Bond Head Honored Hos INSMerriam MW dCN WI LJ LJ Practised Ftty Years ffij 1V cheap pladillsn 1171 1V 11101an St uptown wt hE JIEIBSIEHIBHS 11 cumin llpl litrril 1111 VIVVIV V1 11 VV ii XI PHONE SPRINGS AFTER 1V Hr Horus 3400 3561 REPARI TBE ARCHNG LAMMT sum or 11 LI 1VV A3 351 lQUllllU blltlx hilOl II IIII IIII II II II V11 V11 111 VViVV IlIlll Still ALL SPRING ACCIbhthUb lt1 11 19 BARR SPRING SERVICE 111 VVV ill 11 BOYlleld 11 Fl 11 11 Cirrlfa I1 11 1111 an VVVV 1VVV 1V7 VVV VV VVVV1VVV VV xVV VV VVV IllIIIIllIIIll11llIlllllllllllItllllllllllrllllllIll 111 lI 19 it11 II II II IIII ll1t=t 11 En BELLE EWART VV VVV 1V Dy Dinnei in the quiet Atmosphere 1V 11 VV 771VV V1 V1 Of the NIIIIIIIiIi IIIIIIIIIHI II III RVY VV11I VV 11 1V 11211 IIIII III II iI1111t1111 II II ll lllltl iliiHl 1I VV IIVV VV V1 VV VV 11 11 1111 IN 11111 11111111111 VVVVV 11 V1 V1 V1 VVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVWVVVV iVV illI Milli 111 11111 111 11 1I Is III II III IIIiiIlIIRHUlIII 1531 1r I1 11 l1l1111rl ll 1111113151 511 11111 V1 VV 1111111V 111 V1111V VV LUVN V11V1111I1VV VVIVHIV1 V1V it 31 3111 11 111 11V 1111111 It IV lh 11 lllltllltl Ill 1tl1ll11 11111 IV wlnl 11111lI1v11 1i 4111i Iv IV MILOBGANITE 1111 131 1111 III Hx IAIIIK io DINNER llllt VV11V 11 VV 111111 Hi 11 1111 231 11 11 VV 1lI11V1I1I1IV l1 311 11 HHHNHS ND HANQIIIXIIS to 11111 ftt 111 111 VV V11 1V V1 VV 111111111 W1 11 VVV 111 11111 11 11V VVlHVf1V VV VV V1V 1m 1VV1V1 VVV VV VVVV 01 mm 10010 l0 Reservations Phone SllOUd in 111 1111 11V uang on pHONr lat 11 11 NH 1V VI 111 11 11111 1111 III illill IJIII llillll 00 VzVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VV VVV iVVVzV V1VV1 VVV VV vIllllllllllllIIIIItllItIlllllcIIOIIIllllllIIllllllllilIllllllz VVV VV VVVV mm Mm I1IIII 1I1I1III in TI III II IIl HI IIIII III or MS HI Miwl lV1Vll1 111V11l1111ltw lttl linim ii lllllvtll 111 11111 1I it 111 111z 11 11 111111 1VV Ai tFORNIA VALENCIA 2213 illlIII Ll 1i 1111111lt Illlltl VVVM1 MA IIIVIVVVVIIVI EV VVVVVI 1VV III IIII II CAHIl Ll ILmlIl Sliill if 1VV1I VV 11 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Gm 1111111 rl111 1111111111111111 Will 11111 1111111111 11 1111111 111 1111 RADISHES 11151 gzmliImy 111111i111111 V1V iVVVV 3111111V ll1lll ottVl11 Vin1111111 lllllif1V11111wonV1VVV1VVVVVVV VVVVVVV GRFFN 0M3 II lfil ill Ut H11 111li ot 11l11111i 1111111 11VV 11111 111111 111l111111111 1111 thlve v11r old child l111 mo 1V1IVII1I11UIIIIIhliiliI 111III1I1III 777 IVIIIIIIII Ih HI lm 1111 illilllllltlltllls MT Illtl Mlli IIoOrmATLANlICPAClnc Into 11 moving 313 11p11l111111y 111111111il 11 Wood 111 Rnprivy Fm 11111 The torw 111 tln 1lo111 1111111 11til11 l1111 lll l11itl1 11111 ll11ll II UIHH 11111111 1111 rliill 1111 111 1111 ll ltlti Vvur AIM lllilltz 1111111111 1111 111ir77 fol 1111111 1111 llo l4 11 111 11 111 1111 11411158 111111 the 111111151111 1111111 It isnt 111111 i11tl111 11111 111111111 VV 777 itd Ml 11 ll Villa 111If IllI he Mtll 111 Belle 1121111 111 11111 111111 11 the sidewalks 1111 Iio 1111111111I V1 11 01111 151111111 Will iEtriS th1t it1 ii1il ll 1I II i1 41 mm 1111 motiui Mlgt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII III IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II lHIz Ill rillit HHISHIHMVIS 11 Phil 111111 M15 lillltlSUtli m1 CHIROPRACTORS 