if Barrie or vicinity Withcarto re iililE acronymalumni 68811 HAIL 13 Must bu Ltifl buiorc inwition ll llAltfth rent word minimum 30c cciits word minimum 33c vr ililllllttNJI lNSlIlillUNS SA 111115 All Classified Adieu Must Be in Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAYi lrou must include c1511 stamps or nioucy ordrr with copy to pct low rate ED in iurl P0 SITIUNS WANTED bl rut 1117121 in ten WANT ism 511131 SUMMER COTTAGES use no It In llIierOlt iitilliii Ii uoons AND BOARD 77 51 you Ln it in 111 tuningr fll ll A11Mlfl1ltl Ah ll ii the unite iua jTTiI ii pp illlftlll it tml Will lint may 111 tint 7H llzo ii 57 fig or no ruuioii ism jpiz 11 li ltxllltrill Applj li pl 4v MA 41 iiotsiixtt ti waxi 1111 it IT 117 iii1 ii ii in 11m tit of Euro 11 1111 all 111 it it ii 11 itilili itll pl till it Si or xivt tio to W31 311 ill 11 lhi 51 jji ff we Hv iiri1gtiiitoi 13 him tliit ii iil illltll lt piaitzc 111 nor tell lw no in WW ryeevrirw liiiiiir lti gt lilll in raw lllll lt 11 V11 iii tj pt tii liil llll 1H It litl My Hlmw mm Ar MUBILLS pp it vi rlH 31 up itiji MAN on 11 or ltl v4 MH illitl il tiwv Iy ui1 maiviii1nigt1 111 Jtix 11 Alisz Iii will liul Apply rll itiIili ti any pm 11 vl llaanv 111111 Milli it LL llliITI 11 $151611 lifiU Iot Unwlfflls ilrllii lli to trawlti iii llllrltilltili llmnc UM llx lTlHdnl Xi 11 13 TIHK iii1p mix it wit and ii tn JillIll Toolistown lllllp 03111 1ricotti ntu itt1li tiuiil po iii11 ll tiis TeN Ii ltfiit into yum JHMM pM lt ion I1 ll A135 ili ldllliylihlyilu311in Sta llmziw no Lilp itiilt li11orliiirbcs lawn ii Wy Hi tiilit ltilli iji lfii min mill li Mir31 113 wg MHZ Hm MIMIC Mil TW 6va xiii mp 11 tliilulm iiiiiilt drilll llllllilei itn tlit illxll ti ln 91 itliiwl Horus igtlilliln Ij Iv milgt E1llinv ll iiiilliii month lot 1111 11 lilidlllll gt911 llllllllllA Alhl Iil 1613g 11 sum wou to tilt lasso ltoml nitm 311 until room 1p WWWww llll xt 13 suyizu Lox iuu morn clcan iiiono porous =1 oi vmla iilutl 111 ms jwlf Hllklli 52H lgt Wt iltl 111M or ltiiiziin ttl rltl 1riil$0 1ion Apt 11 ill $711111 Hotii ti wk irouir not ll it if no iiillt ital iiul ii 31 Vtilliiiulon St 15 773111 upprnl tion pLipazil Illiii ii 1111 lllflm who tiillilii our Full 1th inc ii lltll tinl liltitlt3tlt If Mr7 Ham nd olllfi altar blllT iiicsricuiiiiigt Sillillit 71 iwii Aripr iiin trill itcr prc 111 good conlition Slit livcii Ar ishcii livvlL auntnint Iarra IJIIMIURI blORAGlo Stilt Iv v5 or anniy 11 lllriltl lcan sioraLc two warehouses 71 Dm IJm 1p ilkl Sillixalill 119Sliimil ll EN all 5111 53935 155 nu win it intiltllinllittl inan igtillt LAWN MOWER for solo 11m uo 111 UU 12mm wanttd to 111 ittcr liouc and Apply Illltil Iluuhis tilftu11 icliii ltin IIlvinllll EAlILNI ll ttl for two ttlltlltlt liricrat llllrllt llrudford 111121 lllp till furnishid For lioin unntctl in iluricmnp llor it itll ziica lltrci niliilisand school Sllill lily 1lllllmimi ul bur An iv 13 Barri itlui mm mull 134 limhmmil L331 tor rciii all lark St lclcplumc 1169 13l22p ri1 111 10 liilNl lhstiict salcs liiztlltltill ltitlill appointed to llarric arm ilcsircs to rcnt lioilsi or tpartincnt iicply llox iii Bar rio llxamincr 117211 UliNlSlllll front room and rtlffttUI ycrnmiaii in clcan cosy iiuict oit1ji at Mincts lumt Grill