Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1947, p. 7

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MinelsPlPavili0 gig THIS NEEKB ISSUE 7775 Copies AUTHOEIIID IICOID cuss IAIt on Am77w vvv MAVWA 7w re vM W4 CS lmw with Itclf No BARRIE ONT ARIO CANADA lid Allolt rt SECtson Pogcs to l3 Warden AnnualOutin wm 4TH ANNUAL Wm Complain of Weeds Is Successful Oocasmn lNSPECTION My iipc if nun ti ix agw ili Ilni foinm Iacitviii tiilv hwutz itivtulu at Cullingwhit l=l limit ii HY lt grit 71 SIINi1licinminim lw ivl t1 tau il iii3 its mtlur taxis tin mWIIIdun int tiw twIILly gt it tlliiv1 ring if Hung mi 1Ud unite Rrv Domini fl nail IIII uppvI in NHL mehmni MIA lt lrlll Yawn rhwf of in lllowli rlIl vill 31 111lxii 774 rir 3346 tihrlr Wth of llirIillu2l=i clIiiillstlll yf Lg iliuti pu wt to im it Mi in iyazrlrn mi lv and Howls and Wanton 11 ix Whirl pp in mo primiitvil Killl II lowly huu lligffvxfn uuyiy l5 in my wipinlw iv rut timerwa ifiw Hour Count ioili Sunpmn wax iilur iii mil lmmlwmpy rm imp of 11 Ilitn gtiri4l liiil lflf IJlllllllllittttJarclorllotlorfltolPrlIIOilf Anchor liltll tllrxl Hymn KathiHug Rwy MI Hutton of Um NHL mi Ill llnimiil Hui who was Warn Bond timid and tin vvilizr Giant hm iiiiiiiillmii run of Sinnw tuuul mm Muioi of Hulllx lltl In tin gtInhnv ii dlllHIEHWIH gt ho had tltillrll nrh IIlllllIIIIOllflillilllllotOllOOlluilfiltlllOIOlIl04 lmi Siiimidiii iV zutaIinuu Hip InnInlvn of in lnimt Sldlltii ans ihauliwl in llllll ill Itllifitluililll iru til ulhwwnzv 00 sun 531 539 to sun Wm CANADAS COLOURED SIIIA Al SIZE ti to 75p $200 to 5350 Zuni Inwulivd liiiliIIII HHRK STKA 9Y uwI lhv um In liltifi Willi lion ll to I00 nu 15 to slim mm PIANO SENSATION wsim Ion summon WliAlt ilr lhury mm MI Ioiiwonu on VACATION mix wi Hunrm ounty only his qtIIII ltflillhtilllilll MENS BOYK WEAR WlLFH rooo I1IllI4J Do you realize that your standard auto mobile polic does not cover illjlllliw in yuurwlf or yr ur paxwiigcis WinIi you Itnh llitlltt to your car Ii lllt lhvft or ollislon on your ar RIHlstl tunatmgv of yilur oar win ws try othvr thm ltl uiulcut UNLESS You have your policy endorsed to covcr thcsc spccifh lldldllls MALCOMSIDNS INSURANCE AGENCY lliirilnp Sf Dinl MEMBER OF BANK llAMRlili COMMERCE 31 ll ItIttoOttlrlJt3tooc4NOlmooomorlvooouvlaooroot JOOIIOI DANCING EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK SllitlAl HOLIDAY DANCE MONDAY NIGHT JUNE 30 WITH BOB POWELLS New Melody Men Featuring Bob lluntcr and Doug Mllligan on trumpets Vocals by Alf Shepherd As usual Dclancy boat service and Grccr bus service from Bayficld St Wharf and Bayficld St Terminal snort 830 Excellent Floor Donceable Music STRAIGHT ADMISSION mlublO WNW Toronto Skaters PRESENT Revue on Wheels PRECISION ACTS BRILLIANT SKATING COMEDY COSTUMES Picked Starsfromistrathcona and Mutal Arenas Sac ruIy 330 TWOHOUR snow ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c Public skating Aster THE STARS WIIL SKATE WITH gt THE PUBLIC Annual Picnic If IcwnirhingJParky sorTBALI TOURNAMENT opefnib 3117 Entry fee $250 must bejn hands of Committee by 12 ocIOck noon Prizesylst $3o 2nd $2o 3rd $1000 No 3rd riz SOFTBALL COMMITIEEB1ythe McConkey and Lockhart OTHER SPORTS HORSESHOE PITCHING Prizes $5 $3 $2 Committee Righter Thos Relve RACESETC Committee Eldridge and Allan Todd DancinqinPovilion in Evening GOOD MUSIC COME AND BRING YOUR LUNCH BASKET WIN piiuzihn llii lllllt ll ton lilHlitliIi firlll Vaniau tIuIIi of lluffciiu oun IIl vats hlf fur rialt in Spriuijvntvi lzulr filli ilt frl It should lu Iilvcitlscd InoIl John ariioir Warilin of Suntw lfllll mnuncnvlcd lllt work llzuvny tiruiizc lohudnn llftllill to lill till III tho Lillhlilllllf and said ln tillii to do what ilt would for tho pmpll of Himch nunty in of hull twvn Jlt5Illl III getting Lilli lltilll thv piovuni for thv prupir of lltuinwcth III that