11 POSITION gt1 WANTED ACCOMMODATION is th we llCll Ilillfs riiii tiwtiii Iiiils or all ilesciiptioiisl SayrounwllwlmEXImlnIrt ply Soberniaii Angus fr rm BARR Harrisonamour iiirianiokfanaua cm swim All RATES 4i ASH 11111 Li Fill word minimum 351 311 If tlitst br paid litfoil Insertion II tllAlttJl emits word minimum 501 ji lire tlll for be number or replies directed to this officci ii piiiriosii Ixsiizrioss stint HATES gt All Classied Adlets Must Be In in Not Later 11 NOON wsoussoui you 1111th llllllltlt cash stamps or money order with copy to get low rate Vl TED tllfSlNliSS tllltlltllNlllll NouHIIta on ynlll 11111 In Ititu 115 ll 13v kl WAKILI A0311 LUS AND IHUND rm inin1r1a1r1uaam wwww 111 Li gt II 111 Itt Ixlllll iira ij11ti Lilli1 ii VIII To l1lii1ii WWW HNvz ivi lt vr Ill lilI 11111 lulg Ii viii 11 11 13 Iwi 111 iii mimic ii VA WA 111 r1t11 11111 1in it 12 tlii iirl=1iIiIeil i1 gt ti It itii1i 7L ii 11n iieiz it tii tizioaail iliiz It 11 II 11 II we WM TENDIZKS II Mc 11 11 ill lllf 1II tt IIittl II 111 Illll lll it Iiit in Its Iitll ltl itZltttltlI ol itei ii iiil lt 11111 trail 11 vii Appli li lilltl Plan or lioiiiS1otiiil 11i lit illllltl1lt gt fr Il pinrt l5 1i1 11 lltitllxlxilullnll llll 1it II ili be Iiialili ii liliililn I111 ii luilt to hat the tillllll ll1 Ii 71 Itl SIT lluiilop Si liioio WOOD FOR SM II li lzlilitil BABY tllltKS HAN IS AND FLOWERS we in fl Yu 112 In Nu211 lag incurvi ARMS WANTED tn Ii 11 lIVMtH ll ll ltltli Hill SALE en Lain1w In Lumloui Alll UMUIiI lS 1111 lliinwi 11i s1 ilti Slain itilNt xlitizaiJ to Jilllll lulu 111 llt 2114s lii on Ill lilill Ill oii Yt tlllilllllllS iipii 7321 11 223111 1011 111Win tii It1 12 ll Ha i11 onus StlWUOI 1111 ii llltI out earlx for truck Sti lltl illlll2li5 lllll 111Ittl ioi Illl Till lmhl BHM llltl il uiiiiiier resort 3111 he for over lis llniir llaxlei lltll ID WW If 0IIHI1I izii Hi 11 phone 111 io 1111111 11 11 111 Hll iit liilattt iitlt Ut1 mu Hi baitiiii If iiiilli i111 iiiE 1HHilils and cedar rails hairedany MN MW 1mm 1221 arIl ltlittlttl Phone 2007 tarot iota 1Aiiiiissis and who own iu tilwt 15 llfillp Ill Alllfflll1l mp 5853 hog wanted Full or paw 11 ial Lin itlill Ilat lli ilil iArMAH tio itl wages and working tiilltltrku ffiqvfyj lf Um 1an 1mm no lions Apply liysons Grill after ll Slime Pltllliigd tttd 311 111 an lt 1311 iHIl Iitiilly ory summer wood and llm iilli Mini11 not iiint ji1 ill Hill po rl 23 ninlaiig unusual opportunity BOYS WANHID Sum haw wnh Ha it art iiii1i li1 ei ltiiitlgt tit1 113 toll colds mwc dummy Hm 1w Wdmrm wina Sill or one load over It filll curils 11 WWW ltt odour ii lliiiiters III7 CH mm Huh ilail ill llaiiie Good piofi ant Hm WINDY TM Hm qu ML ti voilti i1 pleasant work Apply Box 10 11111 olll II 10 Ill llarrie Ilxaiiiiiier 172 in ll MI 914 will 01 llitllt from first tlltl iiI pas ti 1s IIIII1AtICD smeiiz MAN tIHlUH WK 111 771 ltatlicis POULTRY Ivaiitcd for Lleiicral laiiii work AlliViillilti Irankliii lliili1n tllal li ltlull 110 iiiw lalelill1l rllltil ti Weill 511i l1 11 CH III ii 111 tIHttl if ill lililll Qlliti olisoii Hill ltlitlllb 111 liii 11 Slit ill notation pier lliltl 11 tlo T3Ill llI IIILIui lrlIt paid iite Qlltllll Lamp Borden Highway to steel lto City healhtr liaiiiwin 511 UHUWM WI lCk bridle and turn right to first MISCELLANEOUS loiiaiti 3777174nonsexed