Suit onc or two women Apply Box 261 llarric 1O lie131p MISCELLANEOUS murmur mu ul Mu noK rum lt 311131111 now or ltiilf until 211 tuiniscd lltillrL apartment flat or ioiiaz jLLBliiiic or icin 010 126 Kcznpcnfcldt 81 run 1142 1p dim COUPLE milc turnl unfuinisiicd CIIIISIERFIICIDSand chairs clcan ed 1roc estimate Dial 11117 to pm 3121 ity lhpnc lrllffi or rooms or apartnunt cniraliy located by WASHING MACHINE lkillls All lunc 30 lloth working llox liifi milki Also vacuum cleancrs liarriii llxamiiur llTleiFhonc 12389 321p TO DRIVING PETERBORO over CR UNliUliNlSllED ROOMS wanted by yum veteran mm weekends duringsummcr Hill 34 Mary St PLASTERING patching and stucco Stroud tcachcr wife by June 23 or before 5211 Quict coopcratlvgarut abstaiiicrs No children lfyou can help Us writc Mrs 11 Clarke 136 13 Vlbdmefcm 191121 Rogers Painswick 0119221 Ilrooklin Ont 117211 YOUNG SALESMAN and wife dc sirc sclfcontaincd apartment housekeeping rooms or shared ac comminlation furnished or unfurn ished Garauc csscntial No chil dren Juno in Barrie or Allan lair Apply Box 35 Barrio Ex aminer 2le GARDENS PLOWED and cultivat cd with garden tractor Apply 71 Cook St Phone 3163 5le MINESING Chopping Mill will opcratc Iticsday and Friday each week until furtlicr notice 32122p DYNAMITING inside or out stones slumps wclls bridges ctc Ihonc 266W Aurora Morn ing operator 5172111 GENERAL TRUCKING Prompt service Loam sand and gravel for sale Frank Balfc l2 Buyficld St Phone 3003 or 2916 5102111 LEAVING THIS WEEKEND for Calgary and Edmonton Can take one or two passengers At kinson Barrio Phone 842142 5211 NOW IS THE TIME to look after your furs Remodelling repairing reiining at modcratc prices Milburn Orr Lake Furricr llills dals PO Ont 5202411 FILMS DEVELOPEDFilms de veloped and prints 25c Reprints 30 each Fast service quality Vork Mail your films to Northland Photo Service Box 283 North Bay Ont 5192211 EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and vacuum repairing offer high class guaranteed service on all makcs Reasonable charges and prompt service Phone Bert Super 4165 coJorys arage 5211 FUMlGATIONAComplctc confi dential guaranteed service without vacating promises One room or complete house Fulllbiguarantee with every job No charge for in spection or advice Write Browning 207 ShannOn Sit Oril 11a Phone 2342W 5212413 THESlNGER Sewing Machine Co representative will call in Barrie each Thursday All types 01 mn chines repaired Workmanship guaranteed Alsoa limited quantity ofmachincs buttonhoies attach ment fprvsale Write Singer Sew ing Machine CO 37Hurontario St Collingwood 52124b ANOTHER development of the past war modem specially for the armed services WaterPrOOflt is ELANTS AND FLOWERS ANNUAL AND pcrcnnial flower plants and DilliSiCS for sale at Al botts 53 Dundomrld St 7272122p iNTRODUCTORY OFFER1n or der to introduce our unusually finc strain ofvljlxhibition and PomPom Dahlias rcductiouof 50 chCcnt from the regular price will be made until May 31 only If you are interested in growing either the giant or smaller types in red cllow gold purple or combina tons all named varieties and fully gilaraiiteedi short drive to El win Farm l4th Con lnnisfil one mile west of 27 Highway might be very much worthwhile 2721p AGENTS WANTED