Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1947, p. 2

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1141 1111 11111111111111 1lilttl for luck 11 tit111111i 11 1111111111111t111111 111 1111 musk 11111 11 111111 111111111 111 111111 month 1111 11 11 III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII W1 r111 133111211 rsnrrrncn 1311121113 ONTARIO CANADA mm 3111113 1141 VIm IMw mM vr Eleventh Annual Re 011 THE BARBIE EXAMINER 5231111311111 1111 lulllllmd Hurrah 3111111111 11y 1111 111111111 1llill lnillill III c1111 1111l tl11111111r YEARS A60 513 II from tho Nos of ivy51111 Is 1111 1111111111 1111111111 411143 III II 1111 151111111 1111 AM III II MAY lu 1511 11111rg1111111111131EMUm 113 NW II II IIII Ia IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II Lirm 1111I11Iholes II HIIIIIV 13H51111l lllllil1tllltl ltit 11111 521 11 111 111 11111111 111 111t1II1ttI1 ppm1 1I IIIWIIIIIHHT 31er 11 3111111 Il111 It I1I111n 411111 st11111= 1111 121111111111 right 111 1111 23 15111 11 11 1111111 111111 1111111 111131111 1111 111M lllltlllt 1111 11 11 1111 $111t1 nit11 11111 1111 11 141 11 Item1 11111 11 111 1111 nnnuul 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11111 ictoin111011111111 ttllilill 110W lit Training 111111 11111 1111 Il111cll 1r t5lnl 111111 111111 llilillt1IIVlt 111 1111Ip1111I11111 VII IIIKI IIIHI WWII IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II ml II I1111i1111111 11111111111 llttlltll 1111111111 11111111 111 IIIIIII1IIIIIII1IIIII IlII111IIIIiIIIII1II11 II1IIIIIII1I1II1I1I1II1I1I1I1III1l IItIiII11ItI1I1IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII ItIltIIlISII1II1II1III II1II1I1I1II1IIIIIIIIIEIIntuitImy 11 95111 IltllItlitl llttlllillh itlltl illtll11 2111I1111I IIIIII III IIIIVHI Mm mm MWIW 11111IIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III QIIIMIS mi 3111111111 1111111111111 to publish 1111 Ulm mtlrliltmlt Vl WW IIIlelt 1111111111 1111111 11 llospitnltirc 1111111 lltgtlliltl 31111113 thzit 1111 ttlzltlllutt Will Itttth 1111111111111111 111 litl 11111111 1111111111 11111111 11 101111011111 111 111 111111111 IIIIII IIIMIIIII III II II BIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIHm Sm III IIIIHIIIEI dis 1111111111Itlon 11s Nursing Assistant 1111 FW lI IlI 1III IPIII IIImIti 11 IfII 1I11111111y 111 11 11111111111111 111mi 1111111111 1111 open from 111 pmNI mm pmanme FUIIHIILHUHS I=ll Il 1111111I11lI11tlMlII 11111111 III ll 81111111111111I 1111 llillHsI rcsIidhly and to 11111 11111 111 hutur II 111 11111111111 1111 111111I1 11v 1on111ons 111 it mm mm Imp OIIIIIIIIII Anm WIN hm mm 11111111111111 lissistttlltc is 111111ll11 to gttllil 21111111 111 11 Isholt IrIpIIinI motor car 1111 1111va 111 WWI 11W0HWS myII0ld Nomi mm 1311 11 111115 ill the form 01 1111 Illouulltc 111 5111111011111 mnIn Irlcrlcs 111 11111111 Is 1111 that Is noccsmry 111 IIIIII IIIIIMIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIHIIIIII III II MIMI ltl month whilst 3111111111111 01111 111 llll lluill Mm ItmmlV mm llV lurfr 11 31 Hm 1111111 111 any 111111 111 gtllIltiltll 51101111111111 he prosccutctl II IIHIIWIIIIIII 1IILIII 11111111 no offcncc IIIoIc 1111111111111 llltlIllllllt 11111I1111 III IIIIIIIIII II III IIIWI MIDI MI Hm nuih lb mm mm Wsblmm dung mm mm 11 11111 11111 llIVtoII lt111111ltcl Council 1111011 tho anul should mum during the mmmldmg 51x mlth 1111111 1151111111111 11111 proclnilnihlhntluv A1111 115 Civic practical training in 1108111131 but 15 SUDjIrAuMIcits LOSE RIGHTS Tt SHOOT 