Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1947, p. 8

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IIlIT RARth EXAMINER BARRIF ONTARIO CANADA ELMVA PAGE Eliill OBITUARY lttitlil Illl Ill III II LE lli 3197 PHONE EXPERT BODY and FENDER REPAIRS SIHIAIIIZINH IN llli HENRY AUTO BODY 19 Mary St Barrie FqummorHomu and Cottage Anvmurumd outxh tux pl mm mir WINH um II rv dd Mpg rump We IWEIII SIEII WMth Limited Illepl III IIIied Int IIIIlh III luriner IriInip1I If IA Nul IIIIIIIIHI Kind ol trillln Lerl IIIIIIII IiIIlr llIliSlJAY UTAOLISHID 1599 Sllltl Worth ol lnnurunee tt Ileuse Ith II uiinple III IthIIlII ll Il1f II lvrl lII Idlnllx llll Illlrlifll mini III III on he In In Lilli IIIIIIIIIrsI III ILIhr ltZ IIIIIIJIELIIr aIMI and lur ounrlI IIIHYIIV In lrl Lu IIIIII lllilrlilr HI th lllllr II will $lllt premium Lin you IIJI eIIanv loo lrt it au III Ripe nur wtalr hill le SLIUJNI lIIl I2 Illutmltwlln InnaAudi luv ol yIIIII Anrl liloII sunplrll to llzlll In II Ion annual pIrInmn blallll III quIII Lgnru our IIIIIIIIIIIIAI IJIK licgur cialullr ilwul Illli IIJII llnlu INE CONIINENIAL IIIE INSURINBE COMPANY HEAD orrlce IOROHIO GRANT MAYOR fffII ILILS DI on street 81mm stillI IIIi Ill trl IT IS THE LAW llll II FOLLOW THE THRIFTY Wholl le IIIII IJI IIEI IIlrI IIIII Ir IIEIII let ei Muppet IIIIIIIn JIIIIIIIII llll It Inn IIII Steering Brakes Lights and Horn Operate at All Times lior IIIter driving safety let on lltltli thew for you COMPLETE DANGERFIELD MOTORS DOIHLL IIIIIl Itllhitll IIISIIIIIIIIOIIS tilt llMiliN Serviee Manager IIAI IW Ill Iv lllli II lll IH IIMI Iltill lm IIllnr IIIII IIVII lItl lIIIII Iv hv nI Illlri 311 lli II 2l IIIIIIan Ll IzIIlzll IIIl hm Moile III Hume III lIIIIIII IIrI All lulfllil MAY STARK IIIw NIIIS ANN Hoe Ill llIgt lI Illz II IMU Ilrlwli lel IIIIIw lIJIII Inl Im Irfl SERVICE llIe lute Illlt Henry Simpxonl Iltldl llltlll HI Illx IIIIIIl SIznpmn lflil Ilzurre Iurn In llilifl vqu liorlin reverul Minimum Illlll lerrl lIverI eIrgt Ll Inernher Annluxur IIIIIIIL elr IrIl IIIIIIM lI only que IIIIIIIIIIIIZ IIIIII 11 IIIIIII Li IIII hoz Ill SIIIIII IIIIII lomuw llii ltlllr IIII Illll IIIIIII IiI Ilu lIlellIl llll SIIVIII lrlLlM Il IIIIII lIIJI IH ll IIl III IIv In tlI IIIIIIIII II Iltlli III llIIn III IIIIIl ll ul lI mm ltI hv llIone IIINI 03 ollier St IiI MIMI IIIIH nann Ilrrlll Ilil Illlitil llllt tllttl loI vIIHIIIIV Ie Illlfl IIIIIII llI aunuen llIIlIl YllfIIlIll III the IIIII lIllIllIlll til the lJlllLJ 01 IIIIIIj1HlI lllgtll2 llllllllrllv3 lIllHlHl Ivf llo IIlullurul SorI Iely unrl lltll Ileienlinnr Ilne llo oquIl IIIIIIIIIIII Iurl hull glwlquIng III IIIII II llu II lllltlllul IIIIIIIIII III IIulI ll ngi IIIIII Illzlxgl IIIIW winim ol the Huge IIIJII Im IIINIII litlllitli Illlilllllln Willinglnwl IIIIl lIAtIllIIIII liu Elllllttlll IIIII IIIIl tar ItomI Ia lltlllll lI Iuk III2 Illltll IInrll ltIIII II polIlIei he It eon lllIlIlltIlyl urlinqj Iienlgl IWIIItlIIt II LIIr IZIHII Im with Iultl Stenht IIIIIIIIIII nuulnI o1 lhnul Illlrlilv Illllr IIirullw lllll mth in hit II the II IIhlll Il IF ITS AN RRRRRR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE We SERVICE It lIeIan Attention In lIl 1III n1 Illnto tlI lI IqlltHIlIlI ill lll Hllli lnlIIlel Ill ILjII Nqu lllll Ionlo loI llIIlv Il Ilul IvIII ll Ielnv lIIIIIIIIle IIIIII Ijl Illllh rhomvrl Ilwl IIIIII llill olIIIm iIIvIIIIlin Il1lltlll llltll mill on cheery lip friendsi SUIIII unInIiISIoneI Inert the Iltlllllll llllllmil th IIII dunghlelw III IIIIIIIIIIII lolfvuto Ilillllll lrl In file time Illltr ol unillnIntllh Il luullon loIIe IqunJo not th Inhlvnm hIIIIv III li IIlllll II utm lm IMHIIII ll llum nurk