Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1947, p. 4

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bring Quick relief from indigestion and constipation PAGE FOUR LEG1s criAT ii wim Viovpotnt an and It 11h lt 11 Ihtrll our 1f ti Easytomake Sauce lor Steak spiced with ii IILllrl ll PREPARED MUSTARD 11 i1 llic Kinnmx uiilr ll 17 li 11 lll lollllll ltrIIlrlctrllirrttto GOngHeeFotClioy ircctiiig o1 ltichcs This is now combin ntion iortiiiic to 1iiiit llltl hook on tstrol ogy and innncrology $125 WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE ill Eliznlwth St Bariic Phone 1055 NNooc04a oooooowooooo NwlOOOOldOlIOOIOJINIIIOOIOOIIOOOO ImllINOrrllOllOIfldiln 7Kiwainislarnival uii tARNlVAI Piquanl Steak Sauce tcuSpoon Libbys Prepared Mustard ounces butter teaspoon lemon juice 12 teaspoon Worcester TIIIC Ill17SlVl 11tllilitl1t dirli lor unitr sf it lt iii II It THREE HUNDRED DOGS SATURDAY II 211 Iv lw oI li 111 lt 221h it l1ilrl iloi 1itll thil in 141 tillt lllt lot that so Phil llit lill1t llltltll um domttl tltll uploulid ptlldli Iltl tVlizliiliirs of Sllti it tux up the op furl il1iti toui puttiitil of iittiilit llltll dost lllIltlliHl 511 Morni 1gtllltl to cyprwn lltlll 1tll ll liclinlt of uIii 101 11 mm Huh 1w who lt1 Ei1tlullfl lltrlilti kiiitnxl Ii lt lllHJlld $700 ii 4h lllltl 11tiit llIl lllt Sgittinl pronoun lin to ltt li11lt loi Snow lli tr nul iiItIii lllt1 1hr IIlttlJl ottvrcd by tony villtl Kohncl tluh llitlltllllt1tl ttlltlllt nintitliJin Ktlllltll tluli rulos ill t1tltlllttllllLlSl lic cxiniiitl hy witrunny lioloic lit iiiii litititicdiitl ill dons must tic litnclicd lictoii 10 iii on tho llltllllllit of Saturday lunc 28 Each hi1 should llt provident With lltlltll tllitil unit show loudiiid llic jlltitgt win will otticiiito ll tho llrrit lloJ Show urc hris lcottr o1 llciioit Mitliwho will jlltltgt lliiitniiy Spunkls Aimricnii tvckcr HpniLicls Ilnqlish otkor Sptinnls uzd IllSli Wittcr Spuniclsd ltoonii ot Montrcnl will juduc itll othci broodstill groups ioncrul Spcc and Bust in Show lTntlinnltHf Toronto willy juduc tho llttlltntt lllSS rctrcshinciit hoot ll will lic opcr illtd hy thc Indy niciiihcrs ot lllt shite Sauce Is up too Ivvcry tiny euspoon mm llt is not incinlicr of tlic parsley Kiwanis lnli Hut 111 12 teaspoon grated onion liz teaspoon so is worth $5000 to you if you have book of lickcts Mixintoptsrcinilsprcad on strait just lltllllt wry iiig with you ilirii you cntch him INT NU llc is IlJMIiilll inn and iii trnds lot of brill games iliciIinossilile FREEn seto standard size recipe midi featuring 10 dell lous ways to use libbys Mustard Just send your name und oddiento lioliys huthum TVAINHVX SINVMIH LISIS AIl JitKIns ZincS for $100 Shalritc Insulation Co Arc you iiitcrcstctl intimidating your Home with Rock Wool lor Summcr Comfort and also he prepared for thc Wintcr linysI FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Bzits tor sulc AllIIWork Fully Guaranteed 4551 17301310112113an Upset AlterzEnjoying Meal If you auflcr from dyspepsia sour stomach hilioiisncss liootlnclics minor liver or kidney com piaintsuse Burdock BloodIIBitItgrs PHONE nAnniE Hutchinson and Arnold Formerly of Oro Station This is populiirprcporiion tlTat willirheliitone up the stomachkidney and liverfaid digestion and gt Safe effective and dependable BB3 contains no harmful ingredih nits nor