MAN WANTED fothawleigh brist Scll to 1500 fantilics Good Write today ness profits for hustlers Rzivleighs Dept MLE128 Montreal 41822136 OPPORTUNITY ittrfresideni of Iicscnt Toronto Manufacttnfcrs Agent and wholesaler on exclusive Tflines for furniture and electrical trade Established accounts pro itectcd territory high commissions AJWilliams Sales 156 Yongc St Toronto 4211 9235 TO $60 WEEK Your own Abusiness No boss no tiinoclock independcncofthe leading lincyot Home Service Productsh Very little money required Operate in town or if you have thecguip merit pick rural area Informa tion and catalogue free Familex Dept 1600 Dclorimier 1M011 treal 421be EARN EXTRA VMONEY the Friendship way Sell Regals outstanding Friendship box of all occasion Greeting Cardsunequal led value Friends and coworkers now available for civilian use Will marvel ut Hegals 15card as Waterproofs all clothing fabrics textiles from dress shirts to heavy canvas in minutes total time Its invisible when applied Use with spray brush or dip Comes in pints half and ful gallons Simcoe St Toronto Sell Regals Whittys Drugs Knights Drugs famous Christmas Cards this Urry Hardware Robinson Hard Fall 41731bA were 52124p sortment $100 Handi Notes 20 for $100 46 clear profit Write to day Learn to make money this easy way Regal Stationery CO Ltd Manufacturers Dept E3 103 nlm for lm ituiniicrs or pins dirtcivil to this Ufflttr geostiaiicus xii liltl Cl Eon RENT ltlF Milli EXAMINER IlAl la Ui 140111111 1n iiiit llllll to 112111 Bray lili ii lot TUIIIlVAlfi Initllf lctcr llam ivzpaao iltou littooth Tllitis Frascr Thorn rvton lhono lvy 12111 Zip l1llii MlitllANltS iltill Mus liac liicnsc Iilltl own illgtlzlliilll1 lllCAllCll for salc Zillilttri Good roiltinz conditions Staic niw good condition siycral longths ox iiincr and iigciciiuircd in llux till lackct and Times rillia Ontario phystcians family two and vtti at cottagi liil inl iticltliis gt11111111Ql lcrimmcnt posi tion in liomi nca Toronto it do sncd Vritc llox 213 liarric ainiiicr 177211 CARlENlRliS WANliZD cxpcr icnccd on form work or Lunilliilti ity building and laboratory Steady work for 111 months Good wagcs Writc or wire collcct to McLarty Bros Brociic Sault Ste Marie Ontario ln192lb MAN WANIICIlmarried lll ivorli on small farm with lake frontage in course of dcvclopmcnt Must bc handy and steady House hydro provided Good chance for right man State experience and wages Box 321 Barrie Examiner i21p TEACHER WANIEDiProtestant school teacher for School Section No 10 Oro Top School is stunt cd on lliuhway ll miles from Orilliu State qualifications and salary cxpcctcd David Smith Scry1rcas llnwkcstonc RR l21b GIRL Oli middleaqu woman to help not ready for camp and topo to camp for summer ncar Ganan lique Care of children and lllllill housckecpinnr duties Mrs IVlJ Robertson 406 Glcngrovc Ave Tol ronto or telephone Mayfair 4872 1212213 WANTED Men with meat cutting and meat curing experience cat able of taking responsibility for staff of then and girls Labor and productiiin costings ability essen 11211 real opportunity in an ex panding industry given the proper Apply EHoplcy The First Coopcrativc Packers Barrie On tario 121220 AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available if you