0N owN Hm jott port1111 inductions 101 living iltttllll LANDS Simone ounty Briefs 1I modution which may providId by titt Tllo BUVmNVll 3141105111411 1911111 11111111111111ity shcon dipping Permission wits gtiillllPtl for Acmrdma we mm 1m CCI LIDVCFHHWH 11111 111 01111111 ostnhlishctl lit mechanic to 11110111111 l11ot1111yclo EXISIEIEIIUHIX Siodilgxflimli 8111 I121 111 1111 lIltlJIlltt 11 S11ltlt1zttchcwt1n is introducing 111111111111 and illthlist by llllttll rcpnir shop inI RJUHRO 11 the hill to 1111101111 the 1111110 Ind 191511111105 Act whichlnwtl 11111111111Il 10prcscIItntIvc roar of 11 11111111 51 1mm In dddlhon the llnuwlmmx in ttltllill circulnstnnces will prevent farmer from A1111111 Mills 111116111111ch11 reported 51 Ul railway 01 bl L11111311111111110 the hunting or fishing on lliSUWIl lnnd ihc effect 11 11111 Illlj1 to reforestation 11 great On motion 01 Rcow clam and Its smart idea for or driver to pep up his car by switch ing to Shell Premium Gasoline supercharged with 224 Trimelhylpentane 224 TMP for short You 11 see for SI1II 191311110 Hours 10 by 1131 in LHH tnrlnvrtlcnl 111 traffic coming tlizit way Deputy Rccvc Wilson 1111 Council IiluIlllIIllgII oetIIIrIo Its I11IiI1111tIItIIIIIIIIItlIItIItIIII IIIIIlIIIIIIIIIII IIbII IIIIIIII NII Shuntmg Fishing1 his WW Noun11111 1111 51111 11 Slow mom by Drown 1111 yourselfhownewShelIPrelmumGusolmersiwuysbeitere 111 1111Ig btoIt 1111318 1111 Di 111ty qutoInnticzilly 11111111111115 designated 11 111mg 5111111 11111111 11111 NtlllItyr 111111 111111y c11t ing ovcr property IIIllltiIltllL 1MorepowerlwighougknockzQuickersturngEuraster 01110 men 11 which 11 one including hinisch c1111 1111111 11111s11111111 hliilt Innistil Busc Masonic Temple 1111 1y 11 leIl The Trummg CentreSA Wlmh 109de or fish without pcrlnission 111 11111 governtncnt burlimit 10112111 1Irgnnlutl lrcs icy 111 order to put lnnc thrnutih Mo mlles per gallon Get tankiul ioduv You CAN BE SURE OF SHE TOYOmIOI Hamilton and Kingston possess OIIIICIIHIVI II IIllIltI111IhIl1I1T llt1eIIgtIcsS iIVlorlcy from Mulcnstcr to IUnppCrton St IIIIIIII The excuse given for the proposct cits 11111111 yer ccy 1111115 co cutnlnorc ClSblOOlllb dcmonsttntlon Wdltlh 11111 1141 that tllt ercctmn of such Signs opens the way for 11 Livingston 11dvcittscd new Deputy C101 Ernest Button kitchens Vhlch are modcrnly equipped In 11 me tltt ownel 111 the plopcity to least the paint pm 1111 tel 111 01111115 c1113 was dppOlll EC rumors are experienced Reglsmnd Nurses ileccs to commercial interests and that sort of pri $8271 to $1001 sedan and coupe in Ontario Municipal Convention with Special qualifications 4311 enterprise comes under the socialist taboo It 812115 witll used cars 15 follows Branttord August 27 28 and 29 11 1thc ciise is as stated it is certainly Ii novel way of Overland 1111 111 $400 GruyDort nt Dmmg the moan Tlflimng Gen icircumscribing individual liberties To prevent wiltl 8130 and Chevrolet 11 $250 Aid Griffin reported 011 110110 me me Course 015mm guild IXgIOdlltcIiduclts stripping whole fields of whent farmers bct Burric Motor Car Co had new tiatioiis with Sparks Circus and tolyk Biology P61380110 yglenc 05131 11 11011 not p111 111 these signs Fords 11 $662 Bryson Mor said there was possibility that Housekeeping Nursing ProcedumsI SlmpleI 1cy 11nd Studebaker Light SIX 211 percentage of the Iprocccds InIgIlIt II CookeryI Care of theWell Baby and Mother1 THE MOST EFFECTIVE FLOOD CONTROL 511190 Wllllt C1 3991ny was Of be donated to the1 new Mcntmml QUEBEC