thvy would haw grant of SLUIHO in tulip iiiltVliill thou rlInIniitc proh lmn this yum Mr llownci rcfri Itll to thv ouniy ltlcinorial Sci lt nt thv pruvious aftrrnoon and NIH hc holinvid it was thl illSl tunv In thitzuio ftuhil county to my zurh fitting llllilllt to tho war rlcad IIihuti was paid to thc sir Ictr of tho MIiior officials Simpson and ll oliInau and Mrhnd Mrs larilunx who won rotiring from tho ounty lloniv MI liownir road telegram of rcgrot from stating that urgont hill in Ottawa lion lIarl IfOVt Mf said it wa rrlrcshuu to ho in plow whom so many nicc things WtH about carh oihcr Ilc Izavc this as good rcason for abscntinit hung Mimics kept soil from tho House of Tonnnons whcrc thc spccrhcs vcrc not quitcE thc samc lie was happy to attend function with llarvcy and so many other fricnds Goorgc Patterson of Port Mc Nicoll an cxWardcn proposcd the toast to the ladies andthc responso was made by Mrs Adamsou Midhursr Following the supper rind address cs the pavilion was cleared for dance and all the younger people and several of the oldcrfoll re Infillth t0 enjoyan evening of fun and fellowship SPORTS With Deputy Reeve Edwin Wil son of Barrie th the microphone and Jack Coleman as chairman program of sports was run off at the ball field Winners of the races were Girls 12 and under Patsy Page and Su san Jones girls 16 and under Eve lyn Hunter and Patsy Page girls race open Valerie Hunter and Evelyn Hunter Boys race Jim Evansand Bobby Page County Councillors lst Boyd Miller 2nd Ernest Miller Several councillors engaged in friendly games of horseshoes and others played ball Evans of Bradford chose team as fol lows Dr McKelvey Bruce Eplett Jack Coleman Jones Boyd Miller George Shepherd GorgBiilifig AndrchTIUIming MacLaren team chosen by Ernest Miller of Goldwater in cluded Wilbur ReedClifford Lock hart Albert Orton Howard Bant ing Campbell Raikes James Pat ton and George Widdis Evans teaTrTNihe banquet was mufed by an won 16 to pire Ivan Vasey was um ARCHIBALD REUNION Almost hundred members of the Archibald clan aSSembled at Ferndale park Woodbridge on Saturday afternoon June 14 for their eleventh annual picnic Prizes were given to Linda Dianne Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs John Alart Foster1oronto for the youngest member to Mr and Mrs William Archibald Newmarket for oldest couple to Andrew Arch ibald Tottenham for the largest family and to Melvin Caldwell Barrier for the family driving the longest distance short memorial service was held for the three members who have passed away sincethei last picnicnamely Ray Smith Arthur Bonney Barrie and Rounding Archibald Tottenham Mrsv Charles London Bolton was frelelected president with Milton Hicklingg Barrie and Nor man Archibald Tottcnham Vice presidents Mrs Cecil Watson Sclgonrberg4 secretary and David EganBolton treasurcr VO IMEON ACID SOILS Owing to heavy prepipitation in the Eastern Townships much of the soilbccomes acid through leach ing An experiment conducted at the Dominion Experimntal Sta has shown that the use of ground limestone on acid soils not only pays but it is essential to the pro duction of good qualit crops An application of tw0 to of ground limestone every four yearshas pro duced an increase in crops worth $10 for used lt The Barrie Examiner has the second largest circulation of any town weekly in Canada It gives the news Roy lnvlw1 Iilpuitwt that lVIgiIuoII Mi said tion Lennoxville PQ EYE83mm evcry2ton of limestone liiiitrlii null rill lunch It tin iii tr tmii for iil ilwiul ll 11 liohlilniii iII inuilzvxw wt Vim Him lnuuuw of ii 11 ii Iitil it of iirrtvi int lllw WWI Tilt IlJiiu livuii ltl nttln Hlf Of South Simcoe Their Centenary ionic lit ilrwiitui flu Ida diii SA in it linniw IJIIIII hv twin or lhuI lfiuti volt tiilfzuit and it Yin mp llllllll hail union hv ltllil ot lhuiumI lintilwvll