ureaggressive and between the ages of25and 55 have or can secure trawl Outfit thisis your opportunity itoigct established in profitable businessof your own For full particulars writehtoday to The Walkins Company Dept OB5A 2177 Masson Sh Montreal Que ll822bG TEACHERS WANTED male or female for School Area fA Orr Twp Protestant Salary 61500 per anmiin with annual increment of $100 and maxihtum $1800 School With vacancies Dalston No scniOr room Craighurst N057 Edgar No Mitchell Square NO Clowes No 15 Martins No 16 GuthricrloaHLATgyle No 18 Apply 101 Currie StacyTreats Oro Station 121b CAETAGE AND MOVING COOKE CARTAGE and STORAGE Local and Long Distance Movers General Cartage Contractors 43 1552 Road Phone 3359 3245tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BIG PACKAGE of dpular mail order magazines all kinds of moneymaking opportunities Bar gain offers lonly 25c post paid Babins Mail Order 249 aw St Toronto Ont Z2021p sale gold 12x4 ft 103 John St Phone 3876 GOOD USED BRICK for sale pan cl doors and french window sash Phonc 3770 after pm 721p RABBITS FOR SALE New Zea 1and whitcs all ages lcr SuriiiidalRoa1 Barrie 7A21p QUANTITY OF good used lumber 2x4 2x8 and shooting Box 10 Barrie Examiner 721p CS ply Dclzincy Mm if pipc 32 Franc rill211Clt BUFFET salc 11111 li WOMAN as iililhjtflitltil road past Shell Station am Fraser Shanty Ray lisiCCCKlCli SlANllil salc thoroughbred Apply 2011 Bayl ficld $1 or thic 3008 LARGE $171 lRAM iDixoni with ncw hood and storm shoot in good condition ffOlll1lIll DIAMOND RING for Sacrifice for immediate sale lhonc 2393 after J1 IRON FARM GATE rust resistant Nevcr bccii used Apply at MANURF FOR in and disking lone Queen Cundics Phone 2389 721p TWO BOATS dorys $35 and $43 Need sortie repairs Oro Station Pho CHESTERFIELD tion 925 posts allninc timber Harvey Bouncy Edgar Phone 848 ring 1LCG CABIN wiihfjog barn acres lmmcdiatepbs ssion $900 complete Phone 80723 Bar ric lilOFORCYCLISTS bags chains and 31 Dunle St pm F1ch also reCord player al lmost new $18 Phone 3541 7lIl BARN FOR SALE 90x36 16ft UHF All TAN AIM cs St 17 21p iOok stovofor undies 1st gt1lc 721p PUPPIES for 20le nia St 77721 7211 21 Frank Port Apply ALE also plow Mc Jones nc Oro 7211 rcp good condi JTib 721 New saddle other accessories 13L after 630 7211 1946 JOHNSON OUTBOARD 25 hp Evcnrudc 35 outboard cedar punt pan Phone 4319 other six 717th1 ia1NBOARD ma BOD Ont hogany runabout years old perfect condition Ap Lines Barrie DleANElTE for sale in goodcou dition double bed size 3748 also Waysagless liitlLtlCSS Phone evenings 72113 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR rc built General Electric Marks 2163 Refrigeru Belfry and Telephone tion 721p 1200 NEW CEMENT BRICKS for sale $25 from Barrie 6331 per thousand 20 miles Phone 1511 ngton MH TRACTOR 12inch bottom Robinson Motors 2682 PLOW 2furrow Perfect condition Telephone 721b 3PIECE BEDRO plete with mattress and springs Quebec style hea OM SUITE com ter 13inch fire pot new table model 3iburner coal oil stove small 031 and wood an nex scuffler electric fencer with new battery froy Phone 1314 Evans Le 721b 72111 llllllvlilei lmiilili ul Hil ii 111 Ilari ll1l llDl 11 md tiriiliifsllttlt tEooill cliiruc litl It Vitu Er lhuni St Ilitl litany intuit iit for