Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1947, p. 15

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PAGE egress Thnitlu hXAMINER BMRIE ONTARIO CANADA Ii 30 Degrees Registered On may 30 and June ENGAGEMENTS Veaiiaor Non Warming OBITUARY 11 11 ll tittliitii II Whit II IV II 1I in it II II II II II III III IIIIIII AND FRANK LaDUE LEFBOY FRESH LOST ON EMPEROR It llin1d llltl ILIniId in II III II 1111 Idon illtinshauI Iho IIII III II III II It II Iot hen his ship the II II III II Ii III III SI tiriehtrr Iiinprror sank in II II Liltr Superior esleidi Iuorn II III II II IIIII II II IIIIIIIIIII Ili SllllallllllllIIIIIOIGillilIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIII Illtllllllllll II II lrail tllillhllitu 17 Howa St II III It Illlt and of lrllt ktlhiir It IUHI IIHtIII HUI III II III II lt nu Kip lIldon IE NI lllllhlllllll 1s former liNIlll Al IIIIIIItIIIIIII Is 1110 Time To Have Your Suinmoi It so lllltllllt missing II III III Ir1nIt Lillue 39 rirltolil son Furnlture Renovated II 1I II II to oi Hi l1lui ul oluell liuu Ice Cream II III II lion and lllt lair Frank LolitaI II II III II Another tIIIIttIIr ttlringtun Huhrs Deck hairs llalzi hairs II iI II ii IIlt 37 nii llH MIIIH IIII IIIIIII II II III II II II II tI It iiiior and telephoned to IlIIlllll SI III III II II II II IIIIIIIIIN IIIIIII IINIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IUII llll Ill lI llllllll II II ltlll William Another brother 43H II III III Iiu his lltll on the lllll0l II II IIII III IIII II II last Hal hut lllI hpiing Illltl III II II III III llllltltl llip brother IIII III III II III II llllllltlll is orlini on the III III III II III Iilioiil in NoitIurn llitiirio III II III III II III II and islrl lltiltlltt attends Stu xlCIlk Proprlelor II II II II II II II llJHIi Ulltlzmlt zIlllllllllllrlItllllllllllllltlllllildllllolllltIlllllllll II II It IIIloiIIIl Ill Hi ml II CROWN HILL II III 1t llt 111 In 51I tii It Iy III IIIIII II gt II II III 11 le II III III mum Inn IIII III SOIvoIIOII Army TrInIIV AanIcon Church II IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IvIIIIIIII III IIIv IIaII ItII IIIIIIIII III IIIIIII II llquIIIl II Remember him With lttll lieman gift such as no toilIIr my IL nowmjre nIAII Rectore IIIIIINIIIIIVHIIII I=IItgtHmw iro IIIIIII HH 1w larkard Electric RamrIIor something in tools an auto II the gtzIIIIII wanmr Organist II II II v7vr IIIIIIIII lII IIIIII III IIII III II mull tlillld drill Screw driver iopiiigv saw Illndtr III Ilt III II III uni ll IH I111 II II Itwotr llll on 11 IIII II lln II ll IEI lid il 19 IMIfiwa IIIIIIIIIIm IIIItiII IIIIII its II III mlll WWI WV DUN in 11 it 11 It It lltil lIll Bl MIN JHIW rm Illim 13 it IvurI my in mm mm Ill lllllV ll II IIII KIIIIIIIIIIII ill 1l will lMMlNlOB IIII litll in II1 ii ll ails 1ti LIIIIwiI nunit lII llyt tintinh turns fm II IV nd zllittlztd MEnm liiust III1 wt li =1 Ar llMY Slllomi mi iiiIr III stIiIit xsIIIIII I2 IiIII II II 1th IIHI limitWit Shatit or 12 norm Mt11eient Valley or lever inanimnos siuilt1 III II II mo II lltlt lltluh it III III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIIII Rods spoons lines 137 1331 p11 llonn lII 111 I313 hwy mm VII wwwm 51 In III Iism ivAAm In Merlin 71m Ir IIIIvIIv IXIIIYR l1 IiIiI ilitltl IIgt IIIII II IIIsIIIII III II IlIvltt III 11 fl ttl MIIIINIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII Siliiullill l1I1l1t v111 ltt1i2 lIIIIIIvIa IiiIIiItwi 11 