babitformig drugs YonllI be agreenbly5urprised how quickly 3133 oldr digbation lasimilationelimination7 and how much betteryou feel Askfor itby name+BurdockBloodlBittereon solo at drug countqu twarywhere II II true Million 00 L1mited1omnto0nt Hurric Kcniicl Club who will pro itlt Visitors iiid cxhiliitors with ploiity oi llgtl food lhc iinr stewards will he Slimr Win 11ilcoinsoii Lock hurt und litixtcr lho Show VtltlllitlllilllS will be lli Iltniiiig Dr Muchll iiitl Dr Young of Allistoii IV LIBRARY 00K Burric Library has ltitily acquir cd new World Atlas 19461 There are 113 inaips showing the newest boundurics Flags of tlic world are shown historltul maps of Europe and world maps of geographical rotations There IIC railroad and llltlll lCntholic Church TlE ARREE EXAMINER BARRIE oNrARio cANADA Smart TwoPiece Suit 1ontiinittl trotn nimc onc wiio stnitod lIt itccivcs from 2110 lo 3011 tlllllt tciitiinctcrs almost 1111 pint ill inch trnnstusionu mightily for such ilililll lit llvhns rcspondcd to trinliyttnf and tho transfusions irc hotuniting li liin lic still nccds 111 ironlilt ttu inipropci func tioniniz tit lllt ltitliicys couplcd Willi nncttion niviiiis that his blood 1x uiipropcrl Stlttllttl lcnv uii sonic 1llSttS it tho hotly and allowing sonic blood to puss throuin tho lillllt Though he is in no pziiii his liitzithingz is laborcd liccuuso of tlio suclliiii of his 11 ltillltll 111 is slmpy most of the time and his blue cycs are dull under his swollon lltlS lIis tippctitc is pUQi but no onc ctiii lilnnio Raymond for tlizit sincv ho is on spccial dict coniplitvly tltVUltl of stilt Sonic tiincs ho tnlks hit hut most of lllt llitlU sits hncl and watches the othti two childrcn in his room lhcy too l12tt had nephritis 1111 zirt on tlicir way to recovery sit ting up in bod playing and laugh WEDDINGS Alllill1villllili Iln 11K Hlt ifl tii ti llte SIIJLIL tr ii Min 11 lniwl Ilt lt ltLitiitl iiti liridc of liltJVtS ind l1iltllill lllt lUKtS Willi hcnd liuiitlinu innith llit tiililnns iiitiiii Illtillitl tHHUtllSlllilll and William lililiins lirollirr of grown of Stroud tion K11 lieId tit ltoliindzilc Barrio for iliout il gziicsts thhhins tiiid lllnitr iihliins ttlVLtl izrty hrorzitlcd shcor with liluc ttSSOlitS nnd corstigo of Detroit ing it Raymond Occasionally lic south IIH Shc was lovily in hcr lit5 roliins rm llll 11h short lpott slccrcs lltlili tind iioni nproii Ilil liotltiml tl lltlltlll Iitdtll IIIIIIIIIII 10 41rd lilo ushrrx kclv lti11tLlI Robinson and llit Following thc tl4llltillI ll icccp liiii Mrs iiiiliiiis niothtr it Miss Fcrnc Mrs iihhiiis costuino riis ilk Rich inoiid rusts nnd l1l of tho illo ll Alico She was nssistod lyl1rsi itilfltill oi loroiIito whosc lilut dross was cnhniiccd liy small tltiworcd lint ind corsniw of Itilisinnii rosus Outottown pucsts tiiiic from Montreal Toronto Hastings Roch iicntli Oshawa St Cnthnrnics tind llic young couples loft for tlicir wedding trips to points north and For trnvolling Mrs Comp srmlvs bark at mum but he is UL bcll worc till ipplv groon suitwitli yot rintly to ploy The cause of thcir lltllllt is ohscurc but UVLl long trctitiiiciit months and sonic tinics own lonigcr tlic hospital of clicrrycolto zicccssorics and Mrs Gibbins woro turquoisc suit with whitc icccssorics On tlicir itturiif Mr and MisCniiiptcll will lt ficinlsurt hopclul otthcii coniplctt Side Barri mm nd