PAGE TWEXTX moomomomomrh NEWS OF ELMVAL TICE 6th Annual Meeting of Members llIl wt liHilills il Irl litllI Il lrli litiii 1k Iltlil lti Ellltlll ilzitlxl Library Hall Brittle Friday May 30 Itlllltlllltllt at in l1ll HI li Iltedi iii 11 iv HIUI IIHIIIIS Iilslllltl til illI IIIII irorul lralsall illlirl lgt litltzil liri ilti ltitiii IIUIHIS ItI llvlirious CROWN BRAND CORNSYRUP lulll lllllni Iv Isiitllilil lt lioliiililaluls iol lltllll Ill A1211 ll jumiilllrw liliil tllllt lti ull lxlltll that iiioll tl2i lllvzils lwiii rtltll to lay llll lltlnll lll lllil Imn Siiilp tllill vii5 litInto 1i Mivtlilltl Ill Intuit Iioiiii llrallll Illrlll Sirllli lilils Ilisllilrliil Illoil It Itlltllllll lo illl lilgiiililiih lllle twirl lllllxIlIL ul wliso 11 halting vli it lio illIii Iutl would oil liratill toast ioiiilt pailraLis llllll lllli IAINll llalllt llllll iIlv Illlihll llllllltl Illilll Illllll1J lllli tltill llliotllitif 11111 IllV lliill DIV1h IIllIIIIVIIj CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD IIIUNTIIIAI Also VIUIIIILKIlILIE OI untitlu Corn Starch TORONTO MlllllllloIIOOIIOIJillllIIIIIIIIIIIIIOOIIOIIOIOIOOIIOC gl COBALT FLOR CATTLE Calth need colitilt for enod growth high production Cobalt deficiency otwcattle is traceable to lack of suf ficient cobalt in the soil which shows lipin lowlcobalt content of hay grain and pasture SHURGAlN gtESSENTIAIJ MINERALS FOR CATTLE Simply gt COBALT CALCIUM PHOSPHORUS IRQN IODINE MANGANESE COPPER For hedlthy prodiictiVO cattle feed ShunGAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS CATTLE iiiiiuiu rtoliii mus OLIVER WILSIIN uninsur Jii BELL UTIIPIA HILISDALE noun runn MWLLLH is viw micunouss MILKER cm 1486542 NO PIPE lINES 11m lI IliIlctt Utlillctk nillhlllg wilt Iiiillltlirril Il lllt llcil II An IIIUIIDTIKIlt15IlfilliIIIIIDA gee gem 9W1 RUSSEL Bradford St Phone 1110 HARRII wwvwwvwvv vows vvviirw envwh rv Lbkvvs Stocked tor most cars economy Daslibulbs safe driving 07 assures mounting that prevents Mirrors have Bulbs tnr eyery car ball ioini thuti permits truck tractor etc adjustment to any devfLow prices Sired angle Headlamps bracket QIBICPIVw 21 vibration AUTO FUSES standard Box at 5120 Amp model standout tusrsr 15 129 lii Ile It it lziiil GUTHRIE ltslillll tlioil iv 31 rMI 11 Ill IllIii lit iii IIII IIIIJIIII lltl lllius 1ilv iilllil Allinlialilitig IiIltCXllllrllIlLIQAHAIQ wtlllh ilil= lLuill Ill ilir pail illitlvilli in ilic 11AM pal lotlrl illlisiralul it mounted an Iklllf ilirll whcl li Itir run rolling lioll lliv It ll 11 lt 1mm us twi ti llillllll Ii lvl iziwi il ili Ii VI It llii um Nil 31 lilli lif ili illitllt tl Iltlttl li Ill 1i31i and ill iami 11m ii leio til IlNlllIlllltlll IIOI Iltlll SURGE MILKIZRS DAIRYMAII CLEANER MILK FASTER MILKING Inquire now for Spring Delivery HEATERS lSTRANAGHAN Weston 1015 Moontoolcatoloovw toolovo We have what it takes to revive that Winterweary car of yours Polishes and cleaners to restore its lustre and beauty