koka and Parry Sound Last yearthe Town zmd lt1raspnirfgtWilliam Pitt 1800 PACE TWO wTHE BARBIE EXAMINER war Iiutlssheil llzrirwaist Morning by 1111 IllLlll Illll 11511111 ZZJ kl 11 Hit II 111111111 of them there is very little evidence of actir mg his yinW During May 1047 prrblic bond financing inl lmwemw mu nun MW ariada totalled 5307007111according to the lilmllil 3000 11011001101111 11115111111111 11021117compilation of Wellknow firm of bond SM mnmmn is bpmg wqu Ramsx IWHO tealers TIhis brings the total of bonds is Hm my UNI itli mmmllsm sued during the first five months of 1047 to 0110 10 the ptoiecl 15 NW by $54937378 compared with 3344030074 is mmim Sign whim ms my mm 1m sited during the same period in 1940 and is publishen former lllt7lllltl01 the llirrrie gm wrmsc1596 Examiner staff Mr Davis Writing on 1W thesubject he says After June 13 and 14 lilmira will be the first veedless town in Canada Elmira citi zens up to date have signified their approval of theiproject by promptly returning ques tibnuaire cards disclosing per cent of the citizens want their town free of weeds Cards are still coming in daily and by the time the date of spraying arrives there will be few outstanding The pride and delight our citi zens take in their lawns and the appearance of the town are reflected deeply in the hearty An example of the usefulness of the in halator such as was presented by the Barrie Lions to the local fire brigade was demon strated the other dayVin Toronto when fire men gave inhalator treatment for fifteen minutes to brother and sister affected by coal gas frrrnes which seeped through their home The fumes were detected by the mother who opened the windows and render ed first aid as best she could The fire saved by the inhalator treatments tooperation shown in the protect of mak MMWWWV int the community wccdless It is assured V711esiiltswilknrorctharrjhstifytrrefaith in OPINIONS OF OTHERS the idea and if weeds once put under control IAIAI SIIOOTIN ACCIDENTS will not be allowed to make future gains to Windsor Start eliminate the work ofthelirst two sprayings Elmira has long been 0th 191 its bolumm mistake for an animal or for the unintentional disi lawns and We RemDIOPQYUIS and the charge of shotgun or rifle Anyone guilty of suchl future they will be definitely improved and carelessness is not 11 In person to carry itlllls in irie voods Cancellation of hunting licenses furl llltLE sliould be the punishment of anyone responsible TV gm of fatal shooting accident LARGER POLICE QUARTERS The transfer of the Provincial Police head Walters from neROSS Blvovk tolmiger qua letting wise to the true nature of the Buyers Luis in Spacmus house at Comer Streetertrile housewives in the West are reportedly rushI formerly used 15 residence marks llOtltelling to resign from their Communistcontrolled con lent of the fal ll 011 OI 01106 Iotecttm btlllltl associations Men the piesit 11 the pat 81 gary group resigned tlirrtlglitrsget the president eta us In or on 3110 lllt Manitoba llousewives and onsumers League Twenpy years ago there were 12 Duanlelrasstood firrn being member of the Idlllllllldlti police and an Inspector to cover SimcoepreserveInn1y Drtffeiin and Ontario Counties and the dis tricts of Muskoka and Parry Sound At the THEY ITIIIAIIIIZIIIgllgillltmhl present time there are 50 men mommng dare not Inarrwmllitrffuttiie is so dark arulun sergeants and corporalsi under InspectorisettledWillianr YVilberforce1700 RlChaId COX to DOIICE SImCOC Dllllelm MUSl There is scarcely anything around us but ruin more beautiful In industry commerce and agriculture tlrere is no captain said both boy 15 and girl 12 were There is simply no excuse for