I1I II uI ti find you trio and in return1 1IIIII giII IIIIIII III II Tim tat tint IliiISi lite iiiilllti IIIIIIIIII III II InIIlI llogiiut We II III III III III lt IIIIIIIIIII Snh tlu III It lorry Sunday Morning I121 Hr CIIIHI IIliuIi IIZIIIllI Ion II III It ttt lllll ltttlti IIltiliI tl Pentecostal NM III fiver It rillia mm Full Gospel Tabernacle 75 2t Mulraster St far IIIstozImStephen lilli AndrewsIPresbyterion Church iltllV IAMICS FERGUSON RA SUNDAY JUNE ti INT Minister lI11IIl tIilgiIi St InIIIi Hot on your hat nasl Io unmitian ugonwnl Iii llttl iIInut II llllllltt llifu linth to tl Ii ltInltv II All InIIn Ihuphn III ttlltltltltl by GRAHAM SWALES iof 141 =Ii In Sill SLIIOOI MII CHIS HIIIIIIIIOIII Orgamst and ll III tII II II IIII II It IIIII II Mlmdnd IIIIIIII ll DICVOIIONAI srinvur Chomnasm II II II IUII III Ii III 14 II 7111 m1 quANGiuierc IIIIjII MEETING sLINoIIr JUNE 11117 p111 lastor Stephen liiley vll UMMUNION SERVICE iIrllili SUNDAY SCIIOOIII Ail Departments lillleNG WORSHIP Preacher The Minister Ilreptiiatory Service Flltltl June Viriliitgt and strangers invited Ill mWW Gospel Hall II pm 19 PorkSide Drive COME To CHURCH GOSPEL SERVICES ttf SPECIAL continuing nightly except Sat1 III IIIIIIIQIIIII on Sunday nine at lllL Irlside DIIVL Gospel Hall Barriexl Clapperton St SPEAKERS Mr James Gunn REV AND MRS CHASE IIlr Graham Suales Midland in Charge All are invited Phone 84115Barrie SUNDAY JUNE 1947 30 poiSUNDAY SCHOOL SII United Church 240 PMPREACHING Collie Crown Hill Church 730 pm MW LEWIS MAD Bible Study and Preaching Minister TquOFd Organist ImdI lpeCial Singing Ah are Welcome Choirmaster Ilhurs par Missionary PrayeiII Meeting SUNDAY JUNE 1947 II ALMMOHNING SERVICE Central United Church ilr Lloyd ls Dorrian of Alliston tllE CHURCH SCHOOLV Minister AMStir 3611001 REV BEWELL BA ll AM Beginners and PrimaryI Organist ilpcipts II Mr Arthur Smith PhiEVENING SERVICE lhe Minister SUNDAY JUNE 1947 AMMORNING WORSHIP Theme Time FI= lIMIYoung Peoples Service First Baptist IChurch Speaker Dhuglas Lapp Toronto YPU Glee Club 1531 HHUMPHREYS Pastor II mssrisieICinigiIiey ATCMI III Alggcgogggh Organist and Choir Leader IQINDAY JUNE IQI7iI Come to Gods House on His Day II SUTNDAYISCHODL Iv 10 minutes to ink llv AMUnrationed Religion Nurseryduring morning worship lMThe Worlds Greatest Ind endent Bridget am AG iTCHELL Minism Vacationers IiIeIIartIin welcomed SUNDAYIJUNE 1937 945 AMIBIBLE seriooi 11 ll AMMORNIING WORSHIP GIGGQGOSPBIK H6 7PMGOSPEI SERVICE 37 Ea17y Strget Barrie Mon pmIYIP Service Wed 8pmPrayer and Praise Fll 715 pm YWMC Visitors cordially welcome SUNDAY JUNE 1947 130330 PMBelievers Meeting 34 PMSunday School Meeting All are cordially Invited Mtuaoovooum BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH NIBEV GREEN MA ltiiD DD MINISTER IerRay Williams0rganist and ChoirLeader ll AMIJOINT 53 AND CHURCH SERV TPMfRfiiMiiiiier in charge of Evening Se Barrie Rev Irlowdcn ti formed the ceremony Given in marriage by Ralph ding Southern Ontario met inMuleokiI llAMVABeginner and Primary Baffler her fatherI wore vaIfftretllength dress of paradise blu silk jersey IBUptIle ChUICh IIwith black hat and $1003 and 3019 dress of rosypink silk jersey pink hatrind co sage of pink rosesand Iilyoftlyzvalley The groomsmah with BUILTIN BATH TUB KWLlSBLICYN In Trinity Church rlare on May 27 19471ooli place the Wtdtllll of Jasmine Clttlstison daughter oI the lateMr and Mrs George Boleyn Edinbureh Stfoilalttl