foot po shingles all 1111 lhonc 8062 liiON Quebec heater mcdnnu llil HORSE sound and llllfi licaicr and oil hurncrz rrinblc aim llolstcin cow ti fllitlH Mbli liiliitlltcl of xtlusi cr Apply it loronto ouc soon Ill producerlhwri 11 Ni who or inus imcll 11R Barrio ilionc Liltiill rcuuccd illltt 011 Ml wh 1th 15 9311 takc your choice My reasonablc GIIRANIUMS tor gt2llt ll 11 ottci itincrl Apply 11mm of annual flowcr plant TTiFlitiHllOliN BULLS iccrirlitiil lfy Ill Ilcniy St llaxriu llmno and cabbauc ililllr at Cyll lli ciIicnuilcii rtipltCIlltllC lgtsilialilc 21360 Zip Gus Grcnhousc Craiuyalc 1131 Wm ini con orina ion lrm mum 7wgp lilllt ntnaI Itcknnpm Smmiop ykpmull 10111 lllflxb We zirp ovcr ill 3111 liltilgttiyn 943132 stockcrl with startcii pullcts and somc mixed chicks up to it wccks VLull lltvlln like now OK potato planter new Int 2furrow walkin liliru bottom 347122 ELECTROLUX VACUUM clcanci service machine demonstrated without ob ligation fficc sales Dial 3392 BICACII TOOK SIOV 11 oir lawn mowcr hand closet rcscn washing machine with wrinacr good condition lloakc Thornton tmlllli 1mm 111111 inik iv MANURF FOR SALE lclivcrcd by the truckload Dennis Moran Rosc Service Station Bayficld 811 ing donc Phone 2907 TIMBER FOR SALE25 pieces of timber 211 and 16 ft long hcwcd on sidcs 6x10 in face also somci shorter picccs Cookstown l2INCH COTTAGE unit ventilator 311 new tilatint fan industrial after pm ATTENTION LADIES Sale of THREE TRUCKS int 19ml house dresses sizes 3842 flowered 1940 19714138 DIiti 1933 lhcsc smocks 1120 French brassicrcs trucks are in Ari cont Me 3240 also satin half slips Ihonc Aulcy Hiltiltttic Barrio llionc 8115 Barrio 721b 4168 tileeib COCKSHUTT DISC PLOW 2Vdisi in perfect furrow walking plow acc bottom Nelson Browning 15112chroy SIMMONS STUDIO COUCH with two matching chairs wine uphol stery excel year Thos St Allanda CLOTHES WRINGER whitc rublt her rollers tar case with Side opening includ ing acccsso tron tars vioii pocket and wrist watches months guarantee vacuum cleaner barber chair Coleman lamps iety Shop Collier St AMERICAN BUILTIN BATES standard heavy cast eliod ter Dunlop St 11151 USC Phone 41 15 lt FOR SALERadios victrolas gui ln stock now Plumbing ili lit ip roll lfilliir iitliiiitii Jimh litml lloy llicllin Suits 1111 with lit ll DISC outthrow 151310 111 111 Schillcr lltonw 77le tMll li and supplies 13m 2111 Vcspra St1 Vulcan 31 warmth Ilcintxm Also ucncrai truch ilcilc lIwurt White 7721221 liii llioin Apply lcbh 7212Lp uwl to with Garuuc uitl iilitllihii Inn111 1liriic i936 Ciilillli SEDAN tlryi ll nii rinkssmut 1929 PACKARD convertible for sale iii Rood runnma condition lnsa Itoait tii 111 lliliY 1609 lbs sound and quiet dark li Jr ViitlllliTillllil FtJWS filiiillllll irtlltil 1W ll Mxh no1 Lrii Iti ll lcigt lni p1 ii 17 rillp ii If it BABY CHICKS ill iii it iii 11 AAlb 111111 111 in rtlpri iii 11 mm 11 limmllo iiiil 37 it 11 111 lib tvi 111121 titlsilllili SEED FEE lziti 12 iii hlLIEN 7m AIwmw gt our WANTED you BALI you SALL full Sm rumLair WANTED DOST AND FOUND iIjvt utilitifmtoumu Li it Vii 171 gitV1n Lni sioru son SALE buyuunu HutuMu illuolncl1 liul llliH Sonic fl 11113 El llzriiii 21111 lIlilljtl Apply fl iii lti Hy hxlililfl nouns LN onurry Flt riy ilruic ticyaniil