Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1947, p. 16

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Ill lidliftl Filiihilliltlt BALI31E ONTARIO CANADA 31 ll DnusoNALs 111111111 LI 1311111gz11111 um sissuxs in 11 1111 We Inches 0+ Ruin Ill lll ll ll 7Y1 F0 1111111111 111111111 now in oy so R1 sII1I=IIziixo HOTOGHAPHY in Your Own ll11c it It1 NUI HOOKI BARBIE Phone 3127 Hill 41 11 Lil vv 11111121 It IllllllltllltlllllcIIIIllillllllllOIIIIIIIllIltlrlllill1 1M 211 Mons and Madame Albert Cage ATERERS ii 1ill 1111111 11 hr $1915 pg Barrie Golf and Country Club UN 511 WBUTTER SAT MAY 24 Sunday Dinners to Members Onl CARAMEL 15 111311111111 IION BCIHCIIIGS jlV Ilnrt 111 sIIll wry 1111111 1111 111111111 lrilit 1111 11 gt Is 211 up gt FAIRWAY Htumnn NWth 111111 11117111 111 111111111111 11 1511111 11111 11 Tfij LLf 11111 1111 11111 IIIsItuvrms VDlllllalllllllllllIlJlllIllllllillloll4il400Ill4lloo 11N1111 rI fliffii5i1i manna Ice Cream Candy lill7lllilll ST 111111111 1111 Salvation Army till 1111111 51 11 111 sun1111 11 uAY 1117 111 11151358 lllilIllht Central United Church REV 21 $11 111 711115111211 IiA hurtl 111111 Illlfililllilr PLANTING TIME MONTEREY 111111111111 Mow 111 11 11 35250 ziper is Sincud lluvonr Ior 1111 Wtlk is Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream lhc ltlttll 1211111 HUNTSMAN ll lLhdl Pitlt11 111 MoverJeni 11 11111 1111 42 53 EVERGREENS FLOWERING SlIRUBS PERENNIALS ROSE BUSHES Terms to Suit Every Purse REEVES JBWELLEBS llll llIlltlllNlS FRIENDLY CREDIT 4211 311 Vl11ni 511iir11l 111 111 111111111 11 IV in fhmlltlnitr 1111 ill1 111111111111 l1111 l11 311 in 81 NDAxY it Hm UHSHH 91111 11 WHY11 11 31ylIll3 Nillllx IV UTIR tyllll 111 1111111 1112111y N11 1i 11119 1111111 Hwy 1111 5111nrrmmuDlii 111 11111 11111 11111111 1111 111 lt lilil 573 11 l11I Mei2111 ii Khlyhllllll mm Vliliwm LEii 111 11 121151 is Iracu Vita1 four1 Ju 111111111341111101 1111 111111 11 111 11111111 sun 1115 111111 111 11 1111 1111 311 11 gt 11111111113114 I1I 17 11111 111 1111111511111 311 11 11 11111111111 1111 11 lII Iil PANSIES dtllilel Uniled ChLerhI if 111 lfluldns 51111111113 11 1113 l1 1111 1111 l1 113 Iii11 11 lint19 lit It 11ll5 MA Mr rA 11l 51 111 111111113 Slllllgt Illl ll 131 lltll lI VIrILIil Sllttliil 1111 11 7i 51111111 11 111 Mr Lloyd TlllfliillrttliIOrgnnist andi ElrtBOph$t Chwcsh iSI 111 11in 11111gt1ri11151m llin i1 111 MM 1i Choirmnster RIC HREIS I50 Active Taxi phone 4451 SowII iii 1111 111g lilzrirl LllbS Elsie Cloughley AICM Organist and Choir Leader tilFJllAY MAY 23111141 1111 MORNING srtIIvnIt tummy my 3111 ml RC SCHOOL w1gt121 34111111iz I11 11111111r 111 111 11 81111er 811111111 1111111111 11 31 Illgunners and Denis EVENING SERVICE 111 11111 111111111y Mg 1151211 1111 11 111111111 11111151 ZJ 1111 11111 111 Vtdllvtdlluy 1111 week 11 liltnllfy in 111111 l1 Lont 111111 11 1110 11r1 14111 Sunrizry 11 11 11111 Tlmty AnahCOn ChurCh IAla111 W11s111 lIxIry Sunrluyl IIEV II DEN 8A Rector E7m II WRIGHT Organist wmmlmlay Pentecostal 11 11 AVl llOlY COMIVIUthN Gospel Tabernacle 111111 A11MORNING PRAYnu WWW Si 11113011011 The Rector Am MN Yr Wm Tm 111111 $11 Beginners Dept 111 thei if Sunday School SUNDAY MAY 25 1947 1513 lVlBr1ys Bible Class 111 AM SIXIAY SCHOOL 1111 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 111 1111 IJEVOIIONAI SERVICE hit llEVENING PRAYER 711 13V11F1 ISTIC 11111111121 lile Hector Firlink jl1i 11111 l1gt1111 Stephen TillO Visitors 111111 strunge13 invited Gospel Hall zzgtj 19 Parkslde Drive St Andrews Presbyterian Chorehive SUNDAY MAY 25 1947 11 AMBrenking of Bread lMSundziy School and Bible mqv JAIN115 FERGUSON BA Class Minister PMG05PEL MEETING Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Wed pm Prayer Meeting Choirrnaster