1t 11111111 ho 1111 two flV 13 lNJHll Ilttl 711i11 BOYS BOY GEO SIF BU N3 HHHL Illltl 011 ttllmttl HHt DIC Barristcrs Solicitors Notaries Licensed Dr in Th cl1 11 the Sunday 1lltltll 11101111 WWW lulihc UllvtVVilllCCIS lutc Electric Radio Hydro and Earl unipcrs 1111 lurs1s l1l1111 lli 21 Ht lilk ANN to ll MU llY IO LOAN Mechano Illlerapy In Park 111111111 111111 111 hull gamma You In iV HIM 13 OnieVn StV BarereV 15 Dunlop St Phone 31941 TWO 11115 11 mm mm mm V11111V111 Mme11 stnde when you are on r1111 11c 111v1e 11 arm 11 11 11 111111111 111 1111111 it 1111 It gJkggisAcuAM IL CORBVVIIVII ILC IIIsi1i1JI 11111k Illtll thIr ItllIItgtl11IlIllllitI I1I1 311 V11 11mV 1111111 11 the young Slde bUl CHIROPRAC1IO1R AN h11 their purses HlllLliIiillL 11 ll Will ever manlooksforword omnsroun Guam DRUGLESIIIHERAPM their 111111 1111 11 11 111 tn IIl nlerun1111mm tho0 Phone 3070 26 McDonald st 11 V1V 11 11 VVV VVVVV we rm he UCLCSSOI Bafe WV 1111111 1111111l Investigation lllllll 311 111 111111 111 111 111111 ere CAM RON CAMFRON BY APPOINTMENT 111 11 1111 to the police 1111 to UHll 10 ill1 HRIVVIFg SQLIVEIVTOVE 111110 1mg in 1115111111 111 1111 1111i 1111itt111l10tl115 11nd sisters Ore no oug Gys wen arrle 61 one LESSONS 1111111113 Ilowwcx 1111111 111 the ll UHPV MONEY To LOAN money 111 articles token totlld llt 111115th lttllllttl lJbetSlllllVlllO COWAN COWAN JESSIE RV BRYSON RMVT louan on them out 111 11111 111111 Ml1 FM NW Nomi Ml Acid1 iarrlstcrs Solicitors Conveyance TEACHER OF PIANOI SINGING WmI4 de RING his escape 1111111 11111VVVV12= VVV111V1V VlthVVVLItllVVV V1115 s1 1111 NIllIiIlIdPIiIIIIIC th imd MUSICAL PIIhORYinn grudcsi ll IIII1CL II1II1II1L1IIII1I 11III III IIIIIII 11i1111l hv the 111oph in Poland II and see our repre only 111 ViV oney 11 Anon mchldmg AjCMV Modem MemmlsV 10 otVicisV 11 1111111lVlV1V1 1111 Vsemave and 16 him 17 0W9 hlrtel Barrie Studiu 27 Bmdford 51 Recold Clomls at lnmslll liuk VVV 74V 055 cows 111111511 Purl broke 111111 the 511111 show you how To butld PPlief Intent Attorney DOROTHY JOHNSON Assmmte 113111 seison with the 11111wt 1l1i1ilt retirement income1 V7 71 HANK HAMMOND EVA KVCV at Toronto Conservatory of Music on record over the weekend lhv ARMSTERV SOLICITORV ETC and LondonV Eng College V01 11111111119 space wh111 is 111113 1111 for theVdays when you Masonic Temple Bldg1 Barrie mule23mm and The lled btlme 0111 lIlUm Ili 011 Unit11 Church svrvicc willwonttotokelteasy 11 MONEY To LOAN 15 Maple Avenue 0111s had to be parked 1111 the hull will l11V l11l1l 11 1115 11111 for the KELLOGGS pkgs wounds Al f10 111 it llltlllttlm summer months beginning July DUNCAN MCCUAIG BAi KC MEDICAL cars were still pouring in 111111 the Miss iiimice Goods visi in at ow cost tfe Insurance BARRIVSIER VSngCIIaIVOIVE BET lleflS of picnic grounds looked like 119 mmmw f0 MYSV Inf since 1869 57 16 Gill Money can 055 0c arre VgCTQEIAN ORDER OF NURSEVS the Exhibition grounds on linbor 1111111111111 1111 11Lng in MommaL DONALD MacLAREN 11A adgnzebifrnfggeukBaby 1111 pa the Silllllddy WILVV loflll llr1111l Mrs Burton and fam Unsweetened 1111st SOLICHOR ETC 9c 09 every NM 15117911 gioups held picnic ilv Miss Carol Gilchrist and Miss 20 02 tm nesday phcation of nurse sserv M0 1039 vices niav Ea made direct afrm 593 bus W15 005 10 some liiltizintlmhnm mitemimics m1 