PAGE mom Mm LIONS CLUB MlNhlliELS Guaranteed to Keep You Regular Nlurclly or double your chttlc leCEDCpOSiiS iArc Easily Removed Yes PQPShCid Alanna lain in more for your money his and worth it Heres why its Pepsilulu llii costs cigllt Ctillh ll fIII ifii 1ii Arig illilnirl on IrHt Im 11 intj lil it Hi iiiiii lilll RI You see the price nu pay when you pick ii lcpsi todai rcliects our reiiusal to lower iciisiiilolu standards of value purin and illliiilii in viiioiiuevm oi greatly increased tiists olproductioii in refusing to lower these standards we rely upon the aiiadiitii public to recognize the true economy oil buying only the host tlic liesi in quality the liest in tiiiiiiitit For oVer years aiizidizins have agreed that iepsitoia is topsmtops for retreShincni for purity for value lhei have enjoyed PepsiColiils iiiatchless liitsthespot liliwiur thcv liavciiought 12 full ounces fol the price of Ni Now in Common with Canadas housewives we face the problem of rising costsThe increased coststhcy VI meet in their kitchens we see Viin our plants amiiltiplicd ii All in spite of these costs we continue to offer you the Rather than lower our standards of quality or quantity we ask you to pay eight cents for drink which it still BIGGER indlBETTER Yes PepiCola Inowtmageghr cents It rstiii en ables you to enjoy the very bestitin avour the best in purity rlfi briligr youdotmorefof your mortal many times Compare for example the price of sugar in 1939 with what we iii usr all pay today liczid and Went to bed Thane who nutter from jumpy nerves restless ness irritability or general rundown condition eds IiiiliillI niiioiiiuisi iiiiii onus roiiiii PRAISE FLA VOURED WITH d1 PREPAREDl MUSTARD Mustard Salad Dressing 1pint sour cream tablespoons libbys Prepared Mustard louxpoon mil tablespoons icing sugar loblospoons vinegar limp whippedcteam Bear togethersour cream mustard salisugarzind vinegar When well blend ed stir inlcup of whipped cream Makesabout pint dressing lip Anti Sing Siari the Do you wake in the morniu glad to be alive are you as italic may need good tonic tohelp bui Milburne Health and NervePille more than 50 years They contain liIIillti of joyrii also reading by the Picsi land worse The outlook no im piovement until her of Canadian 5===E=s THORNTON lV Iii gt it in ill Il iii ul tliici ioil li thl lt it if iliii ioioiito iilllilzI wl uoi llilt illrl ii llil oi iz rut mi lllllililri ill li iimliunttl Amend all it illtl sozl ll iilii il it poiilli by when ill ti lil ld lil lillii illlllliili BARBIE ammonrnn Form Expert Named illill iiis lo il ltlitl um ilnsirilui and tlillllil 31mm eirlilzig lilo to iwiwi ii indium lull llJulitl lilolzl liii Hiiv lilth Milli llil iiiiv tiwt to liiilll lltt is liii lile llltll Winni iih iiir illililt ttlll Lilith 3m ii pro ii izty ilhlil ill liilll cdiimdt Witch and ii lliiich lfzniiii inc llozn iiiimi pitwilled mill lliilitiMlilii clocli Nev iiio iiinvsoii liclcd us cliiiiiiiiziii for lilil pioguiin oi lililSli liiid vloicgt tilti culli on lis liliiiic full lii lilil it slitii uddicss iiid ilxun iiiioid inadcrilic picsciiia illilll ii and Mia Kiliiiilt iiolh tV Illtll iiiiiiiiis in short Slitttlltn ihi ikilitllliiltl of the owning was spcnl iii duiiciiiig iiinity Auxiliary met at li Jas iliiiiix Wiidiicsdiiy lilililiillli with good ittciiduncc lhw theme for llil day One hiiich ii iii liooi Wits ltllllli by Sthtllll lzidics it ius tirciiiid to hold iiiii iilwliiooii tizi cain in lillli lit il litil iiiliclls tipoit of tho iccciit lrcsiiyliriui as icii liy mo of tile titltKilllS lii Recognition of Noiilc Deeds ii and Airs it Kelly iiiiiiii toil icccntiy received the Opera imnal Wings and Certificate of the iAi in recognition of thc gui litlil ui View iIlitlilIti by their son iilut Otiicel Kelly who lost liiS litl ihilc on operational duty nci ticriiizliiy on Jilly Al liilli and lies iiuiiid iii Franco Womens Institute The Womens Institute incl at lis Joe Loimoxs on Thursday soiling with it good ittciidaiirc including 21 number of isitors lloil call was answered by hoiisc cicaniiig hint or gardening hint ihcic was considerable correspon dcnc including thunk you