Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1947, p. 14

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wanlzsnsv EWMELLERS nzlTEZ my ilfxili FAG FOUR BEN mi 3W tllLIllllHS WM WAVERLEY rJIalzlav cupcvwvodwioa IIJII IQREDIT Recreation mil ill HI lii ovooovoovaoocvwooooo 13 kiss lttltileliN ooroor4oooomo jz FRESH ORANGEADF HANS 10 ltll C7 71847 ROGERS BROS AN ilAfi IN FEET SILVIIII illfli ItIIIIIIVll1llllllltfIIlIIIIlIIl in the till 11 no1 IulilllIlil trail iiiili in 11 ill Iiir quality liiliIIIU Is Iiiiw 1iiliilll Ship in and It ll IiIallIiillIiil1lilltrilliJllilull BRYSONS ce Cream Candy ELIZAIIITIH ST lltl iii 1iiiuii IIH ilIlIIIIIJIF It rirlIII nailllijl llir liel REEV ltII 1min six for orin til llllt1 1iiiiu es JEWELLERS Itlll lllil1ls Ask About Our Friendly Cledit1loil Ial il ti Ii ii 11 111 lo the Milk It gt1 1n 13il io1el Ill liter 111 liltitlIriIi rili ilii 1111 lali Vindtmi llil on ioiJii ll lili IiJ tiilniil lt till 1vliili ol Il tlltll 1Illll lioii llll1lIl lllli iv limit 141 til Iiiil itti 131 ill1ll Iilft lll ili low in 11 ll 11 Collier St Baptist Chu Independent REV MlfClliIIL Minirttr chain Ill inlazlo Hillalio III III 1AM lIitI ill liiza illlll Iotaml ll 1iliiilll 1111 11 IHI 1H iliil loopii oi 1oiolrl and Hon liltti Iili ol the tilitlliii Iitlill llo1 lll rch volill Ioimilo tIIlilll Hull li 11 liil iii St Andrews Presbyterian Church FFRGISON II Mm 11 Like 11 Iiilill1IIl littor till liliiili icioliil do iiII 1ui lap 12 l1l 111 lii ll llllllllilllliltiotdJIDJJIIIIIVOOOIIIOI1llalJJleludill IiitI JAMES iiiZi Iili iliI liili ii Minister gt1 Ill Craig Hamilton Organist anti Cboirmaster Tim town pail 1111 whimit SUNDAY 11 Iii Iliill II MORNING WORSHIP VICVFNING WORSHIP SICRVICI uIRAYICR MEETING White on 13111 nlallo welcome I917 Stilt UI illlti Im 311 ll Lillii il lilii ENGAGEMEN TS ails tilllIltk1lIl liiiiill tilllliil llil 11111 iii 111111 IilItIUI IIIEII LiliiI ll iill tlIlI Illlilllul It iiiil SlNDAY JUNF 29 1017 IRIV DR Scott Mission ioronlo fugue Iolzmd under the Nam TIIF SUNDAY SCHOOL lAli Deparlznentsi PM EvFNINi WORSHIP Preacher The Minister TO CHURCH ltlltll1l It gt tiilllltli Ila irillli llI iiiwipl Itilcil1 l111lil IM in IM Rev MON 111 luly ZIIIIIMAN LONG DOMINION DAY WEEKEND FOR OUR EMPLOYEES In order that our staff may enjoy ilitilil ltIi end ill stoic Will close all day Monday liiilelllllli il Iilerldtly Jilly 11 TO lllt MANY tllSltHlllltS Will you please assist us by planning your holiday sliop pin IIiiirsday Friday and Saturday lllti Slialtold illlll cw italiz iivi lililli 11 ii Titus llle ilzoliilll iiiliral lieeiialloli illca liliti pates Ie tlvtilnpnanz lluiniil their to tllii 11 11131 1i1nl tllliztll Otllltlll ol itemsiliir lilliti Viltols 21 Cl rm ETHODIST lil It Mn Ii it It llitI 11ltlilll llari It il 239 ittelatarils 1l1 Iliil Sliiitll Ill Wainl Iltllllll llllllil tlclzie Illl tillltlli tan COME lIlI Id nllillieil onl IME fl tlappeiliili St REV AND MRS CHASE in charge