AEcessories to give it lift parts arid supplies to recapture thekthrill of driving peppy car Heres tow oi the 1001 itemswe carry let us help you Save saiely bysupplying true quality at genuine sailings 33 MoteMaster 777 Generator spark plugs Exchanges Norw cannot buy better quality or Derlolmonce Satisfaction is assured New spark plugs walk wlr you trade yOur lilo m1I1lS in Old cars gut 31m on Moln its must litter 15000 Wa rtli sizes mantles walghts and designs every mechanic hand mali Priced IOV from 5119 in $693 Master Economical too miles for genuine gas ReareView 090 gt Mirrors Easily anqqujcky iii id Auto Lamps stalled in door framem d5 VervePull rearvisibmdor Patented Wiper Mojtors Trade in your wcfnmu rigid motor for brand new Trice complete stock to exactly dupli cate original equipment 51 allowed on your old wtper miux mbdel 359 Ami COMPLETE STOCK lerzn BLADES llOSi2 Erc ARY ELIZABETH STS Barrie Ont 11 THE BARBIE EXEJINER BAERZE ONTARIO CANADA IN MEMORI ll it II 11 ll 11 Il it Hit ll lI lilriFltli lll lill liioliioiy of that litl ltttllitl1gtlIl Elliott Sou 5itlizi SL IIlIIIONF IIIOMJIOOJIIIII ll ltlIlIlI lo lk div vzlzi llrirxt above llzl ills lli tlgtltllll llt Sm whoa llt litl llilt lliiltlziln ll by if his Ialllily llltl lll lotiriv iiltziioiy of Illll iiiliillvi Mrs Mar it his 11 gunsort away li will llttlr May 11 10713 trli So rillltltll ill lllt Illllll lllt sorrow Itll hltlllldlts Illtlrmlt no one 1111 litl DIlell l1lll Itllmlllltllc lilitllillt till lit11 tIiar lilllltl Stephen liiltt who passed away Feb 15131 and dear liltillltl lallt llatt who passed awllv May 231 19411 Sadly iilisscd by 21 The ltllllll RODGERSle loving lilcnlory ol our ltll hither and llltiilltl litilxll Rodgers died July 10 111211 and Elizabeth Rodgers died May 21 11137 loltav lcculls sud liiclliorics Of the dear ones gone to rest And the ones who think of them ltidily Alt Illt ones who loved them best 21b ARtllltllllxtltd by lillllll SNIDERJii loving memory of ollr dear mother Rachel Snider who passed away May 23 1943 aid One who was better God never made you Just lli your judgment always upright Lovednby your friends and till you knew was ytiu Ever remembered by 1946 gotten Family 20 1946 His memory is as dear today Asiin the hour he passed away passed away May 22 1945 As2 it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near Ever remembered by FARM ELECTRICITY BORN Vii ii ii EU WITH v17 llzirrIo It ii Allan Lifruy Brown II 11011 ltupia llristii lililivulo iltigtli illildl SHORTS $145 per 100 lbs BAItItll FLOUR MILLS HARNI No1 Mu AIHVIIIII vii Ii lli ll lllllrNF 11 ll ii15 WI fittillliHw lititllll Illl lgtllil Nows ltviiis llt lpplwiltlil FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 46 FLORIDA VALENCIA 176l CALIFORNIA NEW CROP 988s GOLDEN RIPE GBAPEIBIIII ORANGES ORANGES BANANAS LEMONS CHERRIES PINEPLE CALIFORNIA BING LARGE LUSCIOUS CUBAN FRESH 24 biwltll AND orinfilu hum AILANTICA PACIFIC mau all hr