We Masonic Temple Building Barrie doctor Telephone 223 V01 them Aulmlfi the 1119M rZWUiS loronto 011Sunday ANN PAGE Mimi funmy mumms lh1 Q11 YRS held 21 very sucl SLICED gt Blacks and the AlmlldS cosstul wcincr roast zit Grund yx EIZA1Eit BARKER BOND HEAD PAVG ELEVEN FIREPLACE lisllm ARAB il1A em 211 13 ll lj Dr Cummings of tlBNilHKllUN Iii 3lll NU Kiln ARA KLHIRN FURNAU Newton Robinson JOHN new iARRISlER SOLICITORL ETC OPTOMETRY The park picnic grounds have been considerably improved but even with 2111 the available space there was not 21 cornci not in use over the weekend Since the well with the handpump has been out of use the onlywater available is the smallstreatn at the flow This was the SCCll10l 21 11110111 11111an timesSome effoitslioiildbe made to pipe the overflow from this View Hench on June 27 to conclude their lllttlillgS till Fall 11111111111121111 24 loaves1V5 nt raruefO ENSIBLUE BOY RED leNEYZ 2c ClllCKEN 1111mm 11111011111111 01171416 24 Dunlop St 20m BARRE FFSe JOHN woons 110 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR DmofISEOMETRISEhom mg Bank at Toronto Bldg Owen St1 Attendance 943 Phone 2661 Money to an COLLECTION AGENCY FINANCIAL SURETY Specialists inIColie on of Accounts BRANCH OFFICE Peter St S1Orilli11 Ont 111111311 LANG quiich Muimger 11 mm ROBERT ll SMITH R0 OPTOMETRIST 5V8 Dunlap StPhone12586 Hours 96 daily BABYsuEVLp delivered now in Barrie by NOEL STEPHENSON 110 51 Dunlop StBar Ve iPhoIlle 4111 tor udIditionalI use OPTOMETRIST Blue Spruce in Park Representatives PI VV ACQOUNTANTS VDunlop StVV BarrigVthng 420 Commemorates Black Centenaer PHILLIPSV 1V 1V 1131s 11111 mow or er Bi On 1in Meat AC OVUZ Owe st Bafe commemoration of the arrival in VV ARTHUI l8VllVNST0Ni th se parts1i four lmmigrunts 115119VV 1V FRESH RADE VVbV IwaaHglris1o Him the Emerald 1516 one hundred VV VCUT UP QHICKEN Frank Spry Ca post Office sq and gimme St years ago These four settiers have CHOKE SKIN ESS V1b737 Milk Fed Gradg 1V EIN Baie now scattered aroundthc Province LEGS Vb 73 ARMSTRONG AND MMLAR Consultation appointment list Of but 550 deSCelldmls CHOICE CED lg nitcsssieaasiite 31110111111 311 11 St 1V Two SOUDEVmeVnV with their wives lb WINGS lb 341 21171lti131I1m3195s1 T353311 FUNERAL 1111111010113 3mg Small tart1116 LVC1VIIMVMVltVl mm oncre 00 01 3011 Hum ALA wo unmarrie 515 31 WARD MAYOR 84 COMPANI LLOYD STECKLFY myurried here one to 11 Neilly and WIIIIFIAIllDIlIIIIglIIflIIS CPA FUNERAL DIRECTOS me to Fagan CoNCBETE CLAY fin3H RESTIGOUCHE 11 Tmmo St Totem IzIClglIIlIlllggiifIgEE SERIXIIOCIIIIIOI 3703 inIItIliee lIliIiIiIISIggiieiiifioiiIIiniiiiwthIeki NFSIIT III 1LIILE1s FR55HII 1b 55 III ScCOMPANY tour settlers who hehvcd their Sizes 74 41 FEE WELCII ANIIERSON Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Brock Buil Ving 200 Bay St oronto vnrmmsnmu farms out of the Vwoods of the township The Blue Spruce tree will be 21 lusting 21111Vbc1utif111 commemoration of the 100 years this family have been citizens of SMITH C0 mutzumea 1m rUNERAL nmwwu AND EMBALMERSI K6 ambulance In connection 15 KIPPERED Ib25 Box 151SIVHANVIY BAY RD Barrie Ont VV 21 Hula SMOKED 111331 PHONE 3316 PHONE 3725 ct this now thrivingI municipality gamma AN mom Plant Phone 3009 After Hours 1331601 3725 Im III ghongg no Read and use Examiner Classifieds St Barrle