to John Edwin son of itlrsxtgiiiiouzles and the latelllajor Knowles DIAL Conudon the bride note pale blue wool suit with pink IllCtOSSUlI ies and COISith ot Sweetheart roses with sprig of white hea For Information On Installation 1n NIIthirn Williamson lorni Ihoinas ui hliss Kaneen WEDDINGS MOdeTnize the DURO WATER Ii it of ll utter tiild Al on of ll mlti Hanan =1it rth tt HILIII taro tlllltlflt by tho tlixfit Iiilli was Hat lIIrI lilqiit rlir lAIItIltIVI transport at North llay ll ret It 4Indi11ldiio ll tilt ltitll ther brought from Scotland 5I The ushers were James Andretu Gilmore and Wilfred ltalplij Knowles At the reception the grooms I7 mother received the guests weiiiI ing flowered grey silk dress with corsage ofTaIisnian roses Four of the brides intimate friends now residing intne USA and Canada attended thojguh on trip to They will suni The couple left Mmme 9213unlop St Ross Block Barrie St Ihomas Anglican Church Shanty Bay was the setting for the marriage on Saturday evening May3l 1947 of AlmirllioebeI laughter of Mr and Mrs lustin Hunter to George Mathew lVloln son of Mr and Mislltliii Moth Rev George Larkoffi ciated and Mr Angus Rosstints at the organ The bride given in infringe by HL Ililyofthevalley She was at ended by her ster Miss ShirleyI Hunter weaiyh streetlength Books sage of AmericanBeauty IrosesIand WSIMI JEWELLERS iie Af ornc Carrnthers Bar HICCCDllOndll the home of PROFESSIONAL IBEAUTIFULLY EYE FARE CLEANED Makes Them Look Like New IGALL Cottyls Cleaners PHONE 2885 404 42 pomIns CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY Photographed in YotrIOIwIn Home Aim Int 81 BROKEN LENSES user 611931 jP Torimnisrs PRECISION GLASSES IIISI ll1tt In lftll Ii IltI III II1IiIIt1rgt in Barrie he Department Roy Tyier unis ptitItteasid by hr BathroOm Harold Forster odern Plumbing AUTOMATICHEAIING 8W ACED SRJMPTIY II IIIl vlutv lllltl2lI ind lililII ltl owl until tliitlIIi littllin 1IIIIIother lli Lorne lyrer by The funeral serrire Saturday afternoon May Iii held at the Lloyd StttliltIV Funeral Ilonu Iuas ondiuted by ller llvlt lion den Ihero were beautiful owers tron Corinthian Lodge lnternwd into Hockey Team the Canadian It ml General Illertru Io and the iInudital staff of the Royal Victoria DIV llospital and several others Friends and relatives attended from Mon tieal North Bay Toronto llills dale and the surrounding district The paIIhearers rere Clarene Simpson McBride Edward Ilooper Major Smith Clifford ILariey and Ralph Urrr Inter nient was in Barrie Union Cente torr er III Ihoueh the Examine is dated Ihursdav It goes to press WIIIL NIISIIAY AlllllthfIlI Try Our 27 keep your Community TmIrMuk OPPOSITE Posi OFFIC Bestsilvcrwarebhoice for keeps lts craftsmenmade quality assures you of manyyearsof lasting wear And to risttlic handsome Antitarnish noiiiLiTY CHEST 42 Plan Servicefor 55859 REEV FATHERS DAY IS JUNE 15 Miss INITNIIOI Il HALLS smooth running tornci Esszritoad and iowan St The Clemson Lawn Mower All metal roller bearings all ports enclosed Rubber tires Piastie rollers Easily adjusted CIL PAINTS GENERAL TIRES TUBES BATTERIES TONVIII IlCNl PARKING ohnstons Hardware Phone 3997 ervice lustrous DIAMOND ERCHANTS ltBARRIIE CORONATION LADY HAMILTON Miton lovely patterns designedito add beautyto all YOUR PHONE 3745 table settings Friendly on Plan Youll lindr one oftlicse Budget Ierm Available Es JEWELLERS WW wwltg III roa

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