MIS iLCUVLl Mr Utnc plzint gtudcncr is 34 Gibhins ill Stroud The quests from Detroit wore lVlr m1 SUIom 1h mpdiml corps and Mrs llnrtlcy Iht lillltl lizul how pcn pnl of Miss tcr llzinr luriiii thc war but was never out ottknmdu litcousc of his low czittu gory zit Barrie for lllL past 10 years Thcy cordiiip to plant superintendent iycrs most or the own cinployccs arc war rctcruns and are accustom cd to giving blood torwor D111 poses anotlicr reason they allltso thfw more for With baskets ot iris pcomcs Spllcd rcaidily offorcdit once highwtiy mileage iniips of Air line distances between world cities their fellow cmployccs child stczimsliipdistuncvs between world Make ports world production charts and tables are till included in the Con tents Much descriptive text is in iucts ELIVERY 2110th 3914 not Copaco Girls Lose cluded and interesting and historical To Waggs The Copaco ladies softball team journeyed to Orillia last Thursday night and lost 1411 Aces of the Orillia Ladies Softball GIBSONMEIIER The lioiiic of Mr and Mrs Matl adorntd Molicr Bradford and snowball was the scene of marriage 01 interest on Wednesday afternoon June 18 1947 at thrce oclock when their daughter Maryl Elizabeth was united in marriage to Charles Frederick son of Mr and Mrs Frank Gibson 01 chroy of Cooks town officiated and the wedding music was played by Mrs Atkin James Graham of To to Waggs ronto rendered $010 Perfect Rev Bleviii Atkinson son Mr Love lllltl Hp was married in 1943 corrcspondcd regularly except for llziiiiilton and both he and his wife lw WU dull MW oro nitmlch of St Marys Roman ll W35 Tlpusslbl AC was tltxtirst tiiiic tlic pcn pnls 11nd with silwi trim Sho woio liliillt ucossoriis nnd torsiim of pnlc piiilL czirnntioiis ittti lllt Iiltlllltill tho lilltlt intllI loft on itltlllii trip through Nt York Sitilt llii hridc ioic ti rrd hltitlt iml vliittl print dross lurigij lilticlt lilttult liliI unit block ittissoiits ut ot lllll hiltsir tlt from Toronto liliiii llt llirriv itlltl Oshawa PICAltlIMclllll lhc l11l Baptist Church HuiI Ilt wns tho scint of protty Vtthl dint on Saturday Junc 11117 lit1l luuhiic Mziiiziigit Mclliziil dougzhttr of Mr 11111 Mrs Ralph 11 Mclhnil of Barrio llttIllllt IIIK lllllt ot lllllle lcnico son Mr and Mrs Wnltor lttirct ot Ihc ccrcinoiiy vns porn torinod llcv Iliunphrcys iivrn in innrrioizo liy hcr tutlicr tho hrido was charmingly drosscd in pole liltit sticctlciiizth crcpc is sweaters Lcague The game was played un Thebridal party took their places der the floodlights at the Oval and for the ceremony in the large bay never window of the living room which many of the Barrie girls having played undcr lights com was adorned with wedding bells and The Oiilliii gals built up an early banked with early summer bloom Given in marriage by her father nursed 114 lead At theend at the pretty young bride wore mittEdWorrors count and at the end of the fifth the svnth pink and white streamers the score was 144 bridal gown ofivorysatinfmade The Packers got one run back in with fitted bodice sweetheart neck in the ninth with three runs while Knapp Bowen and Mitchell got two runs each For OrilliaPatterson scored three times while Trodd Grant St Onge and Pen1ey scored twice 1b Gilbert rf Knappss Miller Hare Ip Lang 2b Bowen lb Mitchell cf terson TrodId cf Grant 1b St Onge Burnie if Pcnley 3b Puff Irf HunterSS Cbpaco