iit IIt1 it ti Iihhrs are the only Illll Ilally oil ho take Iill tlll lill lllllitill Ill lininngtniiiiu as irll Itiitill hints and i1tltIIt Iloinogttiiation Inuiks up Trum ltIIIt tl hast nn times timi than tiiininIi1onnian do lllll it plutlts loud ielilliis not only ltill irritation from lunch 11 Inn the Illlllitll oi Intiltint up haul us is iIIIItI lioni Itil intniatine dinev tue jniies Inhirh ttl IItIIIIHIIJIIi Iitgin issiniilating exposed nourish IillN gins ilili IliIiI to litIillllll atltnttts il totals dl Il tIlllltIlIlIu tut Imn lililn Iloniorcniu nI Ia illitllnllti Mill ni lito itlllit Itt lo ttulint IHE mainis til ilItI lll tiI ltill Iltllil til all it it sI liaihaniI I7 ONLY luni turret need to farm ranch with our local Manager minim BiiANCir PARSONS Manager ixiiii MINERALS VITAMINS FRth tIBBlS BABY FtltlllS Libbys Double Process Strainlng Plus Homogenization Aids Infant Digestion Increases Available Nourishment Illll and ltitilt lliitaiio ittlil iltl top til Iliallhtnl Iiithin tor Yoii Hairy and Diamond ubilee Of Barrie Presbyterial lrlilllii liti tht tlt tiI In iIiIiItt and IiiIi IIIts ela iiiiiiin in hit It ml tutorials and FREE BOOKLET on Infant Feeding you wish to hann Iil ihont iIonutzvniiul Iitl hauls send your in IiiII you will In IiiioIIil Bfl347 BABY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED FIND OUR BANK THISFARM PICTURE THE ne livestvdk you see on this farm hazve been built up through the liking services and helpful nancingof The Canadia Bank of Commerce You too may urchase foundation IiVe stockIIfor the development of your Investigate the many advantages you have underthe Farm Improvement Loan plan Come in and discussyour nancial needs ANADIAN BANK or commence nur nt Elf ixsntivrl yttlt Initxlio oyei the world who are waiti to hear the good news of the ins pel message Missionaries doe tors teachers are all sorely ncedetlf We are spending millions on reI haliililalion but what are we me for Christ It is the respon sibility of the Senior WMS groups li help ornanile and assist the younger ones Jesus said Iteed My sheep feed My lambs If we are to have well developed sheep we must have well nourished lambL ind loved us all so much that lie gave His only Son to lie for us therefore we must give IIiin until in less than the whole of our selves lliss Newell Alliston thanked tints who had contributed to the success of the iiieetiiiii The highlight of the afternoon was the beautiful historical pair5 eant Gems of Memory written by Mrs Post and Mrs Irittie rillia to depict the pro gress of the work of the Barrie treshyteizul through the 60ycurs the cast being chosen from the several Auxiliaries anddirecteti by Mrs McNabb and Mrs Benton rillia with ipiiopriate solos by Mrs It Gordon riIlia Mrs Henderson Ilillsdale and Mrs MC Ilhee Iort McNicoll An impres sive service of remembrance for those who have passed on to higher service was conducteIII by MrsNI Sinclair Allantale Mrs Stewart Midland presented honorary life membership certifi cates to Mrs II Braden OriIIia and to Mrs Gco Leslie Toronto paying tribute to the high quality of their Christian service to the Presbyterial After the new officers were in stalled by MrsInkster candle Mk Iiiighling service was conducted by Mrs Truman the Spirit ofIlight lightingthrcandles held by the presidentsof the Council Synod ical Presbyterial and an Auxiliary Society Following the pageant there was to Mrs an went Barrie candles Stevenson ter member of the Presbyterial to As still comes meetings II roses TiiTENEW OFFICERS Hon Presidents Mrs Stevenson Barrie Mrs Alpott Orillia MacMurchle Clarksburg Pres iRawson Barrie Mrs 560 000 120 650 475 19 5130 415 20 500 525 19 550 20 All and Ply iiitiiiiiii ittttl 85 