loulfiy Ilnwim tllltlxi to Sizivtid 21 517 lruyi swam tuna mum YOUNG 1hr catli 1min tiny pom lord 210 7111110 lith Turksinrt tiui 111 litlit iii iii259 liiill null 11 more till icnc liu xnc il bli DAY 111DING good in all hornl littil tritium Lo ii tziw gt2 mu Hrpshirc 1mm SONIC il 111115 Aillit 111 Hf ablc azi Priced to soil 1l 1m ii lilriifiTTCTTI Son Phone 2642 Coo isti rwn 921p 15111 10111 fillll ti Shotthorn bull 10 months purcbrcd Walker CoiilsonJ Plum Moontonc Ste21p fl111 ioiiiliion Apply lillhflliif Out 123 v31b coupc 13 rs 132111 Apply hp exhaust or vcn suitablc for home or new Phone 4319 Tilitfb Ba trio condition also lnt Jory itll1 Iltoiic RR hurchill 7211 lontlcondition used bliJVSlCl Milli Roadman 46Alfrcd 10 377211 Phone 51141 1927 ESSEX nearly new $450 gui rics in perfect Condi 7521 St ns wardrobe trunk cash The Van 74211 1174 1936 ft in length made of iron beautifully enam ticwi Harold Fots liolstcry and Heating 97 WillisonPai downstairs 721p Stroud 1933 CllliV SEDAN dcliycry lhis truckis in fair sliniic and priicd to soil Contact Christic RR Ilumc 2176 1929 DUiRANIISFDAN for sale in real good condition al couch in fair conditiimr COACH rnotor fairly gooddircs scaled beam headlights very good brakes Will sell cheap Apply 14 Owcn after tipan 1912 OLDSMORIIE SEDAN e1 BH new car condition heater and defroster good tires $1500 Aruir Noblcton Ontario lhonc FORD DELUXE hcafcr new clutch 21qu tires good appeizrancc Call nswick l3 zip so 1926 her Applb Phone 1121b Barrie 15112 FARGO TRUCK liioiL Hillin wlreclrbascstake boly DP axle 023 tircs first class Condition Young Crccmorc 3W2 $121 11 Mi 11 Brood Bolton 13211 Gordon COACH and up six Phone 191121 13211 after BEAUTIFU spreads $4 ed solid colors bed Sent Canada tributors Montreal 18 Que Refund Handicraft Dis CHENILLE 89 reg $6 Single or double er COD plus postage in 254 Sherbrooke St with heater 1937 LaSallc sedan and radio 1936 Oldsmobile cabriolet Graves Allen ii 721p iClappcrton St Barrie bcd 1939 CHEVROLET COACH with All assort heater 1939 Ford coach with heat 1938 Ford coach with heater with heater 13e21b 1gtli Splendor ill bc owners raiuhursL FiIA DY Quality Us in and Smith NC 110 STE liii scirice grandson of Soul Cliicf SUDCilOl Price 36 lord negative Elmer ucurcziitcrl gand llussc 11gt11111 Ct rmmcrcial 1111iClllCIiON GELDING SDAIJ SlAlilON Brit llnrolincnt No 43965 slandng ful scrticc in the stable Frn Fllsmcre liionc 134312 921261 1101ME YORICSilIRESv brooding stock Both sex lorc barley Warba potatoes fertilizer Eugene Utopia Phone 8101 9211 BUDI for solo Phone 725 Alt Alliston 92l MAPLE FARM SilORlHORNS ofl form youngbulis vaccinated licifl crs Cows duc soon or with calves at 1001 orally Bradford 4611 item fully accredited fcd istcd Murray Faris Phone 9211 lZHAY HORSES to sell or trade 45 years old Ioo In or tiiidcfor older liolSCS across hall TO GET TOll QUALITY STEERS vtis well as high milk production in the for Short horn such 13 at the Davey Sinithvillc Ont 9419221 MAlCHED TEAM grey goldings liir sail and Price Phone Rog 10 yrs illC El ible white Gold tion tcanr around 2800 sound and quiet team $150 Alsofthcir complete set of brccching $25 Elmer Husscy Allist6n 2900 lbs markings Agent about 1700 1135 pairthey filly white markings