still Ind Ul ll 11 who pa witil ll ll 215 111111 llll ittlltlllllktl by I31 lllll tlllll1l13li WI llCAttKlx lll lilll Elltlllill of tlil llllllLillltl and sister lolli Karl was lill pziltiilu lii Ollt lnlll Sadly llilgtltl lhltill1l Itlltllmu 21p Brothers and Sisters llIAll liilollit llitliloiy o1 oiil DONT FORGET EXTRA ANN PAGE MILK mum WHITE Cor BROWN 24 oz loaves gt MYSTIC IdAIII MYSTIC FLO WAX DAN DEE CERTIFIED ssnus CLEANSER tun Wren 5191 STAN DARD QUALITY PEAS STANDARD QUALITY wax BEANS MAPLELEAF 7T IIIITEES nurse cuiiizsu ill69 BLUE BOY RED KIDNEY BEANS EMPIRE STATE FANCY April solid Mews5211 iiENiiiriisorrAus trzor 25 53 23 Ear15c artfist QUAKER CUBNILAKES MAPLE LEAF horrors 244060 WATT SELEX LAMPS MASTER BRAND BBS BISCUITS BRODIES SELF RAISING CAKE FLOUR ED htLSIE PBIINES DELICIOUS CANNED MEAT mm CASSORTED nrluzsours mount FANCY GRAPEFRUIT 49 on Small Pkgs 1Ib wonderful mother woman and Flow or Vegetable wonderful worker loyal mid true One in mllllon that mother was zitoil ll 20 Honest and liberal ever upright 2001 wonderful mother that mother Tin ORTED Vzlb MEATV 21p Son and Daughters Pkg TILLEYIn loving memory of our father and grandfather John Tilley who passed away May 20 In Too deorly loved Itoever be for sippom COITIIII 1b 39 VlGoROus WNEY Stidly missed by son Ewart end 1211 TILLEYIn loving memory of dear husband and father John Tilleyuwho passed aWayMay mud or term super Right Quality ears WHOLE 0R HALF READY TO EAT Vle IM tb Sudly missed by Wife Ken neth Gordon Marjorie and Bill 21p WHITEIn loving memoryot Our dear dad William White who snoirrnaluus iiiicoii POBK SAUSAGE nruru roar SAUSAGE BACON LIVER Sea Food Suggestions sum STEAKS HALIBIIT STEAKS We who loved you sadly miss you AKFAST SLICED Punt SMALL LlNK MAPLE LEAF SMOKED BRE 21b his family MAPLE LEAF Only 161 per cent of Canadian Turms is served with electricity The percentage Varies from high of 35 per cent in Ontario to low of 021 per cent in Saskatchewan Ontario consumes 7975 per cent of the power used on Canadian farms These figures states the Agricultural Institute Review in dicate that there is great scopefor further development and applica tionot electric power to Canadian rmromwmmmummwmmmmm farms SlllVERBRlGIIT mp lkll HEIIRTlll 71ti wwwmmm WW Quality Uniformity Dependability WE HANDLE SLIPIIIIFINII IUBRICANES witrailirliOOr GlllizltSics Elli AUTOMOBILES AND MOTOR BOATS Chittick Motor Sales Phone 4242 11m 11ttiv 11 no1 11 iii ha illilll 11111 huh iii IuttIa It slid In Um uuI Iis til Ill 14 Moil mm iilti Iids Itlili II Iinlninliiiuiluiaul will II1I lur will lluiiltll mill iiimqu mumL Flultr nunlint IIIahIiqul to purl sun to Harrison Hm Slloliil Alllillr IIIIIIIIM lJtIIJIII ll Ittailllllsli gtSIJ3IICI Oliver Wilson linrsiilg Ivan liiii llioriilun Mrlman Iilluar liillir NIIIIHIIJIHI oullatouli 25 Doz 00 Ib CALIFORNIA FRESH 252 Dot VzIb 27 OE 29 lb lb 39 olh21 lb FRESH RED SPRING lb lt csgwvkhmwmw so ll 12 vl1inriiiltluli1i lubn 274t