can St talente sotial hour in the lecture hall Wit019 lacecovered tea tables were centred with bowls of purple vio lets flanked by tall gold tapers The honor of cutting the three tiered anniversary cake with 60 McL honorary president and the only living charI She is over 90 years of age and the Presbyterial tribute to her faithful service Mrs Eaton presented her with bouquet of Mrs JJ Gteig Coiling wood lst VicePres Mrs 2nd VicePres TEYloTMunroei Penetangr Ir an 1i5i otiril IIsrziitiiI at nut gunwt iiii vi txIiI Sututll tal it Militant gt tl Ittll t3ltitzlfti tun it tis tint it women if thine Ilttiltlll siei IIIII II gt in IntLIIliEI itI It tItltIlIlIltt tIIitI If nl tx an tint ittlsrl lity ate in unilzei wtti Ilnn putt on Hi tli loyalty tiii tth It IIitltl llll em be low so iniiij in IIII wt tti Womens issiniu lv iv She Iiit=tillttl ltt ii tiltItlltlI unit LeanI dimi by titititi camp and tin izigceiit Iltti Ill ltilittltlIlI1itI for lllilll titiiieI imil it iilfll mtl Intuit Hwywe It Hl IHTHUHH th Illtl iettl ltiiio he mum lnltti it BOOKKEEPING noni MODlltN iltltlllMl in tion the mimicry illtI ini that gt Hi and the tItllItl aini heroism of IItt KI lI It Hornet ii the litri was illlltil tp IIIIIIIiIPH III III II Unrelated penalty the work of IIHIIHiI 5the Illtil lit the ltIlIlIt IAII IIIIIII III iI Ii IIIHINl PHI It seenins lie gutveil the iltIll III III II for retail attd wholesale IhaIiiiI tIht yiai to ttvtllt MIII1IIIIIII1I li DIISHHIIIIICSI IItItll lltlgt would he mmias II pup tI tilehell for the glory of tort IIIIII IIII III II momr en it Ilis Illinll eoIninIatiilated tIlInI IIzes MIIIIIIIIIIII IIIvIIII Weeiimlmsdul My rim or worn aeeoinp is HIIIIIII SIIIIIIIII III heIilnstIIItIitl years Itontinniiir sinI IIIIIIIIIIIII III It Audit III Laundry IIICI DIV CICGIICISI on we mnwvtz it tiv tiimi xii si womans mtrrl on Il IltNt IIIIi iIiItIIiIis IIKIIIDIIIIIII IIIlIiIlIlItIlItlI IIIltllIlit IIIiII II Itilzt Ullk 189 Bradford hi Barrie Ontario flirt47IllllIIlllllllIlllllilllllllllllllll ultrlaaooelatlttor Mrs Wallace Midland Mrs 23TATEEQ CANA Drs Inlliil IIlIti lt IlllIIIIUlllllllllllllllllrllillllllldn analludllztcalhnIllatitrlli lllllllllllldillllllllr 114 oaRcm PM 6r Urqrztabfm liliildliils Ida SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE ltiitlli tlllttitttES are 330339 taarrriiiinwette 552265 29 NOW ARRIVING IN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY ONTKRIO GROWN HSPARHGUS FRESH DAILY Burnt traitors Casi SILVER suit ONIONS CELEBY liElllllS GREEN PASCAL ARRIVING FRESH DAILYONTARIO GROWN RHUBARB GREEN ONIONS CUCUMBERS HOTHOUSE TOMATOES LEAF LETTUCII ILARGE BUNCHES 39c STORE HOURS Fndoy 900ltLmto 600 out Closed Sat May 24 II Mb ioniiws Print of anion corrti Ittuitiws TWOCUP court lllIlliItAII BOILING roWt 34c llINDrillWhole or all SMOKED RAMS 49 noNICLEss SMOKEDPicnic Style Perk Shoulders 49c llllil3llTILE PIGSmall easing Pork Sausage 39 COOKED MEAT SUGGESTIONS purcn STYLE SALAMI lb Bacon Liver SAUSAGE lb 40c LUNCHEON ROLL sliced lb 42c lt AYLMEI VARIETIEfi JUNIOR FOODS OUAIEHHER PAN rum WHEIIT$1T I7c QUAKE nuts Zita 17 can 21517 QUAKER mm lHE cunt com mm comm IiIEIl OATS 01 Hits 23 IAIY CEREAL NUTRlIM Cl oi TIN l0 CUIE 10 OIANGE viLI PKKOE HG 45c no 23 no rust 49 taxAsumv to Your courier meomzpamms Vin wingtiputlcnZO availabln2 ltSttPEttlltlllMEliCBISCO its 33a PMMOLMSOHP at sopmsuns 26c utiisumntiinuuiitr iris 13c sue span Litre 625 print not roan are are age yarn purer ELEANSEH 19a nanntrrs CLEANSEB 11c DOG tumors at 22 27w OCEllllli turn irritants 23o TEXStlltttllPEilillll incr 25 WELCIIITS GRAPE JUICE oz lit 29 swimsll is 39 iiusutvalANo Rlb It FoulIto mp5 VII 23 manuscnmo CHERRIES 01 29 carries artToo WW 33 11v CUSTHRD POWDER lillSBli