shootina titan 11 Ii Art of Barrie changed over to the provrncral 1omp43onjnmin Wm 18 lice SyStem and Ems Increased the distrlm thank God that am spared the ruin that 7stan byrtt motherscommrinitics are taking Tgatherinarminr177II9LDukwofiWeltinglingon htslflainLAnLcu Millsn The Bombs similar steps to turn over the responsibility of lenthbed 11351 policing to the provincial forces Developed BISINISSMEN ARE INTERESTED aLoneof thebrrsresLSummg resorts in Gan Thai mm LEVEL ada Iwasaga Bead requnles live pfovmcml TliewEdmonton Chamber of Commercewurrges thl 13011 during the mumSI Season farmers be allowed more deductions TBIIII the transfr tOlalgEt quarters for the comle rtaxes Sigh salaries for sons worting on headquarters Staff has been necesmmted no to increase farm efficiency In commenting orrthrs only by general expansmn but to prepare interesting suggestion Canadas largest farin publi Yery radical Change in m9th0d5 Space 13 cation the Family Herald and Weekly Star says this required to establisha police radio station city at least are takrne Sincere and concrete irrtereol that womd mammm two way Cpnpegtmn in the problems ofllieir neighbors the farmers with allltprovincla1policeCars throughout Ther we probably some businessmen who do the entiredistrict To prepare the way for not take as much interest as they should in the lication ment 0fth1$n rotection In the ploblems of agriculture but the sweeping imp the esmbl Sh in thestaternent above is most unfair Most busrnessa new futuye rooms haw been Set aTIdEm the men are keenly interested in farm problems if for new head Office and there is also ample 516 number ream man that very lurg proportion of commoaixtlon for Other pOIiCeOfces their business is dirctlydpendent on farm pros lt3gt verity It is IerletIy true as the Family Herald also CANADIAN RELIEF FOR GREECE states dint there has been much Urban criticism Many people in Greece are alive today of the way the incorie tuxllsge detest0 as applied to agricuture cm IClSm only begause 0f the Elm Of canaway whgat Financial Post has been prominently assocmted But cdurmg the occupation penqd but coPntless neither The Post nor other Critics have ever sug Nthousands Will be dead 0f 1159353 dunng the gested that farmers or any other group should be mi ear unless medical su lies reachforced to pay morhah thicfair share co ng pp It is quite possible indeed highly probable that II them soon sald Dr Leomdes POlymenaKOS present income tax regulations as applied to farm recent interView POIymenakos is ing are not always fair Certainly any tax that the farmer deputy minister Of health and discourages more efficient production would seem membelbl the Board of Directors of the to be in that categoryas well as fbolisli But the Greek RdCmSS He is now in Canada tax but to revise the regulations Evasion by one Slsmng in thework of the canadlan Rellef group will only embitter other groups who have no to Greece Appeal loopholes orhe health condition In Greecetodayig in normal timeshdhfren aceqowttfenslltiiittl3 onexot thegravest my country has ever 1111 cluaillymleisl pyigfh Chaim in raced deciarathedtmror The next tWelve 9y faring alike lt cheers us up to IIOIellll businessmen in one wayto improizthat situation is not to evade the inc assure LXAAHNER UARRIE osrAirio menus ZSIMCOE DISTRICT COOP SERVICES t1st winch Ililltl rir hot oil lit1LiII It 314 Zilrtl Int in tirict gt lir tuttisr Ill 1111 lull11 lrtiilt KINI A1 kl in Hill Ker irrzrori tilirn 1112 mirth lt TLititrldlrtl ti lllllltrl art in Itltttl ln lint iotrtttr Mat1 lit leni ir 1m Ilt e1rirrit oi may be WI 111 11 iirIli III lrI lioyal linlrii iii itrt It EDITORIAL NOTES 11 ii IIHIII fitter all rv