Waiggs Aces 402 141 20x14 To get the cash pricefor Classl tied Adlets in TheExaminer they must be paid for BEFORE NOON onnWEDNESDAY After that the rate is three cents word 72 mm rattan008 EQIWERTN W9 01 Ml Viifuuctionnl monthly disturbancoo cause you to suffer nervous tensionat such times this tavern7mm to miievo mob symptoms mmm WINNING CopacoEKHBowen3b Kashner Waggs AcesNaismith 2b lgat 1200110 01611 98 the eighth and smashed over six line long fitted sleeves long full skirt Her fingertip veil was caught GilbeIIt led the Copaco attack with coronet of 1in of the valley Coat Store iuti Ilir ilU lii 12 ltL tiirrftvsl ltlili licsl Ii 11r liicly nlilihng dini it 51 iitms iitimli 11 lush Kit iil liiii iiiili lli itli1lt you 11 ii 11 you Iii Xiiiitx II lii on m7 21 II II II II ltitl llltlll H111 II lIWilliat 1hr llitlt XNWHHFH ILlwtz lini writ v1 Kiln LI iii 5t Iiiil tIii IIII IIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIII IlIIHIH 15 it 11 =lzwir ii IHI1 11 lllllI iIlKl ilzv ldll pron innit21 llr WIN lutihwl ltleil 1L Hi Hi tilt lil ltllil21tli NU Iv ll ll lli Illtt llll1 til Iltt gitum vril II lIH IHI 1hr Illikll iiwi iii lIilt1 li 4I livlli on Lllt II II 10 1c 11t1 11 111 XlJt gt1 ll 11 Liam lilt 34 fi llillUl til Ilitdil mumr l=l1 wv III My ii 1m ll INHUH LIIN 1111 Miiie ll Ili11t1t111 lr iI I1 tiioIiI iiIt IIMI tI iI III II IIIIIIII IIIIIIII It HINIII II lm liin iit1 lil unto zlom iiiii iopnoml llilliigtlliilil oi lozoiilo iI MIMI 1Mde MI lu1it ii ttgituim i1 ptpl llie lenoatul Midw 11 Wliml it 11il=l tiorw 1111 in tiout IUIvtlv lli iwi Iill III IIIIIiIISIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII 1151 mm will IS Null At till illoi llltl lmt Illl 1i lltv1tll tolitinst tiviiltoi liill1wl mi iiil II III Imp IHII Alml WV lm ml hm 11 Midi lll1 liliiltllll Inuitlliln tJ itv ltll o1 JiWIllcrv third lilll inti llulll tlll llIl HI IIIIIIIIIIII II II III 1n clout t1 llttll ton Nzixxnu lll rt llllt ulnc inil tony point IIIIIZIII itotul vtllllitllt iitl llllllllln lllllt rtl sitcvevr tind lirr licilltlitgtlt5 41 111 itttptoi lit1d Li lllll him Ii tIillIl toiont tI llIll lIullII IIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIII II IIIIIHIH IIII il linit iiiotliri ltLtltl drvnmd Il lI ltituittl Mic wuu llliltli ilttttllt it lllt tIilllildtilBS DONATE BLOOD it ltuth Mullnw isitl tmfg334 jjt ml llmm mmhd cd itlirtd 111 innuw titpc tlrc No vnstcd tinic no cxtrti stops FllllSlltllglll Flrisclinizinns active Frcsh YtllSl pots to work right away Mukcs swcct smooth ttX turcd buns that inclt in your month And inzikcs tlicni first simply deicioos RAIIH RUNS IF YOU BAKE AT HOME lit sure to pct FliilxlltlliuillS active Frcsh Yczist with the lzuiiilizir ycllow llllltl You run dcpcnd on FlcischiiinnusCunndtistzivmitc t1l tor ovrr 7U ycors Always lrtiliui 1y IMMUNS 880 The Coat Store Summer SportsWear and Coats Rose Marie and Jantzen BATHING SUITS Jantzen Beachwear and PLAY SUITS SLACKSW summam slack suits Tookc Sport Shirts Linda Linc Sport Sliirtsa11 Colors IMMO FULL Range of Woolen cardigans and pullover Smart Cotton pullovers for the Beachl SUMMER COATS in shorties and long lengths WhiteIPursesHandbngsSkirts and Blazers our grocers EIquale delicio in light tender hr on mulling math omnigIsnllirimit iv wastes moving at nourishment its and ellictive

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