yrs sfire Torrs Gold Dust eligl or larklands Shanty Bay 1300 lbs Cachu Would sell horses Lazy arepreferred Joc Kcckes from Brentwood dance 9421221 sound st for tobacco miles use Dual Purpose bull Enquire about this Of outstanding breeding right price Writc to c1risini and7 weight of oliublc workers Price of harness new tugs 725 Alliston 921p REG CLYDE MARES rot tate rown mare white markings Sire Scotlands Remem brance brown mare white mark ings yrs Sire Ronnie Laddie eligible for registration The above well matched team about Reg bay mare white 10 yrs sire TOirs matched registration bay filly markings yrs sire Torrs Dust eligible for registra Apply atthe Holden Estate 921b old SALIC of Also dayold chicks Hybrids licily Cl 63 Clappcrton St old Fa llli lilili and scud this out at weeks no Semi for price 11s cu iars quickly add ccks old arid pulicts 15c each lots 30c cacli Wcin LAKIIVIEW day old pullcts 20c lots and mixed chick ii wcc 3c lUl wctk old pul 11H icvaw ihiultry Bros lIxrtcr On l1l1VlEW high quality ablc prices New Hump Barred R1 New Hamp Ncw Humps Sussex Leultorns Rock chhorns New chliorns White chhorns mixed $1200 per Assorted Mixed $1000 100 Lakevicw Poultry Farm Wcin Bros ExcicrxOnt BREEDER liAlCliElltYof 5000 All double blood tested banded andrullcd for body type ruggedness ideal conditions Hump 100 aiid try tarta 95c weeks breeders rcpo ts Hawkcstonc Ont ador send for price liSt and cata loguefzind fullparticulars TO rc ccivc these pilCCS enclose this ad with your order Vlrakevicw Poul Farm Wcin Bros Exctcr On 24202lb GOVERNMENT IAPPROVED chicks at reduced prices and next shire Barred Rock shire Barred Rock Light 5115 sex Barred ROCk New Hamp shire XLight 995 pullcts 1795 cockcrcls 795 Assorted heavy breeds 895 pullcts 1695 Cockercls White Leghorn Bar White Leghorns Two week Old add 600 per hundred three week old add 1100 per hundred shipped COD This advertisement your order to receive these special bullets eight Top Chickeries Guelph Ont 24211 prices red Rocks 195 Also older to Ernest 11c Iii iiillilts 11 11 Huron p33 tji tan St liini 11 17111 um IlAilY 1111le llilli liltllt 07 llil3 ti cir itiliti lbsi this tnt 111111 you for clil 1100 ligt yr lij 13 1111 211 it iillli itilit ifitili for initth or pigs all it gnii our in ligtl Goo Suitin Miil lltit lrultiy Farm 11 wllp 1111 11176 21 71931 lCilAlIANfi You can not sonic of tlicsi at bargain pricis to cc out capacity Rocks in llatchcry ii tick LETS Started pul weeks old 110 price of ca cly 3c lb high rf cockcrcls Wc CllltKS zt thcsc low Heres your opportunity to not this high quality stoclcat these reason Purc laying Sus Hatched gt 280511 Chicks we over body pulicts arc laying well copkcrcls good size Luedkc Edcn Grove Ont had such good luck with pullots Earnhardt Order from this Sussex must wcck old 131720211 READYhlADII CAlNSilt pays to raise Capons puns is approximzi cr than the pricc caponixc lhc oclicrcls at weeks ready made capons fuss no trouble and full parti lrompt lclitcry if you act Lakcxicw Poultry Farm LWcin Bros Exctcr Om 21i2021b licrrrSnmc it Rock large 241430211 from Lincoln this Day old New Haipp New Hamp ironsexed nonsted cockcrels 695 accompany staiicil Zelgl 20cAll add ltlc prices Sussex type per under TNover week Notch