icttors from several iiicniliois who arc iii iiziiis wore made to run booth at ithc music festival in thc Arena lliiif Mrs Smith reported on tho IDisliict Directors meeting The following delegates were appointed to attend the District unnuai Mrs Cunningham Mrs Geo iMCDoiiaid Mrs Reid and Mrs Smith Plans re trip to Guelph on iJiiiic 18 were discussed The pro liu piccd appear to be very interesting piano solo by Miss Eleanor Cunningham was very much on dcnt Miss Mason conducted very amusing contest Assistant hostcs 505 were Mesdames Londry Maw McDonaid McQuay Cunningham and Achison MORE CARS But STILL SCARCE pl Automobile production is getting fbetgtler and better but the chances tot gettinga car are getting worse well into 1948 Production increases arent keeping pace with order increases This wasthe supply and demand jparadox found by The Financial illl ilili gram for 194748 were given out and itl2 ili iicisiimi itkciiiw ioux almost entirely hacked liiil lam ltil iFost in survey of the Canadian liautoniotive field The whole industry would bea lot closer to the goal of immediate delivery but for shortage of steel manufacturers say This they Cciaiiri is the big holdup However some dealers blame the shortage to some extent on the large num cars being expor Ited2 gExaminer Classifieds bring results ENJOYEDvaMoRE 3in thatsMaxwell House Because of its ettrdavor its always Good tothe tact Drop Day lliglil full of pep and ired as when you id up the system have been regarded as cache tonic for the urest of ingredientennd are mad under the supervision of experienced lemietiijand pharrnuciptp Youll nd Milburns Health and Nerve in the nerve cells and improving ills real help in stimulat your spare condition They he sold at drug counters everywhere so look for to trade markithd Red the 00 united Toronto Ont fantilies than any other brand Ocdee in he iiuii pad llii to mill itDi piolilcm which liid such scr itltltliilligt itiioiisziuiii llolt country iiiiorl the li iilt appeared ltill lillitiil and tric illillitiil ill iiliitmin liiil oi ll ixii tl itl inei 10 $79$13 The Prairie Farmers Steadily Reduce Debts ll Mixlid ii ill firiiilil Steamship Athabasca Known to Local Citizens Finally Sold for Scrap lliilll it ii llll li PLUMBING HEATING REPAIRS Your iiiiiiic iALlTlM llilil No muss no fuss an iii illicli INSTALLING SHALLOW WELL PUMPS Phone 2246 STAN HORNE Allillldllit Plumbing 133 CUMBERLAND ST lurid ttlliili lhc iuiiii liii illld Tlilli wand Phone 2148 HEAD OFFICE MOOR HOUSE ilU District Organizer iiiiiiirii iirnnii liNAi ll lilxlhllt Nll ELNlLHAl llNSBlillilei iiicriucii icicmiiis AM lNSiliAllN$ Phone 3289 North Nl lt33 lliiillll St Street lillllltili 111141I1Iltllaltrrottlollclitrrraorlllilolallootoocl lo oiui oiic lite illntlfillitc policy is wise to buy more is wiser Bill to liin it on denite plan to tulle cure oi all cieiitiizilitics is your income tllti rcspoilsiliilitics increase is WiScst of ill The following lilli liiscd Ill cpclitilc works out well but policies It Provide iniiiicdiutc nancial security liiiil tiltt of Illillll for your jointly Pay off mortgage Ifiliiclitc your children atom li gilliniliiccr rctire Itll income for yourself age i0 or All these policies may be had from ioiilcd crzilioii Life with Total Disability Benets BEFMOU iiitune Ask thctlonfcdcralion Lite representative to help you plan your insurance Confederation Life Association ionomo 24 Dunlop St Barrie Il oorsnr MEAN ruins to ME THROUGH CHEMISTRY IF You WERE farmer it might seem that way at rst glance But take another look mvws Those fine which mean so much to Canadas health and economy of ten depend upon chemical fertilizers Wade m1 pestrlcstroyers orchard sprays too are but few of the services that chemical research extends to agriculture Through good times and bad the chemicalindustry plows straight furrow ever moving forward to create hetter things for farm industry and home Lookvto chemistry with condence for ner future and to the CIL oval symbol of an organization devoted i0 serving Canadians through cheinitry THURSDAY MAY 22 194 llt14d41llllllilllltllldltllIIllvlillllfldlllllii4211 Lfwvloovoootovvvooolloww