kind word for Ill The Lireelyuttcnderl lunerul held Iflernoon which he runny IIIIIIIIInI l1I lionlt ol louIon Iutl IIilill iIIkIniIMII til llIuIrII ltIIe one Im mIn Ieuinl SIIIIIIHI er IetIIo III III uIIlul llllillltlllnlllll leulwnl IlIIIIIIIIII IIIIIHIII IIlm testified to the etleenI lIIlrl prIvute servnte wus held II the Bishop Funeral IIIOIIIC fol llmerl by uuhln mrrue III Wy conducted assisted Barrie lIflillIln eonIIIlele overhuul makes und typen IIIII Wils Ilvevnwrl he XIIIu lls Izuvl Kathleen Ilr IIIIIII ol loIoIIIo IVIIt HI SIIIIIIIIII llzlriey ol lrtlttllto lIInII oI IIIIHIIIH There III tiII lhitl hull lioilnle III li lh ehvl Kitchener Ir Arlie Iolnnlou lo Iunto llll li lilnrlys Reid IIIoolx IIIIIlIlllSI duughtqu ol eleIIIIe Ippllulnen undo HIIIIIIII wum IlulIIIIII lqu gum Tulle errgugwl there InIIvII IetiI in lloplrd Iurl geIIeIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Illlll SIII Igo Illtltll2lgttl Mrs Stork In IIIIZI She llllltl III dunghteI II Ilurke II Imw Plugs and light wiring Installed SEE THE by Rev by Rev Inter TlIIIreII Sluhhs Ilmvrlln lllllll wus Inude in St Inhns eenr Wuverley No Illili und IllllIL Odd ICllows nIurIhed in the funeral procession service pullheurers llillll Illm InuIIlIIl SALES SERVICE HOME APPLIANCE BRANCH lIuIIIe Ilvilltl HI Ntulk ll II II ll ll elery Elmvnlo IOOI lhIle Leighton liuIIIe thlw on lll1ltl illlll leIIIIlII ol illiun ll Iontu nul IoIIneIII ot Linui lIIu nul eight grillllltllllllltll iliIIn lllll hi lnuilli IIIiIIIl lll Toronto sllltllll IIItrue Illl his IIIHIIHl tuuerul IIIIHIII Ivulnltl git llil lute residenee IIITo publie serrife It the Miles IIIIIeIul lloIIIe Sl fluir West There nuts ery lurge Itlenll tlllll It the Intter The MIwiees lll Ituken II ller lnmeron of York minster Baptist IIIIIIIII of which Mrs Stork lIuIl longr heen eIutie IIIeIIIlIIr lllll where her hushund hurl been superiIItlInlent ot the Sunday Sehool for 33 yours Interment took plate in Mt lleusunt emetery To Ionto In Stork is lzlnmliuu Trude onnnissiener It the time the ItlllltlllS eIIIeIeul IIIIII Iountry but he was so toItIIIIlee in to make eseupe two days Inter on IIIilislI destroyer Siuee IIIIJ he llllS weimmuuM 4m Alilll 1Ilt olllllllflld The md Auruvuxule Backache May thin 0t Kidney Disorder Bull hogan in the but may be varying of kidney dis orders Dont neglect them pains Deans Kidney Pills utimnlnm the action of the kidneyu help to elimi nate the males ihich Often the cause of backache rheumatic pains and minor urinary and bladder nil menta Thus Doanu Kidney Pills help the kidneys to clear tho body of impurities Do as thousands of om 01m dians have done When troubled with backache take Deans Kidney Pilla On sale at III drug commas 26 ELIZABETH ST DIAL 4421 ImIInlu Sunk lheir were llll sou Ilenth of The June Monthly gtllll took IliIre IIIIIII IoIIIo Zellers Limited IlollzIIII vilfx STORE HOURS Wednesday 900 AM to 1200 noon Saturday 900 AM to 900 PM leIuL hut tor the present is ltl21lltl in ToIonto mrm1bmonlmm Due Ioz1the4isuCCssOf Clearance during Daysgwie continuetheSaleforOne More Week Big savings in All Departments New Lines Added Daily JACOB TGRAHAM 1519 Dunlop St gt SizS14to 44 For Street or HouseWear CLEARANCE Watch Our Windows BARRIE Dial 3345 to Dimloli Street Entrance Icns FRIDAY MORNING OCLOCK lone 2439 things II dinning III on qu premise ha ss or quite Wlllll now Lib oh the ka not lInIsl the front chon of Lhi Irizikesliiit we illl hzn bl promo has been MONA Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday 900 AM to 600 PM lvI1nIuwI inmate Blankets DOuhleBecI Size 71 each

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