L= Pfitili Class of Communicants Attend First Communion Trinity Church Sunday iiiiiiiiii izili Sllithlel iii llllllllllllrlllllrlllIllllflllllallittlllilllllIlJlllJolt The Greatest Value in CLEANERS in 11mm IErm ttitlll II with ifl IiIIIi III III lliil Edit for IIIt llllt ilizszi ii 11 on ti Vitt iiii ii iiiJR 703 3ft lilfvfi Roiii tiib sxzi oti iiiiiii ti lt1 Sporting Good iil liltlli lNIJ41IIInotrIrtlillrrlrIIIIrlttotrorrocooooooooo SEE ilIl VERY Aluminium cd seat mom co frame Colored awning duck back and reinfoiiw $875 FRONTFOLD SUMMER CHAIRS with double sweat and reinforc back of striped duck Heavy natural finished frames PRICE illllll Hill It II will Ilill IlIil II lllllll Ii Iliiiioiisl tllllll IUWHH It tltIill lllhl tl Fis lltll with illl Iilll hing till PAINTS Illil$ ll mm il llllllrllitilllIIIIllllOlllllllIlllllllllllllIlllllllllltlli Ollllllll3FllIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIIOII Illllllldlllllltllllll OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Rustic Furniture for your ottuge or Lawn Side liziirs lfil fliiiiis Rockers Tables Stools Benches ltlIASlINAIILY FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS llilf iii HI ttllllll ACE 80350 CLEAN SWEEP $6750 Termsv iiitiic ll it Ill till Iiir Ali llltINIC $1371 rilraroooooorpooooaltJo4raI4 ol Ill oedrn arms price advance and are exceptional value in pleasing color combin AWNING DUCK Heavy Striped each UNFINISHED CAPE eon CHAIRS Folding as shown pRICE SPECIAL Varnished Slat Lawn Choirs Exceptionally well made with shaped seat and rounded back forTextra comfort These chairs were bought before any RPRICE LargeRoundBock Cope Cod Chair FOLDING Colors white redor blue Price HAMMOCKS are here again in good selection woven cotton ations36 wide yd 890 jl or ropestyles55765 up NMONIONIWNNW bordered Plain yard $120 yard $160 72 36 7SAVEAYDURVVERANDAH FLOOR WITH coco MATTING Now avanabfe in heavy Weight in all widths plain or in colored border yard $6395 yard $5190 yard $235 36 48 yard $220 54 yard 755260 Coco Door Mats C111 sizes 69c up Colorful Cocotex Rugs for verandahs 36 72 $375 Ai ISMITH BARBIE 129 DUNLOP ST mWn Genuine Aryad Verandah Rugs 412 7V2 $740 PHONE 4492 WMNOJNIJIINNNWOOONNWNJNIOJlllll II PHELPSTON WW iil li tilt if it it ii it in lwl II lt UlilWi ii til it ili ll II IIIIV AAaIAuI INS tl IIftlilll lIlflllllllllIIlltfllll It II ll lYlI not vtli Wonder lI liile rtl coil aleooorloalilllIlllIJJv is lillf of thing IltYfrg woprrtrlI4rtlnltolrtlatt Iovlalvtllcrltlrl JOIIII rllO lIlIIN when youre just about ready to wiin you had been content to leave well enough alone every thing becomes shipshape bright and newlt And you know gtllillj Iiilillli then that all the effort has proved worthwhile 10tollltooollootrlllltloo Iltrlallttltrolorcllrlll 77 iiiAcs now it with Right now its of Letter it seems to its that altern tions have been going on and on and on and our usually sineantl span Store certainly is not the completely pleasant zplace to shop in that we mmmm like it to be IOIOIONOOOI I00 IONO mimii44 4IUIOIIIIIOIIIOIOIOO MOREOVERlespite our beStIefforts and intentions allyweicnn do about it just now is to sayWehre grateful for yourpatience and understanding and thank you for it avv INWONNNONIQPQIO air 0IIIIIOCIICOIIIIIIlIQi OUR BLUEPRINTS for The Renovated Store show thatlhe remodclled Zel lers will afford you GreaterthanEver Shop ping Comfort Meanwhile we shall continue to do our utmost to