PAGE aniiiiashle honored By Gifts and High Praise 20 YearsRepresentative COMMITTEES IT HARRIE EXAMINER BARRIEONIARI CANADR CLUBS ENJOY Vi Wes PERRY lllIIIIIIJI onIIuItIII House and Form WIRING IIIIgtI2 REV THQS LATTO II III zGOING To SIDNEY II BRITISH COLUMBIA II iIlI II II gt EMPIRE UARDEN TRACTORS If In In In IIanIIIII II II IIIIIIIII II nu IIIIIIIIIIII rIIi IIIIIII in In IIII IIiII ii iv Ky MILWHI VH III IIle III IIIIIIIIIIII ilxjh It IIIIIJIIJIIIIH III IIIII II IL lIIHIms in IIIIdII Iitli 33 III III Ill III MI 13x JIM IIIIIIIIIIII lilltllIt II Jiliryp richlypit II III III II III IIIIIIsI itmillt IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII iillliil III IIIIH II53I tllllllIIlifi IIII Il If ierIII litll LAWN IUWIZEI WJH IIn run li III MODELS nlocrtl IIIIgt IILI IIIIInuilu1tl IIIIIgtII sIILIIVIII ANI ItIIiIgtIIIIIIr HRH VHIII WIIIII Silll IIIIIII AI lI IIIII rush lIIzitt IIII clergy ItltlII ml 11 WW VIIIl II Ml IEnIii CI IIII Itl Ionic IVICISSGYHCIIFIS Dealers MNIVigilIIIKtsjtHIJ II sorun 81 IIIIIXIIL IIm jmm tIItI HOUSE itngI IIIlIlIII extended Itll Bed XII In Ibility II In ch Hung4 I0 CLEAN Icy in IIIinlIIIlIdin IIIIIII II In IIltlll undl nlltI his fIItItdn Illlltl been IlIIllS II 1IItlt We Itrtlltd ltId flint Ihut Ic itum IiIIrIc Illhl be IIIIIZInucd We IIIIIIII IIIJX lltl llillgt go Iin lIIl nI xrpImsihilitits Ill that words he IIIIccd sinI iiLIt 11h to vull lnosc WIIII hudI IIIII Come in today and see the new Eureka Home Cleaning Systems with features that make all other cleaners obsolete Yeswe have Hundreds ofyoung women have already enlisted in thclhrm Service Force 77 and are earning good mfrncy under plcusznu working conditions on sunny southern Ontario forms this minute and we are waiting to show you whats happened to housecleanlng Wait till you see how they dust sweep clean con trol mothygypypalnt and even polish floors Easier Taster Better Theyre timesaving worksaving modern miracles and what they mean Is new kind or freedom foryoul PHONE3721 All Ilirngh the summer monthsthcyll enjoy the healthy com ngniomhipof In the evenings proceedI ether In organizing or con IIIiIn llJll Mrs lIlthlcy zmd he thud been honored concluding with yIchIIoI or college Ino hnd helpch rum to reach 21 place where he lltlliliy where he had been fortun lie and happy III dwell and pairI IIIIIpzitc In its orthhilc activities IIIIz Mr Lushlc was honored by It IInnibcr III personal friends who In IIliton previous to the cclei WITEANEW hrsItIon at CItIiSIUll numberl of short speeches were made Io 77 ierId Motlmton Is VISlllIlg rela tIvrIs in loronto position in Midland Miss Huyos Cooltstown spent the Davie Mrs Moon tillI Mrs Job Sudbury lcownt Mrs John ltumhlc has 10 timc in Toronto Mrs Ellis Legenr and daughter ThOlIIDSOIl Mrs Wm ownt has rcturncd tn the handsome gifts IIIcuItfeltI thanks to Llll those at could be of real service III the com reported in lost weeks Examu tllILlIliIlitIl him at it dinner held May lilthi Miss Catherine Miller has secured weekend with Mr and Mrs Ispent the Weekend with Mrs turned home after spending some Owen Sound are visitingiher father to hr ihomc after spending the superhgiscd Conrmuiiit camps wmtmI subu1y Vlorkonsur rounding lar Mrs Slcssoi and Myrna of Edgar ItIllheCuratullysupervisedv Silent few days ISI weekWit lhcyllcomc hack in Mi HQward Blandl Ithc Fall With cash intheir 55 3019115 JameWII Barrio itth III POLkg and hedecp spI ucclrcnd With th parents antkMrs Jamison Mrs Vordon Rowatspent Sunday in Orilliavisiting hcr sistcigMrng Dclung who is patientin Soldicris Memorial Hospital and at time of writing is feeling much better usatisfnction of job well done QandisLECrruo 139 DunIOIIJStI Barrie If youure sixteen years of ag or over why not mail the above coupon today3 mg loin thesc willing workers in helping 0qu farmers raise humpcrcrop or starving In Medicme AIplirrIan mu 10th III mm An excellent medicinal Thats how many 001d Ndlinmrl Iimrluyrmllt Service aflirr DOMINIONPROVINCIAl coMMIrru 0N FARM lABOUR AGRICULTURE LABOUR EDUCATION sufferers describe Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup quick and pleasant remedy for coughs colds sore throat spasmodic croup asthma and bronchial troubles Pleasant tasting safe and effective Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup takes hold almost instantly It helps to loosen the phlegm and mucus soothe the irritated membranes stimulate the bronclnel organs and clear the air passages Dr Woods Norway Pine Byru has been popular family remedy for nearly 50 years Get supply to try and be prepared to combat coughs and colds $77 if onIeelo at all drug counters mm 00 united Toronto OIL the new Eurekas on display right Dangerfield Motors 55 iolliIr 51 Phone 32437 GETTOGETHER othericylinders get mostIy light molecules IN omen GASOLINES the heavy molecules are low in Octane quality but the light mole cuios are high octane lhecylinclers receiving cums hum 0W GUAM unuguus orIIER GAS molecules do not re ceive the some high knockiess quality as other cylinders the low grade heavy FUEL allmoleues both heavy and light deliver quuully high octane powers No mat ter whether cylinder received light or heoyymoleculesthat cylinder and til cylin ders receive unitoimly pm am SUNdco DYNArUEL high knockiau quality DYNAFUELS UNIFORM POWER INIEVERY CYLINDER GIVES YOU SWEETERRUV NING In To uni HIE 0UPONS 50R Zaapzu cud agqeu CHIIDRENS BOOKS AND OTHER VAlUABlE PIIIMIUM Allgusoines incIUdingSunpco Dynatuel are composed ol light and heavy molecules As the guoline goes into the cYIindersgtrom the carburetor some at the Iheayya moleculesgseporote from the rest of thegOseIine and go to certain cylinders which geithemost of the heuVy molecules While In umicvu no no em count CAR