PAGE TE 1WMWV The British Empire and India iiiIViiEITCZWMMmmiim Vttr lll WINE iVI itid VV lutili tai itltllltlll Vttl im gt iiinoithiI 11 Vilml VV VVH lusts Canada tori ILlFE ot ii iii ltdu Wutuiloa On Addwl Ill Mt GE DEPARTMENT li If do Wittetloo Ont Tl utiiol lite oi Conndti ii M55 MM Me mate No tiresome extra bluing job Li Frziiice blues IllIIIllitdlly as you iasli No spots or streaks La France is completely soluble men iii hard water blues Clothes sparklingL duzzling white Gentle enough for delicate silks and rayons or soft baby woollens La France brightens up faded prints too Full instruc tions on paekuge SeebeckMed fad12 Have SatinSmooth Professional Finishllrw Just add Sntiml to your regular starch It creates satinsmooth finish tlizit sends your iron riceiling over starchcd surfaces Saves wear and car nitmaterials by eliminating sticking and pulling Starched clothes iriiti up like new because Sarina restores their oriyiiial finish M5 full instructions on pziiliaite Puts Wings on your Iron aw WNW risotto F9045 zl My or Ccrll Today BUCHANAN Manager VI Product of General Food EXAMLNERI BARRIE OKTARK CAXAD chh VV do ends Motocturers PUBLIC ELFARE DEPUTY MINISTER Rundown Feehng We SAYS SMCOE COUNTY PAYING MORE it ii THAN LEGALLY REQUIRED TO ens Cause By ervous rou be ViV ii It VV il WIIIIAIIII VIVVe it Alll lt VV iV ii llltllhlhhllA tV HI VVVV VVVV VV IVVVV VVLV VVVVHVV Arr EVV VV Viiriiim in V5 HIM lllltl it is ittl lti ititi ttiicliil lVlv iii wi innit lil lusting nit IIlt I1 iiid ll$llgilNllllllttl iting Vtll VIV VV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV inti VVV thlVltl Maul iViiiiil itVid II VHV WH MM lL lti ll ii lib Add VVL Vv titl HI VI V13 Vl VVIVVVVVV VVV VViVVVVVVVV VIVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVV VVV VVVV ttallliltlslttt mind to illt ittcd tliiur litii ull Add 533le ii li it flti ii lltl il II vm lll tin llltllttl litllttittlg1tttlil ttili VVVVVVVIV WV VVtVVVV AV CV IHV ii VlVV tiitile Iltultltitiltit titxitiglt ixl il 3in Tim lint IVV VVV VVI it ll iii 1u llllllktlll lidiiiilidtliitaxll tl gr ii iii ii ri iVEti Vt ll ziVlii VVV HVVV VII IVJM lot In LIV Vi lxiieiid dough tpiiillt iiid it Vi 3tgti nio ltrl till inlitlilt liglitl lltllll llltntlll tlltl clay Vi li iVl tieoi film liiii iii itiiiii li3 it llice tliitigii lll Vennowl Hii V1 VHIT iVuiuiitu vl liiiulVineritiiiitiiiplite VII MI III VIII VV VV til at ii li ill imi xiii II V1 Lil 25 ltlHllllll tillidlh lhiiiili dough it llllllHI it IV VVIV VV VVV IV VVVVV VV iilVIIH1IIiiIVVVI iIV domi iii lltl lyt the igiiin iVV vli Vel llt iVUllti toitii VVV VV It itlt tin ii lira VV VVVV VV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVV VV VVVVVVV lilllll ioiii is out mi iti it tit llii lilVl iiid VV iVVV VIV VVV VVVV the litii light diiidc tIitU iiii Vi VIU SCIEIKO 30 M9 tldl Nrllllll5 sin lulu ll p1 tli Iltllllillll ot tiVii tltl it wt iinl Il tlll VV In man lull It ilhih let Ii titrtl liti it IVttil il VHVV VHAVIVVVVV VhIVVIVKVV VV iVVHIViV mm im ii IVim VHAVIVi Vi ilk Sully 111 anyone Uuy Iii up inrhul but lt iV it tlt tt llt ill1ltlillvilltl IV IV II ViIl ii iiiolt llt elei um MC dill l9 Imus oni iiw Hm IV HI ViHUM oi lt ttttllthl lill lVlViiir Ndlndpmdsllmlmdlls doubled in litilL ilwiut lltlllf iVV iVViVVVVii ittVtVVlzu VV ViVtVtiVVlV Wli VVVVVVVVVVV VV VVI EVVV VIII VII XVII ngVtuVVrallagztiie3cholbleuuminnitiyitian Awe IVV ct V1 9m VV It tom lit tie ti tV lit MI MV VVVVVV Vt ttVl llV th VttllVlVlVl it IlVI VVtVVVVVtVVVVVVV uplityrm VVVVV VIVIVVVtVVVIlViVVVVVbVVVVtVVquVIVIV