Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1947, p. 7

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THIS IiIiTtiS ISSUE 25 Copies icvhll NAN PC It lIAIA brith UREAU IRCULAT7S rLis HE BARR Ll 23 Rev Thomas Hindle V3 31 Inholator Presented to Town by Lions Club Recalls Long Walk Some 70 Years Ago 7IIIIIIerIIIs LIONS nous LIVELY SHOW PROCLAMATION Whereas Saturday May 24th is Statutory Holiday Now therefore proclaim May 24th as IgIIIr III onddo hereby call upon oli citizens to lt observe it occordinglv llllllllllgt rlHF My Ii LIAYUR Lucky Star Pavilion $001 friendfogce of rcs er arm loronto nine piece orchestra lt2 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY coIIecmm Spend Your Holiday II at IIII Ill huh IIIIIII Ilin IIlil21 Vi All iHII south oi Brock II fIiI IIuoiuh If including all of IlHIIJIr lIII IlLt II Hm IwIznp Il il Hy mum him pun tII WhOIeSCmeI home COOked Ineals IIgtl SIlfIJIIIYtl Illltl Illllll lfil 23HJJZvatnf ml vt Ii III gtI lv1tlijv llilllliilriilirillllnihlllllliiill 5i IrollttlloItllIlcltllotollocllrlOIIIIJItiltllllarltltltllIJ MI Vxdhm hunt Jhnvth III IIII1II IIIIIIII of thc 13 ml llII IIJI horns III IiuIIIII It II Im IIIIIi rahlies Ken Walls plIIIjh 12 II nIl Stun lluut iIIlIIist who plI 11 It kII II itI IV II mi IIII IIIIIIIIII lILIIIlIlllllltlll Uliilb ii My LI Incl churn oral inlo Hf gt IIIIEIII I1I EI II ii IIIII lLIII ILIIIY IllIZh to Appczu in ItitlLLt IIIIr In IIIII If the shou In li lIIlllIlI In the IIIml IIlIt IIII ll mund NIIIIIEI Was tIIIi IIIIIIIII IILZIIIIIIIIZIH iIIlI IIIIIIIIMIIIHI uid IIIlIIIIII confidence to his BIG ltil SIIIII Rene the WIII AGRICULTURAL IEEP FIRE TRUCK DEMONSTRATION arrie Town Planning nIIIIII lie hnzl the IIIIIinIue WV doI IIIIIII II Inc IIIIIII II fIIIIinllrrey IS rocee 111g HERE ON IUNE II llltt III hr upcnitzg Llllliilll IIII II irnlly thII IIIIII lllll In thisi it III Izu III II IHHHDIHII gm we mullurux In it Ilil lIIIIHIIII IIIII II MIL lII leIIH my md wnmnommm my rphvyl the Illlvtlil IIImum lllIllllIIII III II Ixmutmn III lilIIJtlI my IizllIII nun Iltfilllll iiImrII IIII Illllrtlililllv IIIIl IIIy Illl nmpbcll me to professienuil pcrquIIImItI iIIIl gt lII Iputtnig over the guns and had thIIi III gt 21 IIIIIIIIIIIII In IIIlIIrInns mood lIIlI then IIItIIs From tell to right tlICyt 1lll mm fyl Ill lIIImI pmnk 1mm nob LCNHHMLIOI tlIIllll rIIIIIIIIIIIIIs lnI II at till3 IAN MMI NMI Stephcnwuh Ed will he IIJIszl It III III IIIIIlzthle II III IIIIIIIIIII and Derry Ohullnnn ullmlll IIIIII on IIIII III In gt rInIIII HILI lIIlilWl hill Ivg IIIIIIWIIII IIIIIIII IInIzrxnn long IIIIII piInI IIIIInIIIIIIIntly in IIIiIIeIIII Itillll pintElm Illlp Inulit lIuIIIv IHll1lllllll and hunt III liltllli IIi ill Jttlt IIIIIIIIIII IIIJI IIIIII IIII jtli fII illl ptIIpI Ill IIIII gt2 II IIIIIIII Mnd Irishman with Hebrvw its may lm IIIIII III IIILlII IIIII pum III IllIl tr IlI Is fill NH 1i ItlIlIIIIInzll IbSIilIiJII III7I All llI Ippu mm It IIpInIIIIIIIlIy III met IM III The Wm mun hump 1fucts Is SIIllllll lII III IIIIHISIIY IHII IIIquetI 1w VIIInning no Iml WW IT blIA III II II II lIrI II III You Do Win It tuneful numberhum Hm III vaIIv lt IlIIIIlIItIxcnsIIII21IIIIIIII htorrpsniltl 1l1tl mm IIIIiQIllIm but also ii Illlllit glnoth Ind development II