well feathered Cheap in 133 l1p 15121 Vil ill liitll vvvr tor ipii sale Phone 2209 Apply 11 NUS thtimyw WWI 11e1ao tlyl oarii for sale srro man it Icicle St 113311 SUBSCRIPTION nineseiiotivcs who St 1111 male or female to represent Play1 37f ylm llll HUNDRED broadbreasted time Magazine new Travel leltl51rNS is tiltl Ijs IK Jlj Kiln tiiilllllll ltilAltniS whoa lliltl PM 9S 53 Jum 95 litnlmtr lltlllllk Ht Sf 1t tltlllllstill 1135 Siiiilili 11 Mp Mm me mwa 2o la llood Stayner RR Magazine 311 Bay Street 10 5L will 111 21 4321 lt m2 11911111 IiooIs yIIICSIICIIFI131ISand liaiis tltllil ltl iiier OPERTY FOR RENT Phone Itlilt NISIlill Phone 3130 Iltllll ROOM for reiit100 ACRES in Oro Twp inostlyl 2ROOEVIICD IlAhGE heated all ciiiiveiiiciices 12113 SINGLE DOUBLE BEDROOM Lorne Wingrove 24 Elizabeth St tmm Noexperience with poultry will stand for service at his own for reiitfsuitabIEtoibirsincss7ncnf lione72848 Wk Phone 3l7tl 30 TONS ALFALFA and timothy Good wages livmg quaers ii MS for rent town lim hay in stack $10 ton ApplyR 11s newly decorated Phone 3153 Dwinnell RR Barrie 10231 Bxadfmd after pm BEDROOM or housekeeping room frontavc on Tiffin St all coiivmiiences furnished Ap Codiiiigton St Fred Cook 1623b Ofce md 195 Orb GOOd 01 ply 69 High FOUR ROO BEDROOM FOR RENT for btlsi4 in Village ifShanty Bay Apply ENE ness person in new home Central Box f12 Barrie Examiner 1623 lylocdted Plionc2050 152311 7ROOMElD semiodetached solid left LARGE GARAGE for r6111suit brickhbusc Central location Va able for trucks Immediate pus cant dlllyiln Box 11 Barrie Ex INNISFIL AREA requires two session Phone atltiZyBarric 1523p aminer FRONT ROOMfurnished for busi 1500 FEET OleNo 11 Highway but not essential One for No on No cooking abstain ncss couple 01sgziraee 140 Bradford St1523p church and school Box 23 Bar other N0 111C1aigVaICu BOW vacating preiniges One room or pups 7Vweeks old Apply 39 rie Examiner 1623pvhtlve hydro and are 011 DIUWCCI complete house F1111 guarantee St LARGE LIGHT housekce inciroom roads Salary $1500 Johns suitable for Couple Oiilyl3entral 5ROQMED BRICK BUNGALOW SecyBarric RR 142324b available now Phone 4206 1523p for sale all conveniences insulat TWO LARGE unfurnished rooms 110 Sophia SLW 10231 Area 01 TawnshipiSalariert rooms in duiethomc abstainers Wm VCaHCICS3N0 Clillahursb of machines buttonholes attach PROPERTY TO RENT near Bar acres land brickhousc If YO rie suitable for market garden fox Coutts 15 Owen St 1r23b theages 0f 25 and 55 have can textiles from dress shirts to heavy or mink ranch hen or turkey farm Secure travel outfit thls 15 your canvas in minutes total time 10 acres overlooking the bay op GOOD BUILDING LOT on Puget Qbportunity To get establiShed in Its invisible when applied Use airport house electricity tele best garden land Also Good Cheer For full particulars write today to in pints half and fut phone running water Apply by circulating heater used few meat The Watkins CompanytDept Whittys Drugs Knights Drugs please posite poultry letter Barrie IINDIAN IIILI TURKEY RANCH CAPABLE Iiiiicltlleaged woman MN Mum UN in Lt1iilils pJHf tlkiliitv We guarantee the genuine bioad wanted to look after house aiiili uH Ilitfrlltdtl breasted Bronze turkey puultscare for two Cliildltll Moderate ti Olt 7Il1112111itSli wanted Our locks are tube testedaiid were wages No