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Itlmlsant and effectual remedy for coughs colds 12 hiwlr lint ll honrsencss sore throat bronchitis spasmodic croup BOYS BOYS GEO It ELSIE BURNS DsC unthnlu and bronchial troubles Barristers SOIIlIlOIS Notaries Licensed Drugless Therapist luhlic Conveyumcrs Etc Electric Radio Hydro and l4 ouh ms InnII Illtittl Enfe effective Inexpensive and dependable Dr MONOEY TO LOAN Mechana Therapy llltllltl MUH 01 Woods Norway Pine Syrup helps to loosen phlegm VA Ofce Owen Stu Barrie I15 DunlopfSt Phone 3194 Ullh III re nd brin ilk lulll for cuuuhs and Drumh Office Elmvole Ontario mm cm PM BOYS KI CORBFTI DC colds Complete sports Wyn21w ill the rI brAGmM CHIROPRACTOR AND Examiner Get supply of Dr Woodl Norway Pine Syruptoduy GLADSTONE CURRIE DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald BL ine UllllllLIIlVIJIJIlHlil Lll Hm uccessor tow Barrie Borne iJxmmi lhum IIiIlIr far ahead IhOTMJlburnUolJmleTOrunto0nL CAMERON CAMERON BY APPOINTMENT BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Earrlsters Solicitors Conveyance Notaries Public etc Ilmney WantedVMuney to Loan 71770wenAStreetBarrie oss Cowan Registered Patent Attorney FKANK HAMMOND BA BARRIst SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Flag Barrie MONEY TOLOAN 1le McCUAlG BA KC BARRISTER cSOLICITOR ETC Money toLoan RossBlockrBarri MWMMLMEN BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barri JOHNL RID SARImsrsn some Ton ETC 24 Dunlop St Barrie Ont MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE ILBRYSONI RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGINGI und MUSICAL THEORY all grades including ATCM Modern Methods Studio 21 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conservatory or Musit and London Eng College 01 Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue OPTOMETRY 9813 JWARREFFBO OPTOMETRIST 13 Dunlop St Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH n0 OPTOMETRIST OI Dunlop StPhone 25 Hours 96 daily JOHNF WOODS KC NOEL STEPHENSON 307 BBAkRKlTER tAIEIIDG SOZLgllTOfg OPTOMETRIST an In orono wen Phone 2661 Moneyto Loan PM St Bame Home OSTEOPATHY jCOIiLEClION Agency EDWIN WILSON BSIAE no THE WILSONBUILDXNG FINANCIAL SURETY Specialistsin Collection of Accounts 51 DunlopSL Barrie ACCOUNTANTS Barrie Consultation by appointment Telephone 2293 HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA ank Spry ARMSTRONG AND MaoLAREN tA Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street Toronto WARD MAYOR COMPANY Ward Mayor CPA AUDITORS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE I2 Clapperton St Phone31703 gt SMITH CO Elli61311de 1m FUNERAL IRECTOII AND ALMERB nanm globulin In nonneeuon 18 Toronto SI Toronto 0PENDAV AN mom humyour room an Iwnmn ANDERSONoCOMPAN Chartered Accountants Trustees etc MEDICAL Brock Building 200 Bay St tomer our ame ranc ay vmnluuw tom 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesday Agpllcatlon nurses ret made direct Or throt Telephan on 07 RENO IAN 3nd SURGEON vices mav vurmma 959pm 81 Barrio Phone on Wee Phone 2963 1201 PhoneV4111 Cor Post Office Sq and Simone Stl liAliLIN iftlrii CONS Iltl ll SUN ll 15 16 13 19 22 23 goes 26 xo WIfTI2930r MON TUES ED THURSDAY EUTTEK CCLPON 853 $UGAR COUPON Sl ruins couon i354 hUllER CCiLlON 855 SUGAR COUPONS $52 32 WV Vlllliliilll JOSE5 1H7 WSTA Mums we GRENFEL ANTEN MILLS munJ gt r4 lg Mi mu iIlIi II IV lllll llF WAS 00M the Inujirtnrs ul llu lniInrill Lili thought in it of tln nit11 ummml It lili inuruiim llllrllltNH done and to he tlullt in llll lllllllt lint llnn runm lm ullutlnr itllllh Lliuu lilo lllrullllltt llllllllllu lliur lluuut it llll In lnmml llmling IIIIpIIIIul 1Ij mun llilil policyholders nill smili ut Sir Uliyvrs Humlifrstutvinviit Plimtlll itlllllillitl Lil lnnurumc Criminally lltlt lirtuinly Iman to he as ltltlltttl by The llllINlllll Lil0s llwrc is in lorm in the Company at the Imawnt Iiiisitinlt lml us mule insurance us there HS in the hole of lllllt lj times Luiuulu with all tlllliilllli zit lllt time his SImlul This your The lmImiul Lilo uruuv Company has mn Iilvtid titty yoursntlmsinmsIIumlinns luwslmentsin lnipcriul Lil Imlitics by the Imliliu in IQ ltrriiulicd zui alltime high both in munlwrs policies and total amount purchased The lowl nIumntuf the Company our the Inuit liulhwutuiy isrslhmn hy the lulliminIg UlllIlilllhtill End of Year End of Year Endol mi 0306 l925 1946 Bevnis iolrurnrl 03000 3330000 7390000 lmrls lllllf lfltllgtllllills In llIlltilhtlltllls 3133000 4012400 37775000 Imniums uul lulirvs in ymr 055000 0011000 10502000 Insuruluo lurilimml in your 3030000 37110000 60700000 luml Insurumt in llurv 10251000 318230000 437339000 Imperial Life smn ANNivrnsnni in Head Office Toronto Canada FUllNlllzll 1007 BRANCH OFFICE Bank of Toronto Building Barrie UBITY AND rnoonsso rc it 5w Fowlers Tire Servrce FOR CANADAS 6REAIESTTIRE mo POWELERSTIRB SERVICE Phone4335 BAllilglappgrtgn St 3Vmctmzmimnsumfi No more iriSky drilling on unsafe L3 V0 39 can g9 1g Sky pendable Ir Goodyears You dont need ready cash Dnver II in todayand well equip yourcar with safe yItiQnyJSaviungGOOdyears Youn enjoy the thll Of driying onthem as you ovwwvwu