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1111113510 reels silk and Nylon lines Britishmade nding mnIdl1 bass and trout flits angl halls of all kinds and host or 111111124 lilililiilliiiim 14cm mth TORONTO ONTARIO ARYXELIZABETH 515 Barrie Ont Bell Utopn Brown 00 Barrio Christie 11 00 Elmde HFF 1111 You can pretty near see your chicks 111111111111 Winin yon feed Blulchfordu Growing Mush They grow foster inlo bcllerIloyerBmore prulalilehirdl lilalchfords cash no morebirds need lenrlllun ordinary feeds4 higher in proteins NOWVllADINE 511111111111111111 llInIihford Feeds cunlnln this new supplement wilh all he viluminsuml minerals canenliul lo the health of your punllry 15 Allan Lefroy Sold by Harrison Bros Siroud Arthur Dennis Bradlord McCandlish Stone Ollver Wilson Mlncsln lvan Maw Thornton Mclienu Eds 111mm 111 Sutherland1 Cominwn ll11111 i111111111lt 11 1i1l1 l11 ll11nl1l11 l1 and 11 111111i1l 1111111 luulnlo 11 11 IZlinll li 11111111 l11111l1ln l1 11111 11 1111111 1111l1 111l li1111l1I1 l11111111111l11111IA WLm 31 Bradford PHONE Ollflllll oootl lorea rilllmo Ipeoce pf mind Sheet of bigcar features in this dashing Mercury114 Ipep to 11511211 lively in zinytraihc Oversize self 101 HONTAN 1lll Manager Warren Wilgzir WItII MERCURYJI4 Theres plentylofliveliness plenty of style plenty Real Mercurystyle ind long lowlincs front ihats gleaming 1impgessivesmart 215com he Interiors are really luxurious yvith your chOiCe of rich mohair orstylish broadcloth Handsome twospoke steging wheel and distinctive instru ment panel inlustrous metal and plastic Sparklingfulloflife performance from that 100horsepover Vtype 18cylinde1 Mercury engine Aluminum cylinder heads add that extra Centering hydraulic brakes give you glbsolute in thelowstbiackot MERCURYANpimcom DIVISION FORD MOTORCOMPANY or CANADA 111111150 Mir947 ilkTS MOTOR SALES M31110th LINCOLN SALES AND SERVICE Yesand the smart new Mercury 11413 priced Phone 3178