aanwesm tax M1 ivW MM wiv 1111 11 lt ii 111 by tom mum uuuu Not the right of waywl1en driving bu the simple way of right And never once mgrHing to ho courteous and polite little bit cl patience it behind the whch you sit And youll ncvu lorr land and hlld youll never hit Oil the worn at phrases ringing all through mulordom today is that selsh bit of wording that is known as right at way It has lled the graves of many who have sped some land along Slnu Death nevu asks the question is the driver right or wrong Jail control that ash temper when another sounds his horn in the car may be mother soon to have her baby born Be tomiderutl in your driving and bi courteous and kind And youll reach your dwelling Inloly and youll hoop you peace of mind llcm lumbermenr Current Saturday waning Port Advertisement Through this agency you on have lrpondoblo moloring pron13011111 Lumbcrmcm the solelyminded om puriy Its careful arklion cl risks results in lower lotscs and mnch poi siblr 11w unnqu return of dividends to polithldevs let us give you the facts Newspaper to set Agents name and address here 111511111 ct lite ns 7111411 1191 mu comANY SARJEANT INSURANCE Dial 4427 Barrio MN 511 l1111l 411 PHESBYTERIAN YPS RALLY AT ELMVALE 1I 1111 t11111 ElIII 1111 ll Slumril 1311111 1111 Ulllu Irina 1121111111111 111111111 11 111 111l1 llldlliuw 11 221111 in NI 11i 1111 111 11 1111 Alim 1111115 l11111 1111 1211 111 111 HUM111111 111111 11111 111 intuin 11111112111111 511111311111211111 is 111121 III1111111 11 liui 1111111 Ivy Illr 11l111 Slaw111 ll1111111l1 11 11111 MINI21111 YOU CANT ENIOY LIFE Winn conscious 11 11nd irriuitcd by ugly skin lis ortlcrs you are not get ting the litx1 out of life lPl1UIIA D1 snlc mothinu lunlinu ungu ent may help you to hIztlthicr skin condition reinv1 1111 physical and 1110111111 neony usually 11c companyi111 eczema salt rhcum sores and outer skin nilnunts FORMULA Il is well worth 21 tridl Costs only Dllt Dollur 101 ocncr ans two ounce 1111 lOR1IULA D1 is sent oostnnid on receipt of or tier Try it Eormula Products 50x 281 Terminal TORONTO ONT munmmlmoopluwomm3 WideAyah Shoestore Crepe Soles Are Back Won BLACK KID JBuIIIIpAmh Narrow heel Width at EEE Pr $650 Price $3 MISSES qnd CHILDs yoxroRDs Sport Elk rubber sole brown only long Wearing Pr and up in BROWN ELK LOAFERS AND OXFORDS Sizes to 1012 $595 113 53 Youths BoysMens STURDY WORK BOOTS Leather soles for real hard wear 50 and up 29 Elizabeth St WHEN You WANT THE BEST VALUES AND STYLES SHOP AT THE FRIENDLY WideAwake shoe Store lilllllllu 11111 111111 13111 I11111l Int luv1111141 illllll 1111113111111 111lt 111111111111 l11111rv 11y lI 11115111111 l11111111111112111111111le 111nm 11 11 111l1ltl 1111 11=111111I11111l 1I1 11 111111111111111 11111114 Vimi 11111 11113 it111111h11 111111 unit1 11 311w 1131121111 litltlit1i 11111111 Conn111111 lrliuuslnp l11111111 111111 1111 111112 511 llIInIlnIIlInz lIlzn1l1 Himu 2111111111 111111v 111111111111131 lllllillitlt 111111 llunts 1511111 lilitrIxnnwgf POI 31111113 1111111 lrI 11111 11111 111111211111 Barrie om MiniMNvIONINIIWNOMIIm0 NOMNMN Wsrrzww Haw Issue Permits Houses D131 Total Building $150695 gt1 CARDS or Tamra2 It gt ml 11 mm 11111111 riuuzrIniriils lrum our murmur rulur 111121 Iml llilx tlllllllllJllUllx ll11 1111 11p risintnllu 1111 11111 rstlmntr Our lltilllltllltlll 1121111111 111111111111 ii ame ent AWN iv 11 34 Baylield SL Barrie Phone 4314 11 gt New NUS apprvvmuhi VI 11111 lllIlllllOlllllllllllllllllllldlvllllllilllllllllllllilto $1 ariaans NJsduhs llustit 5111111 ll11 to Smart lH Wt11 STYLEI 1N LOVELY VllllE 11HunnnIr 1111111 pastels this $11121rtlycnsnnl limitruini or will 111 111111111 1111111111in tor trim Summer suits 111111 lluily 191111115 lVith 31111111111111 711 lerVul 111 $193 11111111111111 trim DRESSES For the 2411 land all summer COME IN AND SEE Zellcrs lovely nssort Incnt of cool comfortable Summery Frocks of good quality Caribbeunn