Mics I1 PAU 1111 IT Wt WfM 11111111111111 Salvation Army June TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE 1L1 II It It IIIII1 Baaiizgcpmc 11111 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 11111 11 111111 4111 wholesale 111 111 Income 11 form 11111111111111 frilly or Monthly tudits lNQlIIlIIIIS IxVIIlII hits 11111 Bradford St Barrie lntarlo for GENERAL ELECTRIC Cooking Equipment Water Coolers Display Counters Reachin Boxes Condensing Units Air Conditioning Units Exhaust Blower Fans General Air Conditioning and Appliance Company Ltd 24 Owen SL BARBIE ATTENTION All Car and Truck Owners comfortable Summer driving SLIP COVERS FLOORMATS WINDOW WASHER REPAIRS INIVIIKSAL JOINTS NEED KIZIACKING NOW FOR SUMMER DRIVING SERVICE TO ALL MAKES 11111111111111 MOTORS Dodge Desoto aridDodge Truck Dealer 65 Collier St 1211 llAtjAN Service 111131 Mens Top Coats Just received shipment of EnglishGabardine Top 32544357 Othercotton garbardipe coats from 159510 2750 Rain coats I895 All wool top coats 2250 to 3250 10 Flower and Bird Sunday EGGS POULTRY Phone 2976 We are fully equipped to prepare your car for safe and MOTOR TUNEUP TRANSMISSION REAR AXLE Phone 2487f Pants Over 5110 PAIRS TO ChOOsQ From Tropical WOISted flanvnel all Wool wOrsteds cords etc priced from $495 111311 Bishop of Toronto with 111 11 1lI 11311811 131111111 11181 1111 111 3111113 11 1I I1 it 111 511 11 1111liitti Illl Iltl 11111111 1111 III1 Collegiate 1gt11 11 alco 1111 1111 12111 il 122 111 111i 11111111 spril 11111t1 11111111111 annals 11111111111711 Phone 2414 1111111 111 54 Elizabeth WIND BREAKERS Almost any kind you want and smacks $295 and 1295 $325 1111 11 131111 ViiIii rs Beverley Son and Daughter ll con cm as Fort DAD Aurian to $11150 wLargeselection to choose We have IsOme Overalls 1311 7I11akcgt 11 most 111111111 1111111111111103 l11lf11111 hold recently in Montreal s1711111115112111111 and dcvclopcd and it is lilllzilif t11rll CANADA 11 111111 11 11101 1x1111111 1111111111111 11 1111111l 1111 Mix 1111 1111111 111111 li11li1 1=17 1111111ni11 0111111 lhcl1 51113 11 11 vinp and 11 Li1111111 l1111c 111 17I111111 802111111 Iolkl 11 11111111111111 in tintI 111111 ol Wales 1211 schools The 11 11111111 31111111 were 1111111 11 3117 111 Iv1111lt and Miss 111111171711111115 by Mrs Ill11 Prince 11 Yalcs 1111 111 111111111 by 311 f1 itlII 511111 11 11 1111 111110111211 char2 111 111y111111 1111 jester 111111 111111111 3111130 played cleverly by Paul A110111s ofl and Andy WelsI And gt1 511111111 11111111 11 Kin $011100 School II11I lllt IlHlVlIlL Il3 Hill 1111 Green 111 tux 11111 11111111 Mr 11311311 1X11111111Ltl 111 11111 One 111171 1111111171 111 this IIgtlItl is lt 1111 tact 111111 the universal i111111111 111 1111 li111111 111111usic 11111111111 111 1111r11a111111111 g11odltl 11i11 11nd the brotherhood of man lSuch purpose 1tICILlll in 1110 111 which 11111 IJCI 15111111 took vciyllalnlablc part and 11 would 1stl111 fitting that 1511110 with Ivceailh 111 11111111115 should be leader 111 1171111112 111 11111v11111011t Ability and 11110111 11141111 school nevertheless has to bc 171111111111 Ii PRICED RIGHT You Minot be Satisfied fwitn Your Purchase or your ROWN LIMITED 0041494904accolvolvoilpooavcoairloarvldro141111114110444t140r0tactical 44vdlvlclirlalca 01 1111111 11111111111 and 1110 with deep sense of personal grati tude that wish to express my ap prcciation of the untiring efforts of the principals and teaching staffI ofthc E10111c111ary Schools of 11101 invaluableggsmstancc of Mr and 1110 Band laborious scoringr 71111drchgarsing 011 accompaniments and of 11102011 crous aid of Principal Ill flcath in many ways till the last 111111th and expect innncdiatc delivery 1a WORK CLOTHES Pants shirts sox sweat ers cups etc LE1 ANNIVERSARY 51155 The Green Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS 11 77 11s 111lime it 111 11111 111 311 