iiiViiiVV llILV riiliite hurt in Veer bl lii thUthUtl ltllllinl lh WW It til lIiii tum II II vtlll piano hintthin midis ingest Selling El oi riot itl niiiiiiiu the iotVii mMkMadmmmmmdthVV lm ltlllttl ii t1 lgtl ltlitililtll ioi ie VV lV IV IV VV VVV VVVVVVEVVIVVVIIVVIHVVVV IV IVVIIVHIIIHV WNW iii tiliilnlllllulx UVER llii lVll iiei tiiiiiiii llll ll iv it it inwiizi lllt 1A VI in in HIM litvtltlYtVH Vivienne Valliops mod it Liti ititlitil til lllt $th II itVIIiiI lIIIVpng Imit er 11m lithiidn bl llltt lnln Ill llt Kltllilit llttnllllitl 1H1 dilt lillit it iic My II iIlthin lVoiiiiii idiinil litiVV ilxta tV ttUllllltVu odidpiimiiiiiVnhiii t11lili toiiipiiiV town lltlhl ltii oiiiit ltVtit tiii piiiiil thatl wt iliiti ltl lll tlilllilVI lllltlllitl liltlltll$ lllliii lilt tlllliiwV lallitlllia 513 lllltl lltli VV VI iVIVVV Vi IBM my liliilitlliilli lleVre ii lltel lie tileii ie idiiiiI the eoiii if Vii ii iiiieil ll oii lul ltllti iiiiiiiiithioii tioiii llll tuituiio llosr VII NV pilnl itltlilllll ltttlllltlltlllll iii Inf genrs gt IVIi IVIVI llltltutit lll llie iiei uiezii iite tor VV V153 ML IV VVVV VIV IIiVV HVI llllltlll lll llltrlllltll tor the thioii luv fti IIVVIAIVIVV VII HIV trail ill iiiid iiieiiiiibh giiititiitsV VVV t1 dint Vlllii 51 lmn MHMH fr iaiii VV SVili il Hm 1h hll it tilii Vlilll llltli iil Suirely lie iltllttl llltbl I1 iii ltii lliil at WNW lHVli llt WWW Lttlllltlli MVI IIHVVV HIM iHIHV toi extra tiorsittl1eV exceed the tt iitt iiiioiiiiii lllili Ihe lllllhllI xiiiioiiiit of their budget tor lttli Kttllillttll Virolli lhe it eurVi WHO ttllltlttllllltttllull DE VVIM lioiii lllue Water lliliiII rgt lVtHi rm Vit til ViiizHri ie slietth Sitiieoe ouiitx ttitintil held nail it lit lliiiixli iiile iii Hm ewem IIN viii in mm IVVHVV LVVI VIVII VVHVI VIV VVVVVHVVV WVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVkI VV tilt llUh itit ttl llllllttltt tlltttftt Antoni exiirdetis llt visited BANDS iiiiiii ii oil oi tlilltit litl wltA Inuit or Hieiioilto thi thiig tiiiv IV VV VV Standard Broadcast out moot gown xiiliiziI lm it Ii WV Bum and Short Vave iii lllt tltlll Hlt iitll thlthitli oi the lVlllltlll Viiiti ibis iiirille Todd and mm TI meml THan mm Fm ElliLi ANTENNA INA1Q tlll titt eigt ttt ttlltlltt iii IImlompV phiiif municipal im in tho Wghi 1ka hid IVVVM VVHVV VHVIVV VHVI IMAM H1 mVIH VVVVVVVVVVVVVVI IVVV HVVI Dunnan UfV leeoiti tilleiitiiilict with 12 Stiliiti lllVUllVlVVlA Lil VJ VVVVV IVVVV liiiuleli tlllltilt lheir deiiiuiid toi minutes win HmWISE sections purtieipnting The weather IONNHHON ltltltllltltt ftll Will sziiiiits ttii iiinds iititl liridstesi TlltEunf pail xiii Vho JUN3 VlVWVV Genuine Valuut and HIlmmw toVVlIhitilVi iiiVloIV not itVthVilI lVie subsidy UH lJIltltitS illld IllWIlS 111 5133 VVIllhiiluianyiiiiiini hi Milhmmy Veneer Isi Ilt iVii iiiiiite in ru iiio intreusid from to tilt pet III VV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVIVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVCVVVVVVVS VVVVVVVV VVVVSF iiitiiibucd bI ill lll tlltlltldlltt IONl LONIRUL front tunmwnuwith vi thnxoiiit in iiiiiiissnii tlieptevntiis mow ualit IS mud tradition in cstinvhousellddto and this til is mmm the Province iill rclmlt ttt latest iubc compact model is on outstanding example ot line hull mHHIlm in FOYSUmmerHomel Vd Il will iilhlnl uVHi fllVViV miV PM xumplemBam and Cottages MMMMV hmms up 10 hum ml Vil ll illltl tilt IVHVVt lilllll llllf 3le till CUmlI muiwiaaiiouiotim hii applied Vthii the Iioi VtilthlllVloi lildS OiiV Vlllth1rti mdshusummhtow Do