re tIIIHI of wIltII IfI1Iul Inzl pIIIVIIIIs IIIIIII lilvllIIiIlllllfL lIIIIiiliS which showed off the snappy cos tuminu of the Ininsncls after the WBHMV Hlglll11 lllIIllI opened and introduced theIVhWv Hli HIHWWHHWI ll lIH ltIIIII111IIVII 31 Hmmllm lillitTilllI Izirls But the end IIIeIIIJOCSulIMNHPM MI WINlurk swims were musing mm mm dome 10 DIIIIIII the conduct or Illl IIIIVIj IIIIIJIIIIII In lIlI 1111115 my WHEN part by me immlmuum mec1IoIeiy Billlli IIIruliboiluvmi will he Ilnvislhi nIli he Itliltlt In Ilttgtnignl mg med funny men Showed up at the lSltttl villltl gt iIoIIsclIUIIIIIe IIIIIII plans IIII IIIlnstIud IIHWIll IIIIII My HUMMUH gt back me ha Wmng down ml Iced Ihc tncts IilII lIlIZIS IIIIIII llIIIlpIIlII Illlllll illtilS lll he MW it aides to the Stage singing their UH lfttldflllli III VIIIIUUS IllliIII tIlIIIIIIIIII IUI this purpose IIIIIISIHW Ith or ISIIIIH II we II own lament Then the show was with jot qUnIg and Suumcrn thtll Intlniutc ltnmvlmlge OI lIItIII sllItIllVlSlHllfl Itslllidait pImIIlI ICOlldIUOHSI Will III greatly to the the maximum in IIIInoit md enjoy Ininstrtl fun All the soloists were excellentI33UVNN5N IIlm lliS IMI lIVIIIu III III lllthtltIl CmvIIIlI gt 1Iiellllml Will be uiwn to ItllltII lttIlvt ILII IIIII of the jeep lire IIIIII is that of tlt tIIL Illlt llti tluou ll mIl VIw modern hoIhoods out Mr All In IIIIIII ItIIIIt IIIIIIII travel to IIIII III the lItIgt I=II bud IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIns Inn in IInd 4IlllltIlIit neg for in truck say Old Boy arent you letting your enthusiasm for GrapeNuts Flakes run away with you lltIII Not me Brother Chuck those Posts GrapeNuts Flakes you VIC Kmx 1301 Lekmm FmkImijlOVtllem gt T11 IIImIImIIIIIIH II MI orchidsin got yamselfpbig econ know are made of two golden Craig Bi BCH Art MUIIC but duel lho Wisdom IIlllllllll olnplet tIoIInl InIl ltlllllllllill IthlllIlIsi how me hp my Minimum my package 01 maltyqIchv honey grains wheat and malted barley We length of the Show encomsmg such basic record of the qutl nlso to the dewllopnuruthot mth MM Km 1mm Hyhmnwd were ordered cut out by the dircc llli51t1IlI IIImomu nnIl social IIII IIIUNIS WI IIIEIII Illwm H1I throughout the dirtziII golden Posts GrapeNuts Flakes Thats the lure for Miss Aloor And dont think she doesnt appreciate all thc good nourishment in Posts GrapeNuts Flakes carbo hydrates for energy proteins for muscle phosphorus or teeth and Theyre skillfully blended baked and then wonderfully toasted to give om that gioriotrSly enticing flavor and crispness of Barrie to llt used us IIIIVIIIUHIIIIV plans will be drafted in terms IIII tron for future pints Mil ouIIIIIII both llIlltltllIII III Initimthood pm ywummm Wmmmnw lll he mum IIt II wA ted by lamuh AlltltltlllIIIH ohm puts mIl Illivlrllllil illltlllHltrlllMl mm and through UH spellmy of when speaking oi municipalities viccszmd pInJectslIAcI OIIsIchnItmS Act hm tho success of we stated Immovmmnts 1IhllI mm will be unen to wet estnnn Manning fnlt is nssurml COOkv Shed ppmcmle 150 grim Ichow The end InLn CilCIl had his mail DUMP Mhind mm in ms ml Hmml hlldgels Town Planning starts with and is mm Hm 50103434 IlEIglltSiS Also 01 primary UllSltlllilIlOli IsI Now It is mm thmllgh bones iron for the blood and other