15111111117 llllllt 1211111 111211 helm 111111 11 111111111 111111 constant 11111 111111111111111x norkHtln 11111llv of our ever growing circle 11 lIIltll 77 11111 1111 tilltrmlls 111111 111 kindly 11111111111117111 have 111111 0111111111 111 c1111 1111 through peaceful 11111 11111111 times 111 this year 11111111 Lord 1111 11111111111 11111111 111 look with hope 11111 11111111111111 confidence to 1111 tLtlx 111111111 1111111 as 11111 11111 111 with opporllluit 1111111cit11111111111 service to 1111 1111111 tolk 111 1111111 111111 sili rounding tonnnunitas 17 111511 to 1111111 11111 1111nv friends everywhere for their 111t 11111 111111 1111 throughout thew 1111 11111111111 11rs and trust that 111 1111 111 111111111311 111 11111 1111111 in their 11111111 1111 many years 111 come Here are few of the Anniversary Specials we have for you SIIINUIII SIAIN 11111113 siill ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 11111115 chm1111 1111113 531151 t11gt11111 I11 3111 ltl1lln 11111 111111 111111211 11111111 11111111 Rockspar Varnish Special 51117 1111ons 1124111111= gtlAliLLi $550 $285 $150 1112111311 111115 121111 1111 51713 IZHXTRH likUHAIUHS $3751 1171 111111111111 11 11 111111 HUT lIlAIlIIIIII ll WHIP1 Ill II1lltllLI 117111 1111111 11 11 1111 11111 111ls one 111111211 1111 will 111111 s111l $3113 3175 8185 $195 $225 lItN 1111011311 special 11 11 W111 290 89c 98c ILIIZ1II liixtIIltrl 813113 sit15M mos 1111111111111 3111 191001 XllAXl 11111110 1111113 33p IIIilY 1111 III pvyppmumum 1111111111111 371 MYSTIC IIt1 lillti 11Alillt Plots 1111 Quarts 7311 lNAMICIJIII111311111111 111111051111171111 1191 1111 1101 5101 12111 711 1111 $11111 MW GLASS illJAMSIFIIIII All FOR HPARKIJNU LIIASESW1II FIIII1AIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIJZIIII 11111 111 31011 Reg Thanks Nev 11111111 1111 111111 11111 111111 concerning 1111 111111 v1111j 11111111111111s We have 111111111 many such already If 111111111 is as 0111111 11 111 word 3111111 value villi you 111111121111 1111 individual who doesnt keep his 1111111151159 TABLE UILERY llxccptionally 1111111111 The best value we have 111111 111 years Sets of Six White Handled Knives $3115 33511 8111111 Viceroy Motor Oil Quarts 7251 lallons 8111 A11 grades at these prices kV 91 UNOLENE MOTOR Ion gal $135 This is the Very best quality Sets of Piece TaiVcrs $305 to $1511 White and Red llandles 21 Piece Scts Amber and White Sltl10 In Colorful chest stainless blades Knives 81 Forks Sets of each $451 $1150 White Handles Stainless Steel Blades Knives Forks Sets of each $505 $095 WEB STRAPPING 111111111 15 I11 lengtlrlbc This is one inch wide Glass Water Sets 851 3149 $2811 Li Pitcher and 11 tumblers COLD TRIM WATER SETS Tax Extrr on this Ktl Red Handles Stainless Steel Blades Refrigerator sets piece for 4110 $Sggnnng$sgsl NIneIP1ICLe Tutrnblekr sets In Satin Lined Boxes 11 3219 II II II IIIL 51129 KITCHEN CARVERS pieces $225 sun II Cocobolo Handles Basketsl AUTO STROP RAZOR SETS $125 39 59 00 IniprOVcd Strop Razor and 11Bladcs Brown Monled TGGPOIS VANITY RAZORS in case 291 Cups $100 Cups $125 Cups $131 MAMMY STRING HOLDERS 85C All with driplcss spout swbawwwww HARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2801 INOIONMOOM NOIIIOIOONlOilyIlI Ill NO OCOOCIONNNNNICINCONWNWmNOOIJ cosr0111 GRAIN CHOPPING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DOCUISTOM GRAIN CIIOIIING 0N MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS BARR noun MILLS Fisher especially in 11101 Dont leave your printingr order St BARRIE MENS LIGHT wpionr HATS Phone 4433 Sport shirts ties soxrun oer wear Inbrowrb fawn green rsctnd greyiCool for sumt men sweal shirts braces Sweaterseyery thing for hdksrrbelts Mens and boys Caps bathing suits and sport wear dad and hislad Money Refunded Tune in on CFOR Orillia each Monday 230 to pm 54 ELIZABETH sr BARBIE PHONE 4433 WI WM lt Loo 77W