IAt 10111th LEGALS and SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS III the Ir lair ol liuli tltix itllgf lllratn he OfTCETO CREDITORS In the sialr ll tlii1It Iillii Ci It SALE OF LANDS FOR if ARREARS OF TAXES In the Twp of Innistil lo it KW iii AUCTION SALE Form Stock Implements Household Effects Essa tine lile Norlliof lltorntun Highway 117 11y liiolie Auction in Tuesday June l0 lillI ltllflN1 HORSES llogii fltsli 11 black Durham cow yrs call at foot call at fool Durham calves young SWINE AND IOWI Yorkshire sow llltl ti riioiitiis Yorkshire ows bied liiioiith Tamworth bml iiiig iii ii siiilL hops 100 lbs weaned weeks Light sex and Ieghoriis IMIIIZ No 102 Junior MasseyHarris tractor NICOD biiidi TIt 131 lH mower ti tt rake 10ft MH seed drill llrlisc set 10bull liltllt rows lll walking plow new plow 2turrow new scufflcr set bench sleighs rubbertier wagon and rack new Coop milking ina chiiie Vikingr cream separau cis doubletrees neck ioads rails foiksfchainsd shiitcls hoes etc othciarticlcsl too nunieriius to mention HARNESS Set breechmg narii niatti ess horse collars GRAIN 75 bus wheat HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Solidi walnut dining room suite fumed oak dating room suite consistingi chairs and arm chair kitchen cup board glass top wash stand West illillltHISC electric stove new cream enamel Empire range good as new studio couch good as new Temple cabinet electric radio his farm Nothing to be removed until settled for fleiiiis cash Sale at oclock Frank Webb Russell Coulter Clerks 23b Rutledge Auctioneer Township of Vespra for use DAY 0R NIGHT Yespra Council ll ENAMINILR BORN AUCTION SALE Exceptional Quality Household Furniture and Effects Ii ll vliililliil It trn MISS MARY WARNICA Zli Elizabeth St Wednesday June Ill 111m Ll 1in ltil Illl 511 ili iii lllltlil ll IUCIIUII $1111 Ill if Good Used Furniture Saturday June ll p111 Mulcaster Street illeliuid Public library iiidlil li 11111111 tln 11117 11 ltilii tie1i ll1 itllll litthjili tlai li1 iiezzi 1tili HUIFcrm Stock Implements1 Household Effects iUCIIiI Zliil iti Il 11 mil LE lll Wall lillil It Illtillttl of lohi away llllri lluiy 11 11 Your Min Price lttVtl lorgotleii liver ltlltlllt1l by lairi tiitttl 11 000 ii iii 21111 lt iii ii In lo1n i1il memory iiiotIier Iltln VII Lot l5 Con l0 West Gwillimbury ortli ot SMITH GEO MCGLADREY of Modern and Antique= NE LOT 18 Con House iol her olll has pass liles lliaiIInItl spriit iliil IIie loclij11 Vlill1ll Ill Wednesdey June ll 1111 iltlt liioii lity Furnishings and Effects Liriiii1s1111il 11s 1131111ii JOHN CAMPBIIELL Cundles North as lacy were are with us allt while iilly missed by Husband aiiil lanily Iviii rlt eiil111 brown Iioxtzi ll lgt celii yrs ytiti It For Real Estate Action See In loving memory of our Iltiiltttii killed 31 HIDAINTY wiii luiie 61 FOR SALE Queens action liillrs litll iilm and peaceful lie is sleeping rest that follows pain We who loved him sadly miss him Ilu trust in God we meet again remembered by and Gladys Grace and Carol MARTINIn loving memory oft Mary Coleman who passed away June 1040 iii btiliciiliful ineiiioiy dearer tliaiit on hand Machinery usable Of wife whose worth can never be told Alone unseen she stands by my For further information write lCilllll MOFFAT liles Barrie il llotel WellingtonI Highway 3637 opposite lliidlcs School to sell by Public Auction on Saturday June THE FOLLOWING Dining table oak ti dining chairs electric floor extension antique liaiicloth tables occasional chairs iholstcrcd dining chairs 1mm 100 niotlernllilton rug UNIT kitlt ciien chairs Coleman lamp elec tric table lamps electric tiic heater ll kitchen tables IJittt Cow 1w yrs jigt fresh spring Sweetest roan tax calves yearling heifers year liiigstcers 211olii heifers 32 lill steers SIIFFI with SWIN sisti FABRICATING lEver buffet oak oil ti cl oak lamps table II phi ilstcrcd wal nut Shropshire sheep leboard Yorkshire bred Apr 30 Yorkshire sow Incil illay sow liretl May 13 ll months old 10 fat tl settcc end table ll Yorksiii IYoiksliire pigs pigs in WI 31 liens Rocks and Sus sex laying well IMIIIIIIS lII inict Ct mower air Msll sulky Decrinu II teddcr 8fork Noxon disc harrow 12platc land 