OLDT Gel Acquainted with New Location El ili lli1lii Il tails iilaii cities 10 Ioi1lloii Ont iiicnt iici llerliicc it ill IlAltRllli fll 1111 Store closes Saturday 900 pm and remains closed until inity Anglican Church REV HOWDEN BA Rector II WRIGHT Organist Simpson soil ol Fallenl the late Arthur Illllllll the nlairlagn to lake 11ll1 in Monday lilllll lall 1111 llailie 41 lliili held an excclillvc liieet MORNING SPECIAL $500 MACHINE WAVE for $350 Camerons Beauty Shop vcr Olympia Restaurant PHONE 4484 ltcdnesllay July 2nd at 900 am ooewuuorIoorroIoilltrlld 444 Phone till15 Barrie owwm NOMN oNoeaww PRELPSTON Mr and Mrs Ini llnnzall Ii 11Ml tlt il odourllllrtldtrvaoocoacoocoodonoovoodo tool 14411154140 1104 sunnwv JUNE 29 1017 230 PM SthIAY SCHOOL 330 M1RFACIIING Church Billie Study and Preaching All are Welcome ersnlnziiy Meeting Pentecostal Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 ltlulcaster St Atllll PastorStephen Tilley liiiilr 1ii pa 1ttI Iiltil iliiliance lll tlieii year trill II Itiili Ill lllt ili lire ciiis lll Illzirvaic IIllil1 and tililini1itulzlilolir lielie ll lrley Fourth Sunday after Trinity ARIHOLY Julie ictliiictl 1lliilllll Kitililolialil ll lion Liiiiilillic Ellen only COMMUNION 1000 NIPrilnaly uld Intermed iate Depts of Sunday School Service o1 Lhlincs these from tlllircii who gavelhcir lives ill the Second World War PreacherRev Canon 11 Cody 11 11 Chancellor of the University of Toronto 11 MHegiiillers Department of Sunday 700 PMEVENIN lRAYIlR lhe Rector will preach the coil clodingt sermon iii the series lo nd the Conversion of Canada mj 321 First Baptist Church REV uuupnasvs Pastor Miss Elsie Cloughleyll ATCM Organist and Choir Leader it lllizlit 3111 new Ivironti ilaiiiihten i1ii IViliIlltIititI lohn 11111 their John and Mount will nil1e place Tl at St tlaics tnlocii 7111 11111 pin Crown rile II iIli 111 writ llcicsii ltI Ilia lIIl Dedicat ion installed Iriniiy Memorial nieinorv Free Enlargement lilack and white glossy with any ordcifroll lilnl left on MONDAY JUNE 30 or VllllNllSUA lll to he developed and printed All Prints made LAMA lpecial Singing Thors week VIII IIIII1 peril In Stephcin ind Prayer Complete sports IiXiilllilltl UIIIIIIIIII coverage in the or and llltltti Ironi lolonti at town last week and 1igt Iliii111111 Zli IIllItliiill lilttiioclis loiliirlilii Velll lent Sunday in ltlluncau Martin Iiillvil Mrs Mr and Mrs More 11 Llowes sh to iiiiuuinv gapeincni o1 thyn AliditiyIIIIIIHailce second son of itosilick oi lliolilhli l1vlllill iiliewiditiicuduglaull today July Tilli it iiipclt tt t1 rule Kenny lozi Illricl ti llll Ilil No locum tilllitili DOU 131 IIl 51710 Get the habit bring your lms to MEYERS sruoios IIARRIEAND COAST TO COAST imiusi Ilt ilcinatillll VI lIIIllilLI Martin in MI Nesbilt Refrigeiiition Service KELVINATOR SALES AUTHORIZED COMMERCIAL DEALER SERVICE ON ALL MAKES ommcreial and Doiiiestlc NESBITT Phone 3837 and and School and Mi vlilIlllLI at Waringa Ilcacli