Fl Iii 31 17K Roach Wins Track Championship At Beaverton Event III A5 HOW TO 511 WILLYSOVERLAND JEEP DEMONSTRATION ill 13Aiiil JUNE 4th illl MI in hillllltlt illitiiln Hi 11 vvttli l3lllllt llllJl ROBINSON MOTORS 62 E550 Rd corner Burton Avei ALLANDALE Jlll of 41111p1111trollltalrllllrlorlaoltlalrealocorlloltlltt THE SAILOR BOY TOMBOY SLACKS and MATCHING JACKET BUY them Separate or as team SLACKS $498 JACKET $798 Available Stransmans Ladies Wear QUALITY MERCHANDISE Al IAIN PRICES HURRY child and win Meyers Studios famous tcrcd tidIOS EmployeOSpr 565 May 31 1941 Mn reg Ivftilue $4135 AGLDecisioh of jud 7Judges ere An gas to be jinal utsganding child photographer Av Wellknown artist An art director Ofaan advertising Winnersfrom the BARRIE STUDIO will also for the prizes offered by our Toronto Studios Phdne 2317 II ConstTnCnasl British Barrie agency be eligible Largest photographic organization in 43Eiizobet Empire St Manager MISS MURRAY Mme IOWOOOWWI Tops in Summer Togs IOIOIONIMNNWOONOWIOIONIOIOIOtl NINJOOIJ IIMOIIIINIOOINIOOfIIOIIOIOIIJJOIIIIIIINIliottillllol HURRY owing to Popular Demand Our PitMonolith fonteAt Has beenExtended to May 31 Here is your chance to secure that long wanted portrait of your zlcash prize too photographers of children are offering lash Prizes and Free llortrultsinitheir Cliildlorsonnlity Contest Expert photographers agre lliatThildren register personality easily and naturally That alone makes it worthwhile for you to enter your child in IIIISCOHIESI today Your small entry fee entitles you to receive de luxe Sir10 portrait reg value $435 in aoldcr FREE OF CHARGE HERE ARETIIE RULES 1Any child aged 6m0nths to years may be en 2Winners to be judged from clasSes A6 months to year Bl year to years 031 years to years D6 years to years Winnersover all classes to win grand prize of $5000 incash 3Cifitest5hOt Open toMyers St immediaterelatives 4+COntest opens March pistlend clo try freq iSf$150gforlwhichy0uyreceive FREE 48Ix10i mountedportraio OJIOOIOIOOIO hrvceovo4 IXIIECN Itll Hiiit ilillfi 11 ll IIiii iii 11111 Ill II ii il ll it it it LW 11 ll ll ii iti day liid l3ltlt Nights and thi llllllgttl iiittiali teziyitd 11 1111 llilll l11 511 TORONTO IRISH PLAY HOLLY HAWKS lil IIIlIi 21jdtlit iliii IIit IIolli iItii IIH Ila Iv iipiiiul ugh 2111 Round up 13y liIIN ROBINSON llllllliIltlllllllllllllltlll Rd 11 11 Wit 11 iii lll ii llilv ililt at it illill iir Jil it 2i liliiili pa HI lw 11 ant Sllllll ligir tiw no witllill pir lli ll l1tIl viiirlil and Hunt lrl lmdy for action The gttlllt1gt lll tillililtltt tho 1tlll Ill tiiliittulzii illll and the inter tllilt lll ili llllllllt mills attiilii includi loi Alltlilll lltlllI will also llit 1m llliitll liii1 111 ll lulli ot ioi llainr llllll lttlxt lttll autumn tlglnli and they il lt lel rlllt lml itusl llll lllt Ill ll on llltgtliy and Illlllw daj lillligt litl5tilwlltis on Mon inhuman itirululjlls MOTORCYCLE CLUB lltI1 illlill llltl I1ll iii111il Wttlllluhiy llt1SlI tr llll Ilttll Illllgtillllltl luliolit liil iliilillt ill llllll Jllniol llillllt We would an lli lltlIE anyone ill trslmi li lllltl or lointrain juven llt ltltlillt liilhl 1w Ilillltd with tinnitus litxltl lil ylul iiiisslliltlll ii nlllldziy no lmzz at tho ltllll The Arena IlllltldlS lLtlm that this Would Ilt dilitv tolgtlillt 9w llll tillllllllllt swilills into itlioli his work with about 2l0rills to lllllit and heres hopllil everyone yill ltttllYU that its not tllly the present but ILtllllllli ulilllatiolis that will enjoy the benefits to be fltllttl tloiii iliodtlil Lllllllll link We hall visit from four Brock Ivillc tliilillsi enthusiasts last work lllle ll1l ralle $411000 for new liilk lllt subscriptions were prllc tirally lll ill the thousands Brock villc has about the same population as Blillie and thcy llavcnt had tlllliiiL tso they told list for about 20 years The llltljtillly of the sub stlibcis worc lollows who llzid llLVLl thrown curling stolic What more Call we say oD The story of McKilllloii school ltllilia where Mrs Norma Siliitll lonulold has taught for 11 years is the story of collstilnt iiioies and disputes with the Indians on the ltllllia Reserve and how the little red