All welcome Seats tree No 001100110 SUNDAY MAY 25 1947 231 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister Fm Grace Gospel Hall 1All Departments 37 Mary Street Barrie nutEVENING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister come TO CHURCH 1$j Collier St BoptistChurclI Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY MAY 25 1947 130230 PMBelievers Meeting 34 PMSunday School Meeting All are cordially invited 19 OprjriMIr MET Clapperton St REV ANDMBS CHASE in charge Phone84145 Barrie SUNDAY MAY25 1947 1103 AMBib1e Exposition 15MeBIBLEscnoor 700 PMThe Evangell Bright Gospel Singing Sound Bible Preaching Mon pmYPService Wed pm Prayerand Praise F11 7115 11111 YwMjc Anniversary Services June 15 Visitors cordially welcome SUNDAY MAY 25 1947 231 JIMSUNDAY SCHOOL 330 PM+PREACHING Crown Hill Church 730 pm Bible Study and Preaching lpecial Singing All are Welcome Thurs pm Prayer Meeting BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV GREEN MA ThD DD MINISTER Mr Ray Williams Organist andChoir Leader 11 AMTJOINT ssAND CHURCH SERVICE YWLeague Talk The LSBEVSocicty Subject of Sermon Walking with God 700 PMBuildingBig Business Mr Ray Williams willsing the Sacred Song written by Liter Convictof Kingston Penitentiary and set to music by the then penitentiary organist This song was given to Dr Green when he preached there one Sunday the penitentiary chaplain consent ing to itsuse in public services Come and hear it sungaEvery body welcome HOLLY UNITEDCHUCHSS at pm Church Service at3pm Immmmomoom gterS to serve you lay or iii1111 111111111 under 1111 1111 511111111 11111AI11 111 11 11 of 151011 Saturday May 17 tcrer riforidaintyi weddingirecep 11 AMTHE SUNDAY SCHOOLmeits supplied 611 the Couchiching Park Pavilion Mm mt Driven 111 careful drivers $111111 111 111111 311 tiili 115111111 1111111 1111 the Greenhouse for Quality Stock 21lt 1111111 lliixttr 11 111111111 1111 11 UHJHIH Barrie Al DAIRY 1innIi 11 131111111 1111er 7111111 gt11 1111 TWELVE PLANTS IN HOX 111ml 121111 111111 111111111111 11311 lnii 1111 11 1111 11 iI 113 f11 11 gt1 1i1lTI713311151111Iiiiiiiiiii71111115 15iiiii1 MR Wlm 71 11111110 111 Slim IliunnunI priml 11 1M mhm Elli Irv11 11 1212 1111 111 St 11 HM Monday l11 11 New yum l1 511111v iiurrh 111ml 11111I1111s Beauty Shop 11t111IVF1111110 11911 mmi 1111 11111111111 111 l1 address is 214 Dunlnp 81 1111lt11rl 11 1111 31 iigHw Sum1111 1111 1111 111111111115112111 over the lyIanu i1l113111i IIIH 1mm 11 Mom 11111 liirlrl 1111 1111111111 111 connection 21111 11111 HmUH I11 gtlgtll1 11 11 111111 Inrl The1res no delay the Arliven Aihhniil Srmiumy Hi 11mm lIilillIII 111 1111I11 11111 111111 lizui way New heated scdnns for 111111 my mm 111m 111113 111111 1111 111 11111111111 cul or long distance trips Activo 111 mm 111 Im HMS lhI 1111111211 gt111I 1111 KItlnushi 111 311131 11 v21 1111 iumr111 111 11 luxi Phone 4451 51111 5NH Bllllc$ green blue 111l uni1111315 wily conducted 11 lc11 11 1111 111111 to 1111111 tin 1121121111114 l1111 1111111 1111111111 for sale 111 llurris Flower Shop 1117 11 INN 1531 1m lminmu 1111111 S1 1111111111 Dlmlill Sli 1115 RUM 11511 lixilijv 11111111111 lullmt 10111115 111 11Illl1I crs 111 litiil turtles and uquariums 2111 BM mm mde hi 16 11 17111111111 1111111lt1111 111 Frank Porter Sunnirinlo 111111 mum WW1 mm y1l 3117111111 HIhill illifi 1T0 Young l11llt11111111 31111110 in linc llills ClIlltil 811111111111 llnlurur 11111111111 111 ll111IIlVlll Miles and friends 11 1hr 1111111211 gt1rvitc served 13 1111 critic11cc till 1101 buidc lHlt 111 11111111111iiyl Friends 111111 11ltlliCtS from Burrici urns Barrie reports that one of lll New 1111li in li111lt yIzir utter iiu Aculund wlute rubbits 11111111 111111 N111illlti 1111111151111 111 was mm 