SEWERS PAVEMENTS Mil riitiilirii PFGALS and SALES SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES in the Twp Oi lnnistil in Notice Re To be Constructed This Your IllllloltlttllllallltlalllI 011 SALE FM AUCTION SALES lot Iii i1 ltitt tllll Mi Henry Elrick litil lxtati turn St IllJIhIJDIOIItlllIllllilll gilessor LICENSED AELTiiiNEER Horstinnit ijrriccrs mun sroik ll lill1lililh Phone 2577 rIItIIIIOIOIIRIOIJOII OIIIIIIIorlollooloooovoo Barrie 66SPR6U1E iiiilittiEl iitllitiiiiitfi EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MA Owing to Saturday May 24 being or PUBLIC HOLIDAY the stores will remain ppen for business on FRIDAY EVE For Succcssfnl Sale of liouschoid Furniture 11 larln Stock and ItiiilltltltlltS liithlL SlltOll until 900 oclock 23111 snrrn lotti itxi Garden Tools of All Kinds SProng Cultivators 85 5Eong Cultivdtor 125 STEELE BRIGGS GARDEN SEEDS RENNIES GARDEN SEEDS McKENZIES GARDENSEEDS HOUSE BROOMSiiii BBC to $180 BEACH COOK STOvES iBrorco Tree EmulsiohiQts ond Gallons BONDEX WGEIEIOOiCCineni Point lbs $130 ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINT fgrmuse on Concrete Mostics Wood 95 Floors and Linoleum Qt $1 Apply with Spray Gun or Brush FISHINGTACKLE gt1 RODS up HEELS 75cup PLUGS f50C10$L25 SPooNs 30cm $140 LINESZ 151th $175 MINNOW FAILS Ir Rxpress Wagon rook $1275 ROLL ROOFING Ply PerRoll $180 Ply Per Roll $245 Ply Per Roll $310 Red or Green Rodi Per Roll $365 Childrens Empke Hardware AS NEAR To YOUR HOME AS Youir TELEPHONE 2556 WE DELIVER liiiiiiiit1 rZiNlLH Furniture and Tools BERT CRAWFORD 151011111 Lot 23 cm Oro iilltiil1zilll in if gtt3 1111 Saturday May 24 AUCTION SALE Form Stock implements ROBERT BOYES NH Lot 17 Con lnnistil ltd 1114 last oti liltltlliil FiichOy MOy 77 it l1 Lu Ir gt 1i lt TENDERS 11 scWiY iii order not to all polluu thc wattrs oi thu 1llN l1l igcy ounty Sliortllorn spirit rimn Cit11 WMm IJrii annual sprint salc 10 Scotch and Scotch loppcrl Sliortliorns llull1 110181 Slltllgt lltlltlll 136 111 Fancy lliursiiay luru Clioiitlivti lliiiiliirf 111 lositrt lcslxicttd 1iczi EDGAR LEMON COOPER lris Annan Sci3 plrcas Markdalc Canada Concrete lilodr8rTileCo CONCRETE CLAY BLOCKS WEEP1Ne TILE All Sizes All Sizes BOX 151 SHANTY BAY RD Barrie Ont PHONE 3316 PHONE 3725 gwmqf FOR CANNINGV PER PERSBN 04 iAsi previousyeOrs this specialollow once of sugar fOrrconning will be in oddiiion to the regulor sugiar rotion It will be made dVoilqble in twojomOunts of pounds each VAlID MAY lSthr VALID JULY 17th Coupons Y1 Y2 Y3 Coupons Y6 Y7 Y8 Y4 Y5 Y9Y10 Coupons may be used as desired after their respective validity glaze and will ramain valid until at least December 1315 Each coupon is good for the purchase of pound of sugar The world sugar situation has been improving 50nd has made possible the recent increaies in the Coniiidion allowance World supplies however are still inadequate to meet demand re quiring continued rationing THE WARTIMEPRIOES AN RADE BOARD intirs Axir iilBLE5 A5t Zigrxm JMWOWNJIW oo PROPERTY FOR SAL W001 13011 SAL lu yuuicutiteimlxanlhui misusiu 11 LLi FARMS ltiit ALE 3111711 II tn lurmuu lilitltl 115$ iii WANTED MINESING SALES CLERKS 11111 Er LH iii 11 11m li 11 you an intcrcstcil in mcrchanilisinx and incclini tht public apply to 31188 liltiltli ZELLERS LTD ISAICIUII POULTRY 15M JU in lira xaoiineri TOWNSTth SCHOOL AREA OF ESSA ii in 11 1111 11 lHl we EVERY CK vn I5 HM ixiiiwx 11111 thitlxiat iiAMii EH li 1Llit not nc lrioml trap imitlw letting the right typi of ii 31 11 iltl 111d or liililr tlliltl from llrt for your particular Ew VI igir gipmix 101 itlt tor 11cc circular to tu 13 1H mutt