school house came to be on its present site The schools capacity is 15 pupils up to grade ll WOONOImNNOONOOIIINI For Sale PURE BRED PUPS Registered COCKER SPANIELS Sire KTimeWToTble of Barrie PHILLIPS 80 Cook St Phone 4457 BRXKE TROUBLES PETERSENS TRACTOR SERVICE PHONE 2752 lllisda May ill lllIl NIIII lltLING RINK THE BARRIE EXAMINER 858171 ONTARIO EGET ORGANIZED um iiiZIlI iii li to lIIIIIIIIII ii =1 xiill It Intuit Lil it liliniul 111ilt1 iliul o44oatltcatwaiacalivlaroalatn ecreatlon iv IS ORGANIZED HERE RACE TRACK GRADES Iurlili IHIJI IiIHltIltiIt Ill IIIIILII have IllLlIllIl 2hr Itlrrii Itlltilljtlt tlnli iiid IlllII loIiii has Illll rliltlll illsillrilt VIVIIIIIINIIIIHI tv hamm loil1iiit llliI Lilli Ioll ix ltltlll litIiilrl Rai TimItll is IUJII tllllllll Hist illiltil o1 lIlt tlllll iv lilillllillti it Ill1 Illlll lllllt ltlid has Ilttll ItJstlI INIII Paddy lilliilis 1111 II lIlt tll III o1 lliilliil lradili Ill Iiiln stutrd iiid it is tttItl lillll ilill ti ll It will lie rmth lol IJIIIIIL li Illl lllll of IIll illUllIll lluns lilo Ulllllt tor nioturrycll roll to lir Iltlil lilli iiig Illl ililliilli oi Illlll illlil hundreds of riders Itll ill parts of Ontario ill issriiilill tor IILIIS of skill and daring ll THE EXAMINER SPORTS CALENDAR Sailliday li 21 ii Harold Forster Modern Plumbing AUTOMATIC HEATING 97 Dunlop St URO WATER SYSTEMS llt IIOIHIQIIOIJI ISl 11 IIIIIC with sufficient piping for installation that lllllll Ii lliiiiv 11l1 Annual Mir LEI lit 11 um 330 on Sotccl lliriilito Ill 1111 Hawks It pi 11i lailii StIlllII1 Aliilllln Alit 3U lllitilllttlltllt Soltlmliz lIl li llS IIllttfll lliil 111 Alliltrliiu at Til1 DUIE llii pin Senior Softball llllilis ll iliii My it Hil IHS 11lll IIIllttlI lal RCAI Nit 13 liil 18111 ILlikl Wldlitsda Alay till liiidios Sottbail Ztlltis til Cll IQluiulisi iizi Topilto zit liohlaw iSIimil gill lllltlllitlltll Sotthall Iiristlvs Marin at Ilidlillt pill News llIlllS are appreciated Agoku OIOIIOII 1oltl It TRILIGHT LAMP SOCKETS URBY BROS $1M illltotlldollovtolol Ilovlll Sweet Juicy Florida rantings CANADA WWTk CRAIGHURST Ll Crass Cutting is Sport with VACUMOW The Liqhtest and Sexiest highpower Mower in use Xllil l1Hi fllfltdlllilllllflllllllddlllil 000 South Simcoe Gardens MAURINO Phone I31 BICICIIOICI Homes Parks Public Buildings harms Coll Clubs Institutions illtl All Form Uses lt1 11 11 Ill iitl It IItlv For I11IEiI llllltlllti ilpplilll It DANGERFIEID MOTORS HIIIII rm Name youcon Trust Villily lvliliS iivi1iii illtliill illtlilifll Unions ll planting IIItIIIIII Iillilill lltnliu 51gt tlllrllllldtrrlll a1311114111 Wmmw Itii IIII CABINET AKING SCHUIOH iiilti 171111 liliiiiflt iiiltllivii liliil ltlfilltlil 111 III lllltlltl ll llltlnllii ftii Itllii 1ll llllli tlll ilTi Tlllllltl 11 Furniture Iltu from No Kilii IIlltlI Iltilill 1mm Atlas Tires give you first line quality at moder arc cost Come to Us for BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS and other Accessories TIRE REPAIRS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DEMING WATER SYSTEMS DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL PUMPS GARRYS SERVICE IMPERIAL PRODUCTS PHONE 3591 BARBIE I47 Burton Avenue Highway 11 nil Quality too at Yodr Dominion Storeswith isPeIicious Meets and Fine Foods at Every Vere uII eRange of Tasty Grocer club llollsr lililituolls PQANIJT 811N313 QKIhahlzlill ol 1910111 Slinltiviihigg Ssllt gtlt5llt llid Siiizgll PIE CRUST Will AMI CimiouOiiflliiy no lacl PRUNE IIilllillfl Burns Corned n1 lliolc or Ilalf Shelton HANS rum our oil Maple Leaf Dlicia mutton Nu 111 AGENDA oz 259 haqsc 15 07 i111 eisOdentW lliorli unis 4753 Toty Sweet Cuban Florida Strirglcss Fresh New hunch NEWCrop rrxos lNlthS II 35c Murmurs 29o of 19c Case 01 24 Tins $2123 10 or Arizolid GRA IIconomiehi 051 TEA Canada 01 Durham CORN STARCH Handy or Star AMM Nillf DaltonBlli101SCOICII Caramel Chocolate VeniIla PUDDINGS 19c 55 III Hts uranium 1410 mm to FISH SUGGESTIONS I29c 19 Silverlirigm met lasting by the piece coil nuns GREEN BEANS comicTs No Hothouse locumBritsor 17c ftf 19c lbs 21c Jumbo SMGIIED FILLETS STORE CLOSES FRIDAY PM and all day SAIURDAY MAY 24 it 07 Hips 13I DOMINION stones LIMITED