1ltIl seiipeisIVlII seed drill mllt wheel plow Flcuiy No walking plow Fleury No 21 walking plow Wilkinson No Kid Kangaroo gang plow sets sloop stoncboat circular Iside And whispers dont grieve cannot divide Deep in my heart memory is lifept COLLINGVVOOD ONT Oi one love and can never or elec kit kitc rocking small day couches chairs Singer sewing inaciiincstt drawers springs and mattres springs and math allsteel utility cabinetzoak glass top cupboard electric Neon clock new complete with case 40 ft pig tail illumination Wire complete with Colored bulbs service station oil springs lawn flower stands set all springs cream separ ator table mltdel nearly new lawn mowers in od shape coal spool bed Circular Chen cupboard tliiiiti 11 good rep ra kc double bed singlebeds es double cot the roller by her5 Missed more and more loving husband Sidney MARIINiln loving memory of dear mother Mary Coleman who passed away June 1946 In otir hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender fond and true There is not day dear mother Ihat we do not think of you Always remembered by her Family DEALER of our dear mother MrsglYIary Cole iniiii Martin who paissedaway v1 year ago June 1946 II III bag Youre not forgotten Mothcr dear Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee remembeig by son aiidrrrdaughterjilill ahd and families MIDDLETONIn loving memory of our dear son and brother Frank was killed on Bain crosscut saw with frame scuffler potato moiiiiler potato plow turnip drill springtooth stilftootli cultivator set sec bull 50C bun ZEICCI MARTINAln loving Pinemory buggy saw saw racks wood bed of Mai Vlrll cultivators drag barrows drag harri tired llol wheelbari antique of extension table buffet diniitgylCf ll Dumps INHIBIT CCEIIII shingles 3X pairs grass clippers steel barrels Also dishes garden tools bedding and other ar hello 1tgigimiivtienicioIis lttgllllCIilITlf 240 bag mlck 100 No demo spromterminigiggom iifemrscashiSalrab 71730 7pm Grose Auctioneer Phmc 4234 BLUVHC tank Chevrolc lbotteI crtIIam separator hp Fair an IsiVorse gas Please Order as cutting oox with carrier 40gal gas drums set of tracks for barn Idoor set of skidding tongs spray pump grindstoiie lcutter emery Cyclone clover seeder pieces ofsquare timber quantity of lumber Other articles too attention HARNESS heater single eli illies steelwheeled truck wagon bay racks manure bot pulpcr toms wagon box root fanning chopper Wilson sealcs cutlery glusswarc exing Much sets 1200 lbs ales iin bags 50 nch rubber ldder ipltlllltiilMUJAZ 100 ft Ibcltinuq1L pain 30 sapliu TAlways licr lot lilogal it 1932 Me 23b Fine commerCIal printingat The Barrie Examiner far ahead as possible engine Fleury Middleton who Highway 27 on June 1938 Ever renieitnbered by Mother ers 23p Daddy and Sis REIDIii loving memory of dear husband and father Thomas who died June 52940 remembered by Wife and Family ROBERTSON4n loving inelnory of our dear sonand brother Cecil who passed away Juno 1936 We know that he is happy In ourSaviours home above Growing fairer as he lingers In the sunshine of His love Lovingly remembered by Mothv nd Brothers 28p stone numerous to Rcid PUBLIC NOTICEII Ever sets of double harness set of single harnes sets breaching cs5 llQl all double se collars HAWAND GRAIN 100 bus ley 300 bus oats hay3 tons cloverhay HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 11995 bar 6tons timothy Mc Pandora iron beds with springs wooden beds with sp iron bed with tables Clary range heater NOTICE To HONRESIDENTS No person Ishall depositror otherwisedispose of garbage ashes or other refuse brought from outside the limits Of the Township of Vespra upon any lauds whether privately owned or not in the said Township ofVespra rigs single small er Dad Sisters SMITH4n loving memory of our Elsie Elizabeth Smith who passed Ziway June 1942 They say times heals all sorrow And helpsus to forget But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet Some may think you are forgotten When at times they see us smile But littire1 do they know the heart ac mattress wash stand kitchen chairs sideboard combination book case quantity of rugs and carpets arm dear daughter cupboard cedar chair quantity