Crepe Youll Vuharmed with the soft ezrsytowear styling Ind everso delighted with the dainty 1e tailing and colourJul embroidery In Sum merinspired shades of Summer Simd Sen Shell SeaiSky Blue rNymph GreenDund many others Sizes 14 to 20 Group No $398 DIRNDL 81YLE DRESSES for Summer prettiness Of g00d quality cotton on back grounds of blue red Eyeletembrmdered yellow andvbmwnyoun BETDHPREPARED T0 lovetheir snug nipped LOOK XOUR LOVELIi In waistline 1their Insr in the 51111711111211 1re35wimg1ng 11 irl days ahead in one if Sizes 12111 18 these attractive Buttonr routers oi snowy White Isms Pique eyelet em broidered Beautifully styled with round nech and breezecool cap sleeves Belted Well made More expensive looking than the modest price of aqua and other lovely 95 shades 5121231410111 ZELLERS LIMITED STORE OPEN FRIDAY MAY 23 am to pm Gro No2 WHITE DRESSES File Quality Pique Group No $2295 DRESSES 01 cool easy towcar Cotton Percalel Dirndlwaisted Button front styles in delight ful freshasadaisy flor al patterns on back1 grounds of blue rose Ill BARREL EXAMINER BARRYQ ONTARIO CANADA no Innv cmunmmus BrightWhite HANDBAGS llIIIKY AS HUMMER tillWilli this smurlly minrs 11 llll 1111 loamtr gt11111111vr 51111115 l1v f4I4lIlIllIlllllllllllllilltlJIIOOIIIilIdl lllllllttl Beautiiy Your Home with Awnings of Distinction lov4oatoootocra liqurrnin Smart New Stylts 11111 111 11111 l1ilIl slitirfwtll Strin shown 11111 marl1 111111111 Acre vv 1W Irlll l1Ilcrannc $1195 llIESE YOUR WILL BE THE IOAELlll And yoke slacks with permanent and Red chler Valuc yourself smart Cool for Summer SLACK suns FINE QUALITY SPFN ALPACA LOVE linyll have you looking your fluttering lll tliimmlfaiiy bright guy duyst Styli shown features bands 111 soil trim 11 creuse Well made Colours AqunTurquoisc SLIP fNTO ONE OF THESE r11 tractivelystyled Blouses of white cool Cotton and look and feel re GET SET and BE READY for spOrts and fun in the sumin one of these smart andstyleright Play Suits from Zellers ThriftPriced Collection Cabanna SKIRTS HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to get Cabannn made of good quality Cotton Pop lin broadcloth or 511113 in gay attractive colours and patterns Siles 12 to 18 ZellerValuc We also have $188 Range WEBSTER ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS FARM WIRING Etc PHONE 3230 BARBIE 11 Hill ll ll llll UMtll 111 ll Fr 11 1111111 3581 lllUNl SPRINGS 3400 REPAlRlNG REARCHING lilitllil STUCK 11 GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS 51 itizfl lelilIlEIl SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO 11llli BARRIE SPRING SERVICE 12 Baylield St Barrie Ont 1111111 111113 111 131111 1111 111 11 riiziII1r 113131 11111 ll prims lillltilltl 12 lurrizzllj For Playtime v1 1111ll IllI TillI Ill1111 OI lllli llRl 111 11111 111111151snmrtlywiyhl Shorts 111 11111111 111111 111l1111 Alpaca Elasticslurred in 111111 1ll1 81715 13 111 1111 ZillerVullu $298 311 llllrlliSthl SHORTS destined for popularity IIImust tin1 1111 lushinml 111 111 slimly 01 8111011111 plum51 111111 Made with simulnled 1111 pockets llI luli yIppII closure Sims 11 111 311 $298 11 innr1011 llltlll 711 lerVulmn 4111111 JEANS for IrceSzEnsy Cmniriri $298 WHETHER ITS FOR BICYCLE TIME in thecoun refreshingly ready for jaunting trips and lounging hours in the try 01 01 flee sun With short put sleeves easy coiniort on round Lnecklines White with 4111c beach in the multicoloured braid triniming JWY wrigarden or on 1110 ZellerValue is tennis court Miss COED SeiYiOTSister will be happy to own trim Slacks of good quality Gab ed with pocket at side andperman ent crease Sizes broom CabaAlpinc $498 l1 PENCILSLIM SLACKS country Made of cool rayon fabricl with zip per closing Permanent crease Black broN112 and navy Sizes 12 to20 PAGE SEIENIEEN 51111ii 01 ALL SPRING Mil181101111178 and her it pair of these arciine Drill stI 14 to 20 Navy or for good wear in the GabardineAlp in