serve you satisfactorily now as ever mmWNNNMOM DECARIE Manager of Zellers in Barrie cattle up to Slilfilll Medium butcher eiiltle up In $1300 Iliizn butcher ciiitlc $1100 Silltlll Good cows Sltlful Cutters and cunners 13h IIItgt1fil iiiius sui 00 sulfur EGGS liiiee Itl medium ill pullets 30 It 17 CiiiCKENs Grade Grade Bl MFA MFB lbs and over 31 20 lbs to lbs 30 20 lbs to lbs 29 20 Under lbs 27 25 FOWL Grade Over lbs to lbs Under lbs 23 sorted 8c v1ol MERRYGOROUND AND FERRIS WHEEL iifff Www The Green Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS rovs WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Itti taunt tram E1w tcyw r1 rm FmMA iiI hiiiilies ft into itlh in llll iill to int iflltfl tilil fink iltzl tIItJltlI viilllvh it Iiioii the ladies iiili fIl Zinli Ziiiivlli lime ilfl ilii UIEI ml ifiiiI IIIll llthlllf lltltllll of am futon illll=llllltt ilut the Iemiil iiiil lie iltiiilcii IN zeitn tn ltgioii litiildiii land lltl the Born liizioiial ttupiiil MIDHURST Ivlt lei iii if iii it Iii li iid ll oi oi ilzr tll atom liiiiiv or iii iiui Il llie llIIl If li llitfoiil ioizi TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY quoted by hits thicket of ntatio nnoiiiratuc lint Barrie BACON HUS llot fliessed Weight ler live Hm vIii iinI ltzir io SOWS do fowl slolli Ni io Ire ed tlIt lIi AITLE IIliilie Iniiiiim stoic limit ihtlites SLIJIII houe butcher cattle III to Sllllll hunt butcher MIDDLINGS $155 per mo lbs BARRIE FLOUR MILLS delivered now in Barrie by BAXTER BROS For Service PHONE 3018 SICBargain Chicks0c End of season clean out stile heres real bargain They are high quality cliicliisAiit coSt price Sussex XNew Hampsn Stissex Barred Rocks Rock New Hamp Sussex LCgIIUIllp New Hump Legliorns New Humps chliorns mixed 0e asl ll FloBargain Iiillelsl7c Sussex Sussex New Hamp Rock Riiek Hamvaer Humps 17ef SusSex Leghornsu flock XLeghorns New Hamp Leghorns Leghorns 20C 3000 Breeders All doubkbloodtested banded and culled iby inspectors backedi by high pedigreed foundation ladd l2e four weeks add file stock Many customers report wonderful silccessrBest Chicks ever had Started Chicks Two weeks old at 7e three weeks send for prices Heavy Breed Cockeiels lc Medium Weight Cookerels 30 To receive these special bargain prices enclose this list with your order Order from this ad or send perlOO deposit balance COD HURONDALE CHICK IIATCHERY LONDON ONT if Etliflx tlii AIIII llHlilI and lziiiiivi Hone iiii1Ulmon llflllltl Church Olv Lifii li CAN AIJA flitfitidz i001411IIIttaaIcooratiooorctrrolvloroooooovricotlcvordltrrctwoaIloealloItllllodiIIvII COOKSTOWN FERTILIZER filit llilwl tint la iniii imiigi FISHING TACKLE Ili lid lt of iil its ll f2tlli5 iii 30c In 5133 $333 the 51m eoniiiiiiiAiiii Lazar eiiiiiis iiiltltll flower and Vegetable Seeds lilimiiili PAHUNU 3e and file Plug and Lirgcrqitgintilirs IIILilltiiL Itlillfln iu llt itd HI lh iiiiiiliiglmiii einek iiIiiiiis 12 twirl Uillliii special Hltt it GRASS SITILI Ifu ltle Site 031 and $300 Illthtll lllllib LIAIiI lizN SlAldXti FORKS 23 Iiltlx IUIINIS Elite Iicii persons tlItii otiiii tis sziid llth llllltll were the north Well the wist iiiiin remarks triili ot Two rents once they cross the divide iir currency will not pass over there citlur above or litlow RUBBER STAIR TREADS PitchersPitchersPitchers 25c 39c 45c list sat on 81005110Sll351335111 All with NostNo $163 5173 571005173 WASTE PAPER BASKETS iii ltlc Xfic Sixzs iris Sim iii sxzri 