of= dishes No reserve sold Nothing to be removed until set tled for Terms sharp 23 wardrobe NOTICE To RESIDENTS AND NONRESIDENTS as it be fNo person shall dBDOSlIully garbage ashes or other refuse cash sale at 1230 pm upon any road allowance whether opened or not within the Morton Clerk Rutledge Auctioneer That is hidden all the while Lovingly remembered by Mum and Daddy WHITEIn loving memory of our MANUFACTURED lit Wall 51654412 34 14411761 Vespras public garbagedump For Residents Only is situated immediatelyhorth of the CPR tracks on the 7th Concession Line at or near theentrzmce toSpringwalcr Park and is open ii Sell iiEXChange out 4187 COLLIER ST BARRIE 0N dear mother Florence Whige who passed away June 1926 Just thought of sweet remem brance Justa memory sad and true But let this little token tell We still remember you Ever remembered by her Family Prosecutions will be taken against any person or persons violating the provisions of saidaByfluw No 870 by order of the COUTTSXClerk so Hitltlll 433 IAltltt CANADA il it lai 1ii irlelll HIV liai t11iii ic of lili this iiiI 1111131121 iil tttiil 11 31 Hit lilan Ci 11 111 11 il Iiiailloiil ll 1oi sale of 11 otren Mill It Snl liIlll liie Iliiiri litarniner I111 the xst tlltllllllltill of any ill weekly in Hiniiila ll plies the nowo litiilllll the extra lllilllil of 31 11 for li111i1ei tl1sitiiils osii It 111 11 up to llilllh mr Noox iintl Ia IllIPtilorloltlolrlltattdotal lor Quick loSsessioii ltlt Slli li liltilll hiiik cottage 1111in Ititl11111 11 1y possesioii Sm 1ooiii lIlttIlll semi l11112o feiilil iooti Selection of lliiililiiig lots Mont3 illll1ll current rates for ill homes to well it it Iiniineiiiu of older ones Henry Elrick Real Estate Owen St ZOIILINGWOOD PLASTIC as going concern with orders for Wood Working Dissolving Partnership Real Estate Dealer WillysOverland 62 Essa Road Corner Burton Ave iziiizamr JUNE CARTAGE AND MOVING KUUMS AND 1303K Iciin Neat Appearance Essential UNIFORMS ETC SUPPLIED EBAY NEEK AGES 1800 PLUS MEALS Also Spare Time Waitresses nd Two Dishwashers RE GRILL BARBIE pply TREAT WsnmmeJmwu IItIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIrIll GABBAGE The iarhage iea for the Town of liilllll will be open Mon to Friday from 8011 Illl to 500 pin and on Saturday from 800 11111 to 11 am Wanv HHHKAH limitations For the Position of Fire Chief SALARY $1300 iiiE 181101 111111 dilutions lull in II It on 111 ltil elttltlilll 1111 s11 1IIi Qlilmillli It ll ti In your iziilawtzil to tlt11l this art1 other tiiiiis LliltI an ii doing writ he DONT ASK titllill lltIiIlt Send ltltl ii llilil in tutti 1ioit1etl 11f surrii lowii tiltr1 ll iillil lUSHlllllC to ICNSIIIIL it llirri town weekly arm Iarget venl MN tiiiril the underiijitil 111 11ltlllt ll ll lell Iwir Lil siionil lllllilllttli if the news $111011 IUltlm i1 Illt iil by new titllitlrh uanrlyltlrolltlltttagt rooolct tolttlllliifllllrllloclo ltti Silk lllltlti Iiii111 ll 1l av wmwmmen 500mm noo won militias 20 fins 27 taint Jltwnit itkc may CAI llOllNiA VALLNCIA 13 FLORIDA VALLNCIA 163 CALIFORNIA FIIESH itiris TEXAS MAIISH SEEDLESS 20 CALIFORNIA SALMON FLESH Dal 39 LElllldillS FEED tillfllEMIIllflE MINES EliEEEtEES PINEAPELES titlitillS GEEEE EEEES 27 19 Doz lb ea 325 21 17 21152 5h CALIFORNIA BEAUTY CALIFORNIA BING LARGE SWELT CUBAN FRESH 24s 34 TEXAS FRESH 21 TEXAS YE1LOW MISSISSIPPI Round Stringle 33mm rueM WMIOWWW iltllmlinlltfll till Jraurs lt abzaxt BONELESS CHEER SHREDDED TCEEEQANUT iLiGiIiirIuzPkg 23 ovlb 2111 at fkgf 17 123 32 lt15 11 II CUSTOM GROUND BOKAII ClFEE TH NAGEWHITE oFERoww MILK BREAD EMPIRE STATESWEETENED APPLESAINE aFANCY JUicE GRAPEFBUIT VAN KIRKS iCIICJEIEIE BLUETIIBBON PAPER NAPK HARRIS PURE soar Grim cap Superntgiarouiai CHOICE BREAKFAST SEIQED Pkg an 24ml Loaves Phone Barrie 26827 15 21 Int 251 15 PURE LAB FANCY JUICE LEMEN saws cocoa CATELLIt MEAN QUAKER norms 2002 204w Tin Boi Tins WITH iii211 SUGAR LES 111 Ctn 1602 Pkg IPkg Pkg ofBo fry Meats 59 lb 39 33 an 41 racer Point saunas Baitinurerri ulnar Loin 11110011 PURE SMALL LINK IV FRESH GRADE MAPLE LEAF WERSAHSAGE IVIAPLE LEAFI 38 500d Suggestions HAEIBIIT STEAEIS HABMEK FILLETS SALEM STEAKS FRESH 39 FRESH RESTIGOUCHE lb FRESH