11113111 ll lIIItlll Illl sttitiil1 1otll11111111 11 Si 11 JOINl ll1ltl 11111 11 11113 11 1gt1 11M 111111 11 111 ii 5111 Routine 111s RUGGEDZ andbeauiiful 1013 Examine ybur roofing with the thoroughness Of rooting expert Look for the features which have been skillfully created by specialists in roofing Fireresistant smartly designed in strikingly tiOns Brantford Double Thick Slates are mac eautiful colour combina hine made with double and let Brantford Double Thick Slates bringvto your home too the lasting satisfaction enjoyedby countless home owners thickness in the Sbuttthe portion exposed to the weather That assures extra strength added protectionagainst Slates stand choicetoo your dealer yo full information about Braniford DoublevThick Slates 11 Brahma 111111111 Slates Winnipeg Long famous for their extremelyjdurable thejtest oftime and tweathe 144 Available intermlattractivecalorblends V1 the worst that Weathercanldor uality Brantford Double Thick rMake these outstanding slates your builder or Branthrd ROofings neaiestOfcefor 11 247 Brantford Roong Company limited Bruntford Ontario Offices and warehouses Toronto Montreal Planing Sqinl John i5 9911461 11 Halifax CAN WALK THE BARRIE EXAJJINIZR HARIHE itilfiltlt CANADA an Vi ing rooms Xray rooms and ser vice facilities of all kinds This means total of 50 beds In every respect the new addi tion will conform to the standards set by the Hospital Branch of 1111 Department of Health and to thora of American hospital authorities The building will be air condition be treated acoustically so as to reduce noise 011 carefully cxanr ininp the plans the Committee 111r satisfied that the iiew buildin would overcome all deficiencies in the present eqtiipment aiiduivc OrilliaAidhocoughly uptolalc hospital it is proposed to convert the prev sent Queen Mary building into convalescent ward for patients recovering but no longer You 111111 full hospital service The build 1111 will be completely renovated both in the interiorand exteiiorI This will provide further 20 or more bedsraising the numbers of additional beds to between 40 and 50 Thisit is anticipated will meet requirements for sometime The Architect was instructed to SCCllle1ltelldQlS without delay1 It is estimated that the1wholc pro ject including furnishings will run into $35000010r more The Hospital Boaidfhas on hand $62 000 in bequests and surpluses and government grant of $40000 or more is assured uiide1tlie new legislation SOFT GEM Diaiiioiids although the hardest substance known 11111112111 aic sub ject to chipping ON AIR If you use cooling refreshing ICEMLNT to rid your feet of aching burning callouscs and cams Tired Muscles respond quickly to the rst application of soothing rrcamywhitc mediCInal ICEMINT The refreshing tin gling sensationas you apply the cream tells you that its somgriglit to work on the foot pains that put the wrinkles in your brow Get in todaySmall sin 50 oz economy size $100 At Caldwellsp blyus Whittys ed 11nd the walls and ceilings will When the new wing is completedi Queen Topsy Steps Out IEifli Lil1ii lmwMwmt 111M111 11 iiiHit DALSTON Rustinum limited Quin1y make 19 and amp 11111 11 St uJJnz huh nun iltuiii 311 antenna littkdtii 1113 1113 Mu 111 1355 11411 11 tritium iSCll 111111 at on long lei510 IMIIL INLKS andREBUILDyour OLD CHESTERFIELD $6933 COMPLETE Choose the style WAS LOW as and covering that you desire Samples on Bequest toot ItliiNthi lIlw 111 1111 111x1111 11111 1111 11 11 311111 r1 11 11 S1 1111 12111111 11 111 1111111 111 111i=i11111 1111 111 11 11 i1iivllijil 111 12111121II ti 11 111111II1ti 11111 1H MM VW Hid my Hut 111 touii ustoincrs llItt1 11 IIII iS11t1i 11=1 11 1= 1111s 111111111 llllitllll 11 11 1110 Barrie Furniture HOSPIICII 130 BOX 24 AM 1111111112 Kimw 1111 111 It nm zmmwm 34 pm Hi in 111 1111 1il 11 1111 111 111 1111111 in 111111 111 duo on i1 12111 1111 1t 111 11121 lunc111 111111111 111111 1111i 8111111 1111111111 111 11111 11I1111 11 NM l111 111111 1111111 111111 11111 11 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sclicnics 111111 1111 right g1111 itirw 311 111111 Mi William l11111111111111 111111111 11111L r1 iypcxoftinishcsto111ilicctlcctsyoutlcxirc llis 11IICL 113111111111111111 111111 1111 11111011111111 11W 1111511111111 111111 13 iAtlilIN 111 plus 1111111111 Paints is 11 coinhinaiioii you can rely 11111111111 ir 111111 lis Walter 1ItorStr1n 11f 11111111111 11111 has 11 for all your 11111111111 needs 811111 Weston Mr and Mrs Chas Strong Winnipeg =1 11 The PUNCth IS Pcrtcthon un udiievcment OI nature If is fitting Im1i 1l11 31 ml Mb 111 symbol of the Pcrtettion of Sweet Caps treated by nature plus It1 111111 1111 1111111 1111111111 1111Th 111 1111 111 Th St 1111111 11111111 11111 111111111111111211 11 99 lune iu 11 1110 modem magic 01 Perfectionheck i111111 11211 and Stroud 111311 1511 1111 reen ron ores MW Hindu hm maidwlFOI Orilha HOSplIGl YES Perfe1tionlicdt is thewutdilul eye that 118115 day My imam CammeJn in and day out evcty step in the manufacture of Sweet Wilma 11111t111 111 11111 rs 1001l Vwh 1311 11 Arum Mm AH mm mm mm mm W1 NW tkipilibh 111 1lt111V1 plantation to you 01111 Citizen 11111111111111 1311 WI as 11 RESULT Cigarette pcrfcdioniniresliness in smoothness and intasto 111111171 11 111111101 111tc campaign or lsisootio 11111 1110 construction 111111j31 11 NH Tho purest form in whirls iobaao can be smoked 11111111111111 111 the Soldiers Mommiat MM fl WWW Hospital The actual canvass 111111mmf be held during the third LIt 111k Jmm 111111 111111 111 111 1111 1111111 This 1gt the decision 111 the 111111A1Nilw ly H11 lIlIIIt 11 11 mettint held ltttlltI1 lyjmt1vt 11 following 11 conference with tii11ml 11 HI lvilvr GHWIH Iarchitect Grayson Brown 11 loronto and members of 1111 HosE in Vibil 1m mml BUM gt Llnncnttt11111o 11111 1111 11111111 hIlTBt0Vll submitted runs131111Mlm 14i PUMA JIM plans which had secured the en dorsement of the members of the medical staff and of the licpait9 Iinenl of Health in Toronto These provide for two storey 111 1111 the east cud of the present 1111 pital 81 feet long by 40 feet 111 lcpth The first floor will replace ithe present Queen Mary llospital Ifoi maternity purposes Tiltlt111 be provision for 30 beds nurseries and all the service rooms required in an uptodate obstetrical ward The second storey will be surgical ward with capacity for 20 sur gical cases including operat m1m 11 1177 be mm do pleased lo lie110 and Mll 11 0110