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smilewill help Cana dians to realize how much Send Your cohlribupnslgdayio The when in your communlly or to any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada CaniribuliOns deductible from incomo 11631 Canadian Relief io1Grece Com todale 15cent tin of foodcan mean to little boy whose stomach is alwayscrying for it 3111 1111 ofCanadians will have to see this picture Son because thTeore 375000 hungry war orphansI like you IinoGreece Do you think Cnnadian will imp Wehelivthey 1111111 Miss Helene JanetOs Chairman P1IH Fisher Treasurer llw on11111 lllllllllu nil 1111111 11111 Il1111gt1l1I 1111111111111 Juno l3 111111111111 111li11 ll1111 1111111 win11 ix lmlnIl 111 l111 1iill11111 llixllllllw 11 Lllll lln l111nlll1 11114121111 will 1111I11111 1l1l1nl11 HrwlndI l11l 1i 11111111 1o 111111111 Horinl l111111 will your child have chance for career Many folherles youngster is going to college today because c1 ihoughlful father pro Ivided for his educolion wilh MuiliEifre of Conqdolnsuronce We invite you to see our representative or phono him and let him show ydu how you can ensure that your children will have iheIeduchlion they deserve nornollerw what happens to you low cost liiiinsuranceI Isince T869 1li1111c Office 14 Peter St rillia 0111 RALPH l1 LANG Branch Manager Representatives PHILLIPS Barrie Ont ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrie 01111 113 THRIE 11 l11 37 lloli1l11 1lI1 1111 li1 l1114111n11lull1111l l111l1111111 711111 111 loionlo 11111 li lu111ll 111 l1111ill1111 11 l1 X11111 lilllk l1 111l11l11 11 MM lilillllillim ikilanI 11111 l111lt 11l l11111l1111 llm Gilchrist Family llonorml 1l11 l11n1l11 nigln 1I lll31 1g1111111ing 111 11lul 111111l 11111 1111311 l1111 11111 11 Xlillllnn 1111l11l 111 how l1111l 1111I1 1111 li nni1 iii1l11ilt1 il 111111 1111111 iiihiIIN Illll llnir 111111 11 1l11l1I1Lii11 I11 ll11ir luming In Willing lr 1111 l111 111111 lin 11111111w 1111l Voinmll 1n111111l 111111 l131111 11111l1 ll11 1l1wlli111111ll 111 l11111lw11111 11111 1l111i1 11111 11 lriliuhi 1111111 111 HH 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