objection to one child vnli NOT be responsible for idlillliiohflliihriil85 lllnllll in good locaaon age or spatcl headed by Koptez toms direct from Apply to LCSIIC BHIY rQlI any debts of my wife 11 Roy 812 Phnm 1723 DC Ch Wm Will cash Apply l3tl011till Write for free circular to 10111121111 121203 Mcgutchcon 5231 l0 Iloii ll2111llitli Zillr23 11 Hll urle Ranch Box InsuninerT Obit Jalk Seelero WANTEDALCCHSN ZlIOWlllC rinsrnniuopint1113171out Putt QWII IN ifl WANT 21 Ta PURCHA remC pm 41425L anccliiinic small town garage Sal mu Cu mum SW ml 01 litS ltd1 min gtlilzill zttltit or ii itlCs close Imymd commlrsmns wud upper page pcit 511 UN my Mibhs Th Hm tunity for rith man Owner is he Laiotl Icariieiilioil Not aispcculdl IARIIS FOR SALE CW Ci dealer PUSIIIUHllClmilI GENERAL REPAIRS on cars and rlrlclpgifjl live buy Box 10 Barrie Exam1w Apply Box Barrie Exalll trucks Carters Garage 13 IIIUm 7Ligh 111011 71130 Gowan St Allandalc Telephone 3323120i11c1uc FARM brick house ottin ildh biink barn garage water 125 acres HAIRDRESSER WANTED my lard 25014 Runnymede Road To IZDtltI1 lmd bml blm me someone motoring to and from RANGEFOR SALE pl 51 LEWritc Ansus Currier Auctivncelviiliiliiil IiiiiliiioiiEdiciii1dittoWM BOX mill$1130 ItUltNlSllll BEDROOM for rentHIMC RR 8431310131Unlyzing Kltldly reply NIOIFFAI IIANDlCIIEF hirsute ceiilial Phone 3803 132$ipipxpM FOR SALE 100 wrilmgg1ving full particulars AllNOW IS llII llMIt to look after 31 1mm 5332 dlllU1Ig9 replies confidential Box l7Bar your furs Remodelling repairing Annudum 743 ARGV pmva ROOM rem dLLj IVIC 33 rie Examiner 123bi reliniiig at moderate prices Iiimiha Atlltlts iililv 14lliry mill0 Wm PIQIC P11 $5900 Milbuin Oll Lake Furi lIills FOIDING CARRIAGE for sale 13Zhi$a100 cash lhis farm is barITEACHER WANTEDWADpncatiom dais Ito Ont 5M2024p umj in Ml 0de App gm MuSt 509 be UPPICGIil will be received by the undersiun nifiold Am 723 FURMQHW ROOM rm mutiedH Willtkc OW llOljsev 99511 ed for the position of public schoollcusroiu WORK with chain and Brouklr WU TeicmwnciCONNOPUW 01 bumme cotllacilteacher for 58 No11 and 21Tos tractor saws All kinds in wood LARGE iNSIDE DOOR3 sand 97 1323p 11ft 01112111 Qylnelllu BOX sororitio to start at fall term and 10115 cut Reasonable John hurdwmxr 15 oak buffet Vllll in EXCIIIlEEI E2223b State salary and experience Thus Damstcd 11R Barrie Phone mm 149 Marv Si 7231 PROPERTY FOR SAL 11 pli OFFICE CHAIR fOI salt SICI gLIL MARRIED COUPLE wanted Im CLYDESDALE STALLION mec also wicker 001 mm wicker cm LOT FOR SALE on Toronto SI lCdlalClY l0 milder turkey Elegant tlmp Form Premium LC Stand phmm 434+ 723D stable Lot 11 Con 11 Sunriidale To iiisiiiEfoiIf$10 DiBuie Phone 226131 Stayner 52221p EXPERTSEWING MACHINE aha 77 4643 necessary ViMan to take respon 1523p sibility avainanTIETIiedpjn house comfortable home Frey RR I23b 1523p vacuum repairing offer high gum one nuch 511C 1416 yams CHOCE L015 for gene 75 fl WANTED for bldnCh Of Lube 01 class guarznteed serVIce on all SCH Cheap 22 Bayficld St Apt makes Reasonable charges and 7423p Apply 154 ganization capable young man for prompt service Phone Bert Sager 4165 co rJorys Garage 57231 SrNGER SEWING MACHINE rc prcsciitative will bein Camp Bor den every Wednesday Limited number of new machines available at Slngcri Sewing Machine Co 37 IIurontario St Collingwood