VV ii tiK tlltlPdtltillaulhrli1lllc prod VVVVVVVV VVV VV VV tliiotigliiiiil tlit many Viitl which lv llldl il ii 1Ili1ll luzinr lirstl 1111 W111 last and that 11 long VV VVVVVV VVV 1VVVVVVV in My long link lfli illtl be hwxlfmmw us tii lilul Hi 0mm it til thisle lo gt A1 111 111 111 1114 the Howle VVVV VAVVVVVVVVVl WVI VmV 1iii 13111 iliisx lim VV VV ASPHALT ROOFING 1115133 iu lllil Mi VV VV Asphalt shmgks and R011 ill mm in 9H fl Roofiiigs which bear lllC VlillVi Vi lVlVlelVlVlle Viceroy Londn brand are VVVIVVV1VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVlVVVNjVVVVVVVVVV VV r0 tCtS haclcd lOIl VVV1 gcagk of mqmlgqcturiig cxg VIVVVVIVT VVVVVIVVlVHjVV1iI13131 112 ll 111111 rv1 v1 pchVicVnccVV YpurVVascumnceV of ASPHALT SHINGLES 1VVVV VVVV VVfVVV VVVfVVVVVVjVVj gt ml 1947 1h turer integrity which inststs 1111111 11 mm VVVVV VVVM VVVVVVV VIVVVVVV Hum 11V Mm men men ONO onahigh standard of quality ROLL WW 1111 1111111 111111111 11111 11 1111111 Mtw HIQhWY Trafc in all products which bear the Viceroy name Dependable dealers recommend Viceroy Asphalt Roongs London Rantings Division linier Factory lONDON pro 110 General Motors smart choice automatically For HydraMatic Driyeiisthe only jzflljpra ea fully automatic drive The only drive that shifts gearszrhrough four to Yard speeds wit301d any eort wJiztsoever on your part The only drive hates the clutch pedal entirely to own art01119 Viciiiov VriiANurAcrunmc OMPAN 11m 011m roaomo Amuu en unan MER lALS ROOF COATINGS 51151111111115 swans 111111111I 1100111111 rout sumo or 1211011511011 FOLKS EVERYWHERE are singing the praises ofthe smart new Oldsmobile dag Stye alone would make it 1111241111111 buy of the year Long owing linesasteful trimJbeautifully tailored interiors in all combine to give thiscar smoothasarmelody newastomorrow ldok And when you consider that the new Oldsmobile is theVlowesrpriced Vcar tooffer GM HydraMarie Drive the General Molar drivetmt makes OldsmObya th elimi Just forget wclutch and 132 all you do 15 sit and steer No Wonder so many smart people say SMART HydraVMutic Drive Hptiorul at extra Earl ARRVleMOORS LT 33189 Elizabeth StV arrie lillf thlirlll EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA if wc 77 If ATVW 1WHwr 1i wanis Karnival Phone 3914 All iliitigt ll lairkhart Vtorltir 5112111101 second in Canadian brad 1112 111 111711 1151 11 V11Iii111s ihiil Simiartljl Every motor vehicle owner and driver should become familiar With the new 1947 amendments to the Highway Traffic Act The purpose of this legislation is to encourage safe driving and itlhfll lll 1VVl to assure the collection of damages awarded by our Courts for personal iniuries suffered or lllt ltnl do lll shim uas V1 Doberman linscliei owned by property damaged liliilllt i1u1 Montreal On and After Jul lst 1947 After July lst i947 your drivers license and all motor vehicle per mits registered in your name will be and after July lst l947 your drivers license and all motor VVvehicle permits registered in your name will be suspended if following on accident in which any person is injured or any VPropert is damaged you are convicted of suspended if you fail to satisfy lal Any violation of provision of the Highway Traffic Act iudgment secured against you for damages on account of iniury to or or death of any peon or on account upon conviction or violation ct even oug VVno accident occurred the penalty imposedby the Mcgls wfmoii opeiy UCV trote includes suspension or revocation of your drivers enmVu5 e05 WV license or m9 hide permit the 111111 of $500000 $10183852 iniuries to one person for two or more persons on If you are convicted of criminal offence involving the V$l00000 for property damage use of motor vehicle arising out of any 939 accident pp ICGilon uspenSIons Wherea suspension is obplied follthVing the fegltlflln Vl COOVlCllOWWmeV Wm remain in effect until proof of financial responsnbVilitVV filed firWheFe aisuspension is applied for failureto sasfyrodsdgmentrsameawl remain inVeffect until the judgment has been satisfied or arrangements made for its pay VV ment by instalments and proof of financial responsibility is also filed VVVV Proof of financialresponsibimy may be filed in the form of an insuranceAiry certicate the hohdoi guarantee company the depositing of may or if securities the value 1+Vsn100000 VV Apphcahon of Penalties VV VVThe penalties fisr person operating 1131er vehicle while its license isunder suspension include fine up to $50000 and imprisonmentVup to six onths alsotheiimpoundingeofjhe motorvvehicle operated The penalty for thejoperation motor vehicle the permit forvvhich IsVunder suspension includes tuneup 105500 Vrisoaneth 01W feiture of the vehicle to the Crown VVV To you who are Wallth for your new 1V OltlmnltiCSOllf thanksltor yiiVur Elation our1r1 uteio your wrstom 1c eman GM DRIVE CAREFULLY AVOlD ACClDE TS ltliiticV DrildisVVsotvilisdlrarildkrhm irystrill rel ieu ur 53 timu ilie waiiin ir f7 VteaslecliLVviced gregularly byb iduiOOlgliSIigoiVIE on mm or HIGHWAYS era 11 Doucerr Minister VHN 141 Barrie