recipes on the package for cookies um to page elam please in the form of survey of thII most the mutIIIrot strentuuys and tluffIcI them mm mi mksmn be canin food essentials cakes soumcs etc WcWNWWWNowWNIWW WW ISCMCth atmo CYCSTU controlA Tho Huh llnd InigI out sucecssfhlly It Is to them that IMI Abcrcmmbic Is Iottssm II of the streets lldillf uo 10mm lt mo bemms and advantages and gt Town Planning LInivcrsity Collegc the traffic they must handle will ecnnomic prosperity of Town an THIS 11MB IIY Cleaning to IUI However on the second night Bob IcishnInn put on such per tormance with his song and the ap plutlse was so insistent he wascnll And if Miss Moor mum only Ied buck for the only encore of tth WORLD FAMOUS CAUDILLO SISTERS Equestrians London Englnnd receive thorough cousrdcratton for mug will accrue Who Ihlllkm 0f TOWN IIHmlllil It 18 ume thIs network that the in its applicntvion lOIII Town of future Barrie will be built 30 WOLVES THERE SHOWDAY ONLY Barrie it is cil to consider that The Dominion Ellld plOVlllClilll wulws am believed have Tickets on Sale Town phmmng When umlmmmngovernments have iqcogmmd ihc appeared from England before CAT CALDVELLS DRUG STORE in democratic way IS 1111 0111011importance of munICIpal planning Tudor mm process process whereby ovnIyland have zidvuuccd Inzmy Sumrcs citizen has tiInIoppmtuuity to txItions and offered rewards to com WNWNWmWWW mwottmwmwv D1055 his lows IOKiUdillK Ihf 111051 Inunitics who plan their dcrclop advantaglt0l15 1021115 10 Mill IIIIhmnt The National Housing Act natural physical capabilities of the provides lower munest rates and land water and air conditionsImma 1IIms01 loans Ihen tho gt lllCh IOEOIhCI CUWDYISC 01 Illllll houses to be Constructed arc located areas TheI Friday May 30 at pm DONT MISS Concert Under the directionOf Lloyd Tuttord Director OiMusic in the We are now in positionWtOgivc you the finest Dry Cleaning that money can buy once the community Iin officially planned Ourcxpcrienced operators both In the cleaning and flnlshmg of your garments Ideas lead correlated plans W1 Ontario Govcmmm last year projects and such plans and ploi passed the Planning Act 1946 Ontario and it is through the pro assure you of outstandnig workmanship visions of this Act that the Barrie jccts reach final development through the work of the Planning ROCKIIIooI INSULATION FORlIOMIES SCHOOLS CHURCHES IiI BLOWING METHOD OR OTHERWISE Get our free estimates and compare our prices High Grade Products ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Roy rHuIChinson Local Rep Dial 4417 4i Innisfil St Barrie LQnt Topvcaats TrenchIICoate Barrie Schools ARRER 400 PublicisciiOOI Eupils in proqromoiSongstnd Dances 5SPECIALQVNUMBERSBY THE BicIIGLEchLgfg MUSylcmovIbrp switcher Bnup Directedth Mew Fishen rIouuceaty the Principals and Teaching Staff of the 1Barric Public SchOOIs is OUR PRICES ARsino HIGHE FOR QUALITY SERVICE CALL 288 iVPICKIIIP AND DELIVERY All Work Done on Premises IAPPROVED SYNTOL METHOD 109 DUNLOP sri Sponsored and managed by the Barrie Kiwanis Club THIS Is THE FIRST TIME SUCH AN EVENT HAS BEEN HELD IN BARRIE AND YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS THE PROMOTION OF IMUsIc IN THE SCHOOIS

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