rani weve had Ililiihtlit tin wtililtl lllirl floods the Lirzrurs and lot Itll II in route 21 111 pet pli ten are recline lltltlltl Ililllll iy ti ilrerna tr to null otlr it 111 IXlllltlltl Itd erriiptiaizt r116 litilfl iii jie 3ie rt rrv 111 int tt all 111 Eric Immu Hlmww hhm It 111 to neli irlim mm Jim3llll recently Iltorted on onirnznnst itl1l tH ill VIII 1101fo rti other Inf ultilll is his country and said that The nip Itlvlltill tier port of Eitivlrl Russia it the duly ol tmr MI m1l 31 almost at all eoniztrrrs Ihe ttllltlllllltl 11rrr if very zine lill ls pretzelerl 7m mmlumm lhmlt Um Avrtilylf 11 Until the inception of the trap and tin Air HHIIVI 11 Tee llay on June 11 should Lllirl very My WV iireattendance 1111 111IlviljIZltiltIll ln Izmmuw UH Mummy this WW wwwdlrw on Pt 11 rag titty WW mm MN MW mmliw to statement trotn Ottawa the price oi lellfluliii 1Almlnlin toilet soap was permitted to advance one cent in ultttwl Iii nine HIEMERS Ills per bar and the prices of soap flakes and 11 ri WI iv filllltllt WNW 11gt rllltl Illilwlll till laundry soaps when housewives are lucky ff My Inunicitmiltr within borders is our enouull to get them may also lle adaneeri fQ17nyIlff PINKI 011W Slllllllll Illillillh Iillltll Im not exactly the Titht wa to soft sotlltmt or 1iivtn rninii coon ployed though it must be said that in riiiitryrin public alonen IIilriititlttl armor Eli YEARS AGO from the Ila of illl ILIIIIIIIC ICKAMINIZII IINIC If Ilarrie Local Notes udor it llvy 11 17 Si icli Iii 3351 lreti Hair 11 ren as his successor works plant provid 530000 was done to 111m lrnerrren put up is still light ii to tLll lines of hose Mrs ioaer Sheppard forrnerlyof len tree for May was 70 on the 2nd tlielllrdnand the lowest trirs the 1st Rain fell on six days ital of 10 inch Vital 1Iilil for May were Born 10 14 boys 12 deaths lar vn tulips main feature of Spring dens llr Ethel hchinuey dale had novel experience vnen called at an early hour to make an airplane trip to critical rc Business on CTR itnprov in ruintber of menbeint taken on Womens RestRoom Ditti iop Sf opened with Variiius llcnrs ton proerainwhich raised 5100011 Simeoe lounty Briefs 1ind bought Ironi lohn Cowan next to Knock school ground Was fenced and levelled by you Itll of the community Miss Flor rnce Crawford of Klllyleaeh inar Hm HOV II II Somerviilll Scott UFO buyer shipping hog Brier Bush current attraction at Opera House lhos Crawford again busy sawing Ioiis illOW Station llielpstou corresponrlerrt Writes IrspcctWe lTir Tin on their in abundant crop of almost every midduushters this 1Jl0lllllltllll does not 1111 and for expenditures madc Itll Welling In the opening ganie of ftite Centre Simcoe Basc ball League Dewey lloppers bunch of Cookslown balltossersIell be fore the Barrie team 10 tit7 Dut of 100 Widows 18 czin Iivcon their income 41 have to work to live and are de pendent upon Charity In which class may yoursvbe Confederation Life ssr min ion 24 Dunlop St llinon I411 Harrie Ill DON0101618 AIII ENGAGED iiy onee eastrn enon all purpose ionccis lue exe dirtt ls ure and Dr ii tilt tltll gtlltllxtl of for is buy 5150110 III gt1 Itl gin11 Fire lurnaae gtll 2ltl ha to World lriti group of three stores Starlina in rub nn pile ii the rear of the laclv bloclt the flames sprcad to re or Sinnnons Ilamners tiinieco DLIILC and Iltulburts gtltgt iell yno has been heard on CBS nctvcori on her out Erotir and other hours over the same 111 or St Barrie fell into well and vas drowned She rs old lligdrest ILlllI NOWS Items are appreciated YEARS AGO from the file 1111 lllllll XIII Nil 11 Iliiie Iozl iotzs Id Inuoe onnli lllll to iii 111lli litl lu Silfll lrtll Sill if It Sllllflillt ltl Vl