called ill LOllplllillb All and Vlrs Frank Hamill Michael Klein IVlIllIi motored li Otlawzil to attend IIll Marian Congress Frances llllmlil returned to Harrie litter home Mary cvpleal Incilliili tor the sliiliinei 10 illSUNDAY seriocll who ll ABrigDEVOIIONAL sslIiVIcr IJ EVANGELISIIC MEETING Fri pin Pastor Stephen Tilley Visitors and strangers inVited am Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist Mr Arthur Smith EST OR Mi Ill it eiiiiy flint BARBIE 113 Owen St Mary and Mac Service iii the liaptil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Siiilday June 150 ll ItillllSltili are welcniiie tllIll1 pastor IIIIJII SUNDAY JUNE 29 1947 11 IllDr Atkinson will Preachi PM Gods Human Face Pastor Ilulnphreys will preach Following 1W1 ifli Listen to Bible Broadcast Every Sunday Morning 930 it 945 IOVer F0 rillia 1450 on your dial conducted by GRAHAM SWAIES 01 Midland evening servrce last service before union services with St Andrews there will be reception of new members and the sacrament of the Lords Supper Sunday School starts promptly at 10 minutes to 10 Vacationers Welcome SUNDAY JUNE 29 1947 HAMMORNING WORSHIP Baptismal and Reception of new members HOLY COMMUNION EVENINGWORSHIP CHURCH SCHOOL 10 AIMThe General SeSSion VbzizdIHihLBegmners and Primary Come to Gods House on IlisDay rThe Salvation Army 760 ICollier Sf Adjt and Mrs Dfsfsnschan Grace Gospel iHralI SUNDAY JUNE 29 1947 Mary Street Barrie ii AMHOLINESS MEETING 230 IMSUNDAY SCHOOL FEMEVANGELISTIC MEETING Thurs 239prn Home League pfnlPrhyer Meeting You will IREapasyou Sow but erhaps one hundred fold el liiallg 19 Perkside Drive SUNDAY JUNE 29 1947 130230 PMsBelievers Meeting 34 PMSunday School Meeting All IsIre cordiallyminvited 1Collier St United Church LEWIS MA BD Ministervl Tuiierd Orgazii Choirmaster REV is Mr om $19471 Gos st and SUNDAY JUNE 291947 11 AMEMORNING SERVICE THE CHURCH SCHOOL 10 AMSenior School 11AMBeginners and Primary Depts PMEVENING SERVICEg Emil FERED tEEI ALSO ESH MEATS Roild fronts or 31c 1b Roasts of Veal Bcctnrnd Pork Pickled Spare Ribs 1b 320 Pickled Pork Shoulder lb 34c PICNIC HAMsLND REGULAR HAMs Dial 3750 BARBIE Frosted Foods 29 COLLIER ST SUNDAY abuses SPECIAL IGOSEELI SERVICES continuing nightly except Sat at pm Sunday eveningaid in the Parkside Drive Gospel Hall Barrie SPEAKERS Mr James Gunn Mr Graham Swales Midland All are invited lAL BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV GREEN MA ThD DD MINISTER Mr Ray Williams Organist andChoir Leader FAREWELL SERVICES 11 COMMUNION SERVICE Reception of new members and Baptisms Any desiring baptism or wishing to join the church kindly notify the minister PMFAREWELL ADDRESS BYTHE MINISTER Holly United Church at Communion Service 1389mm Servicean mbers at pm iiiiiiiis Momma 8389 ElizabethISL room MOTORS19 Mary OMB247A itstr Reception of new me IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllHiIIIHiliiLd

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