litl ii norl 1e his ed lel lit county wout re mic in Int ll mideurcumnu oi lllt iii llli illlltllllll to Villll Vu Viis Jill lwlno morth 775 VN mm 11 Ill mumV dams mu mpum5 lswei so IeIiiiiis about $4150 from Barrie run Clappelulon St Phone Hip my Vimu limvwlr Bum V1 WWW $9300 mn STEELWDRKS said the eoandiiitii oii uri llle tVitiiii the liovniei and also utiltisI Limited Dept ill Tweed nt l5VVI 45 mid him iitiilh VV The memorial in et in the ouu gt tI oiiit llUlth Ltblblilllr IVliisV iiiV KNOW youve wondered IfHUdSOHS are as thrilling eludes the names til454 sous olg Siiiieoe County vlio IIVC their to drive they are to 100k here driver 56 lives while wearing the Kings uni new Hudson twuiting you it your nearby dealers toriii Provision has been made for tiddiiit any times that might not have been included Take me Wheel There something camel about Hudson steermgV Press llghdy on the dermalV Theres CVEIVVVVVVVEUVV3fo VVVVV airush of 511m power lrom SuperSix or SuperEight in 1944 the annual Walvdcns outing engine that makes you think Olan eagle swoop was cancelled and he had Offered THE WILSON BLBG 12 Post 0fceISquareV Pho BARRIE Big Edoyglr To 80 Experienced Small Enough To Be Friendly ne 2325 Babu Eczema NIAGARA Finance Company ll school inspectorswill be paid $25 recommending that it beVIcompuII to Culllllb the money for this to some torn ot memorial ed to provide containing brief biography of the Siiiicoe County war heroes and an ippropriate stnnd onwliich this book might be displayed The coun ty councillors were very apprecia He offer memorial bookI tlve of this offer Cmmty Council endorseda reso lotion changes to daylight savfllg time be made until such time as Domin ionctt Provincial vote be taken resolution from the Town of Petrolia recommending that the Dominion Government provideofor the free delivery of mail in gill tonIns VIaVnd villages was endorsed The Education Committee endors ed at resolution from Elgin that boards bepaid Von basis similar to thatof township council members Payinentvof the scholarship prIiVzes ation was authorized Four public each fotVtheir work in preparing resulution from Grey County sdry for all municipalities to ap point weed inspectorswas endors ed This resolution also urged that the Province assume 50 per cent of the cost of theweed inspectors salaries The Agricultural Committee en dorsed resolution from Brant re commending that legislationbe en acted to make it compulsory for Vall owners of cattle to hike the necessary steps to eliminate the warble fly the Government to Sub sidize onethird of the cost Barrie Collingwood Midland Orlllia and Penetang Who do not share in the County Public Health Service will receive their annual recommending VI that nVoVV members of high school distrith fortheI County Historicaltexamih examination BARRIE Hanson suns BOWENMOTORS On the highway arrowlike steminert roadhugging smoothness make you think maybe dreams can come true And fill one does Your Hudson dealer will Ishowyou the features described at the tiit which are all yours but only in Hudson VAll yours butI only in Hudson CholcoV iamou onglnatSuperSlx SuperEight PlentadilloublesSnfL Brakes Balanced Combina llonColl and Leul Springs Hudson DriveMaa ViPulVenled IAutoVolsov Caitlle True CenterPallil Steeran Chrome Alloy Motor Block FluidCushion gt Clutch ad Hudnn Winther iI Master Aldeum SontCImhlont Two Famous um Super and Comma doroerloi SEV roun VHvUDsVON DEALER WVHVMEARS ROSS ST DISTRIBUTOR VI MASTER DEALERS Alliston MGDERMIOEE MOlIlORS Collingwood LAN ATO Midianda