and ucll If irlvm frintz illilll who Wltli ihiu inuzi of rlill lilicn Ithn lllllliJJ hv Intuiii ollli sailwi loin it ill II willilllil vivva iiLi tannin luvlum Vin unaltli on ii Iilf utioi niuo trucks and tusz vim on 3i Iuzi IlllVtil ycn iftwhkxurl tin filllitl iiml imviur funuiv Ht right sons and iilitjt laughing lIgIlOI of tin will and HM rlliugiilirs lllilIti In lilllllu llu oldvst llevnil llxmi thh youth itni Mi Still las vrahain vvut to lrinrv liil ward ounty Inil Viiitfllll Htlwl on Dunbrody iflli Illtl hr mn llrncr now rosull lhc hall vrn attiurtivclj towni 1th on tho llllltllllill lay with lstrczuncrs of rod wlutu and him British Canadian and 1mvruuzn flags and lzisimt of lilacn futon and pconics An Iutmcstmi fini turc was imp lcsnumt lH ll EGraham of Toronto in Inscrihv liil cvcntful voyagc Sailing from My EROSS Ireland town tho Vutmforil harbor zuloss tho luoad AIanr tan Iceberg which lllithii thv Iili of the vcsscl tcaring off snow iplanksl Ncfoundlrnd Strait of iBellc lslc Pnthcr Point St lui Iencc Rivcr on to Toronto thru landing place from whcro the lam lily drovcrby wagon via Yougc lit Holland River Landing and fillifliTTilrmnllm lho proscrrt from the USA win reaching their new homo in Wct Gwillimbury CENTENNIAL BANQUELI Tables in thehall were laid in ithe form of square cciilrcd with is miniature sailing vessel rcpw senting the old squaioriggcrtypv used during that period This the handicraft of Janosof ronto who spent his carly years ground the waters of Labrador and ewfoundlanduw Pretty place cards with marinr views were used and large cakc with 100 candles centered the head portion of the square INTERESTING PROGRAM interesting program 11 Roth well gave anillustrated talk on Ireland and economic CtJlltllthiilS which existed in England Ireland and Scotland following thc Na poleonic wars He showed pic tlIIesrtakn in Carlow Among these were the Barrow Rivcr that flows through the beautiful Bah row Valley with the mountains in the distance also typical Anglo Saxon house with itsrstone floors walls and roof and relative of the Rothwell family in the picture Mrs Robt Boyes gave Impres sions of GrandmothEr and storm told hyphen when on visit to Gil ford from her homein lllinois at the age of 88 description wan given of the bonnetand dress of French muslin which the grand Pioneer Rothivell Family inni Minn ia 00 item trip to Europe where he had Ilolstciu cattle of the Netherlands iitlii tii iiiltit vv vr in urt rusdivIAf Mrl Mb liiitli glii ilvml it out At picnwli mm Ii tlll l1 in imlhid itltll tmuil itnrzll Einrtlttwr ii IIJ puiiic iii Utw itl1 II Sci uic linuxiinnz ill ifflitI illti 59H lirH iIii it lil Celebrate At Gillord II BARR WARDEN SIMCOE IN l908 itiiiURrIi IOR VlSlT II of lrttaguma llrigglui uitln Ill tlllllrit was ill IEJIIIII Ii tlll attending uunril scssions llc unt ulll our mm who was in iliv mum ll llfll ho was War livll ifi yours ago minty Tlcrk noun Ill Int wiInp un li Ron Iil mu tit years old of ollingwood in luv 3i tlftltll Villiflfll in litll Sonic yours latcrhc nmlrvl ll Volthcrli Ontario and iill tlu hint limo Ilt rc imiul to wimron ounty in wvrml rII is Silll IrIIlHIln ill illlliii lit llu roar 1836 4lll Iri llllliil AND SIXTH tilN MIATIUNS IA ulnau Inrflcaii Beautyi llYil1l to lVllS Boycsl thy third generation lilili iT hth lTlizabcth Edgali llli In iIIIII Ji achn SllVCYi thulut Iutritxiy lllIdlillLd the only IlpiPiiIitilv hi tho sixth genera il gttil fiom Mur ldlcduu lili IIOS Angclesu lalit and from many friends Mn Ntll Graham of Toronto ably iitwllii miwluvtwrl 91w musical numbers which inchulml Star Spangled Haunm lll honor of the American MI and Mrs William Schmidt Mrs Mary Sinclair and rlaughtir ljitty from St Louis Mo 250 Present lot The Holstein Ficld Day The annual ficld day of the Sim llolstom Club was held June 17 at tho ilcnafton Farm