The Farmers Advocate 131 MCIllughhnBumkb $1196 liospllal Simple Treatments etc II IdIIIInIIIIIIIIIIII III bin 33145 for Master Sixes the 115111 Beinnina at the tourth month and for the mnmbeme an cs1 being for 7passenger sedan De ut Reeve Wilson spoke of gag enulneerg 101k0n the the remaining months of the course the Igjgnggg331213 foufw Comiol 11 rem ltz the market and said the present int 51111110111 Obtains fulmer Pmcmml LXDUWHWtcchmcal training to apprecmte the Wisdtiin of con gagglsfiafgid Edinggeiui in the words 01 various hos itals During trolllno water 111 the small streams on the water this phnse the student continues to receive 51ml Dime Ihev empty their contents Violently in SZAXSEidOLmuROuicidpgicimiowlii veil to unnmnageable 110111 SUDEIVISIIOH from Instructors attached to thoIfgEI Connned from page one on the Market Squate IwheieIIthc market had been hEld OF HD Staffs 0f Training Centres Flood control should commence before the Witter Foster mothers now get 11 share Graduates of the Nursing Assistants Course reaches even tiie small streams and in this phase of of family allowances explained are m1 preferred position in career which the enterprise property owners play the leading Mr Nophtali DvoI dollars IffordS full employment as well asa Iecog role Water In so far as possible should be held month 15 paid for children up to where it falls and this is accomplished Willi aid of SIX years and $4 for children six mzed Status the Commumty Many have forest cover unrcclaiined swamp land grassed slopes and over The balance may bc illleady availed themselves of the Opportuh soil rich in organic matter and land cropped across Spent for such extras as music les ity but the need is still far from being sat rather than up and down the grade sons or bicycle or some similar This principle is so simple and so obviously need Some of the money is ac lsfled as ontano ls Short muses to the sound that it has been almost universally disregard cumulath andmay be used for exmnt 0f over 2500 Thls Show courpe ed Moreover it is of utmost benefit to the owners higher education died years ITiieII matter was left in the linnds of the property coili mittee The Mayor said the Radio Valvc Corporation would renew their agreenicnt for rentle of the second floor of the Town Hall at $50 ii month only on monthtonnonth basis The agreement would per 74 OF and he hoped the local committees ii Shoum help 0111 um more nurses are train of land for it prevents soil erosion and adds to the 1W Bury of the Department $12th my Eeprgfgingtgeig ed Four main requirements for those en huge underground Ireservoir of moisture of Pupthelfare said the CAS In made by Te contractor mlng upon this course are tighyIpippeIly organized flood control protect Ontario was Ilocally Iautonomous the rural municipalities profit most for the country and was private institution HeI Nd ILeishm was chairman foI 1The applicant must possess side is restored thus increasing production and land dgsgglied ISiIIncoeI Ias one ofIthe comnimeediscausshn and me mea minimum educational qualification Qf 13 values and rdads and bridges are spated1the ilSI leading soctetles in the province mg Was adjourned at 100clockI IIngklig Grade as well as the aptitude nec integrating action of uncommned Wine it 0f wouw further express ligwits SERVE THE MEAT wry for successml comp etlon DELINQUENCY OF PARENTS 15 RESPONSIBLE nature 0f the somety iriiiherweosel eats the brains and the course r011 HOOLIGANISM Among those at head ta3131111111 