Ont 52311 FUMIGATIONComplete confi dential guaranteed service without 1523b portunity for advancement 401 GOOD HOUSE AND LOT f0 sale right type of individual In reply full details of education business experience and salary ex pected to Box 20 Barrie Exam 1231 tric console also buffet Doorman PERFECTION 1623b qualified teachers by Sept72Pro testant Experienced preferred miles south of Barrie close to Highway 27 near Thomlllfll Tile with every job No charge for in spection or advice Write Browning 207 iShannonSt Oiil lia Phone 2342W1 521241 THESINGER Sewing Machine Co ed immediate 0055655 AppiyfTEAanRs WANTED or School 112 miles Experienced teachers with oneor rent downstairs from Barrie Phone 80622 Bai OWNERS BRICK centre hall more 19318 CXDBI161199$1600 Wllh representative win can in Barrie MlIISEED DRILL illdisc good rjc 1523p homa rooms on two floors dou annual incrementiofloo to maxv each Thursday vAll types of ma condition double disc tractor hitch ble garage largelot central Phone lmum 0f $1800L Inexpellcnced chines repaired wOlkmanghip new Phone81232 Cec11 Camp TWO FURNISHED liousekcepingIZGSG after 630 pm 1623p teachers $1500 per annunr Schools gummama Also limited quantity bell 723 adults Box 22 Barrie Exam SEMIDETACHED 6roomed brick N0 Edgdlt N0 MllChell ment for sate write Singer Sew iner 1523p house centrally located good c0n Square N01 Rung N05 15 ing Machine Co 37 Hurontario SL puppies for sale months old Ap tv ditiorh Immediate possession Box CIUWPS N0 NEVIS Apply Collingwoud 521241 ply 208 Bayfield St or phone FURNITURE STORAGE sate 24 Barrie Examiner I623p Currm SeerTreas Oro Sta 3008 7222311 clean storage two warehouses 110 123b ANOTHER development of the Cooke Cartage and Storage 43 Essa MODERN BUNGALOW builtin past war made speeially for the SMALL MARINE MOIOR cyl Road Phone 350 1514tfb bath tile counter in kitchen hot air AN OPPORTUNITY Established armed services WaterProofilt Is hp good condition Reasonable heating Also excellent property RuralWatkins District available now available for civilian use 816 aggFESSiVE and between Waterproofs all Clothing fabrics pan House stable St 124x330 ft approximately acre profitable business of your own with spray brush or dip Cmes ga ans Hunters Realty 11 new Box 18 Barrie OsB5A 2177 Masson St Montreal Urry Hardware Robinson Hard l523b flier 1H3p Que 12326bG ware 2124pPh0nc 72112 72223p Place Little Lake Road liii 1i1Iil eii ltllNti PIGS for ilc weeks AiI alm hay lioi 933 hi 11 ilt lil ii BUILDING and Ittillilitsl 1tg loaiiin tilll ho 11 Ilel 33 III ioi gtI lllll1lilltilIg LP in aaiii lIlllIll Siiolil liiiiie tllp llt ti yrs also kid ltlilll lllll mi lllll rniiigilile lli llltlx llllSl olil il 1lllll over liatiol Karin town lliiinet I513 11th iigus Il ail Harrie FOII Silillilllil5 Hairle 11I1 1310 HOIIS out of hard work Apoelbe North Oro llititlt for sale ready to Ltti Bay 023p liiist giiitis iizllli 1020 ESSEX SiIl trade larslialls Shintv pocket aiiii illt guarantee lhc Sling 01 Pomeranian iioierIN vaccinat Colliii St AlllNllON ilrompt ileliyeiy on the tune po picker WIN tin111 or nonsns for sale match 21200 lbs sorrel with silver mane Edgar Leigh Cook 923p Are My liltlitli ed and negative accredited also liilltlilttl yearlings accniatcd Villdln Anzus lilIlI 11 tiiiltlllltlll iI 1iliroiied lioss SI rt cap