511 54 lt53 Hiriviliv thins lumen 31h MM and 515 it yum phmmm Individual Iiowis 20c Site 351 40c llc oi if yioiiiln hi file It 5100 lllillltlt or ii ii Sliver Plated Houowme BALI lilaAlItht union muss Ili ll ICI EII WITII TUNUS $700 ne of the lies llllfi WEV NW iiiii iiiR igt1s1ii1s 5150 in lifidit irttis inii tritiumis sziim oroiiiiiiii iiiioiiAiiin wAritii Sllfh tf1ccse Ltltti tracker Dishes $325 5300 5339 3350i 539 Covered 2istlliligt 5500 IITCIIIII iliAHS Hlj IS $305 to 5173 f5 Cliff All Illtis Alt run Tax iinei stirs $100 sitsi and scan if Kr illtH wLLJEJE3LJE3LJKJLJE3 fii iii ilii leit fIiiiw Ittii lI utlp ili eiztoiiil ilf IIIIIII Ifl Iii1 IIIIlltl Iwt limo iiu Ill tiltiilili It Illl litlliu gw1 98 104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2801 vl IIIVIlltLI til li fling tiiiit gum3 1lehlh MiV Hwy Itrlollrllrrornr IIIOIIIIlllflllllltlllltllltllllllllllllIllllIIIIOIIIOIIOJ lillll ilMr gII II for NHHvl J1 nillttiliill toinplcti Hunts coieiage ill the IIJlllil IIxtilltllltf $1300 year lu lioiiii ll onriw All IIIll tiiliojc ltlti lll Itllllllt Um il Aillllri iyloi imiilli iii the pupils of Ntliij Iiit by 1l litilniiroii Public School llirw Vlmgilllfissigllilgllinm MM lilt included to the iiiiiieis all Voids luiloi tied for 11 Mothers lli iiilti in Newton When your generator starter or other piece of equip ment is in our hands it receives the same expert and interested attention it would have if you sent it to the factory where it was made We are FactoryAiithmized Service Station for the leading makes of Nesbitt Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR SALES AlllllOltlZED COMMERCIAL DEALER IGNITION SYSTEMS HIVRIIRS CARBURETORS FUEL runes SERVICE ON ALL MAKES GENERATORS BATTERIES Commercial and Domestic GOVERNORS MAGNEIOS We also repair Briggs Stratton Gasoline Motors used on washing machines milkers eiiltivators etc BRENNAN Auto Electric Sewice 33 Bayfield St NESBITT Phone 3837 BARBIE 113 Owen St Barrie Phone 2464 Rose Bushes HYBRID TEASand CLIMBERS SHRUBS SEVERAL VARIETIES Box PLANTS ETC Garden Seeds by packet ounce er pound FARMERS ATTENTION SEED CORN NOW IN STOCK CLOVERS and TIMOTHY SEED MANGEL and TURNIP SEED SUDAN GRASS and SUGAR CANE Posture Mixlur to Suit Your Needs Mllttl tllltlllltlltl itincfive eauty PLUS POWERFUL PERFORMANCE Gives you Bout 00W Youii ADMIRE this distinctive streamlinedElude Cabinet Either Ivory orMabogany raisine YOUlL llKE the wide easy to tune illiimincited dial with sliderule pointer YOUlL BE DELIGHTEDwith the Wood musdepth of tone afforded by the Bass Compensation and Beam Power Output features YOUlL APPRECIATE thexexciusivAdmiiai Acre scope whichdncreases piekup power without aerial or ground connections Fitted with BXIB Implement Tires TimkenRoller Bearings Duckpurpose tongue fortedm dittdctorli Will take box1323to 421 ALSO IN STOCK 5tootltifarm hp 60cycle SCUFFLERS GRAIN GRINDERS $1420 $23500 But to fully appreciate those lam calmes undoxlra value we urge you Income In and make test for yourself Youll boilullled with its performance COMPLETE iononw $4 ivonr $4395 CHANNELHARROWS 45 section Withdraw bars Priced at $3485 $4430 212 CEMENT MIXERS 0n skids pulley drive and handle $5450 JUST 0U NewGonulno Walnut Cabinet Marvelout Tone $559L GRIBBLES RADIO Hand CEMENT BLOCK MACHINES withhand tamper and split hand core $12500 Johnstons Hardware CornerEssa Road and Gowan St Phone 3997 SERVICE SALES 125 DUNLOB ST PHQNE 21041 tfiTo