otvtcttms leavin the flesh The applicant must be between Toronto Evening Telegram 183513an Show 0418130 Sflperi untoucm 18 and 40 years IOfI age The enormous amount 9f property damage caused IIIISIMCgiWChgtdgigirngingogiai IN 55 than MO you voices be able to The applicant mustbe injgood by juvenile hooliganism indicates that the law now at Cam BINen ISIIIIeIl known In II in forcejnadequately acts zisIa deterrent and that 115 a5 pgesgz girrgatrnsiigatl moredrastic measures are necessary Last yearthe Egg 33 gimgvlglsxi navel Over 1tormprF cable 1051 of Underground Tghe apriilcant will 135 Expected Board 0f Edcmo paid out 19551th 31115000 who 1was socialworker at Coll all the way betweenrQueliec City nd Windsof broken win ows alone apart from otter mace II to attend the Training Centre and andrit111epresemcourse of vandalismzis unchecked 1111311331 11 address otthe iv ospitalfselected by the Department the amount will be considerably more Ihisfyeor 11 paker Live 01 Stewm SM jg tomanyother Pants or Health would be interesting 10111131 OW many the 115101111 otdirectorsmetand Those caniemplatihg eIIEFIng upon IIIIIS ems rotfenders are ratepayers Ipaymg towIIlfms the gIIed nthEIr Oicers II VI II II1 maintenance of the schools while their springs Short Course should apply for copies of themischievously damage 931in Esproecl h9p99mm licatitm form for 311101 ent For fur lt1Theseoutbreaks can he ottributedxtolack of par1 I1 pp ental control andgin failing to exercise their duties to keIep Up with llcreasPQ now OF Dlsiunce $31niirfiiseieiiiiegdigit39 parents are We culpable than WWW chi cns And howdy II III II II 111 tak ll 23 ma ersuren Iision of Nurses Registration Department of 053 espoisfiwg Isrfnerelsvre3iregqff p12 II 01 ca 390 TQUQhI II Health 455 Spadlrla Avenue Toronto ent to pay for the damage caused by his child It Lwltl the leg posble delo gt imposes no penalty onhim forUthe neglect which IY so I10 ensure results in hooliganism In the nited States they 11 lhave takenfthe view Ithatthe parent should be held epen 9b15rwc under weather Cdlons liable90r the offence committedby his child inInd 11 they dccordingly gtimpose punishment on the de Im its 1947 estimates ToloInto City Coun 13th harem ranging Hanges mplsmmmII III mm II ISIIIIIIW II Weareruslung thewhole programmeswhich c11 has included the sum of $400000 as Similar severe measures Seem to be necessary here on The responsibility of parents is implicit in the withnguiltrwmdmt includes morelInes more sw11c means of aiding the ten Tor to neral 05 our so at Long Dlsmnce appeal Which the police suggest should be made to pltals to meetoumtandmg deflmts for City them UpOnrthe supervision they exercisegthe dis patlens The municipality 13311 year cqn cipline they impose the tandardsthey maintain tributed the sum of $350 per them for depend to the most impressive degree the develop Perhaps CHI help to clear that conscience will continue to tbe ilIIe1eIItIcommunication serVice digent patient can ment ofIcharacter andItlie conduct of their children II 11139119111133133111T2192i1 Itmn If iibtimaomcm with It 11 Inability to Speak EngllSh is who handicap responsibletorthzit Where thereilias been neglect 19 1M I1 VII on rose eXIa on May smce interpreters able to by their parents In may ransomerr sense 31 re meu1 Speak 36 dimmnlslanguagesx are Standing sponsibility to the advantage of the family and to by for operation Babel at Castle Brom the retlerot the public

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