lllilfl SMALL NASH 923 giriifl 11iii heater Phone 0087 1931 MODEL in good on Hoppys 2470 1931 DODGEI Clliilll good condition Kerr 736 1042 Cth DIMI lllltl all steel tiiiiililitin ten Dzililiiiaii potato $100 Alliston fiil Allisloii 72227111 Md 1111 tail instal Phone 72112 LARGE RANGE for sale coal or working 15 miles from Highway wood new Suite Oltlllfgtnllill 90 mile from 56mm miles from lilvtlltginllpidChpllgrid HKIIPIIII HUDGIN WHI111ILD camcu Angus after pin 1231 RACF Ttllllll It Dunlo SttBiiric Jick McBride RR Id lsn 93 md ldlkl Ctllmol Mr 1319315l utopia 3423p mtons pm Llllhuril 69 01 maka and Contracting Mary SECONDHAND IIIIES for sale Murray 2636 01 Write Miss Barth St Phone 1215 5222111 5110x151 in gnarl condition llliilgctl 13213 fl fi 111 123 mml 12322 LADY WOULD share expenses with new GARAGE IFOII RENT on Tiffinl fgagfFoililglplin1513888iAUIOMOTIVE licensed mechanicaIimmiiis this or any weekend iii Undilom 1314 1L LEM Cooks lt fl lll PADSTI oooD cruciaii on Illtl 10 Highway 27 Cll YORKSHIRE months old town annex titra 3picce dinette suite condition Tliornc 8S1 Essa Road 1IilARY COOK STOVE Queen studio CHIII1 iilinost iiew coiiuolcum rug lrxil tt Ap ElLsA evenings and Saturdays FLOOR MODEL metal and wood cutting jig saw suitable for com meriitil lise lft throat completeyuccilmimp serviceable MlItllcolors and confoiinatiini Sircd by Beatiiton Senalor Pliclpston thoroughbred Itcg Yorkshire sows 12 months old my Webb 13121 Stroud IIIRCIII ION BROOD MARE for sale or exchange clue to foalmJune yrs partly Cooks 0231 IIOG Ili Apply rrllip pc1fect sing Donald Phone Phone 01231 burner llli liii esiti 171a gelding Arthur black broken town SiltR111ItN iiUiis accredited Desirablel Ph Glass LIiotl iiii lJiix Slliltl ll Dalton Si lit 7211 delivery Btiick Graves AN itilti PONTIAC I193 Plymouth sedan lililti Tiiei coach ll Cliiptlozi St ii PUREBIIED YORKSHIRE boars Sired by Champion lJtllllrlOytll Winter Fair Flook RR Phone 4031 DARK BROWN years old broken light bay mare years old make good wagon de livery5 WSfWHaIt 03411 Barrie with light and dust blower required McClung 92123p Telephone 77231 1037 WILLYS 30 hi motor com pletely converted for marine running condition Cooled oil pan manifold and mar ine pump Cheap for cash irrie available 41221 Allen rub overhauled 001111 mile 111 Phone grip Illl0 IlYtlIlIll COACH condition privater owned Phone Ayerst 1133 DODGE SfilllNill feeei 50 Grand water It months old motor radio heater iitlr igul good c1 bcr in Al Fines Sccy Mansfield 12225b 210 Stroud after llpan 377233101 EMT 9231 MARE COLT liltti IiIO I1 me 4107 7w 23p OR IIIMBER About lOOacres small to ancdium mixed hardWOiTHighway27 Sell with or without land and make an offer Highway 27 at 2nd of Flos 7728p BEAUTIFUL spreads $489 reg solid colors 111 cx tires Sll offer Mcl iiiA231 1939 FORD SEDAN or sale heater defroster draulic brakes sealed bean installed LEYLAND MOTOR Irp single phase ttscd 5da3s only Phon Moore 34LIZ Stroud 7231 GIRLS DRESSMAKER suitsonc BUSH sale CCIICIII tuo new Phone gmb rourli Come Apto Garage YOUNG YORKSHIRE HOG pure red cheap or exchange for calves electric radio Apto radio cs hy new ago 1323b bcd new All assort Siiiglemdoublc Sent COD plus postage iri Handicraft Dis tributors 254 SherbrookeSt Montreal 18 Que THREE CABINS for sale new btiiit last year