11 111 1111 YMCA 51111111 Winiri 11m 111 ItltnIlId I111i111h1 11nd lerllitritl Universities nr 111 1115 111151 trcu Ultgt111nlt is 11 1111111111111 GetAcquainted FILLED NewyLocation MORNING SPECIAL None of the prizes in the three Lady 71wcods1nuir Cup competi tion cnme to any 111 the Womens Institute Branches in Shut11 Cunn 1111 11115 Iif IIrs 25C Per Box lY 1141111 11111 lulduin Smith 11111111 illyl Km Vlil illtlim ism00 MACHINE VAVE Mmmng Special lVluIIcs 11111113 1h was regular mm 11111111111111 Kinhonor 1511411111 undi Beauty Salon 59 Elizabeth Street Regular $500 pernmncnts now 5330 Phone 2781 Open evenings lSlfl Rev Humphrcys of the First Baptist Church will address Orilliu IittcinlIrl 1111 1111111111 scr her1111111113111 St CHI17511 NIH yIces here were ithlj liuzris 113111115 the generosity of HUI 5mm mi Hm mum 1111 tonknot Club 111 1311111 StIWClIiir which 1101wnwd Cheque his Ave United Church foukstnwni tinstor 1111 Work 111111112 the poor 101d BUY 104 lli 3014142er gownrattled PHONE 3015 74 BLAKE ST meltutlilllmOlllll IIOII09NWIWIOOIIOONOOW for $3250 Czimerons Beauty Shop Over Olympia Restaurant PHONE 4484 11111111111 My wanna WHEN W310 11C1IikstII1n 11nd Christie Si Ilospi the Adult Bible Class of Collier St 11151 Bambi Church Barrie mm 111 Orillin Scurbnrn 11nd Vaughan United Church next Sunday 11 15115 10 1913 Road Crillcgiutes Dcpurtmcnt of pm Veterans Affairs in 1111111110 TGenrule Amherv licensed 93 Rev It Huughtnn 122 Codl ringthStxlmwcfHthEExmnineri hule pmmvd 10 nmlwn on Monday nIrAIncricun gold piece ismatarm UMOMUHUMW mi nearly two hundred years lldl hole was made through lilofigures Under the Management or Mr Dan Keast dcsiunntinU the value 111 thee1 win kl hl found held cm mhi Izo 21nd tlnckiiess It about FOI 16 Holiday Wee Swifts Premium QuickServe vailts reg Sm Hams lb 49c Hams cocked and ready to Smoked BonelessPicnic eatjllbt59 HOMEMADE SAUSAGE LEAN HAMBUIiGSIEAK IQQISpeClCtl Pride29c girlhzsg ROASTS 0F kBEEF VEAI 12111 DELIVERY TWICE DAILY Frostedv Food Dept EACH PACKAGE snnvrls FOUR Vegetables Peas28c Corn 28c Cauliflower 28c FruitsFruit Salad 32c Apricots 29c Pineapple 32c Prompt attentiondo phone orders BARBIE PROSTED FOODS LOCKER SERVICE DIAL 3750 RETAIL MEATS 29 COLLIER IST11BARRIE ED INESON MANAGER vv tions etc Baking and daintyl sandwiches made to order Phone 4235 after pm for appointments Elanwedding cakes iced 0m3 1101158 The coin 11nd evidently been 13 11m IA111 an ornament as were is same Is 1L 111 otcnt 5111101 Imndiun pIecc Tomlinson and Norman Copping flying 11 Fleet Canuck visited friends in Clinton andGod erich and had lunch at Centraliu Officers Mess Monday afternoon covering distance of 450 miles in three and onehalf hours flying time The Recital by piano and vo cal pupils of Jessie Bryson will be given in the CollegiateAudi tbrium Thursday May 22 at oclock All those interested in music are cordially invited Cards may beobtained on request from PHONE Miss Bryson or the pupils 19211 ArchiaHudfson of Barrie has leas PAERIE Sealrite Insulation Co Now is the time to insulate youryhorne for Comert and Econme with ROCK WOOL r011 INFORMATIONJAND snnvronf 3W JEWELLERS OPTIOMEIRISTS at Orilliaiagain thiseason and will operate it Mr dancingevery1 Wed nesday Friday and Saturday His 10piece dance band directed by Russ waters ofOrillia has four Barrie Inusicizlns Orv Fleetham and ArtIIa1ris trumpets Gordon King tenor sax and Bill McBride drums PRECISIDN GLASSES Listen to Bible Broadcast Every SundayrMmning 915111930 gt Over F0 Orillia 1450 on your dial IVan WW 0W St conducted by how 201 19 out GRAHAM SWALES ofMldland BROKEN Lenses REPLACED PROMPTLY PROFESSIONAL fEYE CARE Hams 1134 Green Beans 28c WWM Ww

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