iitiiian lilil lnlty lianili Iiox 010an letmtll ll 11p Eon3 my itisi St iynor 111 liLli Sccicr Town Of Layne NM 1tip H133 portaut hairyer your tl Haul ii 771 Hm ortlcr calls forfrom light 11 19111 it 777 u7jw iiclncry truck tires to in ivil 51001 tn wimp tacit iii iiili ltll in icnuizl foundation nl tires for llit heaviest and WWWH 11o mmw vlililr1tlitittll illint oycrlt ohm bay For tittitt 5s ultiyatiil Siola ivoi action lllti heavyduty truck on the 15 tarauc oiwrators imp WW rll How 311 1tg plants uulas and spun iljililt lti 111p road lhcrcs lirrstonc not to trump Igt1 jluigt Igtil 12 lnil 01 or iijinicnls down nut ri tilt0 W311 iii imam ill sucriitcc 0511061811 made for ltil housc conyinicnc iltirllfllilli 1ll Slli Iillit iiiiitiltilt 11x ll rooms tryi no and tllil ltisul orul 11 to conycrt into duple liii ill highway 26 rooms liy Iltlititl paymcnts Ilunt 1111 irl ilt insult iioublc Liarots ltiitl listotc llarric 16 211 rewmmcndauong wiltwllrlIlIIOOIIt JlrtttuottrIIlIIIll rIN IIOIIIIIIIJllNIONIJ Why Not Be An early bird by ordering YOUR boat from us now ch havc in Stockatil05tllt the speedy Silver Arrow Runabout powcrcd by Ford beautifully finished in mahoguhy solo and roomy 19 by priccd un bclicirablylow For early spring delivery For those who want an allpurpose boat within the roach ot cvcry budget we otlcr the famous Little Skipper Sturdinconstructed of fittest material The ideal boat for cottage or hotel Can be sailed rowcd out board or inboard powered Safe for kids fun for adults ALL BOATS DEMONSTRATED ON REQUEST Dealership Enquiries Invited Macfarlane Marine Products Ltd minimiiomn WORLDWIDE SERVICE TO THE HARD or HEARING By the Worlds First and Oldest Manufacturer of ElectricalHearing Aids HARD OranEARING You cannot afford to neglect your hearing ACOUSTICON has helped countless thoasands allover the world It will help you 71 The New ACOUSTLCONIMPERIAL is the Siiiaiiesr most powerful batterycontainingHearing Instrument yet devised NOTE THIS wELL You mustjbe properly fitted be bought over thescounterlor by mail Your hearing deficiency islindividual and different and must be so corrected ACOUSTICON and Acousticon only has the most Scientific method of examination WOULD You BUY YOUR CLASSES BY MALL CALL 0N us Now MONDAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY OR write for an appointment in yourhome anywhere in Simcoe County You will be under no obligation for Hearing Examination Temporary Office QUEENS HOTEL BAltltlE ACOUSTICON DALE COMPANY P0 Box 147 Get AcoustiCon Batteries at Caldwells Drug Store VD 11115505 cardcn lot with liiili NoomorooraamJJ mONWNMNNW Hearing Instruments cannott Hearing Examinations every tho jot 101 its unalyzc your operation and make rizucx riars HARoLD 11111 FARGO TRUCKS by CHRYSLER Chrysler Parts Firestone Tires 55 ELIZABETH ST BARRII PUBLIC NOTICE Township of Vespra 3van No 810 61 WW No person shall deposit or otherwise dispose of garbagcashes or other refusedbrought from outside thelirnits of the Township of VeSpra upon any lands whether privatelyowncd or not in the said Township gt0fVCSp1df7 hFvw4 NOpelSfm Shall deposit arty garbage asheshtiothcr within the Township of Vspra the 7th Concession Line at or near the entrance to Springwater Parkand is Open for use DAY ORNIGHT Prosecutions will be taken against any person or persons violating the provisioris of said Bylaw No 870 by order of the Vcspra Council COUTTS Clerk NOTICE To irEsioENTShND NoNiiESIDENTS refuse upon any road allowance whether opened or flot Vcspras public garbage dump For Residents iny is situated immediately north of the CPR tracks on 01