of McCaguc Alliston with an at fendancg of 230 Cerswell of Beeton club president was in charge Mr McCguc spoke on his re opportunity of closely studying Dr ll MacNabb and Dr lchohcld both of the Ontario Vet crinary Collage Guelph discussed health questions the former speak ing on vaccination for Bangs Dis ease and the latter on Mastitis judging competition Was held with Holstein Fieldmen Roy Ormiston and George Drennan in charge The winners were as follows JlliBiuLcummmg Patrick OLeary Frank Todd ladies Mrs Olive Anderson Mrs Clifford McCulloch juniors Allen Ncilly Bill BretheIELionel Parlia Inent special draw prize was won by Douglas Culham while an award foghc largestfamily presl out wontvto HJ Olarliament nine ada on June 19 by For Cathcart former rector of St Georges Church Allandalc and now of St Marks Church Mid land Mr Cathcart was reporting on Thc Church in thc Rural Areas of tn niltl llt lll tzii Iwk if hrf 14 tiet Cit iuliii Iublin hunrinl rillilitl in i4 Iililiilliilillfl uct of ilulIrI WI itiu tcriIlt Hf Midland iivll EII Mun clcricd our of Hunrtzau 11 ulct in 4w on tui to iron Ilrztnn tngzunu AIIQIJ Aim attending from ftlullul lt itiur Sm Cirlvxtw Iii tho following Hllltttb lwllit WaistII lt lid lIlliilllllll 111 thrift Lt Iiuucr Muiluruwn Illarbcr and W0 laiduwi lia wow also thrcc Midi llll SinI Xitct oumuttco ulcinhctt lflli M1 Ruby MI lattcrznn Ind Mr Shit cus large gathering of lilll1l of the Sm Idcts attcudcd tln mnzi el Ingpcctiun and following the thl ltfll11l the Midland Visitiillw and ofcers were cutortumcd ill Officcrs Mcss Rev Cothcart Has New Idea on Cors for Anghcun Rural Clergy plan to purchase illllollltlllllni for rural clcrgy on cooperative basis was suggested to Toronto Synod Church of England in Can Due to the inexperience of clergy in motor mechanics parti cularly in regard to newlyordained clergy purchasing their rst cars It was felt advisable that com mittee of experts iuthis field be established for the purpose of giv ing advice in buying and operating of automobiles Mr Cathcarts rci port said He explained that one of the big gest problcmsvfaccd hymthe rural minister is in keeping his car on the road and he said that plan for fleet purchase of automo bilcs is under consideration and has met with favor among those whohavc investigated its possi bilities Allin for manyyears treasurer of synod told of plan outlined to him by the Bishop of Kootenay He gave some of the details to Mr Cathcart and advised thathe write for further informa tion tIiets Chat items should leachl the Examiner by Tuesday noon AllBreed Dog Show Bobby Gimhys Ban Juno 27 July THE STRAIHCONA WASAGA BEACH rIIIIun wrrn no ADVANCE IN lfthljts 9lllkallllo OIPIIOIIII 99roroelwrr Ill on QPOAINIIA Rance Kemd Glad FIRST INTERN ATION AI Under Conoidictn Kennel Club Rules BARRIE ARENA on Saturday lime 28 1947 OFFICIAL OPENING PM ego Featuring Over 300 oong oil Breeds Obedience Trials 96 General3 Admission 25 kaiJSEBHOW 10111 SANITONE mother w01e on her wedding day MWWMQWI erra DongShepherd and VOCCIIS by MUSIC STYLED FOR YOUR DANC Incmbcrsgof whose familyWere on hand his tiriliecc Band 1PENNA DIFFERENTLY ING PLEASURE ADMISSIONIJ Wednesdays Ladies 400 SPOT DANCING and Fridays Gentsrioc SATURDAYSand HOLIDAYS Gents 75c Ladies Site PRIZES 0F DRYCLEANING MOREpIRi REMOVED WE CLOSE FOR VACATION From JULY 12 TOIJUIQYVIBII For Pickup 88 DUNLOP ST eiDry leaning Irina HARBOUR Incr agPAVILION AlconaBeoch Opp Innisiil Natural Park DANCING EVERYWEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Featuring Especially in summerbut also pall yep rou1id our Shanon Service pxoves itself aszthe BETTER KIND 1k ORIGINAL corons ravwrb at BETTER rngssnoms LONGER no DRY CLEANING onor rig The tCleanerSf and Delivery PHONE BARBIE 2634 Next Queens Hotel BARRIE

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