Heavy asphalt roofing iainted cur tains all windows easy Price $200 each or the for $500 Beds and bedding etc ex wanted Apto Highway 27 at 2nd of Flos 77231 FOR SALELarge oak desk with rolled top oak desk swivel chair oak rocking chair oak bookcase set of dishes Imperial Derby pattern lawn mower 150 ft hose New Century hand washer and boiler articles Rev Hal 723b CHENILLE Spartan McFadden 17121 Pho 923p engine Phone 3829 1929 ESSEXCOACII oiiod brakes headliglils and tire Price 8113 Must bosokl this ti pair Owen St Apt upstairs 1112 Ir9lT 3liNiCllElV ltit wheelbascf litfl body 5It rack 8000 original mile lion 52400111 Ciillinawood Phone Box 2300 or 5120 Q11 RADIO FOR SALE Spartan clec Elm 11 YOUNGJIGS for salc weeks old also battery radio with new Wish to trade for elec Stcwart 023b bed Canada Refund Elader Angus Phone 8351ing 13 723p motor needs one batteries radio or sell Phonc 81116 CLYDESDALE SFALLION IBIII isli Splendor Enrolment No 4300 will be standing for service in the Ellsmere Craighurst Phone 84512 92126p 40 SIIEEPAMAMBS For full infOrInalionwrite or drive to Powley Pinelands Glen Orchard 170 Muskoka BalasEort Carling miles from Highway 2231 POLLED HEREFORD BULLS for sale choiceof couple of yearolds doublestandard Vpolled Hereford bulls well colored and top breed ing Purcliaser may purchase un Polledheifer if desired Sinipkin Robrolea Farm 9231 SIVIrALL PLANK SILO with rods and chucks flat bottom hay rack 16x7 800 ft pine lumber several pieces square timber 13run shutt 22231 llClllv wm week Apply after RR Size 10x12 stove high model new wicks good condition Apply 18 Worsley St 723x FOUR GOOD TIRES 000x162with reliners and tribes also Terrier Mary 723p TRAILER TARPAULINS and up New waterproof or 10 oz duckg Barrie Tent Awning 723p 3h to move 1123x110 tires Em in new LOlIdl owners stable cash Garage Fifth 1323b 1030 DURANT COUPE recently ood running CondI spare sealed rumble seat Ap Ont 563W 0verhduledir tion4 good beam headlights ply Box iiigs sectional Highway 69 even3 ltl232lp 1932 CHEVROLET COUPE rumble seat steel too new battery rings rods heater good tires one new Yorkshire Lee 39 Lisle wringer and other small bert Becton Ont Phone gt PASTURE Say you saw It in The Ethlnor ready to Newton 132313 pics PUREBEED COCKER SPAurEL McCarroll also wean Robinson related Stroud WOULD IASTURE about 20 head of cattle Good pasture with plen ty of water shade and salt est Hodgson Bradford FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sty you law It In The Summer ASPARAGUS for 25c picked daily from new beds Specxal pick ings at no extra cost when want ed for freezing or canning Gprgzegs SUMMER COTTAgGERS Good used furniture large stock of beds dressers studio couches dinette suites tablesand chairs ice boxes Everything you need for your sum Write us for your re quirements Our prices are right UntoWn Salesroom 594 Toronto Ern price Phone 2713 after six 222313 723p 2ROW JOHN DEERE potato plant er with fertilizer attachment and tractor hitch 6row power takeoff Niagara crop duster Model for Ford tractor Both in good condi tion Nicol Wilson Alliston Cock seeder StockLZsteers Shorthorn roan Jtlolbouaiui red 450 lbs Phone We have drill with grass Mid 9231 All Barrie Examiner subscrip tions are payable in advance and hot plates Smith hurst 803122 mer home ge St Yon 2326p