Ilt lllI ltlI at It tlt it te 111 re tgtl hitli Merrilrers ol the lllnw 1te liII wltti cello and ioltn and Dre Flowel Societyuiro Sponsor Essays on Wild Flowers The Oro Horticultural Society jitcld meeting III the home ol Mrsi Seeds Oro Station 1Ill fair attendance It decided to hold flower show this ycirr at Shantyl lay if this could be arranged It was also decided to have SClltItil llowcr shows attain To encourage the conservation of wild flowers 7auditlicclosor study ofrtlicm by young icinlt gtocicly is sponsoring an essay writing contest This is open to all public school clrildreir and will includenot less than 500 or exceed 750 words Essays may include anything likely to Innite interest in wild flowers and their protc tion As the chief object is con ervation it is suggested that cs says he not eonIiIrrdtrrntteTflotvcr Also in each there should be some reference to tire provincial floral emblem the lrilliuni lrizcs will be aWarded IYilll society 111n tries shall 1o1e riot later than June 3077104lf7 All schools interested please cori laet the secretary Mrs Robert Campbell Shanty Biin Nolhaniel King Was Pioneer Publisher and Merchant of This Town Ll 111 in tttlfil ll it II ttlllllllll IIIII lr Ill tail lr rn tas tloirmnt ll lioniti ulio wett iinnnorely rtnlrrtrd 10 only tiutces iiiisrvrt Words and larIlIl Fisher l1t lCllJl1tliH Vlrile lgttlliuil gt til the 11mm no in lticsilii even your unity IIIIIIN and 1111 1sls itil ltct favorinL nIa Ilonril nettle riittlztrtl of appointing the boarddir lltlllllllilti the School member or the liar Education went on Rev 11 llondcn skid appoint trustees was oftlie plan but that was what Itsas in the Act at idle prescritdililcn Ile felt they slrouldbe irltugtttllw 36 monTRCnI TOROIITO Ford Hotels urereproofund centrally located mosl of lie 750 rooms in each hotel trade private bath and radio Farruervnlions wvile or wire lhe Manager well In ad vanceof unlitipuled arrival gt 17 me $250 1503 Ll 7WJ rreffLIRGII Brat fffjj sqthtltSCHaItrII ltiIl the larger high the only vscalt so SIMPLE 191v IiN IIIIIn can use the teleplioirtFTIiIIIoIIl Ililliculty It has lIC come lamiliar ser ant which we faltelargely llllgllllllttl rota NIt IIINIIIAIXIRI tsrs Itl We were rushing to the grocers before clOsing lime Imagine weekend without delicious GrapeNuts Flakes HillelAl cant imagine it brother Step on and bones min for the blood and it and Ill provide police escort down 0m 100 SSCIIIIIIIS to the store so youll be sure of getting Illtylt good all your Inallyyrich sweetasaInr Posts GrapeNuts Flakes THERSMY Its Thats because theyre nrade of two grainsM lwheat and malted barley And spe eially blended baked and toasted for OK110m 003 Bung mt goldenbrown delicious crispness and napeNuts Flakes good llOlllISllctsydigcs10n 5011 Imell merit carbohydrates for energy pmK toe method of Itpprllllllliii as re publicarr Mrs ll llodacrsl right Ithink Ill get couple of thbse tcins for muscle phosphorus for teeth giant economy packages So COMPLEX This is one dial switch E21ch involves more than 700 individually soldered connections Eachls as tlclicatcly put toicthcr as Watch Everytimyou Ilia these switches go into action Just imagine how many switchesrlit takes toliandle the 19907 dain calls placed by Bargrics 3012 telephones And all these switches are just small part of the elaborate equipment atwork be hind your telephone Since the beginning Of 1946 we have installed267 new telephonesdn Barrie More swrtcltboards more telephones are being added as quickly as possible so lllltlwc may continue to provide the best telephone service at the loivest cost SMITH Manager DELI TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CAIIADA